пятница, 4 ноября 2022 г.

Julia Naumova Famous love stories

 On the morning of May 10, 1956, Alain Delon, with a small suitcase in his hand, left the building of the Gare de Lyon in Paris. During the last months of his military service, he often imagined this moment and painted in his mind pictures of Parisian life. Reality quickly sobered him up. Knowing no one in this huge city and having no money for a hotel room, Alain felt fear that replaced confidence in success. But then I thought: “Nothing, the main thing is to act.”

The young man did not even think about conquering Paris. For a start, it was just necessary to survive and not succumb to the persuasion of the mother to return to the wilderness, to his native town of Bourg-la-Reine. And for this it was necessary to find a job, moreover, one that would make it possible to make useful contacts. What kind of occupation to choose, he has not yet decided. He firmly knew only one thing - he would make every effort not to vegetate in obscurity and poverty. In the struggle for success and prosperity, he most of all relied on his energy and charm. He was only twenty years old. A handsome face and hopeful blue eyes usually provided the young man with the attention of others. In military service in Indochina, Alain tanned and matured, and even a short army haircut did not spoil his appearance.

Already two hours after arriving in the capital, Alain found himself a place to live, and this first victory inspired him to implement the next point of his plan: to find income, even if it was temporary. Rented in a demolished house, after several weeks spent in the fort, when he was dismissed from the service for illegal possession of weapons, he did not seem terrible.

The young man had no friends in Paris, but in the suitcase was a piece of paper with the addresses of relatives and acquaintances of his colleagues. They even offered the addresses of the girls, but Alain just shrugged his shoulders: he himself could easily find a girl for himself without much difficulty. There would be a desire. In the army, he was known as an irresistible heartthrob and struck up a stormy romance with a woman from a neighboring village. At first, his superiors looked at his delays from dismissal through their fingers; but one day, arbitrarily taking a jeep to go on another date, Alain ran into serious official trouble.

But even after that, Alain's passion for adventure did not disappear. Walking along the Parisian streets, the young man looked at the girls he met. Noticing their interest in him, he smiled, but did not go further than this. Now he was worried about something else: would any of the people on the list help him?

Delon pinned his main hopes on Pierre Beauvais, a petty bank employee. With his help, Alain hoped to get a job as a courier. He did not dream of more, since even secondary education was given to him with tremendous difficulty - not because of a lack of ability, but simply because he never had a desire to master science. He did not regret the absence of a diploma for a minute, because in return he received the opportunity to truly know the world.

Having strayed through the narrow streets, Alain found a two-story house where Beauvais lived. Having risen to the second floor, the young man did not find a call on the door and knocked. There was no answer. He knocked again. There was a rustle, the door opened a little and a woman stared at Alain through the crack.

— What do you need? she asked unfriendly.

— I'm looking for Pierre, Pierre Beauvais.

“That bum doesn't live here anymore. I kicked him out.” The woman opened the door fully. It was a fat woman in a yellow dress with a torn hem.

“Oh, sorry to bother you, madam,” Alain turned to leave.

“Wait, boy,” the woman called out to him. Why do you need Pierre?

It's my first day in Paris. I thought he would help me find a job.

The woman nodded, carefully examining the young man. His handsome face and military uniform made a favorable impression on her.

My name is Genevieve. If you have nowhere to stay, you can spend the night with me,” she offered, holding the torn hem.

Not at all pleased with this prospect, Alain took another step from the door and almost fondly remembered his new home.

Thanks, Genevieve. I already found a room. Now I need a job.

The woman was disappointed, but was not touchy.

“I don’t know where Pierre is, but I’ll help you with work. Go down to the first floor and call the apartment directly below mine. Mr. Toma lives there, he works at the post office, maybe he can find something for you. Tell him I sent you.

Madame, you are my savior! Alain kissed Genevieve's hand with feeling and began to quickly descend the stairs.

"Go, go, soldier," the woman muttered, looking after him regretfully.

Mr. Toma, a short elderly man turned out to be the head of the delivery department of the nearest post office. He liked the young man, and he offered Alain a place as a newspaper peddler, however, for a meager salary. Of course, it was not like the job of a courier in a bank, but after a moment's thought, Delon agreed. It was agreed that Alain would come to the post office on Monday morning; thus, he had a few days left to search for other recipients and additional work. However, with the rest of the people on the list, he was even less fortunate than with Beauvais. He could not find a house on the Boulevard des Capucines at all, and at other addresses in the apartments to which he called, the owners had never heard of the tenants he was interested in. Having exhausted the list, Alain had a quick bite to eat in a cheap cafe and went to his apartment to rest.

When he woke up in the morning, the sun was shining, and Alain took this as a good sign. However, leaving the house, the young man found that it was not cold in the street. A thin military uniform did not protect well from the wind, and Alain now and then went to warm himself in various cafes that came across on the way to the city center. For some reason, Alain was sure that he would rather find work there. In one cafe, he went to the counter to order coffee, and noticed a man in a beige jacket at the nearest table. He sat with his back to Alain, and yet he had no doubt that this was his army comrade Lucien Lejeune. After waiting a little at the counter and hoping that he would turn around, then decided to go to his table.

Lucien, hi.

He turned his head and stared at Alain in amazement.

“God, this is the meeting!” he exclaimed. - You're in Paris. Retired? he asked, looking at his friend's military uniform.

Yes, early dismissal. I want to try my luck in the capital.

“You are absolutely right, we would never have made generals. What are you doing?

- I am the second day in the city, looking for work, although I have already agreed in one place.

“Listen, I’m late now and I can’t talk anymore. Come to me in the evening, I will gather a few friends. Maybe they will tell you where to turn, - Lucien scrawled his address on a napkin and handed it to Alain.

"Thanks, see you tonight," he said, and went back to the counter to get his coffee. The comrade patted him on the shoulder, was once again surprised at the unexpected meeting and left the cafe.

Alain went around several restaurants on the Champs Elysees, hoping to get a job as a waiter in one of them. Managers asked if he had experience in such work and, as a rule, immediately refused, having heard a negative answer. Only in the "Colosseum" he was asked to come in a month, they might need another waiter to meet visitors at the entrance to the restaurant.

Since noon, the young man walked the streets and did not try to look for a place anymore. He decided that he would work at the post office for a month, and then become a waiter at the Coliseum. Besides, he counted on Lucien's help. His former colleague had already lived in Paris for several months and knew the city better than he did. At seven in the evening, Alain was standing on the Boulevard Barbet, near the house where Legon lived.

- Alain! Well done for coming, otherwise it began to seem to me that our morning meeting was a hallucination,” Lucien greeted him. “Come and meet my friends.”

Lejeune introduced him to several young men, who began to scrutinize the newly arrived young man. He immediately became alert. Looks like they weren't helping.

Have you recently arrived in Paris? one of them asked.

Yes, just yesterday. I recently retired from the army,” he replied.

— Trying to find a job in the city? Do you have special education?

— No, I was sorry to waste time getting it.

Well, now you're wasting your time looking for a job.

Alain frowned, and Lucien came to his aid:

Stop it, Andre. My friend found a job at the post office on the first day. We are doing the same thing with him, as before. I got a job as a courier in a small company, I sort out their letters and packages,” he explained to Alain.

"You won't make much money doing this," Andre said.

Soon, Lucien's new acquaintances dispersed, and the friends were left alone.

“I wonder where this puffy Andre works?” Alain asked.

He hopes to make a career in banking. Now he works there as a clerk.

- Clear. His character is suitable, - said Delon. — In the morning I went around several restaurants, but I could not get a job, although I was asked to go to one place next month.

“I will try to help you, although there is hardly anything suitable in my company. This is a very small company. Where did you stay?

“Rented a room for a pittance in a crumbling house. It will be taken down soon.

At least I can be of some help. Come live with me. We will rent a bigger room in the same boarding house. My salary is ridiculous, but there is some money in the bank. Just before I retired, I received an inheritance.

- Thanks. Am I sure I won't bother you?

- What you! Think about the army.

For some time they talked about former friends, then Alain thanked his friend and promised to transfer his things to the boarding house tomorrow. Lucien undertook to talk to the owner about moving to another room.

The young man returned to his home not in despair, but in a state close to him.

“I can't live in Paris on meager pennies,” he thought, “it would have been better to stay in Marseille or go to my mother. How to find an opportunity to earn money?

Nothing came to his mind. He felt like a stranger in this city. The only person he could count on for support was Lucien Lejeune. The list of Parisian recipients that Alain provided with his comrades did not help him, but he accidentally ran into a former fellow soldier. Together it will be easier to survive in Paris.

In the next few weeks, little change occurred in the young man's life. She and Lucien lived together on the Boulevard Barbet, in the morning Alain worked at the post office, and then sometimes helped a friend deliver letters. Alain's salary did not last long, he had to borrow from Lezhon. At the beginning of the summer, Delon visited the Colosseum several times, but the waiter was not yet required there. Yet he was not completely denied.

"Alain," Lucien said one evening. “My bank account has dried up. Judging by our earnings, we will not be able to pay for the room in July. We urgently need to come up with something.

- Do you already have a plan? the young man asked his friend.

- I guess, yes. Do you know the grocery store next door? We can unload their boxes of goods. There are no other offers yet.

- I agree, only early in the morning I go to the post office. Can we unload the cars?

— Yes, they arrive late in the evening. Let's divide them like this: I work in the morning, and you work in the evening.

- Deal.

"Let's go spend our last fifteen francs at the Café Saint-Germain-des-Pres." Our friends will be there today.

I miss Andre so much. I dream to see him. With his teachings, he reminds me of a parish priest,” Alain quipped.

“Cheer up, there will be others,” Lucien smiled.

This cafe was trendy. Students, young employees and extravagant bohemians gathered there. Alain liked to come there, listen to music and chat with friends. That evening, he drew attention to two girls sitting at the next table. They glanced at their watches every second, waiting for someone. He especially liked the swarthy girl who sat facing him. With long black hair flowing down to her shoulders and huge dark eyes, she struck with her wild beauty. Catching his eye, she stared at him for a moment, then turned away.

“Don't even hope to meet this girl,” Lucien advised, noticing the glances of his friend. - This beauty rejected Andre himself a couple of weeks ago! he declared aloud.

The friends burst into laughter.

“Nothing like that,” Andre was offended. - She was waiting for her friend, and I did not particularly insist on an acquaintance.

“Of course,” said his neighbor. - I remember with what face you returned to the table.

Taking advantage of the favorable opportunity, everyone tried to take revenge on Andre for his ridicule. In the end, angry, he got up and left.

“Today your wishes come true,” Lucien said quietly to Alain. “I didn’t want to meet Andre, and he disappeared.

- You're right. Since today is such a day, I'll go meet the black-haired beauty.

Alain had already begun to rise when he noticed that two young men had joined their friends. Apparently, the girls were waiting for them, as the company got up from the table and headed for the exit.

“It’s okay, you’ll meet another time,” Lezhon consoled him.

They also did not stay long in the cafe, since Alain had to go to the post office early in the morning. On the way home, friends discussed future prospects: Alain dreamed of getting rich by building fantastic ideas, and Lucien had more specific plans - the young man wanted to open his own company for the delivery of urgent letters and parcels.

“I have researched the matter a little. Thank God, I’ll be working in a similar company for half a year soon,” he said. “However, I need to invest several thousand francs in the business for the salaries of employees, rent for the premises and some advertising. If things go well, you can buy a couple of cars in order to deliver parcels faster.

“You have grandiose ideas,” Alain replied.

He himself was not particularly attracted by such a prospect. Maybe because he had no idea where to get even an extra hundred francs, and he didn’t have to rely on a loan. He never had a bank account, Lucien spent all the money from his. Despite this, for the first time since his arrival in Paris, Alain's mood cheered up. The reason for this was the girl he saw today in a cafe.

Another two weeks have passed. Friends raised money to pay for a room for the next month, but their financial situation remained deplorable. Once, already without any hope, Alain looked into the Colosseum. The manager came out to him.

— When can you start work? he asked the young man. - If you do a good job with the duties of a waiter and do not start being late for work, you will soon become a waiter.

Allen thought he misheard. He no longer hoped for such luck. Even the waiter's earnings exceeded the amount that he was paid both at the post office and in the store. And what was there to talk about money, taking into account the tip given to the waiter. He thanked the manager, promised to return to work the following Sunday, and rushed to Lucien's office to tell him the good news. A friend showed up and was very happy.

- Fiction! he shouted. — The restaurant is located on the Champs Elysees. All celebrities go there. When do you start work?

- From this Sunday. On weekends they always have a lot of visitors.

- It should be noted. Today we will go to Saint-Germain-des-Pres, we must wipe the nose of this dandy Andre. Imagine, he got a little raise at the bank.

— Okay, I need to inform the mail about the dismissal. I’m afraid that I won’t be able to unload the boxes in the evenings now, I will have shift work.

Forget those boxes. Now the main thing for you is to get a job as a waiter. Then you will definitely get rich.

Alain chuckled softly. After two months of barely making ends meet, the new salary seemed huge to him. He said goodbye to Lucien before evening and went to the post office. When he announced that he wanted to leave at the end of the week, Mr. Toma was genuinely upset. He sympathized with the handsome and energetic young man, who was always polite to him, but there was nothing to be done.

"Come visit me sometimes," said the old man. - If you want to return to work, there is always a place for you.

"Thank you, Mr. Thomas," replied Alain. You were the first to give me a job in Paris. Due to her, I managed to live in the city for two months.

In the evening, he and Lucien met friends in a cafe and sat down at their table. Half an hour later Andre came up, dressed in a new suit. He was holding a pretty girl by the hand.

“Meet my cousin Annette,” he announced importantly.

“I hope she’s not as boring as her brother,” Alain said in a loud whisper.

Those at the table laughed. Since only one seat remained free, Annette was put in it. For the sake of Andre, no one wanted to crowd, but in the end, the friends put together several chairs and sat on them.

— Annette, are you studying or working? Alan asked the girl a question.

“I hope to become a dancer, I study at a ballet school,” she replied, smiling.

- Not a dancer, but a ballerina. You are always talking nonsense,” her brother corrected her in an unhappy voice. “They will still think that you are going to perform in a cabaret.

“I can’t wait to see your skill,” Alain continued the conversation. Let me invite you to dance.

- With pleasure, - the girl answered and rose from the table.

She couldn't take her eyes off him. Handsome, slender, in a black shirt with an unbuttoned collar, Alain struck the girl's imagination. The young man's friends watched the dancing couple for some time, and then, like last time, they began to play a joke on Andre:

“Your sister was taken away!”

“You don’t take good care of your cousin!”

He frowned and muttered:

Annette is old enough to figure out who to dance with and when to say goodbye to her partner.

The music stopped, and Alain and Annette went to the table. At that moment, the young man noticed the dark-haired girl who had liked him so much last time entered the cafe. Now she was alone and looked at Alain with interest, but the situation was again not in his favor. After he began courting Annette, it was inconvenient to strike up an acquaintance with another girl. Still, he gave her a slight nod and returned to his friends.

“Your sister can perform wherever she wants, Andre,” he said. She is charming and an excellent dancer.

“We stopped by for a bit today,” he remarked. - I have added duties in the bank, so you need to come to work with a fresh head.

“Let's drink to Alain's luck,” Lucien offered a toast. He was hired today at the Coliseum restaurant.

Everyone perked up and began to ask the young man about this event. He briefly answered questions from friends.

“What can I say,” Lucien entered into the conversation, “he almost moved to the restaurant, trying not to miss the place promised to him. With his perseverance, he will achieve a lot.

“Alain, I wish you success,” said Annette. - I hope to see you again.

These words were met with meaningful grins from Alain's friends, and the girl blushed. She got up from the table and headed for the exit after Andre.

- Good luck, Annette. Thank you for the dance and the wish, - Alain called after her.

“Yes, the sister does not look like her brother at all,” someone remarked.

“The thing is, she's a cousin, not a sister. I think she liked you,” Lejeune said to his friend. - If you're lucky, then in everything. I got a job and a girl at the same time.

- Exactly, Alain, take revenge on Andre. Take care of his cousin, the others said.

Annette is attractive enough to date her for her own sake. I would love to see her again,” he said to everyone's amusement.

There were two days left until the end of the week. Alain gradually got used to the idea that he would work in the Coliseum and imagined it every minute. How he did not want to put on his uniform again! She bored him in the army, but there was no choice. On Sunday, his shift began in the morning, and he came to the restaurant early.

“Good morning, young man,” the manager greeted him. “You can change in that room over there. Your suit is already hanging there. Then come here, I'll explain to you what the waiter's job is.

Wearing a white uniform shirt, Alain heard the door slam and turned around. A tall young man, five years older than him, entered the room.

“My name is Tieri,” he immediately introduced himself. Are you the new waiter?

“No, just a waiter for now,” Alain replied.

- We urgently need another waiter, otherwise it’s hard for the guys to serve five tables. I'm a bartender,” Tieri added. - When you become a waiter, you will tell me the drinks that customers order.

- I hope that this will happen soon, - said Alain and headed for the exit. “Excuse me, today is my first day here, and the manager is waiting for me.

- Then hurry up, he loves to find fault with trifles.

The manager explained to the newcomer how to meet visitors and offer them free tables.

“Try not to crowd them together, otherwise everyone will have to be served by one waiter, and the rest will be offended,” he concluded. - Good luck with your start.

"Thank you," Alain replied, and began arranging the stacked menus.

There were few visitors in the morning, and he had time to get to know all the waiters. Most of them were his peers and welcomed him warmly. They offered to have lunch together after the end of the shift, but Alain did not take enough money with him. Referring to urgent business, he refused, promising to join them next week.

In the evening he told Lucien about the first day of work.

- Well done. And I'm so tired of my office, - said Lezhon. “I wrote to my father and suggested starting a new business. The only pity is that he will have to move to Marseille if he agrees. My old man does not recognize Paris.

Are you going to leave Paris? Only everything began to improve little by little, exclaimed Alain. After all, it was you who, during the service, kept repeating from day to day that you can live only in the capital.

“True, but I want to succeed and one day come back here a winner.

Alain said nothing, but in his heart he also dreamed of winning. However, he was much more interested in fame than money, no matter how many years it takes to achieve it. The young man constantly thought of the various paths leading to her. It was obvious that he did not want to go to college to become like Andre. He was disgusted with the daily routine work in the bank, as well as in any office.

“Lucien, Andre has a very nice cousin, doesn't she?” he turned to his friend, abruptly changing the subject of the conversation.

He chuckled.

Our friend dreams of being the head of a large bank in the distant future. If you start courting Annette, he will have a stroke and he will not be able to take the coveted chair.

— It will be necessary to visit our favorite cafe more often. Surely Annette will come again. You know, the last time I met that beautiful girl there was the one who was sitting at the table across from me one day.

— Her name is Nina, she is an aspiring milliner, she works in an atelier.

- How do you know? Allen perked up.

- I asked my friends. She spends almost every evening at Saint-Germain-des-Pres.

“I will definitely get to know her.

— Dare!

The young man liked working in a restaurant. He went to the Colosseum with pleasure and two weeks later the manager called him.

“We are pleased with your work,” he said to Alain. — Are you interested in the position of a waiter?

- Oh sure.

“Then you can start next week. The work schedule will remain the same, now I will show you your tables.

Of course, Alain, as a newcomer, was given the most unprofitable site - none of the tables entrusted to him was located by the window, which was especially important for visitors, but he was still pleased.

In the evening, she and Lucien went to a cafe to celebrate his promotion. The first person to greet them was Annette. Alain looked around, but did not notice her cousin.

Hello, dancer! He greeted the girl. Is Andre lost?

He refused to come because he was tired.

"In that case, I'll have to entertain you today."

“Agreed,” she whispered, looking down.

They walked over to the table Lucien had chosen.

- What will you drink? Alain asked Annette.

"Order me a lemonade," she replied.

Throughout the evening, the young man looked at the visitors of the cafe, but Nina was not among them. Before leaving, he completely switched to Annette.

“Let’s go to the cinema tomorrow,” he suggested to the girl.

“I don’t even know,” she hesitated. - The fact is that I finish school late. It's okay, I'll skip the last class.

“Thank you in advance for the sacrifice,” Alain smiled. I hope the art won't be seriously damaged. Where is your school located?

Annette gave the address, and he promised to pick her up at six o'clock. Alain chatted with the girl all evening, and Lucien got bored.

“I don’t know what you saw in her,” he grumbled to a friend, after they saw off their friend and rode the bus home. “Of course, she doesn't resemble her brother, but she's quite ordinary.

“You are unfair to her,” objected Alain. - I think the girl is very cute.

“We didn't even celebrate your promotion properly. We drank lemonade all evening in company with Annette,” Lezhon lamented.

This remark made them laugh, and Lucien forgot about the bad mood.

August and September flew by for Alain unnoticed. The work of a waiter required much more effort than the duties of a waiter. Tourists were the bulk of the visitors during these months, and he learned a few phrases in German and English. He rarely visited Saint-Germain-des-Pres now, and he never met Nina there. He also did not see Annette, after several dates their acquaintance broke off. In the evenings, Alain often dined with other waiters and the talkative bartender Thierry, but Lucien Lejeune remained his best friend. They continued to rent a room together on Boulevard Barbey.

On the morning of early October, the owner of the boarding house knocked on the door and handed Lucen a letter from his father. He quickly read it and happily said:

My father agreed to provide me with the necessary loan. Now you can seriously think about starting your own business.

"So you're going to Marseille?" Alain asked.

- It's a pity, of course, but my move is the main condition of my father.

My birthday is in early November. Will you stay another month in Paris?

- Necessarily. We will celebrate this holiday properly.

In October, the life of friends changed. Lucien, who wanted to keep as many memories of Paris as possible, tried not to spend a single evening at home. She and Alain became regulars in the nearest cafes and bars, where they sat up with friends until night. Lezhon went to such meetings and alone, because the next day Alain worked in the restaurant until late. On the first of November, returning from the Saint-Germain-des-Pres, Lucien winked conspiratorially at his friend.

“We have a wonderful present for you,” he announced. You will be extremely surprised when you see him.

- I'm very interested in what you're up to. We'll have to wait patiently for a whole week, Alain replied.

On November 8th, he was given a small bonus at the restaurant, even though he had only worked there for a short time. Friends explained to him that the owner always gives gifts to employees on birthdays. Of the new acquaintances, he invited Tieri and the waiter to the holiday, with whom he became friends more than with the rest. The celebration was decided to be held in "Saint-Germain-des-Pres". The organization of the evening was undertaken by Alain's friends, led by Lezhon. When Alain entered the cafe, his company, seated at two tables, loudly greeted the birthday boy.

He was given congratulations and small souvenirs, but judging by the whispering and the mysterious looks of his friends, he realized that the main gift promised by Lucien had not been shown.

“I wish you health and wealth,” his friend toasted. - And so that you never get bored alone, let me introduce you ... Nina!

At the end of his words, the girl herself appeared in a bright dress with her hair loose over her shoulders. He went up to Alain and kissed him on both cheeks. Everyone applauded and burst into joking remarks, and the young man, out of surprise, was unable to utter a word.

“Happy birthday,” Nina said in a low voice.

“Sit down, please,” Alain pulled a chair for her. I still can't believe you are here. I have long dreamed of meeting you.

Do you like our present? Lucien asked loudly over the hubbub at the table.

“I am shocked and completely happy. It seems that today is not my birthday, but the day of wishes come true. And you are my guest of honor,” he turned to Nina.

She smiled but said nothing. She seemed to feel a little uncomfortable in such a noisy company, although she knew most of Alain's friends. This fact puzzled him. He was sure that until recently Lucien did not know the girl, and now he treated her like an old friend. What happened? He couldn't wait to get an explanation.

Meanwhile, the birthday celebration continued. Many of his friends brought their girlfriends with them and, in pairs, left the table, moved to the dance floor.

- Do you want to dance? Alain asked Nina.

— Probably, yes. Today is your day.

The girl moved smoothly and at the same time very relaxed. There was nothing in her manner from the movements of Annette memorized at the ballet school. The ever-changing expression on her face, the twinkle in her eyes, and the habit of throwing her hair back sharply betrayed Nina's passionate nature. Alain was delighted with the girl. The whole evening they did not part. Finally, the guests began to disperse, and the young man asked:

- Can I take you out?

“Of course, I live not far from here,” she replied.

Lucien, thank you for the evening. I promised to see Nina out,” Alain said to a friend. - I'll be back home later.

"I'm not expecting you today," Lejeune said, drawing out his words.

The girl stood outside, tapping impatiently with her fingertips on the banister of the stairs. When Alain went out, she took his arm and named the street where her house was located. They decided to walk.

How did you end up in the cafe today? the young man asked.

- It's a long story. The first time we ran into each other was in a cafe at the beginning of summer, right? Then I came to Saint-Germain-des-Pres several times alone, but you were not there. When I finally noticed you, you were dancing with some girl. I'm very jealous, so I forgot about this cafe and about you too. But a couple of days ago I ended up here again, saw your friends and asked them a question about you. Lucien immediately invited me to your birthday party. They persuaded me to show up later to arrange a surprise.

“You are the most extraordinary girl I know. Of course, a little crazy, but I like it. Why do you think I'm interested in Annette? She is the cousin of a friend of mine, and we sometimes meet in the same company.

Nina looked at him seriously with her huge black eyes and said:

"Promise not to look at other women while we're together."

- Promise. There is no one better than you anyway, ”Alain laughed, but his companion did not even smile.

Stopping in the middle of the empty street, she hugged him tightly and kissed him on the lips. He trembled at her touch and, in turn, squeezed the girl in his arms.

"We're almost there," she whispered, pulling back slightly. - Will you come?

- Absolutely.

Nina unlocked the door and took his hand.

"Careful," she warned, "there's a mountain of stuff in the hallway."

Alain stepped over the rolls of cloth in the dark and found himself in a small room. Nina didn't turn on the light, and he stepped towards her, putting his arm around her shoulders and leaning down to kiss her. she quickly turned to him and returned the kiss, and then looked into his eyes. This defiant and at the same time submissive look aroused in Alain an insane desire. With youthful passion, he grabbed the girl and would not let go, even if the roof of the house began to collapse, and they were threatened with death under the rubble.

With her temperament and flexible body, she resembled a panther. Her black hair was scattered over the pillow, her lips parted, she pressed close to him and did not unclench her hands for a long time. Her sensuality was intoxicating.

“I can’t part with you,” Alain muttered, lying on the bed. Nina's head rested on his chest, and he was all enveloped in her silky hair. My friend will soon leave for Marseille. Get over to me.

He wrapped a strand of her hair around his finger and, bringing it to his lips, kissed it.

"Unfortunately, that's not possible," the girl replied. - I often take orders for home delivery, you will be annoyed by the sound of a sewing machine.

- No, it will not.

- You're lying. Besides, because of you, I will be constantly distracted.

- Undoubtedly. I won't let you work all the time.

- Here you see! Let's meet in the evening. I live alone, you can sometimes stay.

“Sometimes,” Alain drawled in an unhappy voice. Why are you setting any boundaries? We are too good together to be separated for a long time.

"Okay, okay," the girl agreed. - I will think.

Alain tried to destroy her doubts with a kiss. He lifted the girl's face, wound her hair around his arm and did not let her go until she accepted all his conditions.

Waking up in the morning, the young man touched Nina's hand and made sure that their meeting was not a dream, and the girl lying next to him was quite material. He got up from the bed and began to dress, then hastily washed himself and returned to the room. Nina didn't move. Alain did not want to leave without saying goodbye to her, and he woke her up with a kiss. The girl stretched and rubbed her eyes.

Are you leaving already, love? she asked in a hoarse voice.

- I have to go to work. We'll see you today?

Come tonight if you like.

A little sleepy and yawning, she looked like a kitten. Alain barely resisted not to hug her, but realized that if he did this, he would get his first absenteeism at work. Stepping back from the bed, he said:

- What time will you be home?

“About seven, but I have to finish the dress.” She sat up in bed, counting the time. - I'll be waiting for you at nine.

"I'll be there at nine sharp."

For a moment he ran into the Rue Barbey to clean himself up and ran into Lucien, who was locking the room. He immediately put down the key and pounced on his friend with questions about Nina and the night spent with her.

Lucien, I'm late for work.

“You look torn to pieces,” he remarked, looking at the unshaven Alain. — Will you share your impressions in the evening?

- I can’t, I arranged to meet with Nina.

- Okay, don't say anything. Everything is so clear. I'm glad the gift went well.

“Thank you for an amazing birthday,” Alain said gratefully and disappeared into the room.

Lucien went to the office. It was his last working day there, and he felt a little sad. Only three days remained before his departure for Marseille, and he felt sorry for leaving Paris.

Alain spent the whole day trying to concentrate and not mix up the orders of visitors. However, as soon as he put thoughts of Nina out of his head and seriously got down to work, Thierry instantly unbalanced him with his jokes.

“I would give dearly if my friends also introduced me to such a beauty on my birthday,” Tieri said. Did you meet for the first time yesterday?

Alain did not consider it necessary to answer his questions and frowned. This reaction seemed funny to Thierry, and he continued to make his remarks. At the end of the shift, they almost had a fight.

"Keep your stupid remarks to yourself," the young man said sharply to the bartender. “I don’t have to listen to your nonsense all day.

Thierry pouted, but fell silent.

Alain flew to Nina's house, as if on wings. Too bad I can't talk to Lucien, he's leaving soon, he thought, but he hoped his friend would understand. Fragmentary memories of a date with a girl inflamed the imagination of a young man. At nine o'clock he approached her house and entered the entrance. Nina lived in the Latin Quarter in a small apartment, partly equipped as a sewing workshop. In addition to working in the atelier, she took orders for home delivery and sewed dresses for clients in the evenings, and closer to the night she went out to sit in a cafe next door.

She opened the door for her lover and slowly extended her lips for a kiss, as if greeting an old acquaintance. She smiled at the ardor with which he embraced her.

"I've been thinking about you all day," she admitted.

- Me too. I was afraid to slip someone a fish instead of a steak. It didn't work at all.

- What do we do? the girl asked, snuggling up to him and dragging him into the room.

- I do not know. You drove me crazy.

Alain came home, as on the previous day in the morning. Nina had to go to work and pushed him out the door without hesitation.

“Very cruel of you,” he tried to resist. He didn't have to rush anywhere, on this day his shift at the Coliseum began in the afternoon. “Tonight we are seeing Lucien off to Marseille. Do you want me to pick you up and we'll go to the party together?

- Let me meet you. I'm interested to see where you work.

“Restaurant Coliseum on the Champs-Elysées,” Alain called the address, raising his eyebrows in surprise. Are you really coming?

- Yes, do not even hope to escape through the back door.

"You're my inventor," he said, running his fingers gently down her cheek. - I adore you.

“Finally, go, otherwise my client will be left without a dress.

Alain returned to the Boulevard Barbet and woke Lucien with a knock on the door.

— What, are you celebrating the first day of idleness? Allen asked him. Wake up, it's already ten o'clock.

“I was waiting for you late yesterday. Thought you'd come back," Lejeune replied. “I don’t want to leave, I will miss our friends, Paris and this little room.

"Why are you doing all this?" Delon asked again.

Lucien frowned.

“I don’t have your looks or energy. People like me are doomed to sit in an office forever.

"What nonsense," muttered the young man.

- Not at all. You are doing well at work. And the girls? Anyone is ready to throw themselves on your neck, even Nina. But literally all our friends are in love with her!

- And you?

“I really liked her,” Lejeune admitted, lowering his eyes. “But she chose you, and so did Annette. You have an attraction that I lack.

"Lucien," said Alain, startled. “Are you in love with Nina and so generously invited her to my birthday party?” It was not a gift, but a sacrifice.

- Stop doing that. Anyway, as soon as she approached us, she began to ask about you. If you heard what she said about you, you would be completely proud.

Alain smiled involuntarily.

- Nina is crazy, you never know what she will throw out the next moment.

Lejeune glanced longingly at his suitcase at the door.

Do you remember about tonight's party? he asked a friend.

- Of course. I'll go to the restaurant early. You are my best friend, Lucien, said Alain, I will miss you.

The sadness of parting passed on to him. He sympathized with his comrade, because now he himself could no longer imagine how one could live anywhere but Paris.

Nina met him outside the restaurant, and together they went to pick out a souvenir purse for Lucien. Alain bought it and asked me to package it beautifully.

Is he leaving for a long time? the girl asked.

“I think if he returns to Paris, it will not be very soon,” Alain replied. He is going to Marseille to set up his own company.

The party went surprisingly well. None of his friends every minute reminded Lucien of his imminent departure. Everyone was having fun, as usual. Nina warmly wished him to always achieve success in his plans and kissed him on the cheek. Many, like Delon, brought him gifts. Legion was moved. The guests dispersed only in the morning. When Alain, having seen Nina home, returned to his room, the exhausted neighbors who had not slept all night asked him:

Are you both leaving?

He disappointed them, but thought he should find a smaller room and decided to talk to the owner about the one Lucien rented earlier.

On Thursday, he took his friend to the station and said goodbye to him. He felt a sense of loneliness when he returned to the boarding house - the room seemed empty. He went to Nina and again tried to persuade her to live together, but was refused. The girl loved him, but continued to persist in her decision. Soon Alain practically moved in with her. They met almost every day. Often the girl was waiting for him after the shift near the Colosseum, and in the evenings they walked along the Champs Elysees, and then went to Nina's apartment.

Alain left the boarding house on Barbe Street and settled nearby. The hostess of the room accepted him as a son, and always tried to treat him with delicious dishes that she herself prepared.

Gradually he began to forget Lucien. Of course, he forever remained his friend, but Alain no longer caught himself thinking that in the evening, as usual, he would meet him in a cafe or in their room at the boarding house. Life changed rapidly, and under the influence of new events, memories were erased.

Chapter 2

One Sunday, Alain had to work until the restaurant closed. He got up late and only at noon left Nina, so at ten in the evening he felt cheerful.

“Hey, kid, there are new customers at your table,” the manager called out to him, noticing that the young man was chatting with the bartender.

Alain quickly straightened his shirt collar and picked up the menu. The visitors were two well-groomed, elegantly dressed women who clearly intended to spend the evening washing the bones of their acquaintances.

"Good evening," the young man greeted them with an amiable smile. - Would you like an appetizer?

The women looked at each other and smiled.

“We'll have a glass of red wine and order in a couple of minutes,” the fair-haired lady said, looking at him playfully.

Alain bowed and went to the bar.

“Lucky for you,” said Tieri, pouring the wine. — Brigitte Aubert, an actress, is sitting at your table.

- Yes, what are you?

How did you not recognize her? She was talking to you.

- And who is the second?

I don't know, maybe she's also an actress.

Alain respectfully brought two glasses of wine and stood at the women's table, holding a notepad and a pen at the ready.

“Turkey fillet and green salad,” Bridget said. - And what do you want? she turned to her friend.

“I feel the same,” she answered indifferently, watching her companion with interest, who did not take her eyes off the young waiter.

Alain went to the kitchen to convey the names of the selected dishes and stumbled upon his comrades who were waiting for him.

- You are lucky. Ober is famous for the fact that she often invites young men she likes to her. Tieri said she's making eyes at you. Tonight you will surely go with her. Do not drop the honor of the waiters "Coliseum"! Tomorrow you will tell me what happened.

"You're all crazy," Alain replied casually. - Better prepare two green salads and a turkey for hot.

However, a recent conversation had disturbed him. Stepping out into the hall, he carefully looked at the actress and caught her eye.

It can't be, he thought. He did not dare to approach the bar, as he noticed Tieri's burning eyes and guessed that new parting words would follow. He felt uncomfortable, and he got the feeling that he was being judged as a dish from an additional menu.

All evening Aubert looked at Alain, entertaining her friend with this. Taking advantage of the moment when she left the table for a minute, she called the young man with a wave of her hand.

“Is there anything else you would like, madam?”

— Yes, that is, no. Listen, what time do you finish work?

"At midnight," he replied in surprise.

“I'll be waiting for you in a taxi near the next house.” She pointed to the building on the right and looked at him impatiently, waiting for an answer.

"Very well, madam," he said with a forced smile, and pushed the chair back to the actress' friend who had returned.

- Well, did you succeed? - not hiding her curiosity, she asked Bridget.

- Everything went perfectly. We meet at twelve.

- Not bad! Are you not afraid?

- Look at him. A sample of an executive waiter, besides a nice little one.

"That's right," agreed her friend, turning and looking at the young man.

"Why don't you ever arrange a date like this for yourself?" It's funny.

— Bridget, you know I have Antoine. He loves me…

“You are hopeless,” Aubert exclaimed.

Alain was on pins and needles. He did not feel remorse at the memory of Nina, but he was disturbed by his comrades, who discussed the unusual incident behind his back. “If I had refused, I would have become simply ridiculous,” he reflected. There was nothing to do. Aubert and his girlfriend paid off, leaving him a generous tip, and left the restaurant. He changed his clothes and went to the neighboring house indicated by the actress. She really was waiting for him in the taxi. As he approached, the woman opened the door and moved over so he could sit beside her. Then she gave the driver the address and the car started moving.

- What is your name? she asked the young man.

— Alain. I know what your name is.

— Admirer?

- Almost became it.

“And you are impudent,” she laughed and pressed herself against his shoulder.

He did not dare to hug her in the car, sat tensely and silently, while Bridget chatted incessantly.

- My apartment occupies the entire second floor of the house, it's so convenient. Now you can see for yourself,” she said.

The taxi stopped near a bright four-story mansion, and Alain prepared to get out and offer his hand to his companion, but she suddenly muttered:

- Stay here.

He followed Bridget's gaze and noticed at the entrance a man in a long raincoat and with a bouquet in his hands.

“Here is the money,” the actress said hurriedly, handing the driver a bill, “take the young man wherever he says.” Farewell, - she threw Alena and slammed the car door.

The stunned young man could not utter a word until the driver said with a laugh:

- Bad luck. Never mind, find someone else.

Then the young man cursed Bridget, who put him in a foolish position, and swore to himself never again to participate in such undertakings of spoiled ladies.

For several days he was the hero of the waiters at the Colosseum. Everyone was excited and tried to find out the details of his date with the actress. Allen was silent. Nevertheless, rumors about him flew to Nina. She seemed hurt and began to interrogate him.

Do you prefer actresses now or just older women? she asked, as usual, waiting for him after finishing work at the exit of the restaurant.

— Nina! Stop paying attention to the stories. I have the impression that the people around have no other business than to discuss a visit to our restaurant Madame Aubert.

“Oh, you call her Madame Aubert,” drawled the girl. “I don't believe you one bit. If the date didn't work out, it's probably because she changed her mind, not because you said no.

The reproach was absolutely fair, and Alain did not immediately answer it. Nina interpreted his silence as a confession and walked away. The young man rushed after her and grabbed her hand.

- Stop talking nonsense. We are so good together.

“I have no doubt that you are well and comfortable with me. But I do not want to be a fallback and a kind fool who always caresses and comforts a windy handsome man. Find someone else for this role.

The girl pulled away and walked towards the bus stop. Alain did not stop her, but decided to talk to Thierry tomorrow. He returned home early and had no idea how to kill time until the evening. Lucien left, and Nina was offended - he didn’t have a single close person left to go somewhere or just chat while sipping wine. Forced loneliness angered him, and the next day he attacked Tieri.

“You are a damn gossip. You think you can make god knows what about me and you can get away with it? he said rudely to the bartender.

- What are you talking about? About your rendezvous with an actress? Yes, everyone is talking about it, why are you throwing yourself at me?

- You have the longest tongue. Nina knew everything.

Sorry, but I didn't tell her. Leave me alone. If you insist, we'll talk after work.

Alain walked away, but was not going to retreat. He was ready to fight with every waiter in order to restore his reputation in the eyes of Nina. He was waiting for Tieri near the exit of the restaurant, when Nina walked past him, embracing a tall man. She deliberately brought her new admirer for a walk along the Champs Elysees in order to arouse Alain's jealousy. She did not want to quarrel with him completely, but she was offended and thus decided to take revenge.

"Hi," she nodded to the surprised young man.

— Good evening, Nina. Now I understand that you were just looking for an excuse to get rid of me in order to meet with all sorts of rogues, Delon shouted after her.

The girl's companion stopped abruptly and turned to him.

- What you said? The guy narrowed his eyes and stared at Allen.

“Rene, let’s go, he’s crazy,” Nina pulled him frightened by the hand.

"Don't tell me," the man pushed her away. “Let’s walk the girl home, and then we’ll talk alone.”

- With pleasure, - Alain answered and went after them.

Nina was horrified. She had no idea that her antics could go so far.

“Rene, we stopped seeing him. He may be jealous, but it's over, she said.

“I don't care. He asked for it himself. Go home, he told the girl.

- But…

"Or do you want to see me teach him a lesson?"

Nina covered her face with her hands and slowly entered the entrance.

“Let's go to the alley,” said Rene, and Alain followed him.

- I'm not a rogue. You will pay for daring to call me that,” snapped Nina's new admirer, standing under a lantern that dimly illuminated the narrow alley.

Alain tried to repel his blow, but did not have time. Rene's fist landed on his cheekbone and the young man flew back, hitting his right shoulder hard on the stone ledge of the house. He managed to stay on his feet, which allowed Rene to hit him a few more times. Then he left, not caring about the young man he had beaten.

It seemed to Alain that if he fell now, he would not be able to get up. He made it halfway to his house and was completely exhausted, every movement reeking of pain in his bruised shoulder. Looking around, he saw in front of him the house of Bridget Aubert. Without thinking about what he would do if the actress was not at home or she would not let him in, he entered the entrance and began to climb the stairs.

In response to his call, the woman flung open the door and stared in horror at the young man's torn and dirty jacket.

"Don't stand at the door, come in," she commanded quickly, holding his hand. - What happened? Were you attacked on the street?

"Almost so," Alain replied, wincing as she touched his shoulder, helping him to sit up.

- Take off your shirt. Can I help you? she asked, seeing that he was in no hurry to undress to give her the opportunity to process the abrasions.

Alain for some reason was embarrassed and was in no hurry to unbutton his buttons. He decided that he was embarrassed by the bruises and scratches on his body. Bridget quickly opened his shirt and shuddered at the sight of a crimson bruise running from his shoulder to his chest. However, she took a cotton swab with alcohol in her hands and washed the abrasions and bandaged her shoulder.

“Thank you, Bridget, you are very kind,” said Alain, when the actress handed him a glass of wine. - I'm going home now.

- No, stay. It was not enough for you to fall in the street. If not located, do not tell what happened.

The young man was silent.

"I'll make a bed for you on the couch in the living room." Lie down soon and sleep well. I'm sure tomorrow everything will hurt even more.

Falling asleep, Alain thought that the eccentric actress did not refuse to help him and did not leave him on the street. By this act, as well as unobtrusiveness in finding out the reasons for his condition, she earned the sincere gratitude of the young man.

In the morning, according to Bridget's predictions, he could not move because of the pain. The actress brought him a telephone so that he could call the Colosseum and ask for a two-day vacation. All day she fiddled with him: fed him broth, made compresses and comforted him. The latter required him much more than food, as his pride was dealt a serious blow. At first, he certainly wanted to get even with the offender, then, due to weakness, he postponed the execution of his plan.

— Bridget, how long can I stay with you? Alain asked the actress.

“Yes, at least stay forever,” she answered ingenuously and added, “I live alone.”

Alain did not go into the details of her life and leaned back against the pillows. The thought of not having to get up and go home was appealing. By the evening of the second day, he managed to get up and, without wincing, move his right hand. The young man once again thanked the actress and got ready to leave.

“I seriously suggested that you stay,” she said. Are you not satisfied with my care?

- Bridget, you know that now I am forever indebted to you. But I can't embarrass you and bother you any longer.

- Nonsense. Bring your things here tomorrow.

Alain glanced at her, trying to guess her thoughts. While it was clear that she liked him, and she did not want to let him go.

“There is one undoubted merit in her,” he thought, “she is utterly frank and does not even try to hide the motives of her actions.” Nevertheless, he doubted and weighed the pros and cons of moving to the actress for a long time. She will get the opportunity to control him, but he can always justify his nightly absences with delays at work in the restaurant. The relationship with Nina was over. Not that he feared her new suitor. Alain simply did not want to meet with the girl who witnessed his defeat anymore.

“All right, Bridget, I accept your kind offer and stay,” he said at last, and went up to her.

This time he himself wanted to take the initiative and he put his good arm around her shoulders. She snuggled closer to him, looking dubiously at his bandaged shoulder.

"Are you sure you want this?" she asked.

"More than the first time we met," he muttered, and pressed his lips to hers.

When they entered the bedroom, Brigitte drew the curtains and sat down next to him on the bed, kissing his face and hands. To Alain's great surprise, the actress did not show authority in this situation. On the contrary, she was gentle and supple. There was not a word of truth in the gossip about her rudeness and indomitability in bed, transmitted by his comrades. Brigitte completely yielded to him supremacy, and she herself completely surrendered to passion.

"I'm ready to take the first step," the young man said softly as they settled comfortably on the wide sofa.

Bridget raised an eyebrow questioningly.

- What are you talking about? she smiled, lighting a cigarette in the dark.

“I want to move my pillow here,” Alain explained. The rest of the property will arrive tomorrow.

- Deal.

The next morning, the actress decided to go shopping and left him the keys to her apartment. The young man got out of bed late and immediately went to his former mistress for things. She was upset that a handsome tenant was moving out, but promised that she would always take him back if he decides to return.

“Thank you, Margot,” he said. "I'll come visit you sometime."

— Will you dictate your new address? Suddenly someone wants to look for you.

No, I will only tell a few friends about it.

- Good good. Goodbye, son.

Alain was sad to part with a sweet old woman who often treated him to pies and did not require payment for the room just in time.

“I hope Bridget will be better than here,” he thought. At the moment, the move seemed like a mistake to him, but he always carried out his plan.

Half an hour later, Alain returned to his mistress and put the suitcase in the hallway.

“Alain, come here,” the actress called him from the kitchen. — I cooked you a juicy steak.

He went into the kitchen and gently kissed Bridget, who was loitering over the stove, on the neck.

“Darling, you are spoiling me. I guess you'll get tired of it soon," he said.

- How soon?

"About two months," he answered thoughtfully, looking at her hand.

- Can you guess by hand? the actress asked.

No, in the eyes.

- Nasty, - Bridget waved at Alain. He caught her hands and pulled her towards him. "Okay, let's have lunch," she suggested, pulling herself out of his arms.

A day later, the young man returned to his duties at the Coliseum. The rest of the waiters didn't dare question him about the reason for his absence, even though they were curious. They heard rumors about a quarrel between Alain and Rene, and Nina stopped meeting the young man after the end of the shift. He did not frankly with friends either about breaking up with a girl, or about his relationship with Bridget Aubert.

His mistress began acting in a new film, and he often spent his evenings alone. But every weekend, the actress held receptions, gathering friends and acquaintances in her apartment. He liked to communicate with representatives of bohemia: actors, aspiring screenwriters and artists. They were somewhat self-satisfied, but they were interesting conversationalists. Once, at one of these gatherings, Bridget, who adored predictions and was fond of compiling horoscopes, invited a fortune teller. She turned out to be a rather young woman, dressed in an elaborate outfit. Her fingers were studded with rings, and many jingling chains hung around her neck. Entering the room, she immediately approached Alain.

"I'll tell him first," she said.

He sat down next to her and reluctantly held out his hand. He didn't like the attention directed at him, the chuckles of the guests, and this woman in fancy dress.

“You started a new life in Paris,” she said. - When did you arrive?

- Half a year ago.

- Give me the exact date.

— Tenth of May.

The fortune-teller looked around triumphantly.

- Day under the auspices of Taurus. You will become rich and famous. You just have to always follow your intuition,” she continued. “I also see a lot of women. You are beautiful and they will always fall in love with you.

This fortune-telling ended, because the guests of the actress began to laugh and shout:

Bridget, don't miss your favorite!

The actress blushed and turned away. Alain took advantage of this to free himself from the soothsayer and approach Bridget. Nevertheless, the woman's words made an impression on him. He thought that his dreams might actually come true.

In the three weeks he spent with Bridget, his life had changed little. He continued to work at the Coliseum as a waiter. He spent his days off from work with his mistress, who, contrary to his forebodings, was still attentive and attached to him in her own way. True, two months have not yet expired.

Together they decorated the apartment for Christmas. Alain bought at the market and brought a small Christmas tree. Seeing the tree, Bridget felt sad, then broke off a small branch, brought it to her face and began to inhale the smell of needles.

- What's wrong with you, dear? Alain asked.

Without answering, she got up and went into the bedroom. A minute later, Alain put away the toys and tinsel and followed her. Already in the corridor he heard her sobs and rushed into the room.

— Bridget, dear, what happened? Did someone offend you?

- I'm so unhappy. We met him last year at Christmas and dated for almost a year. But then he left me,” she said through tears.

It seemed to Alain that he had been slapped. So, with her former lover she was happy, and with him she cries from grief. But at the same time, he felt compassion for her. It was hard to see the tears of such a lively and resilient woman. He put his arms around Bridget and rocked her like a baby until she calmed down.

“I feel much better with you,” she said.

But this recognition could not fix anything for Alain. He regarded Bridget's previous words as a betrayal, and all the charm of life with Bridget disappeared. The woman did not feel this, since Alain behaved as before - he teased her a little and kissed her every minute, but now it was a pretense on his part. Secretly, he was already contemplating how to change his life. Work in the restaurant no longer suited him, the maximum that he could achieve there over time was to take the place of the manager; and he dreamed of wealth and fame. However, even the opening of his company required money, and he did not have any, as well as ideas about what kind of activity could bring him success.

Christmas has come. Bridget and Alain were waiting for guests in the evening, so they got up late.

- You know, dear, I invited one interesting young actor, we met recently at the film studio. His name is Jean-Claude Briali,” Aubert said.

It doesn't matter what his name is. I'm wondering if there will be a fortune teller?

- Cute! Do you like her?

I still remember her with horror. Warn me in advance of her arrival and I will lock myself in the bedroom.

"That's impolite," Bridget said with a laugh. "Besides, you'll miss the Christmas party." Get up, it's time to prepare for the arrival of guests.

She got up from the bed and put on a pink peignoir.

Around eight in the evening the first guests appeared. By nine, when everyone had already sat down at the table, there appeared and

One guest was a little late. A handsome brunette entered the living room, accompanied by the hostess and shouted loudly, blocking the noise reigning in the room:

Let's drink to Christmas!

He uncorked the bottle of champagne he had brought with him and, with a beaming smile, began to offer everyone a drink.

"Jean-Claude, you're in a hurry, as always," several of the guests shouted with laughter.

“Allow me to introduce Mr. Briali, if anyone does not know him,” Bridget said.

The man bowed elegantly and, taking his mistress by the arm, asked in a conspiratorial voice:

“Madame, where would you like to sit?”

“Please, Jean-Claude, come in,” she fussed. Your place is next to me.

The guest nodded in satisfaction and followed her. Alain frowned, as he was sitting almost on the edge of the table, in addition to the right and left of him, aspiring actresses settled down, annoying him with their antics.

Briali has clearly taken on the role of host. He constantly made toasts, kissed the women's hands in turn and joked with Bridget. When everyone stood up and began to move chairs to make room for dancing, Aubert led a smiling Jean-Claude to her lover.

— Monsieur Briali, this is Alain.

“Very nice,” said Jean-Claude. - Who did you shoot with?

“I'm not an actor,” the young man squeezed out, and Bridget laughed, thinking that Briali was joking.

"It's unfair," the guest continued, still seriously. - You have the appearance of a real hero-lover.

Allen blushed and said nothing. After waiting for the hostess to join another group of guests, Jean-Claude asked:

- If it's not a secret, who do you work for?

“I'm a waiter at the Colosseum,” Alain replied coldly. — I recommend visiting our wonderful restaurant.

He turned away and was about to leave.

“Not everything is so hopeless,” the actor said cheerfully. I hope you don't intend to stay there forever. In the near future, you can even become a director.

- In the morning I was very glad that Bridget did not invite a fortune-teller, - the young man answered dryly, but already much more kindly.

Yes, I do not pretend to be a clairvoyant. It's just that you're the only person here that I wanted to chat with. So Madame Aubert met you in a restaurant? Don't be offended, I've heard about her tricks.

She helped me when I was beaten in the street.

Alain did not tell anyone about this unpleasant story, but Briali, who showed interest in Alain without embarrassment, involuntarily disposed to frankness.

“Understood,” said the actor. - For several days I am free from filming on the occasion of the holidays. Let's have lunch together tomorrow and talk.

Do you know a little cafe on the corner of Rue Varenne and Rue Bourgon?

He liked the proud young man and wanted to continue his acquaintance with him.

“I know, and I won’t refuse dinner.

They agreed on a time and joined the dancers, inviting Delon's recent table neighbors.

During each party, Alain was amazed at how the neighbors endure the noise coming from the second floor, but the celebration of Christmas in this respect has surpassed all acceptable limits. The stormy fun continued until the morning: the guests blew crackers, opened new bottles of champagne and sang loudly. However, in other apartments of the house the holiday was celebrated no less lively.

Bridget and Alain went to bed only at eight in the morning, when all the guests had left. They decided to leave the living room covered with confetti and serpentine in its untouched form until the arrival of the housekeeper. At three o'clock in the afternoon the young man woke up and began to quietly get out from under the covers, so as not to wake his mistress. But that dream was very sensitive, and, without opening her eyes, she asked:

- Where are you going?

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up. Jean-Claude invited me to dinner.

I wonder what he's up to. Maybe he will offer a role in his new film. No wonder he mistook you for an actor yesterday.

- Hardly. I don’t know how to play at all, ”Alain objected, although in his heart he fully admitted such a prospect and rejoiced at it in advance.

“You would think that someone knows how to do it,” said Bridget grumpily. - OK Go. I'll take a nap.

He kissed her on the forehead, got dressed and went outside. It was cold and windy, and to get to the Rue Varennes, Alain had to move to the other side of the Seine. However, he arrived at the cafe at the appointed hour and noticed Briali sitting alone at a table by the window.

"Good morning," Alain greeted him.

His new acquaintance looked at him with a distant look and muttered:

- Hi. In my opinion, I got excited with the hour of the meeting. It was necessary to appoint her no earlier than eight in the evening. And how do you feel?

- I'm afraid so too.

- Sit down, now let's drink coffee and we'll both come to our senses.

Alena was again surprised by the calmness and confidence that his new acquaintance radiated. Briali had the ability to win people over instantly. Half an hour later, Delon found himself telling him about his arrival in Paris, meeting Nina, the fight that followed and moving to Bridget Aubert. He accumulated and kept experiences for too long. He needed to share them, and at that moment Jean-Claude was there. He drank coffee in small sips and listened attentively to the young man.

“An incredible story,” he said when Alain finished his story. - Life throws you in different directions, but the most important thing is that you rise higher. You have to start building a serious career. I myself do not know how to do anything except how to act in films, and it seems to me that by becoming an actor, you can also achieve a lot. You have an attractive appearance, you are not stupid. This is what directors and producers need.

“I never thought of such a possibility,” the young man answered honestly, looking doubtfully at Briali.

- So think. Just don't take advice from Bridget. It seems to her that she alone in the whole world is able to play.

- This is not true. But in any case, I always make decisions myself.

- Excellent.

At that moment the waiter brought the buns. Young people pounced on them and discussed their favorite dishes until the end of dinner. Their tastes did not coincide at all: Jean-Claude loved only meat, and Alain preferred fish. They parted at about seven in the evening. Briali left his phone to a new acquaintance and took a promise from him to call in the near future.

Returning home, Alain found Bridget comfortably seated in a tidy living room. She sat by the window and slowly flipped through the pages of the magazine. The thoughtful look of her lover aroused her interest, and she asked:

— How was lunch?

“Not bad, considering how we feel after yesterday’s feast.”

Did Brialee offer you something?

- Nothing concrete. We just chatted. I told him about my life in Paris.

- Clear. Can you share with me too? We've known each other longer.

“Bridget, dear, you already know everything about me,” Alain said affectionately and hugged her. "You look wonderful," he whispered in her ear.

- Shameless! You do whatever you want with me,” she purred back and lifted her head to kiss him.

The whole week after Christmas the young man was busy in the restaurant. Several waiters took leave and he had to work seven days a week. He did not forget about Jean-Claude's proposal, it seemed to open the door to another world for him, but he did not know anything about the acting profession and was afraid of failure. At the same time, he wanted to leave the Colosseum because his restaurant reminded him of Nina. He did not admit it even to himself, but he missed the girl very much. Bridget was kind and friendly, but she lacked Nina's temperament, which made him simultaneously feel passion and hatred for her.

In early January, he returned home late, but the actress had not yet slept.

“Briali called you,” she said. He's angry that you forgot about him. I invited him to visit us next Sunday.

“Great, I like him.

Yes, he is lucky enough, besides that he never refuses to help others. This is a rare quality for an actor.

Alain was sure that Jean-Claude would start to rush him with the decision to pass tests at the film studio, but he was mistaken. The guest never touched on this topic. He remained true to his own advice not to discuss with Aubert the possibility of Delon's participation in the filming. All evening he entertained the hosts with jokes about famous directors and told funny stories that had happened to him.

- Imagine, the director says to me: "Jean-Claude, show your most refined manners." Here, as luck would have it, I hit a chair with my foot and stumble, while pushing my partner. As a result, she knocked a vase of flowers off the table and poured water on her dress. Everyone present was laughing like crazy.

"Poor Yvette," said Bridget, laughing. Has she forgiven you?

What was left for her? We repeated this take ten more times after her dress was dried.

Alain listened eagerly to the conversation. He dreamed at least once to visit the set and see the process of working on the film. As if reading his thoughts, Briali spoke:

Why don't you ever visit Bridget after filming? In the evenings, we often gather as a company and drop into some cafe. Join us. How about Thursday?

The young man looked questioningly at his mistress. He doubted that she would approve the actor's proposal, but Bridget said:

- Why not? I like to rest and relax in the evening in a pleasant company. Alain, you only work until noon on Thursday, don't you?

"Yes," he replied cheerfully. “I can't wait to see you in last century costumes.

- It's decided, let's go to the cafe "Saint-Germain-des-Pres," - summed up Briali.

He did not stay long to give Bridget the opportunity to rest after a day of work on the set. After he left, Alain said:

“I'm curious to see the cameras and the spotlights. When you watch a movie, you can't imagine it all. But do you really mind?

- Not. Come and admire as much as you want at the nasty lighting and rude cameramen. You will be aware of how films are made that the audience then admires.

- You're lovely. I hope you put everyone in their place at the movie studio?

I defend myself as best I can. I'm tired, I'm going to bed.

Three days dragged on for Alain endlessly. On Thursday morning, he glanced at his watch, imagining the set as a vast and heavily guarded area. What was his disappointment when the attendant led him to a cramped, stuffy pavilion, where it was impossible to squeeze through because of the outstretched wires and lighting lamps installed everywhere. Bridget had already finished her work and was waiting for him in her usual dress, but Jean-Claude appeared in a black frock coat and velvet trousers.

- How do you like my suit? he asked.

Alain barely suppressed a smile, Briali looked so ridiculous in his opinion.

"Jean-Claude, get changed quickly," said Aubert. You are the only one left in the suit.

“I’ll be here in three minutes,” he promised, and disappeared into the dressing room.

"He won't make it," Alain said with conviction.

The young man served in the army and learned how to quickly put on a uniform, but he still doubted that the actor would be able to change clothes with such speed. Briali dispelled his suspicions by emerging from the dressing room even earlier than promised.

“It is very important for us to learn how to quickly change a suit,” he explained to the young man. - Imagine that you are playing in the theater and you need to jump onto the stage in a minute in a different dress. True, I know someone who rushes backstage and at the top of his voice calls the costumers: “Help! Get dressed!”

- Not me! Bridget exclaimed.

“So I confessed,” Jean-Claude shouted triumphantly, and everyone laughed.

The evening passed cheerfully, but Alain almost did not participate in the conversations of the actors. They discussed costumes, makeup, the script of the film and uttered words he did not understand. At first they seemed to him jargon, but then he realized that these were special terms used by filmmakers.

- You weren't bored? the actress asked him on the way home.

- No, what are you! Nice evening.

How did you like Yvette? I'm not surprised she knocked over a vase of flowers. Have you noticed how she drinks?

Alain chuckled. Bridget loved to gossip about female actresses.

“You were the best, love.

- Are you serious?

- Do I look like a liar?

They got out of the taxi and went to the house of the actress. This reminded the young man of their first failed date.

- Bridget, do you remember a man waiting for you at the entrance? Did you cry at Christmas because of him?

The woman looked down and replied indignantly:

Why dig into the past? Everything is forgotten.

He became curious.

“You reproach me that you don’t know anything about me, but you yourself don’t tell anything either. It's not fair.

Bridget stopped outside the house and said:

- Alain, at one time I was very happy, and then in despair. Now I'm fine again. Life is changeable.

In addition to these words, he could not get anything from her. Outwardly cheerful and open, she carefully kept her secrets and did not allow anyone to penetrate beyond the boundaries she set.

Briali continued to visit them and invited them to parties he hosted on several occasions. Soon Alena had a strong friendship with him. He always listened to the views of the actor on various issues and attached great importance to them. Therefore, when Jean-Claude offered the young man to move in with him and start preparing for screen tests, he seriously thought about it. It was a tempting offer, but he didn't want to offend Bridget. Finally, in February, Alain ventured to speak to her on this subject:

“Darling,” he began, “I adore you, but I need to change jobs in order to achieve something in the future.

— Have you looked after yourself something new?

— Not yet, but Jean-Claude suggests that I try acting. Maybe I can make it.

- Well I do not know. Does he have a role for you?

- He promised to introduce me to the director and is ready to convince him to give me a small role. It would be more convenient for me to move in with him in order to learn a few passages for reading on auditions.

Bridget froze for a moment in surprise. She was shocked by the deceit of Briali, whom she considered her friend. He was entertained by a young waiter who caught his every word, and without hesitation, he decided to move him to his place.

Ober grabbed a copper dish from a shelf and threw it at Alain. This lightning attack took him by surprise and he barely managed to dodge.

- You are crazy?

“Ungrateful, vile traitor. You don't like my apartment? Get out wherever you want, but don't expect to come back!

She ran out of the living room and locked herself in the bedroom. In vain Alain knocked on the door and tried to talk to his girlfriend. She did not answer, and Alain got angry.

“I didn't want to leave like this, Bridget, but I'm leaving right now. I hope in time you will forgive me. Goodbye.

There was no answer from the room, and he went to pack his things. He no longer doubted the correctness of his decision. Jean-Claude beamed at the sight of Alain.

- Welcome. Your room is on the right along the corridor. I need a companion, otherwise my apartment will be completely occupied by friends. Together we will stand against them.

The actor's life was divided into two parts: during the day he worked on the set, and spent the rest of the time at endless parties. If earlier it seemed to Alain that Bridget gathers friends quite often, now he believed that she lived rather closed. Every free evening, he and Jean-Claude went to a cafe with his friends or chatted with them until midnight in the living room of the actor's apartment. He met several girls, but none of them occupied his thoughts for long. The young man adopted the habits and lifestyle of new acquaintances: he did not make a permanent girlfriend, got up late and sat down to dinner no earlier than ten in the evening. This greatly interfered with his work at the Colosseum.

"Get out of this place," Jean-Claude advised him. - Soon we will go to the festival, in Cannes, where you will meet a lot of the right people.

Alain was in no hurry to leave the restaurant. His salary made it possible not to live entirely at the expense of a friend. However, in March, he parted with the uniform shirt of the waiter and began to prepare for a trip to Cannes. He relentlessly crammed a poem by Rambaud and a monologue from Cocteau's play. Jean-Claude watched him with a smile.

- Stop clenching your teeth when you read a monologue. You should look like a romantic youth, not a ferocious bandit.

The young man almost despaired of learning how to play. He was especially frustrated by the fact that Briali effortlessly entered the role and delivered lines perfectly, showing Alain which words should be underlined.

“You just lack practice,” he said. - I remember very well how long I studied my first role. In this case, the main thing is to be patient.

The basics of acting were given to Delon with great difficulty. He tried to be convincing, but even he himself could not imagine himself a medieval knight. What was there to say about making others believe it?

The day before the flight to the Cote d'Azur, the gloomy Alain loitered from corner to corner. Jean-Claude looked at him thoughtfully, not knowing how to help his friend. It was always easy for him to learn the role and play it, invariably causing universal approval. Suddenly he clasped the sofa cushion with his hands and let out a low exclamation.

- What happened? Allen asked him. “Are you trembling with fear that Cocteau will curse me, and at the same time you?”

— I know who will explain to you how to play correctly!

- Lord, who?

— Bridget Ober. She talked a hundred times about some acting secret she owns. Why didn't I think of this before?

“We haven't seen each other for a month and I'm sure she won't want to see me for another year,” the young man said dejectedly.

- Let's see. If I were you, I wouldn't bet on it.

Briali went to the phone and dialed the number of the actress:

“Hello Madame Aubert, dear prima!” This is Jean-Claude. Please do not hang up the phone without listening to my request. We need your help. Alain, a poor boy, feels bad and dreams of reconciliation. Would you like to visit us today? He spoke in such a plaintive voice that his friend burst out laughing.

- Do you agree!? We are waiting at eight, you know the address,” Briali hung up the phone and turned to Delon, “you just need to find the right approach. Bridget needs to be moved to pity, because she had almost maternal feelings for you.

Allen chuckled doubtfully.

- Do not believe if you do not want to, but she will come.

You are just a magician. No, more like a scammer.

As promised by Jean-Claude, at exactly eight the actress rang at the door of his apartment. Entering, she carefully looked at Alain and found that he was really seriously concerned about something.

- You are not sick? she asked a former lover.

- Not. How are you?

- Fine. So what kind of help is needed?

Briali began to floridly explain that the young man had learned the monologue from the play, but could not deliver it.

Why can't he? Alain, do you have problems with your voice?

“He has no problem with his voice,” Briali answered for his friend. He can't speak with expression.

"Aren't you able to teach him yourself?"

“Yes, I repeated this damned monologue day and night. Such stupidity - I myself read as it should, but I can’t explain anything to him.

“Alain, say the first couple of sentences,” Bridget asked.

"I'll go get some wine and glasses," Jean-Claude volunteered.

He was ready to go to the store for wine, just not to listen to a boring passage from Cocteau's play. At this time, his friend diligently, as in an exam, read a monologue.

- I understand! the actress stopped him. - Try to use my trick: to relax and get into the role, I imagine that there is no one next to me, and I say all these words for myself. I'm just having fun, like I'm singing a song.

“It won’t work for me,” Alain said sadly.

“It won’t work out, okay,” Bridget waved her hand lightly. “You would think all the directors would require you to read Jean Cocteau by heart. I was personally chosen for the first role, because I looked like the heroine more than the rest. Come on, say again: “Oh lady…”

Five minutes later, Brialie, standing in the kitchen, almost trembled to hear Alain say the lines with feeling. The actor immediately burst into the living room and shouted:

- There is! It's done!

Bridget looked at him as if he were an amateur, and his friend continued with rapture to confess his love to the imaginary lady of his heart.

“You are a great woman. You told him your secret, didn't you? Tell it to me too,” Jean-Claude asked.

“You don't need to know him. Apparently, you have your own approach to the role, but you do not report it.

- I swear, no. I propose to drink wine for you, Madame Aubert. Over time, you will open acting classes and teach newcomers.

Bridget smiled smugly.

“Alain, you can be sure that you will outsmart anyone who tries to get the part of a romantic hero,” she said.

“Thank you, you are very kind. With such teachers, I will not be lost.

- Okay I have to go. Alain, give me a call tomorrow and I'll wish you well before flying to Cannes. Jean-Claude, will you walk me to a taxi?

- Of course.

The actress barely waited for the moment to talk to him alone.

- A good teacher, do not say anything. Why did you choose this monologue? He doesn't fit Alena in the slightest. He has only the appearance of a gentle young man, and the character of a real pirate. How did you not understand this?

- I'm not a fool. But, Bridget, take any producer, because he will first of all pay attention to the beautiful face of Alain, and he will pronounce the words of a knight in love at the right moment.

“You’re right,” the actress agreed after a moment’s thought. Yes, that changes things. You're very practical, Briali. Here it is, your secret.

On Sunday the friends were packing their things when it dawned on Jean-Claude:

“We forgot to rent you a tuxedo, and we're flying in tomorrow morning. What to do?

“Maybe we can find him on the spot?”

- What you! Viewings will begin at lunchtime, there will be no time to dress up. Alain, take the directory and call the studio. God forbid, lucky, and one of them will be open.

The young man called the first number, and he was immediately answered.

- You are lucky. Let's go pick out a tuxedo,” Jean-Claude said.

By evening, the suitcases were packed, and they breathed a sigh of relief. Alain did not want to endlessly discuss the whole future, but he was sure that he would be lucky. Constantly communicating with representatives of the Parisian bohemia, he set fire to the idea of ​​​​becoming an actor.

When the plane was gaining altitude, all the events that had happened to him recently seemed like a dream to him. He was very afraid to wake up and find that he was standing at the bar waiting for a glass of wine for a visitor to the Colosseum. From these thoughts he was distracted by the loud voice of Jean-Claude:

- Girls, are you flying to Cannes to relax or to the festival?

Alain turned around and saw two pretty blondes. seated across the aisle from them and Briali. Both of them were extremely attractive, but he liked the fragile girl with delicate features more.

- What is your name? his friend continued to question his companions.

“I am Marie, and my sister is Julie,” answered the thin girl. We are flying to our parents, they offered us to spend the summer by the sea.

I am Jean-Claude and my friend's name is Alain. We are actors and we can invite you to one of the screenings.

Alain pushed his neighbor with his elbow, but he ignored his sign.

“We will watch new films with pleasure,” the girls were delighted. Marie wrote down the phone number and handed it to Briali, smiling at Delon.

“Just a girl, but she’s already flirting,” Briali whispered to his friend with delight. - A real Parisian. Did you like sisters?

- Yes. But why did you say that I am an actor?

- It's true, all our friends consider you an aspiring actor, it remains only to sign a contract.

- An insignificant trifle!

- You're absolutely right.

They drank champagne all the way and arrived in Cannes very busy. A booked two-room suite was waiting for them at the hotel. First of all, they hung clothes in the closet and turned on the TV.

“We need to start changing so we can make it to the opening of the festival,” Briali said.

Alain got up lazily from the couch and removed his tuxedo from the hanger.

I'm afraid I'll look funny.

"Then what about the others?" Believe me, today in Cannes, only those who do not have such costumes are truly funny.

The opening ceremony seemed to Alain a beautiful fairy tale. He was next to the famous actors, who solemnly climbed the stairs and passed into the building.

- Satisfied? Briali asked, noticing the enthusiastic look on his friend's face.

- Yes. Thank you. You allowed me to enter a fantasy world.

"It's just the cover," his friend remarked philosophically.

Soon they, too, joined the movie stars, producers, and directors who surrounded the refreshment table. Jean-Claude greeted some of them. Fulfilling his promise to make an actor out of Delon, he introduced him to everyone he knew. He felt constrained in a tuxedo, and in a crowd of celebrities, he was completely confused. He couldn't wait for everyone to be invited to the hall to watch the first film.

The first day of the festival was busy, and friends, returning to the hotel in the evening, decided not to take part in any parties. Even Jean-Claude's bubbling energy was not enough for this. During breakfast, Alain asked:

“Didn’t you manage to get tickets for the girls yesterday?”

For which girls? The actor rolled his eyes.

Do you remember Marie and Julie? We met on the plane.

— Ah. Did you like them that much? I have their phone somewhere. If you want, I'll give it to you.

"You don't want to meet them?"

- God be with you. There are a lot of beauties here, and the girls are clearly from a good family and will behave like children. Why waste time on them?

— I'll invite Marie somewhere.

- Wow! She bewitched you. Okay, I'll try to get her a ticket for tomorrow.

Thanks, but first find her phone.

Briali played a joke on Alain, who was carried away by Marie, until the end of breakfast, and then solemnly took out a piece of paper with the girls' phone from his portmanteau.

Hold on, romantic. Probably, this rehearsed monologue had such an effect on you.

"Don't think of him," Alain shuddered.

- Let's go soon. Today there will be no greetings and buffet, but everyone will come for an afternoon viewing. Maybe you'll meet a director who's casting for his new film.

Jean-Claude was not at the afternoon viewing next to a friend. He went to the buffet to talk to Herbert, a German actor, his former co-star. Alain got the impression that his companion knows literally every participant of the festival. Alone, he watched a Jules Dassin film and got up to join Briali at the buffet. At the exit from the cinema hall, a middle-aged man in smoky glasses turned to him:

- I noticed with what interest you watched “The One Who Must Die”. Perhaps you are an actor? Let me introduce myself, my name is Harry Wilson and I represent Mr. Zeltsnick, a Hollywood producer.

- My name is Alain Delon, and so far I have not starred anywhere.

Wilson raised an eyebrow at the young man's sonorous name and showed no disappointment at being told he wasn't an actor.

— I select young actors for David Zelznick. It's okay if you're new to cinema. Do you have your photos with you?

- Yes. Only I left them at the hotel.

“Let me invite you to visit my hotel tomorrow morning,” Wilson said, handing Alain a business card. I will record our meeting on a tape recorder and give the tape along with the pictures to the producer.

“Will I have to read you an excerpt from some work?” the young man asked excitedly.

“Actually, no. I wanted to tape our conversation, but if you insist...

“No,” Delon hastened to answer. “I asked that in case the need arose to get ready tonight.

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of Briali walking towards him. He noticed that his friend was talking to someone and stopped nearby so as not to interfere with the conversation.

“So, see you soon,” Wilson said in parting and left the hall.

Alain stood at the door for a moment, then rushed over to Jean-Claude.

“This is an American, he is looking for actors for Hollywood,” he explained to him.

He whistled softly.

Why was I worried about you? As they say, fate will find itself. Did he offer something specific?

- No, he promised to tell tomorrow about possible roles. He invited me to his hotel, - Alain showed a card where Wilson wrote the number of his apartment.

- Wonderful. And what about English? I don't think you know him? - decided to show foresight actor. “Don't worry,” he said to his drooping friend, “the film studio will hire you a teacher, and you will quickly learn the language.

Allen did not think about the need to speak English in Hollywood. Harry Wilson spoke excellent French, and the young man did not experience the difficulties that arise when talking with foreigners during a conversation with him.

Will he want to hear an excerpt from the play tomorrow? Briali asked the next question.

- Thank God no. All is well with this though. He said that he would record our conversation on tape and pass it on to Zeltsnik.

— Great, let's go to the cafe with Herbert tonight? The Germans arrived in a big company.

- I cant. We need to prepare for tomorrow's meeting.

- What are you going to do? After all, he refused to listen to the texts you subdued.

Jean-Claude spoke in his usual light manner, but Alain knew how many times he was able to repeat lines from a new role and how diligently he read scripts. In the evening at the hotel, Briali once again called his friend to the cafe, but was resolutely refused.

- All right, stay in your room. You will be bored without entertainment. How can you spend time in Cannes like that? By the way, here's a ticket for Marie. I remembered your request, even though you stunned me with your message about the future contract.

“I wish you good fun,” Alain told him.

When Briali left, he picked up the phone and dialed Marie's number. After the second ring, they answered.

“Luca family home,” a female voice said.

"Call, please, Mademoiselle Marie," he asked.

- One minute.

After a short time, a quiet voice of a girl sounded in the receiver:

Hello, I'm listening.

Marie, good evening. This is Alain. Remember, we flew together on a plane from Paris?

— Oh, of course I remember. How are you?

- Not bad. I have a ticket for tomorrow's viewing. You want to go?

“With pleasure,” Marie's voice became much louder. — And your friend doesn't have a ticket for Julie?

- I am afraid no. Come tomorrow at two o'clock. I'll meet you at the bus stop.

- Deal. Goodbye, Alain.

Marie hung up the phone and spun around the room with joy. After a couple of minutes, she began to think about how to explain her absence to her sister so as not to offend her. In the end, she decided to tell her that Alain had simply invited her to dine together.

At this time, the young man nervously walked around the room and languished in anticipation. “Is this chance meeting going to change my whole life?” he asked himself. He didn't want to sleep, despite the fact that he was afraid of looking exhausted during tomorrow's meeting with Wilson. Stopping in front of the mirror, he looked at his reflection appraisingly: his blue eyes burned feverishly, a blush appeared on his cheeks. Satisfied with what he saw, he sat down in a chair and turned on the TV. Briali returned an hour later.

“That's how I knew you'd trade our party for an old movie. I met an amazing German actress, blonde, by the way, as you like.

“I don’t know who or what I love anymore. I have an important meeting tomorrow, and I can't sleep,” Alain said quietly.

- Nothing, this is not the last meeting. I met here Michelle Corda, the wife of director Yves Allegre. He's planning a movie shoot, and he'll probably offer you something too.

“Now I’m completely at peace.

- Come on, come on. Let's see a show or a performance by the dancers from the Moulin Rouge.

- Turn on whatever you want.

Alain watched the show until night, sipping red wine, until he felt himself starting to doze off. Then he got up from the sofa and went to his room.

Chapter 3

Alain Delon went to a meeting with Harry Wilson is not in high spirits. In the morning, the idea of ​​signing a contract with a Hollywood film company seemed crazy and impossible to him. However, outside the hotel where Wilson lived, he was filled with a sense of calm. “I still have the opportunity to go back to being a waiter,” he mused, “so why not try my luck?” When he called the American's room number to the porter, he was hardly worried.

"Mr. Wilson is waiting for you," the clerk said, and Alain went to the elevator.

Not stopping for a second at the door of the room, he knocked.

- Good morning. Come in, please,” the owner greeted him. - Would you like something to drink?

“Only mineral water,” Alain replied.

“First, I would like to state the gist of my proposal to you,” Wilson said as they sat down at the table. “Mr. Zelznick has instructed me to find some young actors to play in his films. At the end of this week I am flying to Rome, where I will give him the photographs and the film of our conversation. If he is interested, he will call you back next Monday and invite you to audition, after which it is possible to sign a contract for several years of filming. It's probably needless to say that Hollywood will open up fantastic opportunities for you to pursue a career in film.

“Thank you, Mr. Wilson,” Delon replied. “I am very flattered that you considered me a suitable candidate.

He spoke with a slight irony, and his eyes glittered mischievously. Wilson regretted not having a movie camera to record the conversation, but decided that he would convey his impressions of the young man to Zeltsnik.

- What do you do, Mr. Delon? I mean where do you work?

Alain had to start from afar. He talked about serving in the army, coming to Paris and finding a profession that would allow him to succeed in life. He accompanied his narration with gestures that added emotionality to his words. With every minute the young man liked the American more and more.

- Do you want to be famous? - he asked.

- Yes I want to. I dream of fame and to achieve it, I am ready to work day and night.

“For Hollywood, this is the normal mode,” Wilson laughed. - Thank you for the story, it is somewhat similar to the plot of the film.

“Not melodrama, I hope?”

- I do not know. It depends on what you can achieve. In my opinion, you have all the necessary data to make a career.

- You are very kind.

- Goodbye, expect a call from Italy on Monday morning, between eight and ten o'clock.

Inspired, Alain returned to the hotel to change clothes and report to Briali about the outcome of the conversation. Entering the room, the young man began to wake up his friend.

— Jean-Claude, get up, I'm already here.

- How did everything go? – without opening his eyes and without raising his head from the pillow, he asked.

“I think Wilson liked me. He was very kind.

- This is not an indicator. Americans are always kind. What did he ask?

- He was interested in how old I am, where I work.

- I hope you didn’t blurt out about the “Colosseum” right away?

No, I did everything you taught me. First he talked about the army.

— Great, you will act exclusively in films about the war and westerns.

Alain ignored Briali's friendly banter and outlined the content of the conversation with Wilson.

“In general, if on Monday, at eight in the morning, they call me from Rome, we can assume that the contract is in my pocket,” he concluded.

- You're having a great day today. This should be celebrated. Let's go to lunch in a cafe on the waterfront.

Thanks, let's go later. I invited Marie to an afternoon screening.

“You are not wasting your time,” said Briali admiringly.

Don't laugh, you got her the ticket yourself.

- It's decided. I'll invite wife Allegre and we'll have dinner together.

Leaving the hotel, the friends parted ways. Jean-Claude agreed to meet with Herbert and go with him to the screening, while Alain was waiting for Marie. She immediately noticed him and waved from the bus window. Now she seemed to Alain even more beautiful than when they met on the plane.

"It's good to see you again, Marie," he said, smiling.

- Me too. My sister doesn't know anything, but I can't imagine what a blow it would be for her. We love cinema. What films have you been in?

“Unfortunately, they will not be shown at the festival,” Delon laughed, “at least this year. Now I have the opportunity to get into Hollywood.

"Oh," Mari muttered. Her gaze expressed awe. You will meet Harry Cooper.

— I think so.

They approached the stairs and began to slowly climb it.

- Can you imagine how famous actors go along it? How I also dream of being here at the opening of the festival, ”Marie exclaimed.

“I will definitely invite you in the coming years,” her companion replied.

They went into the hall. Alain was greeted by several actors Briali introduced him to. He nodded in response, trying to make out a friend in the crowd of people, but his attempt was unsuccessful. Marie looked at those present and was not at all embarrassed by the reciprocal glances. Young people sat in armchairs and waited for the first film to be shown. In the darkness, Alain found the girl's hand and gently squeezed it. She hesitated for a few moments, then decided not to release it. Carried away by each other, they almost did not pay attention to the screen.

- Will you have lunch with me? Allen asked her in a whisper.

“With pleasure,” Marie answered just as quietly and leaned slightly towards him.

“Briali is usually always right,” Delon said to himself, “but in this girl he was wrong. She doesn't look like a schoolgirl in any way."

Going out into the street, he asked her a question:

— Are you studying somewhere?

— In college, in Paris. Boring, right?

“I have no idea, but I wouldn't want to be there, except to meet you.

"Thank you," said Marie. - Catch you up on that. All the girls will die of envy if you follow me to college. And teachers will be affected too.

“Are you learning the art of giving compliments there?”

The girl smiled sweetly and looked down.

“I was afraid you wouldn't call me,” she said. The phone had to be given to your friend.

“He saved it for me. By the way, where are you staying?

Our family has a villa outside the city. We rest on it in the summer. Would you like to come visit us tomorrow?

- No thanks. Come to town tomorrow night. We will walk along the embankment.

- Deal.

After a quick bite to eat in a cafe, they parted ways. Alain watched the girl get on the bus and went to the hotel. Viewings lost all appeal for him, for some reason he was sure that Zeltsnik would offer him to sign a contract. In the morning, Briali, by his reasoning, made him doubt this, but he remembered the parting with Wilson, the American's goodwill towards him, and stopped thinking about the possibility of failure.

Jean-Claude, are you there? he asked, opening the door of the room with a magnetic card. He liked this invention, which allows him not to worry about the key, since such cards were given to both of them.

"We're here," said the man from the living room.

Alain entered the room and saw a slender woman sitting in an armchair by the window.

“Meet Madame Michelle Cordou,” said Briali. — Madame, this is my friend, Alain Delon.

“Just Michelle, no ceremony,” she said, looking at the young man kindly and at the same time appreciatively. - Jean-Claude said that you want to try acting in films.

“Yes,” Allen replied. — This idea came up recently, but I like it very much.

- Upon my return to Paris, I will introduce you to my husband. Maybe he'll arrange your debut.

“Thank you, Michel,” Alain said quietly and did not tell her about a possible contract with Hollywood, afraid to jinx his luck.

- Well, are you hungry? Its time for dinner? Briali joined the conversation.

“You are an amazing person, Jean-Claude,” Korda smiled. You always say the right things.

“I noticed it too,” Alain said.

- Thanks friends. Trust me with the choice of dishes?

“Of course,” they replied.

The evening turned out to be cool, the wind was blowing from the sea, and they did not linger in the open cafe. The glass-enclosed restaurant nearby was full of seats, so they headed towards the hotels.

- Horror, what's going on in Cannes during the festivals - muttered shivering Michelle. “Decent people have nowhere to sit.

“Nothing, everyone will leave in a couple of days,” said Briali.

But so are we! I invite you both to join us for dinner next week. I will find out when my husband will be at home and will call you back on Monday to give the exact date. Do you agree?

- Of course. Would you like to drink some wine at the hotel bar? Jean-Claude asked Michel.

- No thanks. There are still two days left before the closing of the festival, I don’t want to catch a cold and miss them. Goodbye, see you tomorrow.

- Goodbye.

Friends went up to the room, and Alain said:

I didn't see you at the screening today. Didn't you go?

Jean-Claude hesitated and after a pause answered:

— No, I met some of my friends.

- Let me guess. A blond German woman, Herbert's girlfriend.

Have you become extremely smart? Briali said narrowing his eyes. “Nevertheless, you are right. Elsa is amazing. What about Marie?

“She turned out to be extremely nice. We meet tomorrow evening.

“Well, well, you’re wasting your time.

"I'm not sure," Allen said. She is far from being childish.

“So she just got into college.

The young man frowned. His friend had an amazing ability to correctly guess the details of people's lives. Once Alain asked how he did it, and he replied:

“Life experience is an irreplaceable thing. When you start filming, you will feel it.

The next day was boring. Celebrities began to slowly disappear from views, and Alain asked Jean-Claude:

Did they go to Paris?

- I doubt. The closing of the festival is no less interesting than the first day. Most likely, they are celebrating a meeting with old acquaintances.

No one else approached the young man with an offer to participate in the filming, but he believed that meeting with Wilson was worth three other offers.

“I'm not sure about Hollywood,” Jean-Claude was saying. - Maybe they will make you a “star”, but imagine how long you have to work to beat American actors. They know English, live in this country and know all the American rules. However, in any case, you will gain experience and earn money.

Alain thought that this prospect was much more tempting than his previous work.

In the evening, they walked with Mari along the embankment, illuminated by lanterns and multi-colored lamps of open cafes.

“I can’t imagine how I can live in America,” Alain said. - Everything is different there.

“Three years ago I visited my dad in Boston,” Marie said.

Have you flown to America? asked her companion in surprise.

- Just for a week. Dad invited me to come to practice my English. I didn't want to delay the visit because it was boring.

“I'm sure I won't be bored. Do you want to drink wine in a cafe or in my hotel?

“Not today,” the girl said, looking down.

- What, we will drink wine tomorrow?

“No.” She looked up at him with her large eyes. - Let's go to the cafe.

They sat at the table for a long time, and Alain asked Marie more about her trip. However, I did not find out anything interesting for myself. The girl recalled with horror a long flight, a hotel far from the city, where she and her father stayed, and unusual dishes of American cuisine. At the end of the conversation, she remarked with the practicality of a Parisian:

- You can get used to everything.

“You are a charming philosopher,” Alain whispered and hugged her.

He took her face in his hands and kissed her softly on the lips. The girl closed her eyes and rested her head on his shoulder.

"Maybe you'll change your mind?" he whispered.

She perfectly understood what he was asking about and shook her head negatively, causing her hair to cover Alena's face. Freed from them, he said:

- You smell like lilies of the valley yourself, like a spring flower. Tomorrow is the last day of the festival, on Friday Jean-Claude and I are flying to Paris. See you tomorrow evening?

"Yes," replied Marie, reluctantly disengaging herself from Alain's embrace. “We won’t see each other for a hundred years, because my family will return to Paris only in two weeks.

- Nothing, I'm counting the days until your arrival.

The girl laughed and replied:

- I'll call you on Monday.

Alain mentally counted the number of calls expected that day and chuckled.

Soon he put Marie on the bus and returned to the hotel. Briali sat in the room by the phone, answering the calls, and carefully writing down the information. He waved to his friend and continued talking.

— Thank you, Herbert, I think we'll come. See you tomorrow,” he said and hung up.

— Alain, fantastic success! We're invited to five parties tomorrow. I jotted down the names of the invitees and the names of the restaurants on a piece of paper. Let's choose.

“I think you just gave your consent to the Germans.

“Well, we may not stay there all evening. Let's sit with them, then we'll go to the others. It's not a problem.

“Choose for yourself,” suggested Alain, dreamily looking out the window, “you know everyone better than me.”

- What's happening? Jean-Claude asked suspiciously. “You didn’t happen to fall in love, did you?”

- No, what is it. Day and night I think about the contract,” Delon said slowly.

- It can be seen. Okay, let's go to Herbert's first, and then join Michelle Kordu's company.

- Excellent.

They went out onto the balcony and looked at the illuminated line of the shore for a long time.

“I'll start work on a new film soon,” Jean-Claude said. — I'll have to leave Paris for a while. However, I think you will fly to America even earlier.

“Nothing is known yet,” Alain replied.

- For some reason I am sure that you will be offered a contract.

The young man remained silent, but was in complete agreement with his friend. Imagining the first filming in Hollywood, he decided that everything was going well.

The final day of the festival passed in the same turmoil as the first. If at the opening the participants greeted each other and renewed their acquaintances, now everyone was saying goodbye and expressed the hope to meet soon. Some of them understood that this would only happen at the next festival. Elsa became very attached to Briali and suggested that he think about the possibility of filming in Germany.

"I don't know, my dear," he replied. - I have a rather busy schedule, but if they send me a script from Germany and promise you as a partner, I will immediately agree.

The German actress was silent for a long time, considering which director might be interested in such a project.

— Jean-Claude, are you coming to our party tonight? she finally asked. — I will introduce you to a young talented director.

“I will definitely come,” Briali said, turning away from Alain, who was smiling meaningfully.

When Elsa went to another group of actors, Delon said in an ingratiating voice:

- Mr. Briali, you will not return from Germany. The meeting with Elsa was fatal.

“Stop being ironic,” Jean-Claude said calmly. Let's see how you behave in America. Surely in a couple of months you will find yourself married to a pretty starlet.

- Never! Alan said with feeling.

- Do not promise. Finally, let's go to the hall. Winning films will be announced now.

In the hall, they noticed Michelle Korda, waving affably at them. Alain spent two days trying to find Harry Wilson on the screenings, but he was absent.

“Probably finished his work and went to Rome,” Briali suggested. “Maybe you made such an impression on him that he rushed headlong to Zeltsnik.

- And it seems to me that he is constantly interviewing other applicants, - said Alain.

- Don't get obsessed. Only three days left to wait for a call from the producer.

The memory of Marie was the young man's only counterbalance to these thoughts. The girl was very attractive. He recalled their kiss yesterday and smiled. Then he looked at the screen and forgot about everything. The action of the film, shot by a German director, completely captured him.

“Herbert plays well,” he said to Briali.

- Yes, he is a wonderful actor, but suddenly he became cold with me. I think he likes Elsa too,” he replied.

Alain waited for the evening with no less impatience than a call from Rome. When Jean-Claude suggested that he go to a party with German actors, he refused:

- I don't want something. I don't know them at all.

- Nonsense. You need to have some fun, otherwise the trip to Cannes will not be remembered.

- What are you saying! So much has happened in just a few days. I will be eternally grateful to you for taking me to the festival.

- Yeah, stop it. First get the role, because the result is valuable. I'll go to the Germans alone, then I'll come back for you, and we'll go to Michelle.

- You don't have to follow me.

Briali didn't argue, but he didn't change his mind.

“For now, happy to stay,” he said to Alain and left.

The young man glanced at his watch and began to get ready for a date with Marie. She arrived animated and, getting off the bus, immediately rushed to him.

- I missed. I don’t know how I can live without you for two weeks,” she exclaimed.

Nothing, time will fly by quickly. May I invite you to the bar?

“Yes,” she answered decisively.

Sitting on a high stool behind the bar, she gazed out at the hotel lobby and the people passing by.

- Do you live here? she asked her companion.

- Until tomorrow morning. Do you want to see the number?

- Why not? she burst out.

Marie was surprised at her answer and looked at Alain in confusion. Now she looked like a charming child with long blond hair, wide eyes and an expression of uncertainty on her face. Her attire consisted of white trousers and a thin silk blouse.

- I live on the second floor. Climb the stairs or ride the elevator?

“In the elevator,” the girl asked.

Entering the cabin, Alain pressed the button on the second floor and touched Marie's hand. She didn't even think to pull it off. Then he leaned over and kissed her quickly on the lips. Once in the room, the girl went out onto the balcony and stopped at the railing. She was nervous. Alain came up behind her and put his arm around her waist.

“You are beautiful,” he whispered to her. “I dreamed so much about today's meeting.

“Me too,” she said softly.

He turned her around and pressed her against the balcony railing. The girl threw back her head and allowed Alain to kiss her neck and face.

"Let's go to the room," he suggested, taking her hand.

She nodded and leaned forward, but her sweatshirt caught on the ledge of the railing and tore with a loud crack.

- Horrible! Marie exclaimed. - How can I go home?

“It's okay, I'll buy you something suitable,” Alain said. - There is a shop nearby.

The girl instantly forgot about the ruined blouse and settled down on the sofa in the living room. Allen sat down next to her and hugged her tightly. Then he began to slowly undo the buttons on her jacket, stroking the girl's velvety skin. She did not resist, but remained passive and did not respond to his caresses. He realized that she was inexperienced and did not hurry, so as not to frighten her.

“You are so sweet,” he said. “Today is the best day of my life because we are together.

Finally, Marie also felt a glimmer of desire and kissed him in turn. Alain put the girl on his knees and kissed her lips for a long time. Soon all their clothes were on the floor, and the young people completely surrendered to the passion that flared up in them, forgetting about everything.

They did not open their arms for a long time, Marie was the first to remember the late hour and hurried home.

“Keep your promise, love,” she pleaded. Otherwise, I won't be able to leave the room.

“I would like to have such a prisoner, but a promise is a promise,” Alain answered, rising and looking for his clothes. “First, I want a kiss.

The kiss was instantly granted to him, and the young man cheerfully headed for the door.

“Don’t open it to anyone,” he ordered Marie, “and don’t answer the phone.”

"As you say," she promised with mock resignation.

After he left, the girl decided to take a bath. After filling it, she added baduzan to the water and whipped up the foam. A second later, tying her hair in a knot, Marie plunged into the bath.

At that moment, Briali quietly opened the door of the room with a magnetic card, trying not to wake his friend if he fell asleep. Noticing the light in the bathroom, he looked in and saw the girl almost completely hidden by the foam. Despite his extreme surprise, he immediately recognized Marie and said affably:

- Good evening.

The girl screamed in fright, and Briali quickly closed the door. Turning on the light in the living room, Briali found a torn blouse and muttered with a chuckle:

- Alain, it turns out, is not a very clever lover.

Then he knocked on the bathroom door and asked:

Marie, where is our friend?

"He's gone to buy me a new blouse," she answered in a trembling voice.

Don't be afraid, I'm not going to enter. Do you want me to send you your clothes?

- Yes please.

Jean-Claude left the girl's clothes under the door and sat down in a chair. He imagined Alain's face when he returned. Of course, one could show nobility towards a couple in love and leave, but he preferred to have fun. Five minutes later, the door of the room opened, and Alain's voice said:

Marie, I'm back. Where are you?

He walked into the living room and bumped into Briali.

- What are you doing here? he asked Jean-Claude, rolling his eyes.

Decided to take a break before meeting Michelle. I thought I could get you out to a restaurant too. How wrong I was,” he declared with a theatrical roll of his eyes, “in assuming you were unhappy and ill.

He laughed.

- Where is Marie? Alain asked.

- Waiting for you in the bathroom. She's so pretty in foam. By the way, she used my favorite baduzan. I kept it for some special occasion. But has he arrived?

Alain, with a frightened face, rushed to the girl. Jean-Claude heard Marie's indignant voice, then she jumped out of the bathroom, grabbed her purse and disappeared behind the door leading to the corridor. Seeing that Alain was about to run after her, his friend advised:

- She's scared. Better call her tomorrow and explain everything. I have no doubt she will forgive you.

I shouldn't have gone to the store! the young man said in despair.

You shouldn't have torn your blouse. By the way, the little one left it for you as a souvenir.

“Jean-Claude, you are a terrible cynic!” It’s impossible to talk seriously with you,” Alain said, starting to smile at his friend’s words.

"I'm ready to be serious," he replied. Are we going to Michelle?

- I do not even know.

— A small group is gathering, mostly her husband's friends. Get to know everyone before meeting Allegre himself. This may be helpful.

A quarter of an hour later, the friends left the hotel and walked to a restaurant located on a nearby street. Michelle greeted them joyfully. From the first minutes, Alain, tormented by thoughts of a quarrel with Marie, felt a little constrained, as he was tormented by memories of a quarrel with Marie, but after an hour he had fun along with everyone else, having become infected with the animation of the other guests. In the end, he had the hope of signing a filming contract, during the festival he met many famous masters of French cinema, tomorrow he will make peace with Marie and return to Paris with the hope of continuing the beautiful fairy tale in which he suddenly found himself.

At nine in the morning, Alain dialed the number of the Luca family's villa. He was answered by the same female voice as last time. Apparently, the maid picked up the phone. He called Marie to the phone. After a rather long wait, the girl answered.

Marie, good morning. This is Alain. Please excuse yesterday's incident. My friend was supposed to stay with friends all evening, but unexpectedly returned - he was silent for a while.

The girl on the other end of the line was also silent.

“Darling, if I had known that Jean-Claude was coming, I would never have left you alone in your room. Especially in the bathroom, all in foam, like a mermaid.

Marie coughed to hide her laughter.

"I don't know what to do," she replied gravely. - You behaved irresponsibly, for this two weeks you will not see me, and maybe I will stay in Cannes longer.

Feeling that she was no longer angry, Alain breathed a sigh of relief. Briali was again right in recommending that he call the girl not in the evening, but not before the next morning.

“So I shouldn’t count on a phone call?” he asked.

- Hope, Monsieur Delon. Maybe on Monday there will be an important call for you.

Alain winced.

“Marie, please promise me that you will definitely call,” he said excitedly.

The girl was slightly surprised, but then she took his excitement personally and smiled:

- OK then. I'll call you if it's that important to you.

“You are my favorite girl. I kiss you and look forward to the call,” he shouted into the phone.

It was time to pack up. Alain hated this occupation more than anything in the world. It reminded him of constant moving and his past unsettled life.

"When I'm famous, I'll hire a hotel clerk to pack my bags," he promised Briali.

“Here is a sure chance to be left without half of your valuables,” he said.

Alena's friend approached every activity creatively, so he was never afraid of routine. For example, for each suit he had a colored case prepared: for a tuxedo - blue, a club jacket was packed in a red bag, shirts - in green. This made the young man laugh at first, but then he also decided to diversify the set of covers for clothes and got hold of a package from a Christian Dior suit somewhere.

“It’s sad to leave,” Alain said at the airport. “But we must keep moving forward.

“If everything that you were promised here comes true, you will always remember your first festival,” Briali replied.

- You're right.

Bridget must be eager to hear the latest news. Will you call her?

- Still would. The two of you cleverly made me memorize half of Cocteau's play. Moreover, Bridget hinted to me that the passage might not be useful.

- Traitor. I didn't tell you this on purpose, otherwise you wouldn't have read the play.

No, I liked her. Oh, look, Michelle is standing at that window.

The woman noticed them too.

- You can go crazy. It turns out we are on the same flight,” she exclaimed, joining them. - We could not disperse yesterday, but take a taxi in the morning and come to the airport together.

- Exactly. But we could have bored you terribly,” said Briali.

“You are the humblest man I know,” Michelle remarked. “Imagine,” she turned to Alain, “he never gets seriously angry, he doesn’t worry, in a word, he doesn’t waste emotions in vain, but constantly saves them up to throw them out in front of the camera.

- Who told you that? Jean-Claude asked with interest.

What are you going to deny?

"On the contrary, Michel, it's very subtle," he replied.

On the plane, Kordu once again promised to discuss with her husband the day that would be convenient for a joint dinner next week. Leaving the airport in Paris, Alain remembered his arrival at the Gare de Lyon just under a year ago. He had nowhere to stay, he did not have a single friend in Paris, and the city itself seemed faceless to him. Now he talked with famous actors, was his own in their company and hoped to soon try himself in the same field. For him it was a real triumph. In just one year, he very noticeably approached his goal - the conquest of the "capital of Europe".

Goodbye, Jean-Claude, Alain. I'll call, - Michelle said goodbye to her friends, getting into a taxi.

They, in turn, loaded their suitcases into the trunk of the car and headed home.

“It feels like we never left,” Alain said.

- Nothing, you will believe it when you report about the festival to every friend. I begin to realize the reality of the trip after the tenth story.

They entered Briali's apartment and, placing their suitcases in the middle of the living room, rushed to the phone. The competition was won by Alain, clutching the pipe with a death grip.

“All right, call,” Jean-Claude agreed graciously. - I'll unpack my things.

First of all, the young man called Bridget Ober.

"We're already back," he told her. — Everything was wonderful. How are you?

— I saw you on TV, Alain. They were broadcasting from the festival, and one day your face flashed on the screen.

- Fiction! he shouted. But I will surprise you even more. I was offered to sign a contract with Hollywood.

- Can't be! the actress exclaimed. - This can not be told on the phone, I want to know all the details. Come to my place for dinner tonight. One.

“Thank you, I’ll come,” Alain replied, glad that Bridget did not see his smile. This woman always bribed him with her frankness.

"Jean-Claude," he called, hanging up. - I'm done talking.

“That's very kind of you,” Briali's voice reached him. - Alain, they pulled shirts out of my suitcase!

The young man went into a friend's room and saw that the green bag with the shirts was missing.

“This is the result of your foppishness,” he declared. — Multi-colored covers! And he said that you need to be wary of hotel employees.

However, noticing the despondency of Jean-Claude, he fell silent.

“I don't know why things like this always happen to me,” Briali said. “This case is by no means the only one. When I was leaving Germany, I forgot my plane tickets in my room. I stood at the airport and did not know what to do. As a result, a representative of the film studio found me and managed to hand over the tickets on time. Maybe I left my shirts at the hotel?

“I think you put them in a suitcase.

“Well, then it’s time to go to the men’s clothing store.

Don't worry, your fans stole them!

- A small consolation. Will you go shopping with me?

- Sorry, I can not. Bridget invited me to visit her for a while.

Briali did not remind Alena about Marie. Michel Kordu was right: he kept his emotions and tried not to interfere in other people's affairs. The young man himself did not consider that he was acting dishonestly towards the girl. He had the ability to forget the events that took place in another city. Arriving in Paris, he lost contact with Marie, as if the plane took him to another dimension, and here Brigitte Aubert remained material.

On the way to her, Alain bought flowers. Rising to the second floor, he remembered how they lived together and felt a slight nostalgia for the past. The young man quickly overcame the last steps of the stairs and rang the bell at the familiar door. Bridget opened it and opened her arms:

“Welcome, dear.

He kissed her and held out the bouquet. The actress was touched and in her heart she finally forgave him for his recent flight from her apartment. They went into the living room and sat down at the table. Bridget cooked all his favorite meals. From the way she met him, Alain noticed a striking contrast between his past life with her and his appearance today. Then he was just her lover, an unknown young man, and now he had a tempting offer from a famous producer and was full of hope to succeed. Bridget greeted him as an honored guest.

— Have you already signed the contract? she asked curiously. - I heard in Hollywood they pay a lot even to those actors who do not play the main roles.

- So far I have only been interviewed by a representative of Zeltsnik. I'll get an answer next week.

- How interesting! Jean-Claude introduced you to him?

- No, the American himself approached me and asked if I was an actor. I immediately remembered the monologue from the play.

- Awesome! Who else did you meet?

Jean-Claude introduced me to a lot of different people: producers, writers and actors. On the way back, he was badly hurt: this morning he did not find some of the things in the suitcase. She is currently updating her wardrobe. Perhaps this is all the news.

“It's nice to see you here, Alain. It seems like you never left,” Bridget said, looking into his eyes.

“No, I have been absent for a long time and I want to check the decoration of one room,” he replied.

Rising from the table, Alain hugged the actress and dragged her into the bedroom, where a complete reconciliation took place between the lovers. When he was about to leave, Bridget looked at him sadly and kissed him tenderly.

“Call me, I’ll be glad to see you again,” she said in parting.

“I’ll be glad too,” Alain smiled. - See you.

“An amazing woman,” he thought as he descended the stairs, “no reproaches, no jealous questions. I need to see her more often.”

He spent the weekend terribly, wincing at every phone call and trying not to show Jean-Claude how nervous he was. For some reason, it seemed to Alain that if he did not get a call from Rome, then all his hopes would collapse: to meet Marie, to offer to participate in the Allegre film and eventually make a career in cinema. Briali did his best to distract him from his disturbing thoughts, but in the end, his friend's mood was transferred to him. As a result, they spent the entire Sunday at home, listening to music on the radio and looking at some of the new scripts sent to Jean-Claude.

At nine o'clock in the morning the phone rang. Both friends had long since woken up and were sitting in the living room. Briali nodded to Alain at the phone and pretended to be immersed in the newspaper. He picked up the phone.

- Good morning. Is that Mr. Delon? he heard a male voice belonging to Harry Wilson.

Yes, Mr Wilson, it's me.

Jean-Claude impetuously folded the newspaper, threw it on the table and, without hiding his interest, began to listen carefully to Alain's remarks.

“Of course I can fly, Mr. Wilson. Thank you for your suggestion. I'll call you tomorrow and confirm the flight.

The young man hung up and turned to Briali.

“I'm invited to Rome for an audition,” he said in an uncertain voice. - I can not believe it…

His friend woke up first.

- Victory! he shouted. “Let’s have an amazing party for this occasion!” We will invite all our friends.

We need to find Bridget. She asked me to tell her the news right away.

Jean-Claude went to get some champagne and at that moment the phone rang again. Alain had an uneasy feeling that Wilson had decided to cancel the audition. He reluctantly picked up the receiver and heard the friendly voice of Marie.

- Hello. How are you doing? she asked. - What's going on in Paris?

Marie, I'm leaving for Rome at the end of the week for a screen test. Hope you'll be in town when I get back.

- Screen test? Great! Yes, the whole family will come to Paris in ten days.

I kiss you and look forward to meeting you.

Jean-Claude appeared with a bottle and glasses.

“I’m terribly proud of you,” he confessed to Alain. - I wish that the terms of the contract exceed all your expectations.

“Oh, for me, a call to Rome is already the greatest reward.

“Look, don’t tell the producer about it, otherwise you will play for free in the first film,” Briali laughed.

- After your instructions - never!

Anxious expectation was replaced by stormy fun. They started calling friends and acquaintances. Moreover, Jean-Claude was so sincerely happy about the success of his friend that he told everyone about the contract with genuine pride.

Bridget Aubert also let out an exclamation of admiration when she learned of Wilson's invitation.

“Alain needs to do some tests in front of the camera,” she told Briali. “I just don't know how to organize it.

“No way,” he argued. Everyone in Rome knows he's not an actor. He does not need to prove his experience to anyone. He will learn everything in Hollywood, he will play like an American.

“You can’t argue with you,” the actress was a little offended.

- And do not argue. Come in the evening to the celebration in honor of Alain.

The originator of the commotion sat in his room, immersed in dreams of the prospects opening before him. During a conversation with Marie, he wanted to share his delight with her, but he could not do this because he supported the game of Briali, who introduced him to the girl as an actor.

Jean-Claude entered the room.

“About twenty people will come in the evening,” he informed Alain. - Let's get ready.

The guests arrived at about ten in the evening. Everyone who came forced Delon to tell about his acquaintance with Harry Wilson and his proposal. After two crazy months in Jean-Claude's apartment, the Cannes Film Festival and today's party, it seemed to Alain that his whole life had turned into one endless celebration. His friend knew how to arrange a holiday for any occasion, and for the sake of such an occasion he tried especially hard.

Aubert did not leave the young man all evening, and Briali made a toast:

- For the inspirer of the future star - Bridget!

Alain supported the toast, but in his heart he considered Marie Luca his talisman.

“I feel that our joint dinner is postponed indefinitely,” Michelle Korda addressed Briali and Delon. When she talked to Alain, her voice no longer sounded patronizing notes that so offended him before. He was on his way to signing a lucrative contract and could become a popular actor in the not too distant future. This began to be taken into account.

“Michel,” Briali said, “let him fly to Italy. I am staying in Paris and will be happy to come to you for dinner.

“Well, I’ll have to tie my apron and roast the whole lamb.” I know your tastes and appetite,” she laughed.

The evening was drawing to a close. Alain's head was full of advice that every guest felt obliged to give. Someone recommended that before shooting, check the angle of incidence of the light of the main spotlight, someone once got a make-up brush in the eye with a brush, and he suggested that the young man do the makeup himself. At first, Delon listened attentively to all the advice, but suddenly noticed a mocking gleam in Briali's eyes. His friend sincerely laughed at the eagerness of the guests to confuse the newcomer. Finally, he could not stand it and entered into a conversation:

- I wonder how you imagine Alain crawling between the cameras and adjusting the spotlights? There are excellent professionals who will not let him close to the equipment. During filming, there is only one important point - do not look at the camera. The rest will have to trust the director.

Alain came out to see off Bridget Aubert. For a long time they could not catch a taxi for her and, embracing, walked half the way to her house.

“Let's go to the end,” she suggested, “in every sense. You will return home in the morning.

“I'm sorry, but I need to recover after a week of waiting for a call from Wilson,” Alain said. “I’ll sleep through the night like the dead.”

“Okay,” Bridget tried to hide her disappointment. “I have no doubt that everything will turn out well for you.

Then they noticed a taxi passing by and stopped it. Once at home, the young man called Briali, but he dozed off on the sofa in the living room. Alain decided not to wake his friend, and went to his room.

He was woken up by the sound of breaking glass. Looking into the living room, he found Jean-Claude standing in the middle of the room, unsuccessfully trying to collect empty wine bottles left over from yesterday's feast. One of them shattered, and the pieces scattered across the floor. Alain rushed to Briali's aid.

- Had a great time. And I thought Ober kidnapped you and hides you at home, ”he remarked. Why did you come back yesterday?

I was tired and wanted to get a good night's sleep. I already don’t like something in the profession of an actor, ”Alain replied.

- What exactly?

- The need to wait.

“God, what a statement. Everyone is forced to wait for someone's decisions, not just actors. But how nice it is when you are invited to the role.

- You're right. Tomorrow I'll get a ticket to Rome and forget about everything except future trials.

“Just don’t remember, please, the stupid parting words of our friends. Try to be natural in front of the camera and listen carefully to Wilson and Zeltsnik.

“Jean-Claude, you are worth a thousand teachers,” Alain said.

Tom liked the compliment and smiled.

Before leaving for Italy, Delon did not talk on the phone with either Bridget or Marie. The actress did not bother him, understanding what state he was in before the first shooting, and Marie did not call again. Briali escorted him to the airport.

“For some reason it seems to me that we are flying to Cannes again,” said Alain. “It all happened too fast.

“Wow,” said Jean-Claude. — Either you do not like to wait, or you are dissatisfied with the speed of events. Don't worry, everything will be alright.

The young man went to the landing and thought that in vain he did not inform his mother about this invitation. She dreamed of his return to Bourg-la-Reine after the army. What could he expect in this wilderness? After the memories of his hometown, Alain much more wanted to conclude a contract and secure his future.

In Rome, he was met by a driver holding a sign with the words "Delon" in his hands. He took the future actor to the hotel and gave him a note from Harry Wilson indicating the time of the meeting with Zelznik the next day. There were a few hours left before dinner, and Alain decided to explore the city. He shunned the noisy crowds of tourists and did not go inside the Colosseum, but looked at it for a long time from the hill where the ruins of Nero's villa lay. Walking along the central streets, he carefully looked at the girls passing by, but soon became a little disappointed - they seemed to him too swarthy. However, some showed interest in him and were not averse to getting to know each other, but he did not understand Italian well. In the evening he called Jean-Claude from the hotel and told him about his day in Rome.

“I remember with longing our trip to Cannes,” he said to a friend. “I feel uncomfortable and bored here.

- Marvelous! Briali exclaimed. - As far as I remember during the festival, you spent all the evenings locked in your room. Who's stopping you from imagining that you're there right now?

“You consoled me,” Alain answered cheerfully. - I'll call you back tomorrow as soon as I get back from Zeltsnik.

- Deal. By the way, Marie called you. We had a nice chat with her.

"Don't you dare molest my girlfriend," Alain said. I will be in Paris very soon.

- She too. She has a pleasant voice and she has a sense of humor. Imagine, she said that I was her best friend, because I was sympathetic to her bathing in the bathroom in our room.

For a moment, Delon was distracted from thoughts about tomorrow's meeting and remembered the meeting with Marie. It seemed like several years had passed since then.

- Why are you silent? Briali asked. "You're not really jealous, are you?"

- Of course not. You can talk to her, take advantage of my absence. Goodbye.

Alain hung up and fell into a chair. “Still, it was quieter in Cannes,” he thought.

Chapter 4

In the morning, yesterday's driver was waiting in the lobby of Delon's hotel. Once in the office of David Zelznick, the young man felt that he could not utter a word and tried in vain to even out his breathing. However, the producer greeted him warmly. When Alena was escorted into his office, Zeltsnik pointed him to a chair and spoke for a while without asking any questions. Seeing that Alain had become a little more comfortable, he asked:

- I wonder how you ended up at the Cannes Film Festival? Have you recently returned from the army?

Yes, I retired less than a year ago. And I came to the festival with my friend, actor Jean-Claude Briali.

- Clear. Do you want to become an actor yourself?

- Yes. I have never filmed, but thanks to my friends I was sometimes present on the set.

"Harry will be here in five minutes and we'll go into the pavilion," said Selznik. - I'm interested in your photos, I like the way you carry yourself, but the camera will make the final verdict. The actor must be very photogenic, otherwise the cinematographer will ruin the sea of ​​film.

- Clear.

Soon Harry Wilson came into the office and greeted Alain with a smile.

“We've already talked a little,” the producer said. “Now we need to arrange trials.

“The camera is ready and the operator is waiting for us,” Wilson replied.

The three of them walked down the corridor and stopped in front of a door marked No Entry. Having quickly discussed something with his assistant, Zeltsnik opened the door and invited Alain inside. The young man tried to remember the beginning of the memorized passage from the play and was utterly horrified, as he could not reproduce a single word. The passage was completely erased from memory. Trying to overcome despair, he stopped near the man, at the direction of Zeltsnik, who was moving the camera.

“Mr. Delon, please stand near that column,” Wilson asked him.

Alain looked around and realized that he was in a large, almost empty pavilion. He approached the indicated column and turned to face the camera. Suddenly, the young man felt that he was in control of his emotions and, with unprecedented strength, wanted to become an actor. He decided that if Zelznik did not offer him a contract, he would film in France. The feeling of stiffness disappeared, and he confidently looked into the camera.

“Please answer my questions,” the producer called to him. Just don't look at the camera.

Zeltsnik understood the state of the young man, in the first passing tests, and did not ask him to read the prepared monologues and poems. He asked him questions, as in a regular interview, and Alain's answers were recorded on tape. Ten minutes later, which flew by for a young man instantly, Zeltsnik finished the interview and made a sign to Alain to come up.

Approaching, he caught the evaluating and interested look of the famous producer.

“I suggest you look at the samples together,” Zeltsnik said. - then I can immediately point out some errors.

Waiting for the operator to prepare the film for the show was the most terrible thing for Alain. At that moment, he was more than anything afraid to find out that the tests were unsuccessful. The machine chirped, and he timidly looked up at the screen. What he saw seemed unbelievable, but the film captured a handsome young man standing in a relaxed pose, confidently, and sometimes with a touch of humor, talking about his life in Paris and previous work.

Zeltsnik forgot his intention to make comments as he watched. He did not take his eyes off the screen, and when the tape ended, he turned to the young man with a satisfied smile.

“You're lucky,” he said. - You are extremely photogenic and look spectacular on the screen. Let's go back to my office and discuss the possibility of a contract.

For some time, Alain had to wait in the waiting room while Zeltsnik conferred with Wilson, then he was also invited into the office.

- I offer you a contract with a Hollywood film studio for seven years, - said the producer. - You will be acting in several films a year and will soon be able to get a major role.

“Oh, thank you,” Alain replied. — May I have a look at the contract?

“It's in English,” Wilson said. - You speak English?

- Almost no, - Delon was embarrassed.

“In that case, you need to learn the language before you fly to Hollywood,” Zelznik said. You should speak English in, say, three months. Is this a real time?

“Yes, of course,” the young man muttered.

He imagined how much effort it would take to learn the language. While working in a restaurant, he barely memorized a few phrases in English in order to communicate with tourists. Now, in three months, he had to learn to speak this language competently and understand others well. His thoughts were interrupted by Zeltsnik.

- In a couple of weeks you should give us an answer about the contract. This is my business card. Contact me or dictate a note to the secretary.

- Good. Thank you again for the invitation to Rome and the proposed contract, - Alain got up and began to say goodbye, but Wilson stopped him.

“Get a return ticket to Paris from the secretary,” he turned to Delon and added quietly:

- You made a great impression on Zeltsnik. If you're lucky, after the first film you can count on the main role.

Going out into the street, Alain smiled so joyfully and contagiously that an elderly Italian couple passing by answered him with the same radiant smile. He did not dare to dream of the payment specified in the contract. Alain refused the car offered by the film studio in order to calm down a bit during the walk, but now he did not have the patience to walk to the hotel.

Hailing a cab, he returned to his room and dialed Jean-Claude's number. He picked up the phone after the first beep and anxiously asked:

- How are you?

Alain forgot his usual restraint and shouted:

— Contract with Hollywood for seven years! Zeltsnik was delighted with my samples!

- Can't be! Jean-Claude exclaimed. Has the contract been signed yet?

- Not. First I need to learn English, and then fly to America. But the pay is fantastic!

Will you be in Paris tomorrow as planned?

- Yes. Why are you asking?

— Organize a procession in honor of your return. But, seriously speaking, have you already decided everything?

- Almost decided. True, I'm afraid of difficulties with English.

“Don't worry about it. Today I will try to find you a suitable teacher.

Jean-Claude, you are my savior, without your help I would still be working in a restaurant. Thank you very much. You know, I liked the real Colosseum.

“Alain, this is fate,” Briali said a little thoughtfully. - You worked at the Colosseum restaurant, and your first tests were in Rome, not far from this ancient arena.

- Yes, indeed, - answered Delon, intrigued. - An interesting coincidence. I can't wait to be in Paris again. I'll come and tell you everything in detail.

- Goodbye. Happy for you,” Briali said as he parted.

Alain wanted to go to a restaurant and spend at least the amount of the weekly earnings specified in the contract. But he had not signed yet, and the money he had taken with him was not enough, so he replaced the restaurant with a bar next to the hotel and celebrated his victory alone. Sitting in a bar, he was surprised to find only two girls among the visitors, and they were not alone. It occurred to him that if Marie were by his side now, he would feel absolutely happy. In her enthusiastic look, he saw not his real reflection, but the ideal image created by the girl. He flattered Alena and forced her to make efforts to get closer to him.

The next day, at the Paris airport, he noticed Briali waiting for him and went to a friend.

“Hello,” Jean-Claude said, smiling. - Outwardly, you have already become like an American.

"You too," Allen replied.

— What is it? the actor was surprised.

"With his wide smile," the young man joked, and shook his friend's hand warmly. Let's go home, you will immediately look at a copy of the contract.

“I doubt it,” Brialee muttered to himself.

Already on the stairs they heard a noise coming from Jean-Claude's apartment. In response to the call, the door swung open and an enchanting sight arose in front of the friends: tinsel and multi-colored ribbons hung everywhere, and several of their acquaintances crowded in the corridor, holding glasses in their hands.

- Welcome back! they shouted. Long live Alan!

They immediately put a glass of champagne in his hand and forced him to drink it in one gulp. Everyone was tipsy, as they began to celebrate long before the return of the hero of the occasion.

“In the morning on the set, I told you about your success, and the guys came to congratulate you,” Briali explained.

- Clear. Thank you all, - Alain said loudly, - without your mental support, I would not dare to stand in front of the camera and would not be able to adequately answer any of Zeltsnik's questions.

Everyone burst out laughing and the party continued. Of course, there was no question of examining the contract right now. Reluctantly, Alain postponed this lesson until tomorrow. Accepting congratulations and listening to praise was too great a temptation to resist.

Bridget Aubert arrived in the late afternoon and presented her lover with a large red rose.

Waking up at noon, Alain found himself alone in the apartment. Jean-Claude was on the set and, judging by the message in the note, did not expect to be released before eight in the evening. Unable to bear the loneliness, the young man dialed the number of Marie Luca's villa in Cannes. The girl's voice sounded surprised and delighted.

“I didn't expect you to call, Alain. How are you doing? Are you in Paris?

Yes, I arrived yesterday. I was offered a long-term contract, but it doesn't matter, I'll tell you later. When will you be back?

— Next Wednesday, in five days. You missed me? she asked coquettishly.

- Terrible. Being in Rome, I only thought about you and dreamed of seeing my baby as soon as possible.

"Me too," the girl purred. “There is not much time left to wait. I'll call you as soon as I get back to Paris.

“Agreed, pretty girl. Kiss.

“Jean-Claude will not be offended by me for this short conversation with Cannes,” Delon reassured himself. He took a contract out of his bag and laid it out on the table. For some reason, in Paris, these papers looked completely implausible. With difficulty, he managed to read a few sentences and wistfully thought about the need to learn English. He was interrupted by a phone call.

- Hello, Alain. This is Michelle. Jean-Claude told me yesterday about your victory and I decided to call you right in the morning and congratulate you. Well done.

Thanks, Michelle. Everything happened a little unexpectedly, but I am very pleased.

Did they offer you good terms?

- Yes, I think so. But I haven't shown the contract to Jean-Claude yet.

“Understood,” Kordu said, and after a short pause she added, “Come, both of you, to dinner next Thursday.” Eve will be at home and you will meet him.

“Yes, we will come,” Alain answered and grimaced, remembering that Marie would return on Wednesday. “In the evening I will convey your invitation to Mr. Briali.

“I'm sure Monsieur Briali won't refuse,” Michelle said playfully. “Especially when he listens to the menu.

- Wonderful. Until Friday then,” Alain said at the end of the conversation.

“Why is she so persistent in inviting us to dinner?” he thought, “She must have liked Jean-Claude. It will be necessary to hint to him about this fact.”

He spent the whole day in the apartment, only for a second jumping out to a nearby store for buns. Briali returned home at nine.

“I found you an English teacher,” he began from the doorway. - You will start working on Monday.

“Good,” said Alain, trying to hide his despondency. Nothing to do but study. You know, Michelle called and invited us to dinner next Thursday. She promised to cook your favorite dishes.

— Really? In that case, you have to go. Allegre will be?

- Yes. At least she said so.

“Very well, I need to consult him on one matter. Okay,” he changed the subject, “where’s the contract?”

Jean-Claude studied the papers for a long time and finally declared:

- Not bad for a beginner, but due to the fact that the contract is exclusive, in France they may not hear about you.

- Why?

- You are forbidden to participate in other shootings, except for those offered by the film studio. This means that you will not act with French directors. Of course, if you become a star, films with your participation will be shown here as well.

Alena was not embarrassed by such a prospect. He was confident of success and was not going to back down. He valued this contract very much, besides, he had no other offers.

Sunday he spent with Bridget, and from Monday he plunged into the study of English. Already by Wednesday, he was overcome with despair because of the complex grammar of this language and his inability to quickly master it. In addition, all day Alain thought about Marie and waited for her call, like a real romantic lover.

“Soon I will start serenading under her windows,” Alain thought with a grin, but could not distract himself from the memories of her long blond hair, graceful figure and sly look. She called in the evening and quickly said that she could not speak at the moment because her parents were nearby.

- We'll meet tomorrow? Alain asked.

- Yes. At two o'clock on Rue Rivoli near the Louvre.

- Why? It will be full of tourists. We won't find each other.

“I haven’t forgotten how you look and I recognize you,” Marie stood her ground.

- OK see you later.

He hoped to be in time for Michelle's dinner by eight o'clock. The English teacher came every other day, so Alain had free all Thursday. He had come to Rue Rivoli in advance, looked at the strolling tourists and noticed Marie approaching. The girl got tanned in Cannes and got even prettier. In a pink suit with her hair gathered in a ponytail, she looked like a schoolgirl.

“Hi, Marie,” he said, hugging and kissing her.

She snuggled up to him and looked into his eyes.

What are you trying to see? he laughed.

- Did you miss me?

"You'd better not ask about it in the middle of the street," he replied.

Marie was satisfied with this answer, and, holding hands, they went to the bus stop.

“By the way, why did you choose this place to meet?” Alain asked.

“You see, in college I was given the task of writing a report on the works of Leonardo da Vinci. I went to the Louvre to look at his paintings again.

“I am also studying,” Delon said. In three months I have to speak English.

For filming in Hollywood?

- Yes. Now every other day I study with a teacher.

- Poor thing! - she exclaimed. They got on the bus, and the girl asked:

— Where are we going?

- To me. Until I leave for America, I'll be staying with Jean-Claude, but don't worry, he's on set all day.

“He scared me the last time,” said Marie.

Remembering that story, Alain began to fear that when they opened the door to the apartment they would not find his friend sitting in an armchair in the living room. But this did not happen, Briali did not have the habit of skipping filming.

The lovers went into Alain's room, and the young man whispered to the girl:

“I missed you terribly.

Marie made him want to caress and kiss her endlessly. Unlike Nina, who aroused passion in him and Bridget Aubert, for whom he felt gratitude rather than love, Marie, with her youth and purity, attracted him with her youth and purity.

At six o'clock the girl began to go home. She slowly pulled on her pink sweater and collapsed back into bed. Alain picked her up and squeezed so tightly that she yelped.

“You’re a bully,” she laughed and began to jokingly fight back.

Allen suddenly dropped his hands.

- What happened? Marie asked in surprise.

“I'm afraid this blouse will suffer the fate of a silk blouse,” he replied.

The girl quickly took it off, and they did not let go of each other's arms for another half hour.

Finally, the clock hand crossed the six-thirty mark, and Alain realized that if he didn’t let Marie go now, he would be late for dinner with Allegra, which was extremely impolite in the first place in relation to Michelle. He walked Marie to the metro, returned home, quickly changed clothes and looked at his watch, determining whether it was too early for him to leave. They agreed to meet with Jean-Claude at Allegre, and Alain did not want to be there before a friend, since he had never met the famous director before and was afraid to be in his company without the support of Briali.

His fears turned out to be completely in vain, the couple greeted him very friendly. Michelle opened the door and led her into the living room, where her husband, Yves Allegre, was.

“My wife told me a lot about you,” he said after Michelle introduced Alain. - Did you receive an offer from Zeltsnik?

“Yes, last week,” the young man replied, looking around the room for Briali.

Jean-Claude called and asked to be excused. He will be late for half an hour,” Michelle said, following his gaze. "I'll leave you for a moment to see to dinner."

“You look great,” Allegre told Alain, “whoever advised you to become an actor, he was absolutely right.

He began to tell the young man the scenario, and after a few minutes, Alain, against his will, fell under the spell of this man. The conversation about the film continued at the table. Replicas were mainly exchanged by Allegre and Delon. That evening, Jean-Claude did not succeed in capturing the attention of the director, although he very much counted on it.

In parting, Allegre said to Alain:

- If I interested you in the idea of ​​the film, the role of Joe is yours. Having achieved fame in France, it will be much easier to conquer Hollywood.

The young man thanked the director and he and Briali left.

Did you like Eve? his friend asked as they got into the car. “He only talked to you all evening.

- Of course, I liked it. But his invitation to play an assassin in his film, Joe, I can't accept. The contract with Zeltsnik is for seven years, I will not have to take care of new roles, because the film studio will provide them. No, I will refuse Allegre's offer.

Jean-Claude did not dissuade him, and began to talk about the incident on the set.

“I would never be late for dinner,” he said, “but I got into a terrible story. The costume designer wanted to give one of the heroine's wigs a brighter shade for tomorrow's shoot and prepared a coloring composition in a jar. I was in a hurry and mistook it for a cream. I started to take off my makeup, suddenly I feel that my whole face is on fire. Thank God, this bumbling dresser ran up and explained what was the matter. I had to wait half an hour for the skin to turn pale.

“Horrible,” Allen laughed. So the wig hasn't been dyed?

- No, there was enough paint, but the film crew will not let me pass tomorrow, and the skin will begin to peel off. The make-up artist will curse me.

— That's how. I thought your cheeks turned red when you looked at Michelle.

"You are talking terrible nonsense," said Jean-Claude hastily.

- Not at all. How she prepared for this dinner and, most importantly, how many times she invited us.

The always verbose Briali remained silent and focused entirely on driving. He did not have an affair with Michelle, but he sympathized with her.

After the departure of the guests, Allegre was impressed for a long time by meeting Delon and his similarity with the image of Joe.

“Alain would be wonderful for the role,” he shared his thoughts with his wife. - Outwardly, he is cold, but at the same time unusually attractive.

Michel liked Briali, and she asked her husband:

And Jean-Claude?

- He is handsome, kind, but he does not have the mystery necessary to play the roles of romantic characters.

The young man was dizzy from the multitude of suggestions. He hadn't made up his mind about the role of Joe, although he told Jean-Claude that he was turning it down. Alain weighed the prospects of going to Hollywood and starting an acting career in France. For cooperation with Zeltsnik spoke a long contract, however, not yet signed, and large fees for filming. But he would have to leave Marie and friends, improve his English and try to outdo American actors. If he stayed in France, he would lose pay, and the future, after playing the role in the film Allegre, seemed unclear. Nevertheless, in his homeland he had more chances to make a career than in America. The mental struggle grew stronger every day, but Alain preferred not to turn to anyone for advice, and looked for a solution himself.

Falling in love with Marie Luka helped him. He remembered how the girl during their last date looked at him when he told her about future film roles. Even before filming, he found his first fan and was sure that the film with his participation would not disappoint her.

One day he and Marie were walking along the Champs Elysees.

I need to pick out a dress for my college prom. Let's go to this store for a minute.

The girl looked at the outfits, and Alain made fun of each dress, when the saleswoman came into the hall and asked:

— Can I help you with something?

The young man would not have confused this voice with any other and, turning around impetuously, came face to face with Nina. His heart beat faster out of habit, but then he felt indifferent to his former mistress. In surprise, the girl stepped back and carefully watched the expression on Alain's face. Marie did not notice anything and said:

- Where is your dressing room? I think this dress will suit me. What do you think, honey?

The young man smiled affectionately at her, and Nina escorted the girl to the fitting room.

“Good to see you, Nina,” Alain said. - How are you? Have you changed jobs?

- Not really. The owner of this store sells evening dresses that I have sewn, and occasionally I fill in for the saleswoman. You've changed a lot.

“Let’s meet tonight at the cafe on the corner and have a chat.”

- Agree.

Marie appeared in front of them in an ivory dress, and slowly walked across the carpet, imitating fashion models. Nina could hardly hide her feelings, looking at her friend Alena.

“You are beautiful with and without a dress,” the young man whispered to Marie, loud enough for Nina to hear.

Blushing slightly, she said to the saleswoman:

- I'll buy it.

When the girls stood side by side, the contrast between them was especially noticeable. Tender, blond Marie and passionate, indomitable Nina both attracted Alain, but in different ways. A strong feeling attracted him to Marie, and his ex-girlfriend woke up pleasant memories.

The saleswoman is very strange. She didn’t take her eyes off me,” the girl said to her companion, going out into the street.

She envied you. You were amazing in evening dress.

Marie did not believe him, but quickly forgot about visiting the store. They broke up not far from her house, although the girl persuaded Alain to come in and meet her parents.

“No, another time,” he replied. I have to be at the film studio in an hour.

The young man took a taxi and went to the set to Jean-Claude, as in the morning he offered to have lunch together. Entering the pavilion, Alain found Briali talking to a thin man with graying hair in wavy hair. The actor also noticed a friend and waved to him.

- Mister Cocteau, let me introduce you to Alain Delon. In the near future, he will become an actor.

Under the gaze of the famous writer, the young man lowered his eyes.

- We're going to a cafe. Will you join us, Jean? Briali asked kindly.

- I'll be happy to chat with you, - Cocteau smiled and turned to Alain, - Have you recently received a role?

- No, that is, yes. Yves Allegre invited me to his new film,” Delon said uncertainly.

Jean-Claude came to his aid:

- Tell us about the contract with Hollywood. Alain will become a star, Zeltsnik himself is ready to sign an exclusive contract with him for seven years.

Why do you want to go to America? the writer asked. - In my opinion, it is much easier to make a career in France, and not abroad.

“All our friends are of this opinion,” Briali said, “but you, without suspecting it yourself, facilitated the meeting between Alain and Zeltsnik.

Cocteau became interested, and Delon was completely embarrassed.

- My friend learned an excerpt from your play and, when meeting with a representative of a Hollywood producer, he really wanted to recite it. At first, it was difficult for Alain to convey all the feelings of the hero, but Bridget Aubert and I rehearsed with him, and now a knight, more ideal than him, cannot be found.

After listening to Briali, the writer furrowed his brows.

Why didn't you invite me? - he asked. - Who better than the author can have an idea about the character of the hero? Alain would be greatly helped by my explanations.

Jean-Claude smiled and said that he did not dare to disturb the famous writer, and Alain thought that he would not have been able to utter a word in the presence of Cocteau.

“I met an old acquaintance,” the young man said to Briali, when dinner was over, “and I will be home later today.

How can I explain this to Marie if she calls? the actor asked mockingly.

“I don’t know, but be as eloquent as in the presence of Jean Cocteau.

Through the glass, Alain saw Nina sitting at a cafe table and hurried to go inside. She did not smile at his greeting, but pointed to a chair opposite.

“You disappeared from my life six months ago,” she said. “The hostess must have told you how many times I came by and asked about you. I felt guilty and wanted to apologize, but you refused to meet me.

- Nina, after a fight with your friend, I moved to live with Bridget Aubert.

- Clear. How dare you deny the rumors about your affair?

- At the time when we were together, I did not pay attention to other women. Relations with Bridget arose later.

From his tone, the girl realized that he was not deceiving her, and she grew gloomy. Her suspicions were in vain, Alain did not cheat on her with the actress.

Are you still dating Aubert?

- Sometimes.

— And what about your new girlfriend, the blonde?

I'm crazy about Marie. It's impossible not to love her. She believes more than anyone in my success in the cinema.

- Do you act in films? Nina exclaimed.

Some of the patrons turned around and she raised a glass to her lips. Alain laughed at her astonishment and explained:

- I decided to become an actor, and I already have offers from directors.

After this statement, Nina's own successes seemed insignificant. During the six months that she and Alain did not meet, the girl signed a one-year contract with the owner of a store on the Champs Elysees, who undertook to buy five evening dresses from her a month. In addition, she fulfilled the orders of regular clients, and gradually set aside money for her own atelier.

- Will you be filming with Aubert?

- No, at first she did not support my idea to try myself on the site, and a friend helped me.

He told the girl about the Cannes Film Festival, meetings with directors and producers, the first screen tests in Rome. Nina remained silent. Now her former lover seemed unattainable to her.

“I wish you good luck,” he said in parting, not giving the girl the opportunity to invite him to her new apartment.

“I wish you happiness too,” she said as she stepped out of the taxi that Alain had caught to take her home.

She hoped that he would get out of the car, but the young man only smiled and ordered the driver to pull away. All feelings for Nina remained in the distant past.

For the next few days, Alain did not leave the apartment, painfully considering the proposal to Allegre. Two days after the joint dinner, he himself called Delon and said that the producers of the film agreed to give him the role of Joe. The amount of the fee was impressive, and Delon hesitated.

“Don't worry so much,” Jean-Claude advised his friend. - Trust your intuition. What do you want to do: go to Hollywood or shoot with Allegre?

“I know for sure what I don’t want,” Alain replied. — I am tired of English classes, and I will gladly give up vain attempts to learn to speak the language of Shakespeare.

"Then what else is there to think about?" Eve is nice to you, he will help you deal with the role of Joe. I'm ready to read the script with you too.

Alain went to the phone and asked Briali:

— Can I make a short call to America?

- Call, please.

Jean-Claude did not know why Alain needed to call Hollywood. Just a couple of minutes ago, it seemed to him that a friend would be indecisive about his future for a long time to come.

— May I ask Mr. Wilson on the phone? Allen spoke slowly in English. My name is Alain Delon.

When Harry Wilson answered, the young man said quickly, so as not to change his mind:

“Mr. Wilson, I'm sorry, but I can't sign a contract with Zelznik. Thank you for the offer, but first I want to play in the film of a French director.

He continued his conversation with the American, but Jean-Claude left the living room and did not hear the continuation of the conversation. The actor was pleased that Alain remained in Paris, since from the very beginning he believed that it was better for him to work with Allegre. An animated Delon appeared at the door and said:

“Now I have no choice but to agree to Yves.

- You did the right thing. Why don't you please your first director with this news?

The work on the film completely absorbed Alain. He rarely met with friends, even Marie felt abandoned and told her beloved about it.

“Come to the set tomorrow evening,” the young man suggested. - We'll have dinner together.

It was a pleasure for the girl to watch the filming, and she began to visit the film studio day after day. Once she was noticed there by Bridget Aubert, who came to invite Alain to spend the day off with her. The actress stood near the entrance to the pavilion and went to Delon after the shooting of the double, but Marie was ahead of her.

“My dear, how wonderfully you played,” she exclaimed, looking into his eyes.

They did not notice the presence of Bridget, and the actress walked off insulted. On Sunday, she contacted Delon by phone and made an appointment for him in a cafe. She was very late, and the young man ordered dinner for himself without waiting for her. This infuriated the actress, and she sat down at the table with her face contorted with rage.

- What happened to you? Allen asked her.

Are you still asking? Why didn't you wait for me?

"I thought you weren't coming at all," he replied calmly. You are more than half an hour late. Sorry, but I'm hungry.

The actress was served the menu, but she was so annoyed that the names of the dishes merged, and ordered something at random.

How is the shooting going? I haven't met Allegre for a long time, but after the start of work, he praised you.

Do you want to watch the shooting tomorrow?

- I already saw everything, just yesterday you were busy and did not notice me.

Alain understood the reason for her anger and smiled charmingly.

- Our relationship has never resembled the union of two unconditionally loyal people to each other.

“You humiliated me in front of the rest of the cast. Everyone knows about our romance, and you date some girl.

— Bridget, you are dear to me, but I love Marie.

The actress jumped up from her seat, almost knocking over her chair, and shouted goodbye to her lover:

- I hate you. Date whoever you want, I don't care anymore.

She almost ran across the hall and left the cafe. Alain called the waiter and asked:

Can my friend's order be cancelled?

— No, the steak is already fried.

- Okay, bring it to me. I've whetted my appetite.

An excited Briali was waiting for him at home.

What happened to Aubert? She screamed into the phone so much that I did not understand anything.

- We quarreled. Thank God we were in a cafe and not in her apartment. As soon as I announced to her that I was moving in with you, she threw a metal dish at me.

Jean-Claude laughed, and then said:

She is hot-tempered, but not vindictive. You will soon make peace.

- What for? I thought about breaking up with her. Yesterday she ran into Marie and got angry. I think it's better for me to break off all relations with Bridget. She is too restless.

- How can you say that? Briali was outraged. - She helped you, worried and asked about the start of filming your first film. Have you forgotten about it?

- You're right. I'll apologize to her and call her sometimes.

Jean-Claude looked at him reproachfully and, without saying a word, turned on the television. He was upset by Alain's behavior, but he had no doubt that he had rashly disparaged the actress.

In the evening, the young man went on a date with Marie without calling Bridget. The girl was also jealous of him.

“A dozen women are spinning around you on the court. What are they doing?

- These are decorators, make-up artists, hairdressers. Why are you so interested in this?

“They make eyes at you and look for an excuse to invite you to dinner.

- You take it wrong. Usually a man makes a date with a woman.

You are handsome and an actor too. Women will not wait for your invitation.

Alain kissed her, but Marie did not stop expressing her suspicions. At the end she asked:

"Why do you refuse to meet my parents?" Meeting with them does not oblige you to anything.

“Okay, I’m ready to meet all your relatives,” the young man surrendered.

He did not want to go to Marie's house, but he was afraid to offend her with another excuse.

Her family occupied a large apartment in a house on the Rue Saint-Honoré. The girl's father succeeded, and did not limit his daughters in pocket expenses, but neither Marie nor her sister Julie, whom Alain also met on the plane, were not spoiled. Their mother, an intelligent and friendly woman who adored guests, was engaged in their upbringing. However, the appearance of Delon did not cause her joy.

- Mom, meet me. This is Alain Delon, my friend.

The young man shook Madame Luca's hand, not daring to kiss her under the woman's stern gaze.

“Please, come in.” She led him into the living room and pointed to a chair. - What do you do?

- I try myself in cinema, I hope to become an actor.

“Mommy, Alain is filming a movie about gangsters,” Marie said enthusiastically.

Julie entered the living room and said to Alain:

- Hi. How is your friend?

Madame Luca was confused. Looking from one daughter to another, she remarked:

It's amazing we haven't met before. Both my girls know you.

“We met in the spring, during the flight from Paris to Cannes,” Alain explained. — My friend and I flew to the film festival.

This explanation reassured Madame Luca a little, but the young man did not inspire confidence in her. He was unusually attractive in appearance and had charm, so he could make any mother with adult daughters worry.

- Will you have dinner with us? the woman asked him. My husband will be home from work soon. He will be interested in talking to you about cinema.

Stay, Allen. Please, Marie turned to him.

The young man did not like the idea of ​​attending a family dinner, but he noticed Madame Luca's wariness and thought that she would take his hasty departure as an escape.

"Thank you, I'll stay for dinner," he replied.

Mr. Luka did not share his wife's fears regarding his daughter's friend and smiled affably at the young man.

“You have no idea how hard it is for me to deal with three women,” he said. I am glad that you are having dinner with us today.

“Your wife and daughters are beautiful,” Alain remarked.

Having critically examined his relatives, Mr. Luka laughed:

- I think so myself.

When Marie saw off Delon, he said:

“I liked your family very much. Thanks for a wonderful evening.

The girl was jubilant.

“I invited you a hundred times. Finally, you were willing to give in. Will you come to us again?

- If you call.

After Alena left, Madame Luca asked her husband:

- Don't you think that the actors are not too serious people?

- I have no idea about all the actors, but Delon is a nice young man. Don't worry, our daughters are all grown up and won't do anything stupid because of him.

Alain returned home in high spirits and immediately dialed Bridget Aubert's number.

“Excuse me, I was acting stupid today,” he said. “Maybe the shooting of the film affects me. You know I play a cold-blooded killer.

“Your role should not affect the attitude towards friends,” Bridget answered offendedly.

She wanted to forgive Alain, but the pride of the actress was greatly hurt by his declaration of love for another woman. Bridget regretted that she had not fenced him off from the whole world, moving him to her place. Living with her, Alain did not allow himself to talk to her like that. But now it was too late to think about it. The young man got a role in the film and, thanks to Briali, communicated with many famous actors and directors.

"Honey, is there peace between us?"

Alain grimaced, asking her forgiveness for his behavior in the cafe. In fact, he believed that he was absolutely right, but did not want an open quarrel with Bridget. And now, having uttered words of reconciliation, the young man especially wanted to hear from Bridget about the return of her favor, since he would never repeat his attempt again.

“We will remain friends, but our romance is over,” the actress replied.

This proposal, as well as possible, suited Delon. In principle, he always treated Aubert as a friend.

“Jean-Claude, Bridget and I have made up,” he told Briali.

- Wonderful. The day after tomorrow we were invited to dinner by Yves Allegre.

Alain did not hide his delight about this. He grew confident that the director was pleased with his performance.

Will dinner be at his house?

— No, because Michel flatly refuses to cook. We are not invited alone. I know for sure that there will be Jean Cocteau and Georges Baum. You haven't met Georges, but he's a fairly successful agent. In the future, he might help you get a role.

— I feel that everything will depend on the critical response to my first role. I either succeed or fail.

“Or they simply won’t notice you,” Briali added.

However, seeing the upset face of his friend, he said:

- I was kidding. You're lucky you're filming with Yves Allegre. He is a recognized master, and his name will ensure the success of the film, and, therefore, the actors.

At a dinner hosted by the director, Alain perked up. Everyone praised him: Allegre; Cocteau, who was flattered that the young actor had learned a passage from his play and, of course, Briali. Georges Baume was sitting at the table opposite Delon, and at the end of the evening they started talking.

“You did absolutely the right thing by turning down the Hollywood contract,” Bohm said. “As an agent, I admire the foresight of the one who gave you this advice.

“It was my own choice.

So your intuition deserves admiration. Do you have new proposals from directors?

- Not yet. The shooting of my first film is not finished yet.

- Some actors have a work schedule scheduled for years ahead. If I find out about any suitable role, I will mention your name to the director.

“Thank you in advance,” Alain said.

In the morning, he recounted to Briali the conversation with the agent, and he replied:

- This is good news, but I would first of all rely on the help of Yves Allegre. The director's opinion is always more weighty. When do you finish filming?

- A week later.

“Finally, you will stop waking me up at dawn,” Jean-Claude laughed, realizing from the expression on Alain’s face that he was expecting a hint of a new role.

The young man continued to meet with Marie and sometimes went to her house. Madame Luca was more friendly to him than at the first meeting, but secretly did not approve of her daughter's friendship with Alain. Once a girl came to a date all in tears.

“We will be forced to part,” she said sadly to her lover.

- But why? he wondered.

Their mutual affection grew day by day, and the actor rejected all proposals of familiar actresses and make-up artists for a meeting. Marie was right, they did not wait for the manifestations of his interest, and took the initiative in their own hands.

“You were supposed to fly to Hollywood for seven whole years,” the girl replied. “I wish you had signed that contract, because my father got a promotion, he was appointed manager of the American branch of the pharmaceutical company where he works. We're moving to Boston as a family, and I can't be separated from you.

She waited impatiently for his answer, hoping that he would ask her to marry him.

“It's very sad, but I don't see a way out of this situation,” Alain said. - When do you leave?

- In the end of the month.

Marie felt that he hesitated, and asked:

“Are you considering asking your parents for my hand?”

Alain froze in surprise, and then involuntarily smiled.

- What are you talking about? You are seventeen years old, and your family will drive me away at the first word about marrying you. You look and talk like a child.

- All the time we met, you behaved with me not at all like a child! What has changed now?

- Marie, I love you, but marriage between us is not possible. I have no money not only for an apartment, but even for a room. I am counting on a fee for the film, but so far I have received only a small part of this money.

- I agree to live anywhere, if only with you.

“Let's take a walk along the embankment and you will calm down,” Alain said, embracing the girl by the shoulders, but Marie pulled away and said hotly:

“At the first difficulty, you are ready to abandon me. I no longer believe in your love.

She rushed away and got into a taxi before Alain could catch up with her. He walked up to the house, hoping to find Jean-Claude in the apartment, but he didn't; a note left in the living room said that he would come very late, perhaps even in the morning. A strange thought flashed through the young man - to consult with his mother, but he decided that, having arrived in Bourg-la-Reine, he would not escape back. Alain went to bed early, as he was worried about the imminent separation from Marie. His shooting days were over and he woke up at noon with a headache. In the kitchen he saw Jean-Claude putting ice on his temples.

- Please get me some pieces of ice, please, - Alain asked.

Briali generously shared his supply with him and said:

I was at a party yesterday that Herbert threw. Remember, I introduced you in Cannes. He came to Paris for a couple of days with Elsa. Looks like he's won her favor. Herbert has serious intentions: he is thinking of marrying her.

— Jean-Claude, I also decided to start a family.

“A laudable intention,” he replied, squinting at his friend and suspecting that he was amused.

“Marie made it clear to me in no uncertain terms that she wanted to marry me.

— Really? She is quite a baby. Judging by your stories about her family, I'm calm about your future. They will never agree to your marriage.

- Her family is moving to live in America, Marie's father was appointed branch manager there. I can't imagine my girlfriend leaving too.

- Well. In five years, having achieved recognition, you will be able to marry such a girl, but now concentrate on work. It always helps me out when I'm disappointed.

- Are you ready to start filming?

- Why do you think so?

“Elsa fell in love with Herbert,” Alain commented. Isn't that a disappointment?

Jean-Claude waved his hand and suggested:

We will feel better if we drink good wine. Let's celebrate our failures in our personal lives.

They were young and quickly forgot grief. At the end of June, Alain said goodbye to Marie, who was crying and promised to write to him and call him every day, but two weeks after her departure, the connection between them was cut off.

Chapter 5

The first film with the participation of Alain Delon "When a woman intervenes" was released in 1957. As Briali had predicted, the young actor's name was hardly mentioned in the newspaper articles about the film's premiere. Alain found only a few phrases about his attractive appearance and not a word about acting abilities.

“I'm starting to hate journalists,” said the young man at dinner to Yves Allegre.

He and the director, Jean Cocteau and Briali sat at a table in the Café de Paris, and the patrons kept turning around to gawk at the celebrities.

“We've all been through this,” Allegre said wisely. - Despite everything, your debut took place, and I can safely say that you coped with the role.

In response to the praise, Alain smiled weakly, continuing to worry about the lack of press reviews for his game.

He received a good fee for the film and after filming he said to Jean-Claude:

“Thank you for your participation and support, and also for getting me out of the Colosseum and onto the set. You will always be my best friend, but I want to rent my own apartment.

“You never embarrassed me,” Briali replied.

I know we had fun. But I want to be independent.

Briali chuckled and said:

"I'm sure you'll soon get tired of sitting alone in your little room." In any case, you can visit me at any time. Try to find an apartment with a phone, because the actor must be within reach at all times. Famous directors don't call twice.

The young man rented a tiny apartment on the top floor of the house, but by some incomprehensible accident, a telephone was connected in it. Seeing the room, Jean-Claude was indignant:

- You traded my cozy home for this chicken coop! I'm starting to think you're very ungrateful.

However, Allen was pleased. He laid out his things in the room and on the very first evening sat down near the telephone, waiting for calls, but they did not follow. Within a week, several friends contacted him, but there was not a single offer to participate in the new film. Then the aspiring actor himself called Georges Bohm.

- How are you? he kindly asked.

- Not bad. Tell me, do you have news about future roles?

George hesitated, but then answered:

- I showed your photos to several producers, but they are trying to get "stars" in their films. But don't be discouraged, I'll find something suitable for you.

After hanging up the phone, the young man thought that his film career could end after playing a single role and got scared. Before going to the Cannes Film Festival, he would not hesitate to return to work in a restaurant, but now it seemed unacceptable to him. He felt that he could succeed in cinema, become a popular actor and was ready to wait for a new chance.

Briali noticed that his friend was getting gloomier every day and said:

You are a true actor. We always look forward to the next role. Don't worry, you will get it.

- I expected that this would happen a little earlier than in a year, - Alain answered with annoyance.

- Since the end of filming "When a Woman Intervenes" has passed only a month.

The young man did not want to wait. He had a plan that he made for himself and he was not going to retreat. Alain dreamed of getting the lead role in the film and for the sake of this he agreed to use every opportunity to visit the film studio and meet the directors.

Finally, the desired bell rang. He was invited to audition by Marc Allegre's assistant. Mark was the brother of Yves Allegre.

- Thank you. Tomorrow I will come to the film studio, - Alain answered.

He immediately called Briali back with the good news.

“I know,” he replied. Guess who put in a good word for you?

Thank you, Jean-Claude.

“I didn't take part in this. Jean Cocteau helped you, he is an old friend of Marc Allegre.

The young man was shocked. It seemed to him that he could not attract the attention of the writer, since he was just starting his career, and Cocteau was familiar with many famous actors.

How can I thank him? he asked Jean-Claude.

I'll find his phone and you'll call. I suppose you shouldn't visit him without prior arrangement, although he is always happy to have guests.

Allen felt like a winner. Such an event as an invitation to shoot in a new film needed to be celebrated. He had no doubt that he would successfully pass tests with Mark Allegre. He spent the evening in a cafe, where he noticed a pretty girl sitting alone at the window. Without asking permission, he moved to her table.

- Good evening. Why are you sad? the young man turned to her.

The girl was not at all surprised by his appearance and answered:

Why bring up trouble? I thought you, on the contrary, wanted to distract me from them.

- My name is Alain, and I'm ready to help you brighten up the evening. What will you drink?

“Order me the same as you order yourself,” she said indifferently, turning to the window.

"I don't think you'll like gin," the young man muttered, but motioned for the bartender to bring another glass. - What is your name?

— Odette.

— Odette, I hope the genie will help us find a common language, otherwise your reticence is killing me. Are you always so quiet?

The girl sighed sadly and looked at him intently, as if thinking: should he tell about his misfortune? Alain understood the meaning of her look and said in a serious tone:

- I can listen, you can share with me the problems that have arisen. For some reason, it seems to me that you quarreled with your friend.

Did Dany send you? she asked indignantly. In that case, I'm leaving.

- Wait, don't get angry. I said the first thing that came to my mind. What other reasons for sadness can a beauty like you have?

His gentle voice calmed Odette and she said:

"I'm sorry for my harsh response, but I'm very upset. It seems that everyone turned against me.

— I know it. I also just broke up with my girlfriend, she and her family went to America. What happened to Dani?

He is now dating my best friend.

He doesn't deserve you. Let's go to another cafe. We'll change the scenery, and you'll be happier right away.

During the evening they went around almost all the cafes in the area. Alain made sure that their conversation was not interrupted for a second, and ensured that a spark flashed in the girl's eyes.

"You've become even more beautiful," he whispered.

They parted at eleven in the evening, agreeing to meet the next day.

That night, Alain could not sleep, because on the way home he looked at Jean-Claude. His friend had guests.

“You came on time,” Briali greeted him. “Join us and let me introduce you to this young man. His name is Jean-Paul Belmondo and it looks like you'll be playing inseparable friends in Marc Allegre's movie. You have a chance to meet in advance.

At first, Alain did not like the partner in the future film. Belmondo loudly told something funny and looked at Delon with displeasure, as he was forced to interrupt in order to get to know the young actor. Jean-Paul was not handsome, but he had a rare charm, which soon affected Alain.

Have you filmed somewhere before? Delon asked Belmondo.

The theater attracts me. I was warned in acting school that with my appearance, you should not count on the roles of hero-lovers.

- You will play bandits.

“Alain, in our joint film we will both play the roles of young gangsters,” Jean-Paul laughed. Have you passed the test yet?

- Not yet.

“I forgot to tell you,” Briali said. “Tomorrow at noon, Marc Allegre wants to meet with you and talk about the role.

“Thank you for remembering this at two in the morning,” Alain said displeasedly. “I can imagine who I will look like tomorrow morning.” I'm going to go get some sleep.

“See you tomorrow,” Belmondo said goodbye.

The director liked Alain, and Mark Allegre approved him for the role.

“There were so many people vouching for you, including my brother and Jean Cocteau, that it was interesting for me to meet you. You look great and are perfect for the role of a young delinquent.

- This is the second time I will play a gangster and I feel that such roles are my calling.

“Very glad to hear that,” the director laughed. - Today I will introduce you to another actor, your partner, so do not leave the film studio.

In the hall a young man noticed Belmondo. He waved his hand at him and shouted from afar:

Have you been approved for the role?

Alain nodded and took a few steps forward.

"Don't make noise, Marc Allegre is in this room." He pointed to the door.

"Very well," Jean-Paul replied in a hissing whisper. - Who are you waiting for?

- Your co-star.

- Consider that you have already waited. What are your plans for the evening? Maybe we can sit together at the bar?

Sorry, I can't do it today. I have an appointment.

- You're right. A real Frenchman should not spend a day without a female company. If your girlfriend has a girlfriend, keep me in mind.

This playful remark reminded Alain of Odette's unfaithful ex-lover and her friend. During a meeting with a girl, he asked:

Do you want to get revenge on Dany?

“I forgot about him,” Odette said.

The new admirer occupied all her thoughts, and not once during the whole evening did she think of Dany.

Why are you suddenly talking about him?

— I had a very interesting idea. I propose to discuss it in my apartment to maintain secrecy.

Odette took Alain's words as a ruse, but agreed to go with him. In his room they began to kiss, and the young man put aside the intention of helping Odette settle accounts with Dany.

In the morning he woke the girl with a kiss and said:

Let's get back to my idea.

She opened her eyes wide and muttered:

- You're very insistent.

Odette reached out to him and the sheet slipped from her shoulders and chest. Alain with difficulty averted his eyes from her and got up from the bed.

- The fact is that in an hour I have a meeting with an agent about a contract. Don't tempt me, otherwise I won't get any royalties for the shoot.

Making a funny face, the girl straightened the sheet and prepared to listen to her lover.

“I have a friend who will fool anyone,” he said. “Describe Lola's appearance to him and Dany will be left with nothing. My friend will take the girl from him.

"Good idea," laughed Odette. “I can’t wait to see this traitor disappointed.

- In the evening I will invite a friend to have dinner with us in a cafe, and we will draw up a plan of action. And now I have to leave.

They parted with Odette, and Alain hurried to Georges Baum, who became his agent.

“The fee is not great,” he remarked, laying out the contract in front of Alain. - You need to play the main role in the film, then the payment for your participation in films will increase significantly.

- You might think the directors offer me winning roles, but I refuse, - Alain grinned. “I would give a lot to get the role of the main character. Just when will it happen?

“It is possible that soon,” Georges narrowed his eyes slyly. “I don’t want to raise false hopes, but one producer is ready to pay for the shooting of a historical drama, and I showed him your photos. He became very interested.

- Who are you talking about? What movie? Delon asked. "It's not fair to tease me like that."

“I won’t say anything so as not to jinx it. For me, your participation in the film is also important, because I'm your agent.

Alain frowned and tried to show Georges that he was extremely angry with his refusal to tell more about the picture. However, in his soul he triumphed and felt an unusual surge of strength. Being in a great mood, he called Belmondo.

Have you changed your mind about spending the evening at the bar? he asked Jean-Paul.

- On the contrary. What happened to your girlfriend?

She will join us a little later.

- With a friend?

- Almost so.

Not understanding what his new friend meant, Belmondo chuckled.

“Name the bar and the time of the meeting,” he said.

Alain invited him to come half an hour before Odette, in order to enlist the support of Jean-Paul in the implementation of Denis's revenge plan before the appearance of his girlfriend. Having briefly told his plan, the young man asked Belmondo's opinion. He was delighted with his role in this undertaking.

- Take the girl? Wonderful. I will unleash all the eloquence I have on her. And is she pretty?

“I've never seen her, but Odette is a real beauty.

“Yes,” said Jean-Paul. “So you have to go blind.

At that moment, Odette entered the bar, and Alain introduced his friend to her. They sat in the bar for several hours, chatting and laughing. The girl was transformed, competing in wit with Belmondo. Alain whispered compliments in her ear, and the expression of pleasure did not leave her face all evening.

“Tomorrow I will start active operations to conquer Lola,” Jean-Paul said in parting. I'll report back to you in a week.

The couple in love protested, rightly believing that they deserved daily messages.

“When a master works, the rest must be patient,” Jean-Paul stopped them.

Odette could not stay with Alain for the night, as she did not find a plausible excuse to explain to her family.

“You live alone,” the girl said, “and I have to make excuses for every late return home.

“Come with me,” the young man suggested. - For you, I'll make room.

- What you! the girl exclaimed. Mom will kick me out of the house. I promise I'll stay with you for the weekend.

Glancing at her watch, the girl refused to go up to her lover, and he walked her home. Then he walked back to his house. While still on the stairs, Alain heard a phone call and hurried to unlock the door. He did not have time to answer the call, although he quickly grabbed the receiver. He cast a regretful glance at the telephone and took off his jacket. However, as soon as he approached the hanger, the bell rang again.

“Good evening, Jean-Claude,” Alain greeted his friend.

Why didn't you answer the phone for so long? I woke you up?

— No, I just got back from the bar a second ago. We met with Belmondo.

“We must not forget old friends for the sake of new ones,” Briali said in a moralizing tone. “Jean Cocteau asked about you, not to mention poor Bridget, who curses your ingratitude, but doesn't mind seeing you.

— Marc Allegre approved me for the role.

- This is not the latest news. Georges Baume hinted to me today that you will soon be offered the lead role in a film.

- Do you know any details? Alain asked him eagerly.

- Not. I wanted to ask you.

George is hiding everything. In any case, shooting with Marc Allegre is important to me now.

- Correctly. I always say that the future makes the present. Goodnight. I would be glad if you visit me at the weekend.

Jean-Claude Alain did not fulfill the request. The beloved girl occupied all his time and thoughts. Odette did not replace Marie for him, he often remembered the smile and tender look of his former lover, but he was no longer too sad because of her departure.

Two weeks later, he started filming with Marc Allegre. The young man continued to worry about how relations between Belmondo's success and Lola, Odette's friend, were developing. As if reading his thoughts from a distance, Jean-Paul called Alain five days after they met at the bar.

Alan, a terrible thing has happened. I fell in love.

"Yes, it's unpleasant," said the young man. Our plan has collapsed.

- Vice versa. I fell in love with Lola and...

Jean-Paul, say no more. Such a story is unacceptable to tell over the phone. I'm waiting for you at the same bar where Odette and I were together.

Sitting down at the table, Jean-Paul shook his head ruefully.

“I made a terrible mistake by taking part in your undertaking. Lola is a witch, the best girl in the world. At first everything went according to our plan. I ambushed Lola near the house and got to know her. Then he invited me to the cinema, and the next day I got her a free ticket to the theater, to the play where I play. Imagine, she gave me a rose! Even the actors who played the main roles were not given flowers that evening, and this girl came on stage and handed me a red rose. We meet every day and I fall in love with her more and more.

Yes, things have taken an unexpected turn. Have you seen Dani?

- Never. She didn't even mention him.

- No matter. Still, you succeeded. Congratulations!

Alain had to deal with Denis, as the rejected young man tried to make peace with Odette. Their conversation with the actor almost ended in a fight, but Alain was sure of his victory and did not back down.

“Odette still loves only me,” Dany said goodbye and left.

Did he tell the truth? his rival asked Odette.

“Of course not,” she replied with a smile. - I adore you.

Alain kissed her and offered to go to the cinema with Jean-Paul and Lola.

"I don't want to see that traitor," Odette said. “I don't care about Dany, but I'll never forgive her.

The romance between Belmondo and Lola developed rapidly. The girl was waiting for him after filming, and Jean-Paul was in a hurry to meet. Any suggestion Alain made about a joint dinner at Briali's or at a bar caused him surprise. How could he miss a meeting with his beloved girl! Delon met at the film studio with a pretty assistant director and would have completely forgotten Odette if he hadn’t run into her friend every evening.

Having received a fee for his role in the film by Marc Allegre, he bought himself a Renault car. The actor understood that he had to save money, but could not resist the desire to fulfill his old dream. In addition, he hoped to get the main role promised by Georges Baume. But his agent was ahead of Jean-Claude Briali. He called Alain and said in an exaggeratedly indignant tone:

- You passed me. Today, director Gaspar-Ouy has offered me a big but minor role in a period film. You will play the main character!

Allen thought he misheard. Such wonderful news he did not expect to hear at the moment. In the morning his car broke down, and he had no doubt that the day had not gone well. He believed in omens, but after Jean-Claude's words, he was confused.

“Do you know that for sure?” he asked hesitantly.

Georges hasn't called yet? So I was the first to bring you good news.

“If this is true, I will arrange a celebration, and I will invite you to be an honored guest.

- Do not forget about it.

As soon as Alain hung up the phone, the bell rang again. This time he was congratulated by Georges Baum.

— I don't want to get ahead of myself, but it is possible that Romy Schneider will become your partner. The producer approved you for the role, but he thinks that a newcomer like you could use a famous partner.

From this remark, Alain's joy faded. He was incredibly ambitious and exulted when he got the lead role in the film. Why did Georges immediately mention the young German star?

The meeting of the future "lovers of the century" was so crumpled and inconspicuous that no one, and least of all Alain and Romy, could imagine the development of a future passionate romance. The young actor felt overwhelmed after several nightly feasts with friends who vying with each other told him:

- How lucky you are! Just a miracle, you will shoot with a real star.

Such statements angered Alain incredibly: he played roles in two films, the audience liked him and had interesting offers from directors. He, too, felt like a star, only a rising one.

Films about Princess Sisi, which glorified Romy, seemed to him unremarkable, but rather pompous. The very same actress, he called the "German goose" because of her smooth, slow movements. Meeting the future partner in the film at the airport with flowers seemed humiliating to him, but such was the requirement of the film producer.

Romi set foot on French soil no less annoyed. Throughout the flight, her mother, Magda Schneider, gave her endless advice on how to behave with the film crew:

- Show me who you are! Romy Schneider is the only actress for whom the audience will go to see Christina. I will constantly monitor the progress of filming and check your contract again.

Romi was silent and thought melancholy, “In a couple of years I will become quite an adult and I will be able to go everywhere alone.”

Before descending from the plane, Frau Schneider rebuked her daughter for the last time:

- They meet you. Stay decent.

Romi looked with indifference at the young man standing at the ladder with a bouquet of roses, and began to slowly descend. Her mother and stepfather followed her.

- God, she came with a retinue! Well, exactly, “princess,” Delon whistled. I hope nothing happened to you on the way? he said aloud, holding out the flowers to Romy and smiling mockingly.

The actress accepted the flowers and gave him such an indignant look that Alain thought how wrong he was in assessing her temperament. He once again carefully examined the future partner in the film and found that she was rather pretty, although boring.

Romy's opinion about the young man was short and categorical: "Pretty impudent." True, he managed to cheer her up a little when, after introducing Magda Schneider to him, he kissed her hand comically obsequiously. Her mother could not find how to answer this trick.

Noticing Romy's half-smile, Alain deliberately pushed aside the relatives accompanying the girl and led her to the car, carrying all sorts of nonsense along the way:

“I would love to shoot with you. Glad to be your guide to Paris at night.

Having heard the last phrase, Frau Schneider decisively took the initiative into her own hands:

“Young man, my daughter is tired. We want to be at the hotel as soon as possible.

Romi felt a new surge of irritation, but resignedly followed her mother into the studio car. Alain headed for his car, thinking about the actress and shaking his head.

- She's hopeless.

His mood deteriorated even more when he found a ticket for illegal parking on the windshield.

What a damn day? Everything is against me. I'll go home and sleep.

In the evening, attending the gathering of the film crew, Alain noted with pleasure that, despite the fame, Romy did not behave arrogantly. The role of the star was played by her mother, talking down to the actors and meticulously examining the prepared costumes.

- How did you like your "beloved"? asked Romy Gaspard-Ui, the director.

Hearing the question, Alain found himself looking forward to the answer.

“I think we can do our part,” she said softly.

After this phrase, Alain was ready to reconsider his attitude towards the actress. There was still no hint of sympathy, but at least Romi stopped being called a “goose”. Seizing the moment when she was left alone, Alain went up to her:

— How did you like Paris?

I haven't left the hotel all day.

"In that case, how's the hotel?"

Romi chuckled.

- Let me invite you to dinner tomorrow, mind you, I don’t even dare to say the word “dinner”. Does your mother let you out of her sight even for a minute?

“Yes, of course,” the actress frowned. “I think we can have lunch together.”

- You are a magician! No, almost Joan of Arc. Do your feat, I'll be waiting for you tomorrow at the hotel at three o'clock.

Leaving, Alain ceremoniously kissed her hand and bowed to the approaching Frau Schneider.

- What were you talking about? she asked her daughter suspiciously.

Mom, can I just be alone for a second? Romi was outraged.

“You weren't alone. Clearly, this slacker was flirting with you. Don't be silly, he's still a nobody and it's still unknown who he'll become.

“Of course, only princes are my equal.

"You're rude to your mother!" Pack up, it's time to head back to the hotel.

Sighing, Romi, as usual, went after her. She did not like Magda's behavior, she noticed that the actors made fun of her mother, but the authority of that was indisputable for a well-bred daughter. In the evening, in her room, secretly from her mother, she tried on two dresses: green and pale blue. No, of course, she did not want to look elegant at all for Alain, but was simply preparing for dinner in a Parisian restaurant.

At three o'clock, having miraculously asked her mother for leave under the pretext of inspecting the nearest shops, she went downstairs. Seeing a gentleman waiting for her at the bar, Romi thought that she overdid it with the outfit. In contrast to her silk dress, Alain wore a simple dark shirt and jeans. He waved his hand to the embarrassed girl and said:

"I hope you're not going to run away?"

No, we agreed to have lunch together.

“I’ll feed you with pleasure,” Alain said, mentally adding “from a spoon.”

Taking Romy by the arm, he led her to the car, thinking about the pointlessness of this event with Romy. "I'm just wasting time with this 'schoolgirl' instead of having fun with a standing girl."

The actor was often recognized on the street, and there was no end to the women who wanted to get to know him.

- Tell us how you managed to escape from your matron? he asked Romy as he pulled out of the parking lot and wedged into the traffic.

Don't call my mother that. She is resting in her room and let me go to explore the surroundings.

In that case, I'll show you my favorite place.

- Excellent.

Judging by the time spent on the trip, Romy began to fear that she would not meet her dinner in the hour and even an hour and a half, as she had planned, since, in her opinion, a slight delay was acceptable.

What restaurant are we going to? she dared to check with her companion.

“You can only call this a restaurant with your eyes closed,” he replied with a laugh. — This is a cozy cafe in the Latin Quarter.

Hearing about the Latin Quarter, Romi panicked. Her mother and all her acquaintances, speaking of Paris, called this area terrible, almost robbery. The girl opened her mouth to offer another option, but Alain was already parking the car at the sidewalk. Noticing that Romi was looking around apprehensively, he patronizingly took her hand. She pulled away from him.

- Beauty, then I will not be able to protect you from the harassment of local slobs. You must have heard the fame of the Latin Quarter.

Romi immediately grabbed his hand, and he barely suppressed a smile. The girl was incredibly different from all his girlfriends. They felt at home anywhere, like fish in water, and this little girl clung to him in fear and clearly expected to see a fight or a shootout in the middle of the street. With her expensive dress and haunted eyes, she attracted the attention of passing couples.

“Hello, Alain,” a tall, black-haired man greeted the young man at the entrance to a small cafe. What a wonderful girl you have. Come, let's sit together.

Jean, we were just about to have lunch.

“If you introduce me to your beauty, I will treat you,” he said, embracing Alain and Romi and walking with them inside the room.

“My friend liked you very much,” the actor whispered to the girl and, seeing that she was all shrinking, lightly stroked her hand.

And Romi stopped being afraid. She gave herself entirely to chance, deciding that she was lost anyway: something terrible would happen, newsmen would immediately run in, and her reputation would perish. She tried not to think about her mother's reaction.

Why are you always silent? asked Jean Romy, pulling out a chair for her. “Perhaps you wanted to dine alone, and I interfered?” he turned to Allen.

- No, buddy, stay. The girl's name is Romi. Romy, this is Jean, a connoisseur of delicious food.

Well, you introduced me! First of all, I am a connoisseur of female beauty.

— Okay, don't talk teeth to us, Jean. How about lunch?

- It's very nice to meet you, - as in a dream, Romy held out her hand to Jean. Surprised by her manners, he awkwardly shook hands and looked inquiringly at Alain. He chuckled.

This mademoiselle is an aristocrat.

Jean was terribly amused by this statement, he decided that he was being played.

“Kid, forget about your movie for a minute,” he suggested. Let's drink some wine and order a delicious roast duck. Do you agree? he asked Romy. She nodded. The cafe setting was a dimly lit pavilion with a low ceiling and whitewashed walls with jars hung haphazardly on them. Oddly enough, this simple interior, strikingly different from the usual luxurious halls, reassured Romi. Good-natured Jean dispelled her notions that only hooligans inhabit the quarter. For the first time since meeting Alain at the hotel, she began to relax.

- I propose to drink for a charming girl! Jean toasted. Alan, you are completely undeservedly lucky.

“To you, Romy,” the actor joined in, switching to “you” and smiling at her. They drank the wine, and the hungry Romi looked at the golden-brown duck with such pleasure that Jean remarked:

“Friend, you were right when you called me a food connoisseur. Your girlfriend is also partial to her. Nice to meet a soul mate!

They sat at the table for a long time, laughing and chatting. Romi finally came to her senses, took part in the conversation and forgot about the time. Finally, Alain got up and said:

“Thank you for dinner, Jean, but we have to go. You know, shooting starts tomorrow.

- I wish you success! Romy, it's always good to see you. You will find me here at any time,” he answered, and shook the girl’s hand well in parting.

On the way back, Alain had to listen to the impressions of Romy, excited like a child who was allowed to eat a huge chocolate bar.

Jean is so nice. What does he do? she asked her companion.

He is the owner of the cafe where we had lunch.

- Wow! He ... - suddenly she fell silent, not finishing the phrase.

Alain turned his head sharply to see what had happened. Romi looked out the car window with a lost look.

"It's already seven o'clock," she whispered.

Catastrophe! Her mother must have called the police.

Do you want me to walk you to your room? Allen suggested.

The girl wanted to accept his support, but she rightly decided that then the scandal would be even stronger.

- No thanks. I'll explain to my mom why I'm late.

“See you tomorrow, Romy,” Alain dropped her off at the hotel and kissed her lightly on the cheek.

She entered the lobby and walked slowly towards the elevator, making up a plausible excuse for being late as she went. Magda Schneider loved her daughter very much, tried to protect her from all problems and worries. Showing selfishness, she wanted to control all the actions of Romi and in the end sincerely believed that she was not capable of doing anything herself. When her daughter did not return on time from a walk around Paris, Frau Schneider threw a tantrum to her husband, who was part-time manager of Romy:

Why didn't you go with her? The girl is alone in a strange city. Who can I rely on if not you?

“But, dear,” he tried to protest. “We wanted to be together.

Shut up, Hans! Magda screamed and began to cry.

After an hour of fruitless waiting, they called the studio and got Gaspard-Ui to his feet. He advised not to contact the police yet, but it was felt that he was also terribly worried. Hans Blatzheim went down to the hotel lobby and questioned the porter, but he did not remember the girl leaving. At five minutes past seven, Frau Schneider picked up the phone and called the police. It was at that moment that there was a knock on the door. Hans rushed to the door and flung it open. Pale-faced Romi stood in the doorway.

- Daughter, what happened? exclaimed Magda, seizing her by the arm. She examined her daughter, looking for signs of bruises or scratches. Finding nothing, she furrowed her brows angrily.

“Mom, I just got lost looking through shop windows. Then I got hungry and had a snack in a cafe. This delayed me.

- Ignorant girl! Do you know that I called the director and the police? Now the whole film crew, what's there, the whole of Paris will know that you spent half a day wandering around somewhere. I could take a taxi if I got lost. Did you have any money with you? raged the actress's mother, getting rid of the tension of the last hours. The stepfather looked angrily at Romi, because he had to calm Magda and endure her reproaches throughout the absence of the girl.

"I'm sorry, mommy," Romi muttered, frightened by the scene. - This will not happen again.

“Of course it won't happen again. You won't go anywhere alone again, but only with me or Hans. Yet where have you been? I don't believe I went shopping.

Romi was silent.

"Go to your room, and I'll try to stop the rumors from spreading."

The girl went into the room and thought that her mother was primarily to blame for the scandal that had arisen. If not for her calls, no one would have known about the temporary disappearance of her daughter.

"I'm twenty-one years old," she said out loud sadly. - I can decide for myself how long to walk.

Frustrated, she lay down on the bed and picked up a book. Neither mother nor stepfather entered her room until morning.

Chapter 6

Filming began the next morning. On the first day, only a few takes were filmed due to unresolved organizational issues. The director, cameramen and attendants argued and moved cameras and spotlights. The white dress of the heroine for the scene of the meeting with the beautiful military man turned out to be unprepared, although at the very beginning it was the acquaintance of the future lovers that should have been filmed. Alain was a little nervous when he appeared on the court. Seeing Frau Schneider and Romy heading towards him, he thought that the actress's mother was going to scold him for yesterday's dinner with her daughter, but he was mistaken - she only nodded coldly to him. Romi muttered "Good morning" and also walked past.

“The little one didn’t betray me,” the actor thought and smiled slyly.

Gaspard-Oui noticed this smile and guessed that Alain was involved in the disappearance of Romy, but decided not to find out the details of the incident. Having seized the moment when the director asked the operator to move and film the scene from a different position, Alain leaned over to Romy and asked:

Did you have any problems with your mother yesterday?

“Mom called the police,” she whispered.

In surprise, the actor recoiled from her, and then slammed his hand on the table and burst out laughing.

“Hush, hush,” Romi snapped him in fright, but Alena could not be appeased.

“We need to send someone to fetch the newspapers!” And I look - Gaspar is some kind of strange. Your mother is a godsend. She decided to run the film's publicity campaign herself?

After this monologue, the amused actor hopelessly lost the romantic mood necessary for the role of Christina's lover.

“There is nothing in the newspapers, everything is settled,” Romi replied, looking at her mother with a frightened look.

Magda, who was watching them, did not attach any importance to Alain's fun, but only once again thought that in France there was a mess on the set. Whether business in Germany!

Christina, Franz! - the director shouted, - get together, we repeat the take!

The team didn't help. Young people were immersed in their thoughts: Romy - about yesterday's unusual dinner, and Alain - about the green eyes of the actress and her tender look. The complete opposite of upbringing and different outlooks on life no longer repelled them from each other, but interested both of them.

Can we meet after filming? Alain argued with his partner at the end of the day.

She rolled her eyes in such silent horror that he laughed again.

- What's the fun? Gasper-Wee raged. We didn't do anything today. Okay, everyone is free, except for the dressers. Get this damn dress in order, - he pointed at the wrinkled collar on Romy's vest.

“Bye, Christina, sweet dreams to you,” Alain sang in Romy’s ear and went to two familiar actors, intending to spend the evening in a bar, in their company. The mother approached the actress and offered to return to the hotel and go to bed as soon as possible. They got into the car, and Romi imagined all the way how fun it would be for her to have dinner with Alain.

The days of filming flowed, and Romy, against her will, became infected with the mood of the French actors around her. They constantly joked, made colorful compliments to her and their free behavior was strikingly different from the serious silent Germans. Only Alain did not show any interest in her, strictly limited to a polite greeting in the morning, courtesy during filming and a dry “until tomorrow” in the evening. The young man came up with such a tactic to force Romy to take the initiative in developing their acquaintance. Alain was afraid to admit this to himself, that he became very attached to Romy. He liked her softness and politeness, and finally he found her refined and beautiful. Every morning, greeting her, he could hardly restrain himself not to invite her to spend the evening together after filming, but he was afraid of another refusal.

Ten days after the memorable joint dinner, Alain's ostentatious indifference brought results.

“I can imagine how wonderful a picnic would be here,” Romi suggested as they walked through the meadow, rehearsing the scene. The slow development of the romantic plot of the film was conducive to a leisurely conversation. — Do you often go out of town?

“No, no,” said the actor. “But it's a good idea. Can you organize a lunch for us in nature?

- I do not know.

- Tomorrow is a day off. I understand your lofty dreams: “Maxim”, “Ritz”, but I rely on the clean air of the suburbs.

Romi smiled.

“Besides, princess, I would like to see if you can at least assemble a basket of food,” continued Alain.

It was a challenge!

"I'll meet you tomorrow at noon outside the hotel, if you dare to try a snack from my basket," she said.

“Don’t hesitate, I’ll make up my mind once, just for the sake of interest,” the actor threw jokingly.

In response, Romi pushed him with her elbow, he fell into the grass and said tragically:

Gentle Christina turned out to be a fighter. My side wasn't hurt, but you broke my heart.

Young people seemed to have forgotten about everything around them. The director's shout brought them back to reality.

At ten o'clock the next morning, Romy defended her independence in front of her mother, hiding part of the truth:

— I want to go on a picnic in the country. Half of the actors are going to go, I also agreed. Alain will pick me up at twelve.

"You don't understand what you're saying," Frau Schneider replied. “These actors will arrange God knows what there, and you will find yourself in another story in France.

I'm lonely here, I don't go anywhere.

I know you're bored, but to look good in front of the camera, you need to get enough sleep. Today is the day off, let's go to the theater, all three of us, with Hans.

- Mom, I'm going to go out of town, I'm tired of living in complete isolation.

Magda got angry, but Romi didn't let her add another word. She grabbed her beautiful wicker bag, since there was no basket, and ran out of the room. The girl received extraordinary pleasure, choosing pates, bread and fruits for a picnic in the shops. At the same time, she imagined how she and Alain would put a snack on the tablecloth and sit next to each other for dinner. Remembering their first meal together, Romy wore a simple light dress and a straw hat so as not to stand out with her outfit from other vacationers. Exactly at twelve, Romy noticed Alain, who was standing not far from the entrance to the hotel, and rushed to him. The actor carefully examined it, then a bag of food and said:

“In your company, princess, I also began to feel like a prince. You are so beautiful, and even instead of a basket you have a chic Italian straw bag in your hands.

Romi was embarrassed and looked at Alain, suspecting that he was mocking her. But from his playful look and smile, she realized that he had paid her a sincere compliment, albeit in a joking manner. He drove the car and at the same time slowly studied Romy, who sat with her bag pressed to her chest and nervously tugged at the ribbons attached to it.

“She is twenty-one years old. She can't be a perfect child, Alain thought to himself. He remembered her flirtatious smiles and gestures as they filmed the next take, and was surprised that off the set she was much less confident.

The girl's thoughts were in exactly the opposite direction. She tried to understand why Alain, so liberated in life, loses all his temperament and liveliness in front of the camera. It seemed to her that on the set he even moves more slowly.

“Uh, where are we going?” she broke the silence.

“At the moment I am driving along the Chaussée d'Antin,” the actor spoke in the voice of an experienced guide. — The final point of our trip is Saint-Cloud. Maybe not very original, but we will get there quickly.

Ugh, you're not a romantic. I could at least say that this is a lovely place, only it is worthy of me.

“It doesn’t deserve you,” Alain said seriously. — I don't know of any restaurant located outside the city suitable for you. Of course, there remains the Ritz in Paris, but there we will run into your mother.

Romi froze at this confession. He flattered her so much, but she had no doubt that he was telling the truth. She glanced at the young man who was leaning over the steering wheel, but he was clearly in no mood to continue the conversation. For the first time during their acquaintance, Romi was surprised to think that she was almost in love with Alain. In a moment, with German pragmatism, she sorted out her feelings and rejected such a possibility.

“His compliment was very touching, in the film we play lovers, and, in general, Alain is very funny. I just enjoy being with him, she thought to herself.

Still, the girl looked at him suspiciously. Alain noticed her look, understood what she was thinking and smiled weakly. He was only a couple of years older, yet he read her mind easily.

“Romy, I have long wanted to ask you one question, because it will soon become very important,” he said ingratiatingly.

About filming? she asked quickly.

- No no. Regarding our trip.” He was pleased to see that her cheeks were blushing, and she did not dare to raise her eyes to him. He was silent for a while, enjoying the game and asked:

Did you buy red wine?

The bag almost fell out of Romi's hands.

- What? She looked at him like a sleepwalker who had just been awakened.

Alain burst out laughing and leaned back in his seat, continuing to watch the road carefully.

“I love red wine,” he explained. "I thought I'd see if you've saved a bottle of Burgundy for dinner."

The girl's reaction amused him even more. She finally placed her bag carefully on the back seat and reached out her hands, threatening to grab his hair.

“Calm down, or we won't get to Saint-Cloud.

- You're a bully! You tease me all the time,” Romi was upset that he managed to embarrass her so easily. Okay, now it's my turn to make a joke.

“Vengeance does not lead to good,” Alain announced in a moralizing tone and received a slight flick on the elbow.

He liked that Romi relaxed a little and did not sit, clinging to the basket, as if preparing to jump out of the car at any moment. They soon arrived at Saint-Cloud. Alain left the car in the parking lot, grabbed a bag of food in one hand, the other hugged Romy and went with her to the river. Romi's mood lifted. The sun shone brightly, golden reflections reflected in the water. Because of the rainy summer, the grass had not burned out and was the same bright green color as in the spring.

- It's wonderful here. Thanks for inviting me! Romy exclaimed.

They went away from the path and settled under a huge tree. Both did not want to eat, and the girl hid the basket in the bushes. Then they spread a blanket on the grass and sat down on it. For the first time Alain felt a little confused. If any of his girlfriends or aspiring actresses were with him, he would not doubt for a minute what was expected of him. But with Romy, the option of love in the open air seemed to him, to put it mildly, inappropriate.

— You know, honey, after a couple of weeks of filming, the reality and the plot of the film completely mixed up in my head. I want to pronounce the words of Franz and address them to you, that is, Christine.

Romi, who was fanning her hat because of the unbearable stuffiness, laughed.

— Franz, can I swim here? The day is very hot,” she asked, instantly turning into a carefree Christina.

- Of course.

“I’m going to change behind those bushes, don’t you dare peek.”

What are you, princess!

Romy decided that now was the right moment to carry out her threat and avenge Delon's banter. She quickly took off her dress, wrapped her clothes around the bush, and hung her hat on top.

It seemed that she hesitated. Quietly entering the water, she hid in the shade of a tree and waited. After a couple of minutes, he could not stand it and began to call her. Thinking that she was embarrassed to go out to him in a bathing suit, the actor addressed Franz's gentle monologue from the film to her. Romi laughed out loud and slapped her palm on the water.

"We're quits," she shouted triumphantly.

Alain immediately jumped into the water and unleashed a cascade of spray on it. Bathing had a beneficial effect on their appetite and young people, without fiddling with the tablecloth, shook snacks out of the bag and began to eat.

Half an hour later, exhausted by a hearty meal, they settled down to rest by a thick tree trunk.

"I appreciate the fine wine," Alain said, bringing Romy's thoughts back to the conversation in the car when she thought he was asking about something more intimate. He slowly bowed his head and kissed her lightly on the lips. The girl didn't move away, but she didn't answer him either. Then, touching her cheek with his hand, he raised his friend's head and pressed his lips to hers with a long and imperious kiss. During these moments, Romy's impression of her companion completely changed and childishly cute plans to spend the day sitting with Alain on the grass, having dinner and chatting, were broken. She realized how much she was attracted to him, and how comfortable she was in his arms.

“You are a miracle, my queen,” he whispered, drawing the girl to him. He rested her head in his lap, then gently ran his fingertips down her neck and brushed the wet locks from her face.

"I'm going to change," she announced after a few minutes. Alain did not stop her, although he wanted to join her and touch her cool body.

Don't scare her, he thought. The actor had no doubt that Romi would agree to meet him again.

Dressing hastily, she appeared in the clearing, relieved that he had not followed her.

“Time to go back,” said Alain, and handed her a small bouquet of wild flowers, collected during her absence. She took the flowers and looked up at him with shining eyes.

"Thank you," she muttered.

All the way from Saint-Cloud to Paris, she clutched the bouquet to her, as before - the bag. They said goodbye at the entrance to the hotel, and Romi rushed to the elevator.

"Mademoiselle," the young receptionist called out to her. - Take the key, please.

The girl realized that her mother and stepfather had gone somewhere, perhaps to the theater, as expected. She went up to her room, tossed her bag into a chair, and busied herself with the bouquet. Putting the flowers in the water, she combed her hair and looked at the telephone in the hope that Alain would call her. She wanted to hear his voice.

At this time, Alain was climbing the stairs to his small apartment. Friends suggested that he rent a larger apartment for two, but lately he preferred loneliness. In addition, in a small apartment there was an additional advantage - no one offered to meet with him. Despite the fact that he loved the company, he did not want to hold parties in his apartment. He had fun with others, and at any moment he could disappear with a girl he liked.

After some thought, Alain decided that today was the perfect evening for such an event. Picking up the phone, he dialed Briali's number. He, fortunately, was at home.

Jean-Claude, hi. Are you planning to go out somewhere tonight? Alain asked.

- Where did you hang out? I've been calling you all day. Next to me are two beautiful girls, swarthy, black-haired. Let's take them to the Café de Paris.

— Jean, I dream of a blonde with green eyes.

- Wow! Then call little Romi.

The actor paused, wondering if he should boast about a picnic in the countryside in the company of a girl.

"No, mate," he finally answered. “You know about Madame Schneider. If I dared to take such a step, she would kill me tomorrow on the set.

Briali laughed and said:

“Then don’t be naughty and be at my place in half an hour.” The girls are really amazing.

- Already coming.

Alain hung up and thought of Romy. He felt tenderness towards the girl when Jean-Claude said her name. He stood by the phone, but was afraid to call Romy because of her mother and stepfather, who were next to her. Quickly changing his shirt and grabbing his jacket, he left the apartment to go to Jean-Claude's.

When Alain drove up to his house, he was already standing in the street with two tall, defiantly dressed girls, who turned out to be mulattos.

“Mr. Briali,” Alain said to his friend, taking him aside, “you are kidding me!” You can't turn them into blondes in a hundred years!

“Know how to enjoy the contrast, my friend,” Jean-Claude answered with a laugh. - Let's go to. Giselle and Isabelle were waiting.

They got into a taxi and went to a cafe. In the evening it was always crowded, but there was a table for them. Crossing the hall arm in arm with Giselle, Alain caught on himself someone's attentive and unkind look. He turned around and recognized ... Frau Schneider and her husband, sitting at a side table. He looked for Romi, but she was not there.

“Good evening, madam, Herr Blatzheim,” he muttered.

Magda Schneider nodded arrogantly and turned away, gazing murderously at the actor's companion. They moved on to their table, where Isabelle and Jean-Claude were already seated. The latter looked out for the lagging couple.

— Where did you disappear to? - he asked.

“Oh, you have no idea who we are facing,” said Alain, making a terrible face.

- Let me guess. With Gaspard-Ui and a young extra.

- No, it's worse. With the Schneider-Blatzheim couple.

- Are you kidding! Is Romi here?

- It seems not.

Who is Romi? Giselle voiced, feigning jealousy.

This is Alena's fiancee.

— Jean-Claude!

- I'm sorry, I forgot. She is his only love in the movie.

Alain faked a smile, but his mood for fun was gone. He tried to maintain a general conversation, but was constantly distracted by his own thoughts. Not doubting that Madame Schneider would describe to his daughter in colors his appearance at the Café de Paris, he became angry with Jean-Claude: he always needs to show off in front of the girls, as he had not yet thought of inviting them to the Ritz.

“Darling, wake up,” Giselle brought him back to reality.

“Yes, buddy, take care of your companion. She is thirsty.” Briali smiled.

The girl coquettishly handed him a glass, at the same time touching his leg under the table. He moved away and felt annoyed at the licentious neighbor. All evening he was stiff, hardly answering Jean-Claude's jokes. Leaving the restaurant, the young people hailed a taxi, and Alain quickly took the front seat. Near Briali's house, everyone got out of the car. The young man ceremoniously kissed the hands of the girls, wished them and Jean-Claude good night, and left. His friend was speechless and did not try to stop him.

- Is he in trouble? Giselle asked Briali with annoyance in her voice.

- I do not understand what's the matter. Okay, - he switched to his companions, - let's go to my place, let's finish what we started.

Magda Schneider refused dessert. She was impatient to return to the hotel as soon as possible and tell Romy about the meeting with Delon. Her intuition told her that her daughter was interested in her partner in the film, and Frau Schneider was afraid of losing control over her.

- Daughter, how did you go out of town? she asked first when she entered the room.

“It was a lot of fun,” Romi replied.

Mother noticed a bunch of wildflowers in a crystal vase and said:

- After the performance, Hans and I went to have dinner at the Café de Paris. Guess who we met there?

Romi felt an unpleasant chill and anxiously awaited the continuation of her mother's story.

— We ran into Delon. He was dragging a half-dressed black woman across the hall. Imagine, in such a decent place!

Romy wanted to cry, but she restrained herself. How dare he! And she, like a fool, did not leave the phone all evening.

- Mom, you were absolutely right in inviting me to the theater. Next weekend I will definitely join you and Hans,” she said and went to her room.

Blazheim looked after her and turned his inquiring gaze to Magda. He noticed that the girl was upset, but did not understand the reason for her sadness. The wife did not intend to explain anything to him and went into the bedroom, leaving him in the living room completely alone and in the dark.

Romi went to bed and thought once more of her picnic with Alain in Saint-Cloud. After her mother's words, she wanted to quit filming and return to Germany, but most of all she was worried about tomorrow. How will he look her in the eyes?

Alain looked neither embarrassed nor guilty as he approached her to greet her. From her appearance, he realized that Frau Schneider had described their yesterday's meeting to glory and painted his companion, but he restrained his anger and politely greeted Romy's mother. During a break, he approached the girl and said:

“I met your mother and stepfather in a cafe yesterday.

Romi looked at him as if he were a mortal enemy and whispered:

“Don't you dare talk to me. Only in front of the camera can you turn to me and say your lines.

— Romy, it was a regular party. Jean-Claude invited me to join his company. We had dinner and I went home alone.

"Don't think of me as a complete fool. I…

The situation was saved by Briali, who went up to Alain and shouted to almost the entire site:

“You hero-lover!” The girls didn't understand your disappearance yesterday.

It seemed to Alain that everyone present stopped talking and listened carefully to the words of Jean-Claude. The young man blushed.

“Stop making noise,” he asked his friend.

“No, explain your behavior,” he continued. In the film, he played a cheerful young military man and this morning he fully entered the role. “Imagine,” he turned to Romi, “this guy ran away yesterday and left me with two beauties.

It seemed to the girl that a stone had fallen from her soul. She smiled so wonderfully that Alain forgave his friend for stupid cries.

“You see, I was telling the truth,” he remarked, and went off to talk to Jean-Claude.

She rushed after him.

“Alain, let me invite you to dinner,” she said, not embarrassed by Briali's presence.

“I don't feel like meeting your mother in the café anymore,” he said. Jean-Claude raised an eyebrow and stared at them in amazement, not finding the strength to move away.

“We’ll be together, I’ll tell my mother right now that I’ll be late in the evening,” Romy whispered in Alain’s ear, noticing the increased interest of his friend.

“In that case, I’ll gladly keep you company.”

The actress went to her mother, and Jean-Claude said, puzzled:

“Providence descended on me yesterday.

After telling her daughter about the planned dinner with Alain, Frau Schneider realized how her fears were not false. The boy was very dangerous! At the moment he was gossiping with his friend and looked at her mockingly. Magda pondered what measures to take against her daughter's passion and mentally declared war on Delon.

Filming that day was especially tiring because of the heat. Everyone was tired, but Alain and Romy were young and liked each other. They didn't move to dinner.

- What shall we order? Romy asked as they sat down at a table in a cafe on the Rue Saint-Honoré. She found this place in a guide to Paris for foreigners. For Alain, the decor was too pretentious and the waiters pompous. Nevertheless, he listened with a smile as the garçon praised the meat in the pot and the quail on the spit. After working as a waiter for almost a year, he perfectly learned all these tricks.

“Romi, order what you like,” he advised his companion. - After all, it was you who invited me, so the choice is to your taste.

He was so sweet and helpful that he completely charmed the girl. Delon took only the first steps in the cinema, so he did not look particularly convincing on the screen, but in relations with women he had enough experience to manage the development of their relationship with Romy outside the set.

“You are very beautiful,” Alain told her quietly and squeezed her hand. “Just think, I almost refused to meet you at the airport. Now I miss you all the time.

“I didn’t particularly like you either at first,” she said with a sneer, but noticing that Alain took her words painfully, she immediately corrected herself. “I was impressed by your appearance, but I will never forget your ironic greeting.

— I confess, I was not quite right.

— Oh, what do I hear!

At that moment, the dishes ordered by Romy were brought, but the actor continued to hold her hand, looking intently into her eyes.

I even lost my appetite.

In response, Romi, withdrawing her hand, remarked judiciously:

“Everything will get cold, and you will not enjoy my efforts to choose delicacies for us.

- It would be at least impolite - Alain pounced on the treat.

"Let's drive around Paris," he suggested at the end of dinner. — Do you remember, I promised to show you the night city?

“With pleasure,” Romi replied, secretly glancing at her watch. It was already nine in the evening, but she hoped that in an hour Alain would give her a lift to the hotel.

They began their inspection from the Rue Saint-Honoré, then turned onto the Rue de Colosseum and drove out onto the Champs-Elysées. To the disappointment of the girl, her companion turned out to be a useless guide: he raced at high speed and casually pointed with his hand at the sights flashing through the window. Finally they were on a dark street, and Alain stopped the car near a low house.

- I live here. Will you come in for a minute? - he asked.

Romi seemed to be rooted to the seat and was afraid to move. Noticing this, he gently took her hands and gently kissed her on the cheek.

“Today is your day, princess. We will only do what you want.

The girl perked up and got out of the car. Alain saw that she was still hesitating, not daring to enter the entrance. He quickly scooped her up in his arms and walked with her up the steps to the front door. Romi wanted to scream out of surprise, but he beat her to it.

“Poor neighbors,” he remarked. “Their morals will be irreparably damaged.

She chuckled. At the same moment, Alain pulled her to her feet and directed her to the side stairs.

“Third floor,” he prompted.

They climbed up three flights and found themselves in front of a wooden door. The owner in complete darkness deftly groped and unlocked the lock, and then invited Romi inside.

“I need to go to the hotel, it’s already late,” she tried to explain, but Alain hugged her and began to kiss her passionately.

From the surging feelings, she almost fell and leaned against the wall. Then he picked her up again and carried her into the bedroom. There he sat her down on the bed and knelt down to help her take off her shoes, stroking her slender legs as he did so.

- Alain, I ... - Romy spoke again. He froze and quickly asked:

"You mean you've never had a lover?"

- No, I'm not talking about that.

“Do you mean that Frau Schneider didn’t follow you well?” the actor asked menacingly, portraying the deceived husband in an unusually believable way.

“But I…” the girl muttered. Alain burst out laughing and grabbed her, not allowing her to speak or think anymore.

Romi was good with him. He behaved passionately, then affectionately teased her. His temperament and enthusiasm conquered the girl.

“Baby,” Alain called as they lay on the bed, huddled tightly against each other. - Do you think there was something similar between our heroes?

"No, I'm sure it wasn't," she laughed and patted his arm. Franz and Christina are too respectable.

In short, boring.

- No, romantic - she tried to argue, but Alain silenced her, kissing her hard.

- Because?

“Boring,” Romi said readily. She did not want to leave his apartment, but when he invited her to stay, she shook her head:

- I can not. I can not today.

“Your second answer gives the unfortunate young man a tiny bit of hope.

- Are you unhappy? she asked sadly.

- What you! Now I won't sleep all night. Poor Franz will get it tomorrow.

The lovers decided not to turn on the light and in the dark they searched for their clothes, constantly bumping into each other and kissing. Alain dropped the girl off at the hotel around midnight. They regretfully unclenched their arms and parted until morning. Magda Schneider was waiting for her daughter in the living room.

- Where have you been for so long? she asked sternly.

“Mom, there are neighbors around,” Romi answered. Don't cry, I'm tired and really want to sleep.

It's strange that you're back at all. We'll talk tomorrow, now go to your room.

“Good night,” the girl said, and hid behind the door, glad that her mother did not make a scandal because of her late return.

Frau Schneider could not sleep for a long time. She rightly suspected that her daughter had an affair with Delon. With each answer from Romy, she almost physically felt that she was losing her, and this was unacceptable.

During the filming, Romy's eyes shone, Alain smiled conspiratorially, and although they never retired to chat, everyone around them understood that something had happened between them. Gaspar-Ui remarked:

They are an amazingly beautiful couple. How could they not fall in love with each other?

The Le Figaro correspondent was the only member of the press on the set that day. He was perceptive enough to write a long article based on his observations, which was placed in the next issue of the newspaper. Messages about the beginning of the novel Alain and Romy were also reprinted by other newspapers, as readers liked this topic. They were pleased to learn that the young actors playing the roles of lovers in a romantic film found love in real life.

A day after the date in Alain's apartment, they agreed to go to the theater together. A couple of hours before the start of the performance, when the actor was cleaning up the apartment, Briali called him.

“Hi,” he said. - What are you doing?

Jean-Claude, if you want to invite me to the party, you're late. Today we agreed to meet with Romy.

- It's a pity. I have an amazing acting teacher visiting me right now. Thought I'd introduce you. By the way, there is a chance that the studio will pay for your classes.

- Are you serious? Allen perked up.

Romy was a wonderful girl, but he had to develop his acting skills to become famous. In the soul of the actor, love and ambition did not fight for a long time. — Buddy, I'll call my girlfriend and reschedule the meeting.

- Well done! Come, don't delay.

Having hung up the phone, he immediately left the things scattered throughout the apartment alone and tried to get through to Romi.

“No one picks up the phone,” the hotel receptionist told him.

- Are you sure?

- Yes. I just saw the key to their apartment on the shelf.

In that case, I'll leave her a note. Just please see to it that it is handed over personally to Mademoiselle Schneider.

The actor quickly dictated a message in which he said that he was very sorry, but he could not meet her tonight and asked for permission to beg her forgiveness tomorrow. After that, he once again asked the porter to hand over the note only to the girl herself and left for Briali. The hotel clerk placed a note next to her room key.

Romy was having lunch with her mother at a cafe in Monceau Park. Magda Schneider gently explained to her daughter why Alain could not be her worthy companion:

He is completely uneducated. I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't even finish high school. Of course, he is handsome, charming, but he does not have a deep feeling for you.

“Mom, how do you know? Romi interrupted her irritably.

- I am present on the set and sometimes I follow him. He seems madly in love, but it's superficial. Rather, he is flattered by all this newspaper hype around your "novel of the century."

- I really love him.

- Badly. You will understand how he treats you and you will suffer.

Let's stop talking about this. Alain is trying to make a career, he will achieve fame.

- It will, I have no doubt. In the meantime, you help him look passable as Franz, pay his bills, and let him exploit your fame. Okay, let's talk about something else, I feel like you can't hear me.

Romy ate quickly and looked impatiently at her watch in anticipation of a meeting with Alain. She and her mother returned to the hotel, but on the street just before the entrance, the girl was distracted by a fan who politely asked for an autograph. She smiled and took the notepad and pen from his hands. Magda went to the counter to pick up the key, as her husband promised not to return late from a business meeting. The porter handed her the key, but didn't hand over the note.

- What is this paper? Frau Schneider asked. - Give it here.

“This is a message for Mademoiselle Schneider.

- What? I am her mother and I want to take the note,” Magda raised her voice.

The clerk did not continue the argument, as their altercation began to attract the attention of other hotel guests. Quickly skimming through Delon's message, the woman stuffed it into her purse and approached her daughter, who had just appeared in the hall.

- Mom, Alain will arrive soon. I'll change and go downstairs.

"Good," Frau Schneider replied coldly.

When Romi, in a black evening dress, came out of her room into the living room, her mother stopped her:

- You look amazing. Today's fan who approached you was far from the only man admiring you. Wait for your ignoramus here in love, otherwise half the hotel will come running to look at you.

The girl smiled at her mother's praise and decided that this was a reasonable offer. She sat down in the armchair next to the phone and began flipping through the magazine. Ten minutes passed from the appointed time of the meeting, and there was still no call from Alain. Romi got worried and went down to the hotel lobby, but did not find the young man there. The porter who had written down his message had changed, and no one could tell her about the note. She waited downstairs for fifteen minutes and returned to her room, frustrated.

- What happened? He did not come? her mother asked solicitously.

No, something must have happened.

“Maybe he took the girl to the Café de Paris again,” Magda couldn't help but make a sharp remark.

- Mom, stop it! He didn't call?

No, no one called. Even Hans disappeared somewhere.

Romi followed her mother, and when you left the room, she rushed to the phone. Five times she dialed Alain's number, but he did not answer. The girl was deeply hurt. After sitting another twenty minutes in the living room, she left and locked herself in her room.

Magda Schneider celebrated her victory. She knew that her daughter was taking grievances hard and would not soon agree to reconcile with Delon. "Maybe she'll never forgive him at all," she thought with satisfaction. She tore up the actor's note and threw it away while her daughter was waiting for him in the hotel lobby.

The next morning, Alain went to Romi to say hello and received no answer to his greeting.

- Baby, are you offended? I'm sorry, I really couldn't come yesterday.

Romi turned away and said nothing again. Alain decided that these were the whims of a spoiled girl and did not add anything else. In the end, he left a note. The actor considered the reason for his absence to be respectful, because he tried to improve his professional level, to become equal to her.

Romy played badly that day and seemed tired. With Alain, she defiantly spoke only on the set. The director cursed the love of young actors when he realized that he had lost a whole day because of their quarrel, and journalists devoted columns to their quarrel in the gossip section.

At lunch, Delon approached his friend Jean-Claude Briali and complained about Romy's behavior.

“Maybe I shouldn’t have canceled the meeting yesterday. You know, after all, our relationship began recently, and she so dreamed of going to the theater, ”he concluded.

- Yeah, stop it. Think you've rescheduled the meeting for a day. If she loves you, she will understand,” Jean-Claude said, looking sympathetically at his upset friend.

“Look at Madame Schneider, she thinks she won. No, I won’t leave it like that, - Alain quickly crossed the platform and approached Romy.

“I love you,” he said loudly. - If you do not want, you can not talk to me, but then I will send you notes every day, like yesterday.

The girl was deafened by the words of the actor, and against her will she asked again:

- What note?

- You didn't get my message? I could not find you in the room and dictated to the receptionist that I would like to reschedule our meeting.

“They didn’t give me anything,” Romi muttered and looked at her mother.

She kept silent. The young people simultaneously realized what fate befell the note, and the actress blushed.

“The porter must have lost it. I was angry because I was waiting for you all evening in vain.

- I'm sorry. Let's go to the theater tonight.

- With pleasure.

Alain smiled mockingly, looking at Frau Schneider and deliberately slowly hugged Romy. Young people got tickets to the last row of the stalls at the Opera. After the performance, they bought various snacks and went to Alain's apartment.

“I want to be famous,” he said to Romy as they lay exhausted in bed. I will have a big house and my own film studio. In all films, I would shoot only you and me.

She tenderly kissed him, realizing that this was the highest praise of a lover. As an inexperienced actor, Alain showed extraordinary intuition in understanding the role and assessing the abilities of people, as well as perseverance in striving to secure his future. While other actors were spending small fees in a matter of months, he was saving money in a bank account. With his attractive appearance and confident behavior, he won over directors and producers, who in the future could offer him roles in films. The effect of his beauty on women has already begun to be legendary. Absolutely everyone liked him - from teenage girls pestering him on the streets to older ladies admiring the actor's brilliant blue eyes. Gradually, he walked towards his goal, overcoming many small obstacles on the way to the top.

"Will you stay with me today?" asked Alain Romy.

“Probably yes,” she replied.

Now the actress did not talk to her mother, as in the morning with her beloved.

“You are a very harsh girl,” Alain commented on her behavior. - You make a decision right away and do not give people the opportunity to justify themselves. You need to be more relaxed about small incidents. If I had not come and warned about the cancellation of the meeting? Would you break our relationship?

"No, I couldn't," Romi purred, settling herself comfortably on his arm. - I love you too much. But there are some rules.

“That's the point, my maximalist. There are a couple of laws in life, but there are no rules.

Romi fell silent, considering the meaning of his words and dozed off. In the morning, Alain woke her up with a kiss. When she stretched and pushed herself up against the pillow, he placed a muffin in her hand and held out a cup of steaming coffee.

“Oh my God, it's not even the Ritz,” the shocked actress whispered. - It is a paradise.

“And you are my angel, dear. Drink your coffee or we'll be late for the shoot.

“I don’t want to go anywhere,” Romi buried herself in the pillow, but Alain put the cup on the table and pulled the kicking girl out of bed.

- Get up, sleepyhead. I can't wait to wait for the evening and return with you to our nest.

Even more, the actor was eager to look into the face of Magda Schneider, whom he hated with all his heart. The day passed in hard work, now the actors were especially pleased to be in the frame together, they did not want to unclench their arms and take their eyes off each other.

“God, if only I knew!” Gaspar-Ui lamented. — They play on such a rise. I had to shoot all the love scenes in the end.

Alain, who so far could only truly portray his own feelings, actually looked much better than at the beginning of work on the picture. Last but not least, his good performance was the merit of the acting teacher recommended by Briali.

Two weeks remained before the end of filming, when Romy entered the living room with her mother and stepfather and announced that she was staying in Paris with Alain. Out of surprise, Frau Schneider managed to ask only one question:

— For how long?

“I will stay with him forever.

- Daughter, what about your career? Glory? Don't throw all your work at the boy's feet. He will be the first to decide that you are just a fool.

Mom, I don't care what you think. I will not part with Alain, even if they promise me mountains of gold.

“Romy,” Hans Blatzheim joined in the conversation. — You have obligations to the producers. We discussed several new projects with them. Do you plan to continue filming?

“Yes,” Magda shouted hysterically. — How are you going to earn money? You can not rely on your lover in this matter.

- I will work. Alain and I will become popular together.

“You will completely ruin your reputation by staying with him. You are not married, and your image of a beautiful innocent girl will crumble to dust, Frau Schneider said.

“I won’t be able to maintain that image forever. In a couple of years it will be funny. I grew up and have the right to fall in love.

Magda was scared. The daughter no longer obeyed her and did not listen to her fair arguments. However, the worst thing was parting with her. Frau Schneider decided not to argue with her daughter anymore and went into the bedroom, where she immediately grabbed the telephone receiver and began calling all her friends and asking for their advice.

The lovers found a cozy small apartment, since Alain was too crowded. They decided to split the payment in half. From happiness, Romi did not feel her legs under her, she soared and saw in front of her only a smiling, attentive Delon. They became inseparable. Alain stopped attending bachelor parties, preferring the company of his beloved. He liked to give her small gifts and demand immediate gratitude for them in the form of a kiss. Newspapers were full of their photographs, and the gallant French sincerely rejoiced at their happiness.

One evening they were sitting on the banks of the Seine, embracing and looking at the water. Suddenly, an old gypsy woman appeared in front of them and offered to tell fortunes. Laughing, Romi held out her hand to the old woman while Alain took change out of his pocket.

"You will marry," muttered the fortune-teller. - More than once.

Alain frowned.

“Honey, we’ll probably get divorced and get married again,” the girl reassured him.

“No, you are not married and never will be married,” the gypsy said confidently.

Romi withdrew her hand, as if burned.

“Take the money and get out,” Alain roughly pushed the old woman away. She left. Do you believe stupid stories? he asked with annoyance at the girl who was ready to cry.

She was silent, and he hugged her tightly, comforting her.

- Do you want to go to the Mayor right now? he said in a burst of tenderness. "Don't hesitate, I will marry you."

Alain seemed so real and close that Romy forgot the unpleasant prediction.

“I’m glad of your proposal, but let’s first announce our engagement.”

“Sometimes your practicality kills the romantic impulses of my soul. But it’s decided, I’ll give you a ring anyway, ”the actor answered, pleased that his beloved had ceased to be sad.

Chapter 7

The last days of filming "Christine" took place in Vienna. After leaving Paris, Magda Schneider felt that she could calmly consider a plan to save her daughter. She was determined to defend Romy's career, which, in her opinion, would instantly collapse after she moved to France. On the very first evening, she started a serious conversation with her husband:

- Hans, you have signed contracts for future shootings of Romy. Hurry up the director. In the end, tell the producer that you are ready to reduce her fee, if only the shooting began earlier. If she does not see Delon for a couple of months, she will quickly forget him.

"I'll see how it can be arranged," Blatzheim replied. - But are you sure that Romy will not refuse to participate in filming in Germany?

We won't let her. Then she is not a child and knows what threatens to refuse the contract. Do it, Hans, or we will lose my daughter.

Rolf Thiele, the director of the next film, which was to star Romy Schneider along with her mother, immediately agreed to help Blazheim and pushed the start date closer. He called the young actress to discuss the script with her and spoke so confidently that she did not even dare to hint to him about a possible refusal to participate in the film. Romi was confused. She adored Alain, could not part with him now, but the termination of the contract threatened with great losses and would ruin her reputation in the world of cinema.

- What should I do? she asked her lover. “I want to return to our cozy boarding house and be close to you. But I have obligations...

Alena was very hurt by her hesitation. Sometimes it seemed to him that she was betraying their love by agreeing to return to Germany. His confrontation with Magda Schneider reached its climax. They barely spoke as they met on set and at the hotel. Romy was worried about this, because her mother and Alain were the dearest people for her.

“I don’t think we should announce our engagement,” the young man said on the last day of filming. You are going home to Cologne. Why do all this nonsense?

How can you say that, Alan? I love you,” Romi answered with tears. - Filming in Germany will take only a couple of months, and I will immediately fly to Paris.

“If your mother will let you, which I doubt.”

After these words of her lover, the girl turned and left without adding anything else. She thought that selfishness woke up in Alena. If he was forced to leave for the shooting, she would understand this.

Alain also went to the exit of the pavilion and ran into the door with Magda Schneider, who looked haughtily at him and said:

— I'm glad you're flying to Paris tomorrow. Don't expect to take my daughter with you. Contracts for her participation in films are signed for years in advance, and I will personally make sure that not a single scene with Romy is filmed in Paris.

He did not answer and went out into the street, but it is unlikely that at that moment Magda could have found a person who hated her more than Delon. Looking after him, Frau Schneider was triumphant - her daughter was staying with her.

A gloomy Alain was sitting in the hotel bar when Briali sat down at his table. In this situation, he was the only person Alain wanted to see. Jean-Claude did not pry anything, but started talking about the future premiere of the film.

- I wonder how they will represent "Christina" in Paris. They can gather all the performers in advance and arrange several interviews. You and Romy will be asked the most questions.

Romy won't come. Magda Schneider will ban her for a week in a room so as not to let her into Paris,” Delon said sharply.

- Why? asked Jean-Claude, startled. - After all, you have already looked after the apartment. She decided to stay.

- In fact of the matter. She changed her mind. She starts shooting next. Her mother informed me that she would not allow her daughter to come to Paris in the coming years.

- Can't be. What does Romi think?

She's going back to Cologne and that's enough. Let's order something to drink.

- Of course. You are reading my mind.

The next morning, the French film crew flew to Paris. In the evening, during the farewell dinner, Romi made several attempts to talk to Alain, but he avoided her. Jean-Claude, who in Paris always reconciled them during petty quarrels, this time preferred not to intervene. The girl fell into despair, but finally her patience snapped when Magda turned to her with the words:

- In the future film, you will have the best and most reliable partner - your mother.

- Mom, why are you constantly interfering in our relationship with Alain? You do everything to ruin them. I never reminded you of the note stolen from the hotel, but there are limits!?

“In order to help my child, I will do anything,” Frau Schneider answered her in a tone. Then she instantly calmed down.

“You will understand that when you have children.

Magda could not be persuaded, Romi sighed and moved away from her. What's the point of arguing with your mother?

In the morning, the girl accompanied her beloved to the airport. All the other Frenchmen stood aside so as not to interfere with their goodbyes. Both were pale. Alain threw off his superficial coldness and whispered:

Come to Paris whenever you want. We will live together.

Tears welled up in Romy's eyes. She waited until Alain was landing, waved her hand to him and wept bitterly, no longer hiding from anyone. Passengers sitting in the waiting room looked with surprise at the beautiful girl, who at first wept, looking out the window at the take-off plane, and then rushed to the ticket office. Neither mother nor stepfather was at the airport and no one stopped her when she issued a ticket for the Vienna-Paris flight. She carefully hid it in her purse and imagined how she would surprise her beloved tomorrow with her appearance. Her tears have dried up.

Back at the hotel, she knocked on her mother's room.

“Daughter, come in,” she said affectionately. Have you already packed your things?

“Yes, Mom,” Romi answered, looking into her eyes. - My suitcases are packed, but I'm not flying to Cologne, but to Paris.

Magda could not survive such a complete and most important lightning-fast collapse of her hopes. She sank into a chair.

Did he talk you into it at the last minute? What did he say?

I love him too much to let us break up. And Alain almost reconciled with him. At the airport, he kissed me as if he was saying goodbye forever - the girl almost cried from excitement. We will meet with him tomorrow.

- Yes, and so you will meet at the premiere of "Christina". Why are you in a hurry? her mother tried to reason with. - Maybe in your heart you don’t believe that he is going to wait for you for several months?

"I don't want to talk about it anymore," Romi said firmly and left the room.

Magda Schneider barely restrained herself from following her husband down to the bar. Half an hour later he returned and was frightened when he saw her distorted face.

"The boy won," she muttered. Romy is flying to Paris tomorrow.

“Impossible,” Blatzheim said.

This was the last straw that overflowed the cup of his patience. He agreed to accompany his wife and her daughter to France, wanting to unwind, but the journey turned into a nightmare. Throughout the filming, he listened to Magda's complaints about her daughter's behavior, consoled his wife and smoothed out her quarrels with Romi. But this was not enough. Now the participation of the actress in the filming was in jeopardy.

"What do you mean she's flying to Paris!" he shouted at his wife. Does the signed contract mean anything to her? How do you imagine talking to Thiele after he pushed back the shooting date at our request? He will not have time to find a replacement for Romy.

Why are you telling me this? exclaimed Magda. “Go explain this to your daughter.

Blazheim tried to calm down a little and went to Romy's room for negotiations. At his knock, the girl opened the door and invited him in.

"Your mother told me about tomorrow's trip," he began. - Do you think it's normal to cancel the shooting at the last moment and let everyone down? Answer!

- I do not refuse filming, but now I need to fly to Paris. I'll be back in Germany in time for filming.

Hearing a reasonable answer, Hans stopped being angry. However, he had another question:

— And how are you going to dispose of the fee?

You will remain my manager. Are you willing to continue with my investment? When Blazheim nodded in the affirmative, she added, “I need money in France.”

- I am ready to transfer small amounts to your account every month.

“Agreed,” Romi was delighted. I will call you and my mother tomorrow and leave my new phone.

The stepfather made no attempt to dissuade her from the trip, believing that if Magda failed to do this, then he also had nothing to count on. In addition, he approved, as far as possible, Romy's plans and hoped that she would fulfill her obligations to director Wolf Thiele.

Landing in Paris, Alain refused Briali's offer to spend the evening with him, and returned to his apartment. It looked empty and abandoned without Romy. He wanted to run away from her, as he once fled from a room in the Rue Barbet after the departure of Lucien Lejeune. In order not to feel lonely and not to evoke memories, he must be moved to another place. Of course, not in a boarding house on the Seine embankment, Romy liked. “Tomorrow the first thing I will do is give up that room,” he decided, but the thought did not bring relief. He reached for the phone to call Vienna, but at the last moment hung up - if their relationship is over, why humiliate yourself and pursue the girl. Although tired after the flight, he could not sleep for a long time, making chaotic plans for the future.

Romy didn't have to fight her mother anymore. She accepted the fact of her return to Paris as inevitable, and besides, her husband consoled her a little by retelling his conversation with his daughter. “Alain is too ill-mannered, he does not belong to the people of our circle. Romy will run away from him in a week,” cherished the dream of Frau Schneider. In the meantime, reluctantly, she reluctantly escorted her daughter to the airport and ordered that she give her phone number that same day.

- OK, Mom. I love you very much. Goodbye, - answered smiling Romi and went to the landing. She repeated Alain's yesterday's path and constantly thought about him.

At the Paris airport, she took a taxi and told the driver the address of her beloved's apartment. The city met her with the gentle September sun. This lifted the mood of the girl, who already felt infinitely happy. Entering the entrance of a familiar house, she remembered her first date with her beloved and smiled.

- Who's there? Alain asked unkindly in response to her knock.

He flung open the door and froze on the threshold, not believing his eyes. Romi threw herself on his neck and shouted joyfully:

- Surprise!

"No, it's a hallucination of a hopelessly in love," he muttered, kissing her. — How did you end up here?

- Arrived on the next flight after yours.

"But why didn't you warn me?" I thought it was over between us.

“The decision came suddenly,” the girl was embarrassed.

They did not say another word, not letting go of each other's arms until the evening. At eight they were awakened by the ringing telephone. Briali was on the wire.

Alan, how are you? he asked. Don't sit at home again, come to me.

“Good,” Delon replied in a sad voice. - I'll be there in an hour.

He hung up and offered:

- Darling, let's play my best friend.

“Of course,” Romi agreed.

Alain rang the doorbell to Jean-Claude's apartment and lingered a bit before entering.

“I am not alone,” he explained to the owner in a loud whisper.

“I invite your friend too,” said Briali, looking at Alain with regret.

He stepped over the threshold and pulled Romi, who was hiding on the stairs, by the hand. Briali was as startled by her appearance as his friend had been that morning.

"So you weren't going to break up?" You lied to me? He lashed out at Alain.

- Well no. Can you imagine, a nasty girl planned to arrange a surprise for me, - he explained, fighting off the girl who jokingly swung at him.

“Your novel cannot be compared with the film “Christina” in terms of the complexity of the plot,” Briali noted. - tell this to reporters and your rating will rise to unattainable heights.

“No,” Allen replied. - It's too personal.

Romi agreed with him.

Those few weeks that she and Alain lived in a boarding house before her departure for shooting in Germany were carefree and filled with love and joy. In the evenings they did not leave the room, preferring to spend time alone. Occasionally, friends came to visit them, but they did not stay for a long time visiting a couple in love, as they felt that they simply ceased to be noticed. Alain and Romy exchanged glances every minute, kissed and exchanged phrases, the meaning of which was clear only to them alone. Once, Georges Baum was seriously offended by a friend when he tried to talk to him about an interesting scenario, and he interrupted him in mid-sentence:

“Right now I'm only interested in my baby Romi.

“You will lose a good offer,” Georges warned him.

“Stop preaching to me. We can talk about this film later.

Alain turned to Romy and called her. The girl immediately rushed to him, and Georges had only to leave. He complained to his acquaintances that the young actor did not part with his beloved and forgot about his career. However, Bohm was wrong. Love for Romy did not prevent Alain from studying new proposals and viewing scripts for new films. He only pretended that he was not interested in future filming. The reason for this was the expectation of the release of the film "Christina". The actor had no doubt that the screening would be successful, and the directors would significantly increase his fees for participation in the following films. The affair with Schneider was also good for his image, although he himself tried not to think about it. He liked the girl, and if her mother had not called every day and asked her daughter for details of their life together, he would have considered himself the happiest lover on earth. Neither he

- Darling, what's wrong with you? he asked, placing a bag of snacks on the table and hugging her.

“The day after tomorrow I am flying to Germany, we will part for a month and a half,” she answered through tears. Will you remember me?

“God, I love you. Of course I will think of you, call and wait for your return.

"I can't live without you," the girl muttered, resting her head on his shoulder.

Now she regretted that she had not shown firmness and refused to participate in the film. Then she thought that her mother would never have let her do this and sighed. Each independent act was given to her with difficulty.

“How I don’t want to leave,” she repeated for the hundredth time, irritating Alain.

He was tired of the constant doubts and complaints of the girl. Unlike her, he made decisions quickly, weighing all the consequences in advance.

He got up from the couch where he was sitting next to Romy and walked over to the table.

“I brought your favorite pâté,” he said. “I'm sure a delicious lunch is a wonderful consolation.

The girl lost her appetite, but she wanted to be closer to her lover and she began to sort out the products. Allen made plans for the future.

“You will come in December, for the premiere of Christina,” he said. “Unfortunately, you will be accompanied by your mother, and we will not be able to see each other often.

“I will not come to the premiere of the film, but to you,” Romi answered firmly. - From the airport I will immediately come to our apartment.

“Frau Schneider will destroy me.

"Don't be afraid," she smiled. - When mom understands how much we love each other, she will change her attitude towards you.

Alain nodded, but suspected that Magda Schneider, in the month and a half of her daughter's stay in Germany, would make every effort to prevent her from returning to Paris.

The girl flew away. Parting at the airport was no less sad than parting in Vienna. After her departure, Alena's life again became the same as before meeting with Romy. He often went to visit Briali and sat with friends at the Café de Paris until night, discussing films that had been released in recent weeks.

“Alain, Giselle asked about you,” Jean-Claude told him when the young man stopped by on his way to the film studio.

- Who is it? he asked.

“One swarthy girl that you intended to dye blonde.

“Ah, I remembered,” Alain chuckled. “It's nice that despite the disappointment that has befallen her, she continues to think of me.

“Would you like to go out with the four of us tonight?” You need to unwind a little.

Delon thought for a couple of seconds, and then answered:

- Of course, let's go. My future mother-in-law is busy filming and will hunt us down.

Jean-Claude burst out laughing as he remembered his unexpected meeting with Magda Schneider at the Café de Paris.

I'll meet you at eight tonight. I'll call the girls now," he said.

Dinner in the company of Giselle and Isabelle was fun. When a taxi stopped near Alain's house late in the evening, he got out of the car and offered his hand to Giselle:

Come out, we've arrived.

The girl quickly fluttered out onto the sidewalk. Jean-Claude and Isabelle looked at each other slyly, and the actor told the driver to move off.

Alain tried to discreetly lead the girl to his room, but, as luck would have it, they met a neighbor who liked to chat with Romi and sometimes helped her cook dinner.

"Good evening, Monsieur Petit," the young man greeted him.

“Good evening,” he replied, looking reproachfully at Alain.

“As soon as Frau Schneider escaped the surveillance, the role of spies began to be played by good neighbors,” thought the actor.

“Come in, beauty,” he said to Giselle, unlocking the room.

The girl went into the room and began to examine with interest the bottles of perfume left by Romi on the chest of drawers.

“Does this belong to your fiancee that Jean-Claude was talking about?” she asked, sniffing the perfume.

- Do not touch! Alain stopped her, taking her by the hand. “Better come here,” he said.

Coming close to her, he put his hands on her thin waist. She raised herself on her tiptoes to touch his lips. Although the sight of the other woman's belongings upset her, she did not change her mind about spending the night with a handsome actor.

In the morning the young man woke up and found Giselle curled up in a ball next to him in bed. He felt annoyed, he felt offended that he betrayed Romy so easily.

“Get up,” he shook the girl. - It's time for you to leave.

She opened her eyes and reached out to him, but he silently got out of bed and went into the shower. When he returned, Giselle was not in the room. He felt relieved and rejoiced at her complaisance. Then Alain called Briali.

"Jean-Claude, you threw a great party yesterday," he said gloomily.

- I'm glad you liked it. Do you still have Giselle?

- No, she left. But now all the neighbors are aware of how I spend time in the absence of Romy.

“What are you having an orgy with Giselle in your room?” Did the neighbors have to call the police? In this case, the secret desire of a dark-skinned girl to read about herself in the newspapers will come true.

“A terrible assumption,” Alain answered cheerfully. Thank God it didn't come to that. At the door, we ran into Romy's admirer from the apartment opposite.

“You have no luck with Giselle. There are incidents all the time. Let's change. Tonight I give you permission to invite Isabelle.

Jean-Claude, forget your jokes. Once I stumbled, but henceforth not a single woman will divert my thoughts from my beloved friend.

His friend snorted and asked:

Seriously, what are your plans for tonight?

“I don’t mind getting out somewhere, but without yesterday’s dark-skinned girls.

— Excellent, I will agree with Georges, and we will meet in a cafe. It's time to reconcile you, he is still angry because of your refusal to read the script.

- Deal.

Alain walked across the room and went to the chest of drawers. Romy's perfume caught his attention and he ran his finger over the bubbles. Then he glanced at his watch and picked up the receiver and dialed her number. He did not know German and for a long time explained to the receptionist that he wanted to talk to his fiancee Romy Schneider. Finally he was connected to her room. The girl recently woke up and spun in front of the mirror, applying makeup to her face. Her mother sat in a chair and watched her. Romi did not expect a call from Alain, so she did not protest when Magda picked up the phone. She recognized Delon's voice and said in German:

- You are mistaken.

— Who is it, mother? Romi asked without taking her eyes off the mirror.

— Another fan. I'll contact the receptionist now and ask you not to connect you with anyone.

- Mom, but Alain can call.

- I doubt. He would rather you call him.

Romi shook her head in displeasure and went to look for a comb, and Magda spoke to the receptionist and told him not to connect her daughter with anyone else.

The young man also recognized the voice of Romy's mother and changed his mind about calling the bride back. However, Frau Schneider's opposition to the development of their relationship only increased his affection for the girl. He often imagined her return, and how after the premiere of "Christina" they would announce their engagement. Having dressed, he went to a jewelry store to choose an engagement ring for his girlfriend.

At the end of December, he met Romy at the airport. She noticed Alain among those waiting and ran to meet him. The lovers kissed for a long time, enjoying the long-awaited reunion.

“Daughter, we need to follow the delivery of our luggage,” Magda Schneider announced to her daughter.

Alain turned to the porter standing nearby.

— Where are your suitcases? he asked the girl.

She pointed to two identical bags. The young man walked up to the cart, casually parted the rest of the suitcases and picked up Romy's luggage.

"Let's go," he told her. — I parked the car near the exit of the building.

- Put things back! Magda screamed. - My daughter will live in a hotel, in a room rented by a film studio!

Allen looked at her questioningly. She made an effort and said:

— I'm sorry, Mom, but I have an apartment in Paris. I don't need a hotel room.

She and Allen joined hands and headed for the exit. Magda regretted that Hans Blatzheim did not accompany her and her daughter. She was sure that her husband would not allow the boy to take her daughter to a miserable boarding school.

Romi was happy not to find any changes in her “nest” with Alain. Throughout her stay in Germany, not an hour passed without her remembering her beloved.

“I brought you a present,” she said, opening her bag.

“You yourself are the best gift,” Alain answered, going up to her and touching her shoulder.

The girl instantly forgot about the bag and turned to him. They squeezed each other in their arms and began to rapidly free themselves from the clothes that interfered with them.

The girl met her mother just before the premiere of the film.

“I wish you good luck,” she said coldly to her in the auditorium, sinking into a nearby chair.

Thanks to the participation of young actors in the film, between whom passionate love flared up on the set, described in detail by newspapermen, the audience willingly watched the film. However, the opinion of critics was unanimous and categorical: the picture was a complete failure.

Romy was upset, Jean-Claude took the news philosophically, but for Alain it was a terrible blow. He was so hoping to get good reviews after playing his first leading role, so eager to gain credibility as a young, promising actor, that the collapse of plans almost destroyed him.

“All my hopes are dashed,” he said to Romy. “I'm haunted by the sad thought that your mother was right about my failure. Apparently, I need to give up trying to become an actor.

The girl consoled him as best she could. She herself was worried not so much because of the failure of the picture, but about the unflattering publications in the German press about her affair with Delon. Just as her mother had predicted, her image of a nice girl was shattered. The authors of the articles called her "a traitor who fled to France."

The New Year would have passed quite sadly if Briali had not organized a masquerade for the holiday, a little distracting Alain and Romy from troubles.

In January, just before the girl returned to Germany to shoot the next film, a reporter approached the lovers and asked Alain a question about his future plans.

“I'm going to go to the post office and arrange with the old boss about going to work,” the actor replied.

Then he smiled playfully and added:

- True, one director is ready to give me one last chance to prove to everyone that I am able to play well.

The next film in which he starred under the direction of director Michel Boisron was a success and the bitter residue left by him after the failure with Christina slowly began to disappear. Romy was supposed to play in three joint French-German films in a row. After finishing work on the first picture, she started a conversation with Alain about the engagement.

“I really want to be your real bride,” she said.

Her lover didn't mind. The young man took a box out of the chest of drawers, took out a ring from it and put it on the girl's finger with the words:

- I love you. We'll always be together.

Romi twisted the ring and asked:

"Let's have a little party about our engagement."

An hour later, she called her mother and announced her engagement to Alain. She was extremely dissatisfied, but restrainedly congratulated her daughter and said:

Come both of you to Germany. We will make a statement to the press, otherwise you ruined your reputation in your homeland with your stupid novel.

"I'll talk to Alain," Romi promised and hung up.

The actor in love with her could not refuse her, and a week later the couple flew to Cologne.

Magda Schneider made a whole performance out of her daughter's engagement. She called correspondents, organized the filming of this event and appeared in the hall in a luxurious outfit, throwing a fox palatin over her shoulders.

Alain got angry and took out his discontent on Romy, who was also confused by the scope with which her engagement was celebrated.

“It's not my fault. How could I have known that my mother would arrange such a thing? she replied to the furious groom. - She told me that everything would go quietly in a family way.

- Like a family? Alain was outraged. - I fell for her bait and now I have to play an idiot in front of the camera. I'm glad I at least thought to bring my tuxedo.

Through the efforts of Magda Schneider, the mood of the lovers was spoiled and the memorable event turned into a painful duty to pose for the camera and give numerous interviews to journalists. Alain and Romy returned to France in a quarrel, but soon reconciled, accepting the congratulations of friends and acquaintances who threw a party in honor of the young couple.

Is the wedding coming soon? Belmondo asked, pulling Alain aside.

- Not earlier than in a year. I can't stand two such significant events in a row. I'm afraid the celebration on the occasion of the wedding will exceed all conceivable boundaries.

What does Romi think?

“She is too accustomed to relying on her mother for everything. If she insists on a noisy ceremony, she will agree.

In one thing, Alain was right: Romy could not do without a person guiding her actions. In the absence of a mother nearby, she entrusted this duty to her lover. After reading scripts and talking to directors, she was always interested in his opinion. At first the young man was flattered. Romy was a star, received lucrative offers to participate in the filming and asked his advice. But over time, her indecision began to bother him. She did not know how to defend her opinion when they argued about scenarios, she thought about some decision for a long time, and at the last moment she could change it. But she was firmly convinced that the bride and groom should be faithful to each other, even if they were often forced to part. More than once, on the basis of the divergence of their views, quarrels broke out between Alain and Romy.

During the next visit of Romy to Paris, he and Alain and two familiar actors were sitting in a cafe. The weather was terrible, with torrential rain pouring down in the morning, which made dinner in a warm room seem more attractive than usual. Suddenly, two girls who knew one of the actors approached the table at which their company was sitting.

“Join us,” he invited.

However, due to bad weather, there were plenty of visitors to the cafe and a chair was found for only one of them.

“It’s okay,” Alain told her jokingly, “you can sit on someone’s lap.”

"I'd love to take your knees," she replied.

Noticing the anger in the eyes of his girlfriend, Alain asked:

So what's the delay then?

The girl looked at Romi and quickly knelt down to Delon. He hugged her and said:

I can give you my glass too. Do you love red wine?

She nodded.

Romi could no longer contain her indignation at the antics of her lover and jumped to her feet:

- I want to go home. Let's get a taxi, Alain.

But he was not going to finish dinner so soon.

"I'm staying," he replied.

“Okay, then I’ll leave alone,” Romi said sharply and left the hall.

Everyone sitting at the table was confused, but Alain did not raise an eyebrow.

“You see,” he turned to the girl sitting on his lap, “and a place has been vacated for you. Grab it soon.

She moved to Romy's chair, but the feeling of embarrassment caused by the actor's behavior persisted until the end of the evening.

When Alain returned home, Romi greeted him coldly.

“I didn’t expect you to show up home today,” she said in an offended tone. What happened to your new friend?

A dangerous glint flashed in the young man's eyes.

- Do you want me to leave?

“After your behavior in the cafe, I don’t want to have anything to do with you,” she said furiously. "How dare you do this to me?"

“But, my dear, it was just a joke. True, the longer I looked at this girl, the more charming she seemed to me.

"I don't want to see you again!"

— That's how. Why don't you go back under your mother's wing, princess?

Romi turned pale, then grabbed the suitcase, but her hands were trembling so much that she could not put things into it. Throwing it aside, she ran out of the room and slammed the door loudly.

After a few minutes, Alain repented of his act and went to look for her. He himself could not understand why he offended Romy. On the stairs, the young man ran into a neighbor, Mr. Petit.

“The girl is standing there alone, in the rain,” he said in confusion. I tried to persuade her to come to me, but she refused.

Jumping over two steps, Alain went downstairs and saw Romi standing in the middle of the street. She was soaked all over, but she didn't move, as if she didn't feel the cold. There was a blank look on her face.

- You are crazy! he shouted. - Go home!

He took her hand, but the girl did not turn to him, continuing to stand in the rain. Cursing himself, Alain picked her up in his arms and carried her into the entrance. Climbing upstairs, he kicked open the door and laid Romi on the bed. She was shivering.

"You can't have a show like this because of a stupid quarrel," he said.

The girl did not answer. Alain touched her forehead and was frightened: she had a high temperature. Rummaging through the first aid kit, he did not find any medicine and turned to Petya for help.

- Romi has a fever. Do you have any medications?

“What a misfortune,” said the old man. — I'll call my friend Professor Millet. He is an excellent doctor.

After examining the girl, the professor announced that the fever was caused by a strong nervous shock.

She will sleep well and wake up healthy tomorrow.

He turned out to be right. Romi did not catch a cold and did not get pneumonia, but throughout the next week she walked gloomy and could not forgive Alain. In vain he apologized many times and gave her flowers. The girl was ready to return to Cologne, but her feeling for Delon was too strong to forget him.

They reconciled, but this incident greatly changed their relationship. Alain now disappeared until late at a party, not considering it necessary to tell Romy about where he was. The girl often cried, it cost her great effort not to mention the behavior of her lover in conversations with her mother. However, she learned everything from the newspapers.

“Daughter, you don’t need to lie that you and Alain are all right,” said Magda. — I don't believe the tabloid newspapers, but when each of them considered it their duty to publish articles about the problems of the "lovers of the century", I became alert. Where is your fiancé now?

“He went to visit,” Romi answered sadly, but immediately caught herself, “We were supposed to go together, I just changed my mind.”

“So he preferred to go alone instead of staying with you.

Mom, please don't interfere with our lives. If we have disagreements, I can deal with them myself.

You will regret agreeing to live with him. What am I saying, you're already sorry!

Magda Schneider had a hope to return her daughter, and she began to call her every day. At the same time, she forced her husband to find lucrative contracts for her daughter that would keep her in Germany for a long time.

Romy signed two contracts for shooting in historical films, similar to films about Princess Sissi.

Why do you want to go back to the boring image of a beautiful doll? Allen asked her.

- I want to be independent. The roles in these films are my own choice. I'm sorry if that doesn't work for you," Romi said.

They said a cold goodbye, and she flew off to Cologne.

The separation proved to be a difficult test for both. Although Magda Schneider met her daughter with open arms and invited her friends over every day, Romi missed her. She met several young people, but none of them interested her. The girl yearned for Alain. And at this time he led the life of a recluse, occasionally visiting friends and rejecting most invitations to all kinds of celebrations and parties.

Finally he called the girl.

- Darling, I can't live without you. Forgive me, I behaved inexcusably. Probably every man at some point becomes a fool, but for me this period is over.

- Truth? the girl asked hopefully. "So you're bored too?"

- Highly. If you don't come to Paris soon, I'll fly to you in Cologne.

Romi beamed, her mother had not seen her so joyful for a long time.

Did they tell you something nice? she asked with a smile.

- Yes. I have just heard the most beautiful news: Alain loves me.

- Did he call?

Mom, he loves me. I am returning to Paris next week.

For the first time in her life, Magda Schneider lost heart and did not know what to object to her daughter. She spent almost a year trying to get Romy to leave Alain. Moreover, the actor himself with his behavior only helped her in this. But everything turned out to be in vain - Romi still loved him and continued to forgive all the insults inflicted on him.

“I will repeat what I have already told you a hundred times,” said Magda, “you and him are completely different. A year or two will pass, and you will part, and you will suffer. He will hurt you.

Mom, I don't care what happens next. I think about him every minute and feel happy only next to him.

Magda was confused. “How did Delon manage to bewitch my daughter like that?” she thought.

Romy was back in Paris.

- Honey, the flight attendants began to recognize me. Soon the Lufthansa airline will give me a prize as its most faithful passenger,” she said to Alain, meeting him at the airport.

“I can't wait for you to stay in Paris forever.

- Now it is impossible. A month later, new shooting begins. I am a slave to the film industry.

And I am your slave. What does my lady want?

- I want to be at home.

“The carriage has been served, Your Highness.

They joined hands and went to Alain's car. The residents of the boarding house came out to greet the returned girl.

“Thank you,” she replied. “I missed all of you so much.

Ordinary people lived in this boarding house. Magda Schneider would have considered socializing with them below her dignity, but Romi loved them. The neighbors became almost full members of the family: Alain shared with them the good news about participating in the filming of new films and asked for help; Romy, in the person of Mr. Petit, found a wise adviser and told him about the minor troubles that happened between her and her lover.

Alain signed a second contract to shoot with Michel Boisron. He nevertheless read the script, brought to him for the second time by Georges Baume, and became interested in the plot of the picture.

- The military theme is not the most advantageous topic to emphasize your external data, - the director told him confidentially, - but it is dangerous, although pleasant, to secure the image of a hero-lover.

Delon was outraged:

- Dear master, I do not rely solely on my appearance, I agree to completely forget about it. I want to become a serious actor, able to play characters with a deep character.

“It's commendable to try to be a good actor, but don't forget your beauty. That would be stupid,” Boisron replied. - A pleasant face is a considerable trump card for an actor.

In the evening, Alain recounted this conversation to Romy and asked:

Do you think that beauty is important for an actor?

The girl laughed and didn't answer. Both of them were young and attractive, it was not for nothing that journalists dubbed them “the lovers of the century”, as the most beautiful couple.

The month of Romy's stay in Paris passed unnoticed. All this time, Alain was unfailingly kind and attentive to her. The girl fell in love with him even more, but it was time to leave.

“Promise me that you will fly to Germany as soon as possible,” the girl told him.

I will definitely visit you and call you often.

In Cologne, her mother was waiting for her, who had a new plan to save her daughter from Delon. Knowing about his incredible jealousy, she relied on Romy's acquaintance with her film partner, actor Curd Jurgens.

On the first day of filming, she invited reporters who took pictures of the actors as they discussed an important scene in the film. Romi smiled slyly and leaned slightly towards Kurd, and he looked straight into the girl's eyes. This shot exceeded all expectations of Magda Schneider. She called one correspondent aside and said to him:

- My daughter is ready to forget Alain Delon. Yesterday she confessed to me that she had met a wonderful man. I think you can guess who she was talking about.

The journalist felt a sensation and wrote an article dedicated to the new lover Romy Schneider. The material was placed in the next issue of the newspaper, which was instantly sold out. This article has been reprinted by other publications. The girl was so absorbed in the process of filming that she did not look through the press, and her mother, if possible, hid newspapers from her. Soon the sensational news of Romy's new novel reached France. Alain felt insulted. The first thing that caught his eye was a photograph of his lover smiling at some German actor, then he read an article that destroyed his last doubts. "Traitor!" he thought, crumpling up the newspaper. In the evening he met Jean-Paul Belmondo in a bar, who looked sympathetically at his friend.

“Actresses are changeable,” he said. - Romy is very popular in Germany, probably this type gave her a couple of compliments, like that he was happy to play with her in the same film and so on. In general, he played on her vanity, and she got hooked.

“No, Romi is not that stupid,” Alain replied. — This article is an ordinary newspaper “duck”. They are ready to do anything to increase circulation.

Belmondo remained silent, but did not change his mind, and Alain felt it. At home, he quickly packed his things, went to the airport and bought a ticket for the next flight to Cologne. “I'll find out what's going on there,” he mused during the flight. At the airport, Delon caught a taxi and went to the film studio, where Romy was filming. The girl noticed him during a break and rushed towards him.

“Darling, I didn’t imagine that you would appear so soon and so unexpectedly.

Am I out of time? - Alain asked, looking at the scenery and trying to find Kurd Jurgens behind them.

- What are you saying? How long have you been here?

- I do not know. Where is your co-star hiding?

— Kurd? do you know each other? Romi was surprised.

"Don't pretend to be a stupid child," Alain exploded. - Have you read the papers? Thanks to you, all the French laugh at me, and the Germans to boot.

He took a newspaper out of his bag and thrust it into the girl's hands. She was smitten. She regretted that she did not follow the publications, but decided that she would not make excuses to Alain.

“There are nonsense written here,” she said sadly. “But I know you cheated on me for real. That's why you believed what is written here.

“So you don’t consider it necessary to explain the origin of this article and photograph?” Maybe you're doing this on purpose to make me jealous?

“Alain, don’t make a scandal,” Romi said quickly, noticing that the actors on the set were listening to Delon’s indignant voice.

He turned and walked towards the exit of the pavilion. The girl ran after him, holding the krenolin with her hands.

- Wait, where are you? I love you, she called out.

Allen stopped abruptly and turned to her. From surprise, the girl stumbled upon him and would have fallen if he had not picked her up in his arms. Magda Schneider, who returned from dinner, found them in this position.

The actor stayed in Cologne for two days. Romy begged the director for the weekend, and she and Alain walked around the city, went to churches and fed pigeons in the central square.

“After filming is over, I will come to Paris for good,” Romy promised. “I will do everything to never part with you again.

Chapter 8

In February 1960, Romy finally moved to Paris to her lover. She fulfilled all obligations under previous contracts, and refused to shoot the fourth series of the film about Princess Sissi.

“I'm tired of pretending to be a toy girl,” she told her mother before leaving. - I want to get a real role, to play a girl with a deep character, not a beautiful doll.

“I recognize Alain’s words,” Magda Schneider replied. "If I didn't know him enough to know he was just a fool, I would think he was jealous of your success."

“Mom, you can’t possibly think so. Alain loves me and wants to help.

How can he help you? Magda exploded. - He destroys your image, your life! Forces to huddle in a beggarly apartment and refuse profitable offers. Where did you meet him? On the set of a costume film, in which he did not disdain to play the main role.

Romy felt that her mother was right in some ways, but the girl aspired to her beloved with all her heart and hoped that she would receive offers from well-known directors in France no less profitable than in Germany.

At the airport she was met by a smiling Alain and all the way talking about the new role offered to him by Visconti.

- He invites you to shoot in Italy? Offered the lead role in your film? Romi asked fascinated.

Why are you so surprised? Alain asked indignantly.

- The offer is wonderful, but you will fly to Rome. I don't have signed contracts for the near future yet. Will you take me with you?

“Well, if that’s the only thing, then consider that the ticket is in your pocket.

Romi leaned over and kissed him on the cheek, and Alain hugged her with one arm, waiting at the intersection for a green traffic light.

- How did your mother take the news of your refusal to shoot in the film about Sissy? he asked his friend.

- I was terribly worried. Blazheim decided to buy me a chain of restaurants in Cyprus, now this money would be very useful to him.

— Wow, my baby is buying real estate! Alain exclaimed. When will we go to Greece to check the quality of the dishes?

- Along with the contract for a film about Sissy, I am ready to give up restaurants.

- But why? Allen was surprised.

The idea that Romy would become the owner of restaurants seemed unusual to him.

Do you remember our first date at my friend Jean's café? He saw a kindred spirit in you even then. You can meet him again to exchange experiences.

The girl leaned back in her seat and smiled.

“That dinner was a hundred years ago, and you remember what we talked about then. How I love you, Allen!

He pulled away from the road and turned his head towards her.

"I can't say the same about myself," he admitted.

Romy felt her heart stop beating. Holding her breath, she waited for Alain's next words.

“You made me completely lose my head,” he continued in the same serious tone, “made me obsessed.

- Oh, you ... - Romi lightly hit him on the shoulder and said, -

For some reason, at the first moment, I always believe you.

He laughed smugly.

- Baby, I can never say, looking into your eyes: “I don’t love anymore”, and I can’t do it on the phone either.

"You don't need to think about it," the girl interrupted him, frightened. - I came to Paris to live with you, and you say such things when you meet.

“Sorry, actually something stupid came to mind. I will never recover from the joy that you will not return to Germany in the near future.

- It is possible that I will never return there again, - said Romi, twisting the ring on her ring finger.

Alain grinned and stopped the car on the embankment near their house.

How I missed our tiny room! Romy screamed.

A tenant from a neighboring apartment came out of the entrance to meet them.

“Hello, Mr. Petit,” the girl greeted him fervently. - How are you?

"Good," replied the old man. - How long has it been coming, beauty?

“Forever,” Romi said without hesitation.

Mr. Petit looked after the couple going up the stairs and for some reason remembered their noisy quarrel, when the girl, in tears, without a raincoat, ran out into the rain.

"Nothing, they're still young," he muttered. - Learn to get along.

The first weeks after the separation, as usual, passed peacefully with Alain and Romy. They woke up no earlier than noon and spoiled each other with delicious dishes brought from neighboring cafes. Always collected and active, Alain cheated on himself and rarely accepted invitations from friends, even if it was planned to read the script for a new film in which one of them got a role. Briali visited the lovers in their hideout and rebuked them.

- You dropped everything. You can't lead such a relaxed lifestyle. You have to fight for your existence,” Jean-Claude said.

But in this case, he was cunning, as he was well acquainted with the state of the actor, who was waiting for the start of filming. Having heard in January about the invitation of Visconti, Briali immediately told Alain that he had an exceptional happiness - to star in the film of the famous director. Delon flew to Rome at the beginning of the summer, and before that time he was going to play the role of Philip Greenleaf in the psychological detective story In the Bright Sun.

— What are your plans? Romy asked Briali a question.

He better not ask. The girl's mood immediately deteriorated, since not a single French director offered her at least some interesting role.

“I don’t want to think about filming yet,” she replied in a flippant tone. - I prefer not to part with Alain for a minute.

“I invite you both to the cafe,” Jean-Claude quickly changed the subject. “Let's take a walk to Rue Saint-Honoré and have dinner like aristocrats.

“Thank you, Jean-Claude, but I don’t want to go outside, it’s damp there,” Romy refused his invitation.

“And I’ll be happy to keep you company,” Alain replied to the terrible displeasure of the girl.

She thought that he would not go to the cafe either, and they would buy snacks from a Japanese restaurant. She did not want to stay at home alone, but she was afraid to change her mind and seem like an obsessive woman chasing her lover. Briali read her thoughts and asked:

"Maybe you'll change your mind, sweetie?"

The girl hesitated for a second, but then shook her head.

Thanks, but no. Maybe another time.

The friends left and she sat down by the window. Puddles glittered on the pavement, clouds covered the sky, and everything around her seemed gray and bleak.

Sitting at a table in a cafe, Delon and Briali made an order, and Jean-Claude asked:

- Does Romy really not have a single offer to participate in the filming?

Alain took a deep breath.

Her mother and stepfather constantly call her. Every week they spend hours retelling German scenarios to her, and then I have to listen to them. Jean-Claude, all these pictures are like two drops of water, like films about Sissi. Of course, I dissuade her from participating in such shootings.

- On the one hand, you are right, but the actress must act. And Romy is a born actress.

But not in these fairy tales!

“You need to visit me more often. She will personally meet many directors, and they will only want to shoot her.

“You are a wonderful friend,” said Alain, narrowing his eyes. “Thank you for the touching care of my mistress.

Jean-Claude realized that his friend did not like his interference in their relationship with Schneider and changed the subject of the conversation:

Have you received the final script for Into the Bright Sun yet?

Alain could talk about his future shootings for as long as he liked. He smiled, and he and Briali plunged into a discussion of the character of Philip Greenleaf, the character Delon had been cast by the film's director.

They sat for a long time in a cozy cafe, as it began to rain again outside and quickly darkened. Finally, Allen said:

“We need to go home, otherwise Romi will get bored.

“Of course,” Brialee said, taking the bill from the waiter, “she shouldn’t have refused to keep us company.

“She is sweet, affectionate, like a kitten,” Delon remarked, “but if something comes into her head, she will never yield.

They left the cafe and hailed a taxi. Because

Alain's apartment was nearby, and Jean-Claude dropped him off at the boarding house, while he went to his place. Entering the room, Delon saw Romy in an armchair by the window.

When he opened the door, she did not turn her head, but continued to look at the dark embankment.

- How are you? - he asked.

“Tell me, how did you spend your time?” I hope you didn’t feel sad while having dinner in a chic cafe? - the girl's voice trembled from the coma that had risen in her throat.

- Now stop it! As far as I remember, Jean-Claude invited you to join us more than once, but you chose to stay at home. There is nothing to blame me for this now.

“You could stay with me.

— Romi, why should I sit at home and listen to your complaints? Look who you've become. You buried yourself in this apartment. How do you expect to get a role if you don't go anywhere and don't meet directors?

- The French do not want to shoot me, and you made me refuse all the offers that came from Germany.

“You were interested in my opinion, I expressed it,” the sight of Romy crying began to irritate Alain. “After all, princess, you are capable of making at least some decisions on your own.

The girl fell on the bed and burst into tears. She spent the whole evening alone and waited for the return of her beloved, so that he would cheer her up, and he would disown her. Alain sat down beside her and stroked the girl's head. She cried even louder. Then he embraced her and began to kiss her wet face.

“Well, calm down, baby. I love you. You will be filming, but for now we can be together all the time. If you become stubborn again and refuse to go to a visit or a cafe, I will take you in my arms and carry you there against your will.

- I haven't eaten anything today. I have a headache and I didn't go out for dinner," Romi muttered.

“God, what do you want to eat?” Pizza, bun, sandwich? I'll buy you, - Alain grabbed his cloak and headed for the door.

“Anything,” the girl replied.

When he left, Romi thought that Alain was absolutely right. She will be removed, but a little later. She fought for a long time for the right to move to him in Paris. And now, when they lived together, she wanted to have everything at once: both her lover and interesting roles in the cinema. “I will dedicate myself to my beloved Alain,” she decided. A few minutes later he brought a whole bag of various food and a bottle of wine.

“I won’t let my girlfriend die of starvation,” he said and laid out the food on the table.

He spread the pâté on a huge slice of fresh bread and handed it to Romi.

“Appetizing,” she whispered, smiling.

The world has been restored. Having decided not to rush into filming, Romy calmed down and focused on studying the scripts for Alain's future films. Her lover was true to his word and not once in the next two weeks did he leave the girl at home alone. Soon the shooting of the picture “In the bright sun” began. The girl accompanied Delon, and met the film director Rene Clement. At first, he did not believe that the famous Schneider was present on the site. Not wanting to miss the chance to work with the German actress, he offered her a tiny role in the episode.

“You will appear in the frame together with Alain,” he said. And say a few words.

Romy has been destroyed. This role was not even a minor one, but was equated with a scene in the crowd. But, despite the offense, she agreed to perform it, although the next day she regretted it. It seemed to her that she had dropped her prestige in the eyes of her lover, but Alain was too busy with his role to think about the unflattering situation for Romy. The young man himself found himself in a difficult position, since on the eve of the start of work on the film, there were changes in the composition of the performers. Two days before filming, he received the final draft of the film's script and was horrified by it. His role was reduced to the limit, and the character's character was simplified to primitivism. Without consulting either with Romy or with friends, Delon called the film studio and refused to act. Within ten minutes, this news reached the director of the picture, and Clement, panting with rage demanded an explanation from the actor. They met at the studio and Alain told him his point of view.

- From the script, Philip Glynleaf is a rich idiot. You cut out almost all of his dialogue with the bride, and the role, which promised to reveal the contradictory character of the hero, became stereotyped and naive. I understood Philip, but now this rich man disgusts me.

— What are you looking for? Trying to disrupt filming? cried Clement. - No one will rewrite the script to make your role in the film longer.

- I'm not asking you to increase the fee, but imagine that you were offered to shoot a psychological detective story, and in fact it turned out to be a cheap action movie. Tom Ripley I'm ready to play for free, because he is a real, living hero.

- Now I will take you at your word and make Ripley play without any fee.

Alain got up from the table and delivered Tom's monologue from the first scene of the movie. His voice, thoughtful gestures matched the image of the protagonist so exactly that the director actually hesitated whether to give Delon this role.

Their conversation lasted two hours. Alain felt that he was interested in Clement and told him his vision of Ripley's image. In this, Briali's opinion about the main character of the picture was of great help to him.

The director promised Delon to talk with the producer and the management of the film studio and contact the actor in the evening. For himself, he had already decided that Alain was the perfect performer for the role of Ripley. Unexpectedly easily, Clement managed to convince the producer of this. So the day before the start of filming, Alain received the main role in the film.

Romi congratulated him, doing her best not to envy her lover's luck.

While working on the film, the actor became close friends with Maurice Ronet, the new performer of the role of Philip Greenleaf. Often they left the set together and the two of them went to a bar to discuss the scenes of the film planned for the next day at a leisurely pace. On one of these evenings, two young girls approached the actors and asked for an autograph.

“Let's have dinner together,” Ronet suggested cheerfully, who was bored with hard work and wanted to have fun.

Alena didn't mind either. In the last month, Romy hid from him her feelings about the lack of offers to act, but it seemed to the young man that a reproachful look was pursuing him. The girls were delighted at the prospect of getting to know the actors better and joked and flirted sweetly all evening. At the end of dinner, the four of them left the bar.

"Lison, let me invite you to my bachelor's quarters," said Maurice, addressing his companion.

The girl lowered her eyes and slightly nodded her head in agreement.

“Alain, you are not going to break up our company and deprive us of the company of the lovely Clo? Maurice asked his friend.

Suddenly Rone remembered that his friend had arrived with Romy. However, despite the large number of drunk bottles of wine, Maurice has not lost the ability to quickly find a way out of any situation.

The room next to mine is empty. Take it off for the night,” he suggested to Delon.

Alain looked at the young girl standing next to him and decided to take the advice of a friend. Romy was not his wife, and he did not have to report to her about his short hobbies.

Clo, do you agree? he asked the girl.

- Can anyone refuse you, Alain? she whispered back and took his arm.

Great, the fun continues! Ronet shouted and went to the hotel where the film crew was placed.

Alain feared a scandal and tried to reason with him:

Don't make noise or you'll wake up all the guests.

He took the key to the vacant room from the receptionist and went in with Clough. Before closing the door, he once again asked Maurice to be quiet.

- Yes, I understand. You know you can count on me,” he thundered to the entire floor.

Alain grimaced and disappeared into the room. It must have been the fatigue of filming, but a night spent with a random admirer did not give him any pleasure. He did not feel guilty towards Romy, but still, unlocking the door of their room in the morning, he felt awkward. His girlfriend was asleep. He went into the bathroom quietly, trying not to wake Romi, but the door, as if on purpose, creaked loudly.

“Alain,” the girl called, opening her eyes.

"I'm here, honey," he called from the bathroom, lathering his cheeks with shaving cream.

I didn't wait for you yesterday. Are you back late?

- Yes. Maurice and I sat in a cafe.

Noticing Delon on the site, Rone hurried to him.

How is Clo? Didn't disappoint? I'm meeting my Lisette again today.

— Maurice, be a friend, forget about last night. Fortunately, Romi fell asleep and did not know anything.

- Clear. These are the difficulties of a betrothed man. So you won't support our company today?

“Of course not,” Alain waved angrily.

It seemed to him that yesterday's incident was over, but he was wrong. In the evening, the actor arrived at the hotel with Romy and went to the elevator when a young receptionist called him:

- Mr. Delon, you did not return the key to the room. Do you want to keep it until tomorrow?

At first, the girl thought that the porter had simply made a mistake. After all, the film studio rented rooms for the actors for a week. Then she noticed how Alain hurriedly put his hand in his pocket to find the key, and understood everything. While he was giving the key to the receptionist, the girl took the elevator alone to their room. She wanted to scatter the traitor's belongings on the floor and stomp them with her feet. In a mad rage, she pushed a massive ashtray to the floor. Not having the strength to listen to her lover's explanations, she ran out of the room, slamming the door. The elevator was busy, apparently, Alain climbed it. Then she went down the stairs into the hall, and rushed past the completely frightened receptionist, whom Delon made a scandal about unprofessional behavior a minute ago and threatened to complain to the owner of the hotel.

Romi rushed out of the hotel, not responding to the greetings of familiar actors chatting near the entrance, and caught a taxi.

“Take me to any bar,” she told the driver.

He stopped near a two-story house with a bright sign and light bulbs at the entrance. The girl paid him and went to the bar. Little by little, her act began to seem stupid to her, but she did not want to back down. Seated at a table, she ordered a glass of wine and tried to think about her next steps. Alain had humiliated her, just as he had a year ago when she caught him in a restaurant with another woman. He explained this by the fact that Romy comes to Paris for a short time and disappears for months on the set. She refused lucrative offers so as not to part with her beloved. Why did she make such a sacrifice? This morning she received a call from her mother, who had read in the papers about her cameo role in the film.

“If this is the deep role that your lover promised you in a French film, then you are completely crazy,” Magda Schneider said to her daughter. “You've already wasted months staying in Paris. When you get tired of idleness, call me. Hans recently spoke to a director who is interested in your participation in his new historical film. The fee is excellent. So think!

At first, Romi did not take her mother's proposal seriously, but now it seemed tempting. What's the point of not being separated from Alain, if he still finds the opportunity to cheat on her.

The girl looked around doomedly and noticed two men at the next table, who did not take their eyes off her. She felt an unpleasant chill in her chest and thought it best to leave the bar as soon as possible. With a gesture, she called the waiter and asked for the bill, but before the waiter had time to move away from the table, the two sat down beside her.

- Do you miss being alone, honey? one of them asked her.

"No, I'm leaving already," she replied, trying to hide her fear.

- Tell us your name.

Romi quickly got up, but the men were not going to let her go so easily and moved after her. At that moment, as if by magic, Delon and Ronet, who were looking for her, appeared at the door of the bar. Feeling an inexpressible relief, she hid in Alain's arms. They left the bar and walked towards the hotel. Neither of them spoke a word. Even Maurice, who had caught up with them, left his usual bravado and carefully asked Romy:

- Are you okay?

"Quite," the girl replied with a faint smile.

Alain hugged her even tighter and did not let go until the door of the room.

A dangerous adventure made Romi forget about the misdeed of his beloved. They reconciled again, but her faith in Alain's loyalty was undermined. She realized that living with him, she would have to come to terms with his betrayals. Her idea of ​​​​an ideal marriage with him crumbled to dust, but love and passion for this man did not even allow her to think about a possible break.

In the morning, she called her mother back and categorically rejected the proposed contract. She hid her disappointment and said:

- You still have to come to Germany and sign an agreement to buy restaurants in Cyprus. Hans received all the documents and gave them to his lawyer.

— I doubt whether it is worth buying these restaurants at all. Who will constantly fly to Cyprus and control their work? Romi asked. Is it Hans?

“We'll hire a manager,” Magda replied. Why did you suddenly change your mind? Is Allen against it?

The girl tried not to notice the anger in her mother's voice and said:

- No, on the contrary. He loves this idea.

“If he had money, he would not refuse to buy it,” Frau Schneider summed up venomously.

- Mom, he is now filming a lot and is becoming very popular.

- He's taking off. And how are you? If you miss the right moment, you can generally be left without roles.

After these words, Romi felt completely uncomfortable.

The shooting of "In the Bright Sun" was completed, and he and Alain returned to Paris. The actor raved day and night about his future work with Visconti and read the script of the film. A day later, he visited the gym to get the necessary physical form for a new role, and in the evenings he and Romy went to a cafe and met with friends. Alain behaved as if the company of his girlfriend bothered him, and he was afraid to even spend one evening alone with her. “Of course,” the girl said to herself, “I have become a burden for him, constantly complaining that there are no roles. He forgot how upset he was after the failure with Christina, and how I consoled him.

After starting work with Visconti, the estrangement between lovers disappeared. Alain introduced her to an Italian director, never left without her on the set and again sought advice on the image of his character.

At first, Luchino Visconti treated the girl with some prejudice. He only saw her in Sissi films and didn't imagine her playing serious roles. One day at dinner, he asked Romi:

Why did you leave Germany?

“I love Alain, I want to be with him,” the girl smiled fervently. “And I also hope to get a role that is at least a little different from the role of the princess.

Visconti smiled back and said to Alain:

- Your friend is adorable. You're lucky.

The praise of the great master in the address of Romy flattered the actor.

“I fell in love with her not at first sight,” he said, “but at the second, for sure.

The girl laughed and nodded in agreement, remembering their meeting at the airport.

Such carefree evenings were rare for Alain. He never gave so much effort to work on the role, as under the leadership of Visconti. He wanted to play better to earn the director's praise. However, the Italian master managed to find an approach to each actor who played in the film "Rocco and His Brothers", and everyone worked on the picture with an extraordinary upsurge.

“I’m proud of you,” Romy said quietly to her beloved after filming was over.

Alain felt incredibly tired, but happy.

“I hope it doesn’t sound like Christina?” he asked, and immediately caught himself, but the girl was not offended.

“Thanks to 'Kristina' we met,” she said. - You will not regret?

— What are you! I adore you, my girl.

She leaned close to him and asked:

Why don't we set a date for the wedding when we get back to Paris?

Alain grew gloomy and preferred to turn her question into a joke. The first time, Romi was seriously frightened. Her lover became a "star", began to move away from her, and she did not know what to do to keep him.

When parting with the young actor Luchino Visconti said:

You did a good job with the role. I would like to continue our cooperation, but this time on the theater stage.

- On the stage? exclaimed Alain, startled. But I have never acted in the theatre.

“You can do it,” Visconti interrupted him. - Of course, it will take a long time to rehearse the performance.

1960 was an unusually successful year for Delon. Romy was always there and loved him more and more, and filming offers rained down on him. In the fall, he starred in another film by René Clement and made up his mind to always act in three films a year. One day, Romy caught herself thinking that she envied her lover from the bottom of her heart and felt depressed by the rapid rise of his career. In addition, she was insanely jealous of his fans. As soon as Alain lingered at a party or dinner with friends, her imagination immediately painted pictures of his betrayals. The young man was actually intoxicated by the success that came to him. Romy's suspicions often turned out to be true, and usually parties with friends ended with an acquaintance with attractive girls who dreamed of attracting the attention of a handsome actor. But he kept it a secret from Romy.

“Your character has deteriorated greatly,” Alain once remarked to her. - You've become nervous. But I love you so. What can I do to prove it?

"Marry me," Romi seized on his question at once. “It's been two years since we've been engaged. Why wait any longer?

“I remember very well what your mother turned our betrothal into. I want to have a quiet ceremony, invite only a few friends to it.

- I completely agree with your choice. Let's pick a wedding date.

Luchino Visconti called me yesterday. He plans to stage a play in Paris. Remember he talked about him in Italy?

“Yes,” Romi said reluctantly. "Will this interfere with our wedding?"

- Of course not. But it would be best to get married after the premiere. During rehearsals, I will be in tremendous tension.

"Okay," Romi agreed sadly.

It seems that at the rehearsals of the play, she was again assigned the role of accompanying her popular lover. But everything has changed. The Italian director did not forget the actress and the impression she made on him in Rome. Arriving in Paris, he invited Alain and Romy to dinner, and before he began to tell Delon the plot of the performance, burning with impatience, he turned to the girl:

— I brought the script of the new film with me. I will send it to you tomorrow. I only see you as the heroine.

These words confused the girl. She asked hesitantly:

Are you offering me the lead role in your film?

Yes, I'm sure you're perfect.

The director turned to the stunned Alain and asked a question. He could only mutter something incoherently in response. At the moment, it seemed to him that Romy had taken the favor of the Visconti from him.

“How wonderful that he offered me the part,” the girl cried when she and Alain returned home. They recently moved into a new apartment that did not resemble their past modest dwelling.

“Visconti is very kind,” Delon said.

- What do you mean? Do you think that I am not worthy to play in his film? Romi exploded at his remark.

- Well, why do you say that. He liked you, and he invited you to star in his film.

“You're mad because he spoke to me first. What an egoist you are!

There was a serious quarrel between them, and the girl went to sleep in another room. The next day, she met Luchino Visconti alone and, triumphant, brought home the script. Alain was just about to leave somewhere and ran into her on the threshold.

"You may not believe it, but I'm happy for you," he said. “You deserve the best, love.

Looking into his eyes, Romi realized that he was sincere, and her anger subsided instantly.

- Where are you going? she asked.

Belmondo invited me to a party. If you get dressed quickly, maybe I'll take you with me.

- I'll be ready now.

A week later, the reading of the play began. The contract was signed with the Theater de Paris. Romy went with Alain to rehearsals. She absorbed every word of Visconti and was delighted with the play. She liked that the action takes place in the Middle Ages, as having played roles in many historical films, she was well acquainted with the costumes of that era. Her interest was rewarded when the director looked at her and asked:

- Do you want to be a partner of your beloved Delon?

The girl slowly got up and stood in front of him, not knowing what to say. The scene of the last quarrel with Alain surfaced in her memory, and she muttered the first thing that came to mind:

“I have never acted in the theatre.

- It's OK. Apparently I'm doomed to train beginners to stage this play.

“There is another problem,” Romi said more confidently. I speak French like a foreigner. Viewers won't like it.

Visconti thought for a moment and said:

Perhaps I'll risk it anyway. I'm too attracted to the idea of ​​seeing your acting duo on stage.

Alain supported the frightened bride with a smile, but at home he said:

We will have to work on the performance every day to avoid failure.

“I agree to start rehearsing right now,” Romy answered playfully and began to unbutton the buttons on her jacket.

The actor's eyes lit up, and with an impatient gesture he took her hands away and pulled her blouse over her head. Then he leaned over and began to kiss her neck, descending lower and lower.

In the morning Romi said:

— I liked the beginning of work on the play.

- And what will happen next! Allen picked up her thought.

- Honey, you wanted to schedule a wedding after the premiere of the play and turned out to be absolutely right. We'll play on stage together, and then we'll have a little celebration.

“God, why talk about the wedding all the time? He got out from under the covers and went to take a shower.

Romi grabbed the phone and dialed her mother's number.

“Mom, I got two great offers from Luchino Visconti,” she told Magda Schneider. - The main role in his film and in the play.

"That's very good news," her mother said. "Do you want Hans to take care of the contracts?"

No, I just want to share my joy with you.

Will Alain be your partner?

- Only in the play. But…

Romi almost complained to her mother about his unwillingness to marry, but presented her gloating remarks about this and fell silent.

- What's the "but"? Magda demanded.

“But my French is far from perfect,” the girl replied.

"It's not scary," her mother reassured her. Hire a teacher, he will rehearse every word with you.

“Mommy, you are absolutely right. Thank you for your advice. Goodbye,” Romy chirped when she heard Alain open the shower door.

- Goodbye, honey. Hans will call you back about the contract.

Young people flew to Rome. Rehearsals, which began the day after their arrival, revived their relationship. They behaved like they did on the set of Christina two years ago: they argued, scolded each other, rehearsed scenes from the play at home. Both tried to come up with something new, of course, while observing all the requirements of the Visconti. He ordered magnificent costumes for them and did not get tired of working out every episode of the play, every gesture, in order to bring the performance of the roles by Alain and Romy to automatism. At first, it was very difficult for both of them, they did not know how to properly behave on stage, and Romy had to take diction lessons from a French teacher in order to pronounce his role without an accent.

The last rehearsals were held in Paris. Magda Schneider, along with her son, came to the premiere of the play and attended the dress rehearsal.

“You play beautifully,” she praised her daughter. "But why are you so pale?"

“My stomach hurts a lot, right here,” Romi touched her left side and grimaced. “Probably from excitement.

At the restaurant where they all went to dine together, she became very ill, and she could not swallow a single bite.

“God, if only it didn’t turn out to be appendicitis,” said Magda.

- Can't be! Alain exclaimed. Only a few days left before the premiere. Does it hurt a lot? he asked the girl anxiously.

- Not. By evening it will all be over. Don't worry, honey.

Returning home, Romi barely managed to get to bed.

“Call Professor Milla,” she asked Alain.

He hurriedly picked up the receiver and dialed the doctor's number. The doctor who arrived an hour later diagnosed the girl with “Acute appendicitis” and called a car to take her to the hospital. Visconti, Delon, native girls and other actors involved in the play completely lost their peace. A huge amount of money was invested in the production. The disruption of the premiere meant huge losses and was a bad sign for superstitious actors. Immediately after the operation, Alain visited the bride in the hospital:

“The actors wish each other to “break a leg” or other stupid things,” he said affectionately. “But you gave us an unforgettable surprise.

"Darling, what does the doctor say?" Can I perform? Romi asked.

“You have no other choice,” he replied. “It just dawned on me that you had a dress rehearsal on the operating table!” I have to stab you with a dagger at the end of the play, and you prepared for this in advance.

“Don’t make me laugh, it hurts me,” the girl muttered.

Have you seen Visconti? If only he didn't get angry.

- He wished you a speedy recovery and sent a huge hello. I wish you the same, - Alain leaned over and kissed her gently on the lips.

The premiere of the play “You can’t call her a harlot” was a success. Despite her weakness, Romi was able to play her part. Both Alain and she lacked the skill of real theatrical actors, but their love and mutual attraction hid from the audience some uncertainty of their game. The actors were wildly applauded and bowed several times. Critics' articles on the premiere were full of scathing comments, but this did not upset the young people. They loved each other and liked the public, which was much more valuable than newspaper reviews.

After the end of the performance, the mother went to her daughter's dressing room to congratulate her on her successful performance. Suddenly the door swung open and Alain burst into the room like a whirlwind. He hugged Magda Schneider and fell to his knees in front of Romy.

- You are my Queen! he shouted. And the Queen of Paris!

He kissed the girl's hands and embraced her. It was the happiest moment in Romy's life. In order to hear such a confession from a loved one, it was worth fighting weakness and pain. Her mother also seemed touched by Alain's impulse and said, turning to him:

- You played well.

Luchino Visconti, Jean Cocteau, Jean Marais, Anna Magnani and many famous directors came to congratulate the young performers.

The performance ran for one hundred and twenty performances. At the end of the summer, busy shooting various films, Alain and Romy broke up. The actress flew to Italy to continue working under Luchino Visconti, and Delon got a role in the historical novel Agnès Bernauer. His partners were Brigitte Bardot and Jean-Claude Briali.

Playing in the theater took a lot of strength from Alain, he noticeably lost weight. He spent the week before filming started at home, lying on the couch and looking through the newspapers.

"I don't recognize you," Briali told him as he dropped in to visit his missing friend. You don't go anywhere, you don't answer calls. Do you miss Romi so much?

“Jean-Claude, I will not succumb to any provocation,” Alain said, sitting more comfortably in his chair. - Too tired after performing on stage.

“So you won’t come with me to dinner with our director Michel Boisron?” He invited all the actors playing in the novel, but he couldn't get through to you because you didn't pick up the phone.

Alain perked up:

Will Bardo come?

- I have no doubt that it will be the main decoration of the evening.

- When is dinner? the young actor asked his friend, succumbing to his trick.

— At eight o'clock. If you want, I'll pick you up.

- Deal.

Despite the fact that Alain has been acting in films for several years and often visited film studios, he never had the opportunity to meet the famous Brigitte Bardot. He liked her films, and when the director announced that she would become his partner in the new film, the actor was delighted.

The actress arrived late for dinner. Entering the restaurant, she lingered for a moment in the doorway, attracting admiring glances from the patrons, and then approached Boisron.

— Good evening, dear master! I hope no one took my place next to you?

“I protected him as best I could for half an hour,” he replied, checking his watch.

“Sorry,” she said softly. “Because of my delay, all of you have only increased your appetite,” she turned to the actors sitting at the table. “So let’s ruin our dear director!”

She sat down on a chair, hastily pushed aside by the waiter, and glanced at Alain, who was her neighbor at the table.

“You are Alain Delon,” she said before Boisron formally introduced her future co-star. I am Brigitte Bardot. Let's get acquainted.

The girl held out her hand to him, which Alain shook and smiled at her in a boyish way. Brigitte pouted her lips and pulled her hand away. Jean-Claude nodded approvingly at his friend and tried to hide his smile. Dinner promised to be fun.

“Could you put me some salad,” asked the actress Alena. “And it wouldn’t hurt you to eat a big steak, you are very thin.

From such impudence, he first froze, but then quickly found himself:

- I will definitely eat, otherwise we are in different weight categories.

Brigitte blushed. She always went on a diet before filming so she wouldn't have a weight problem while working. Denying herself her favorite foods was a terrible ordeal for her.

“If you don’t know,” she drawled capriciously, “then I can tell you how women differ from men and why it is acceptable for us to weigh a little more.

Everyone froze in anticipation of Brigitte's explanation, but Busron intervened in the conversation:

“You never let me be bored for a minute, naughty one. Tell me, what diet would you recommend?

The actress gave him a sly look and replied:

- If you want to lose weight, you need to lose your head with passion. For me, this always helps.

On the way home, Jean-Claude asked Alain:

- Well, how did you like Brigitte, the goddess and the dream of every Frenchman?

- Do not know what to say. Next to her, all my romantic mood, necessary for the role, disappears somewhere. She is able to stir anyone.

- Right. But you were very cheeky with her.

- But what grimaces she built in response!

Friends laughed.

Alain hoped in vain that while working on the film, Brigitte would become more serious. She did not change her manner and continued to act like a sweet but feisty child.

As soon as he met her gaze during the shooting of the double, a smile appeared on his lips in spite of himself.

“Alain, I think we should have dinner together today,” the actress said on the third day of filming and started talking. “I just can’t understand the complex image of my heroine, her deep feelings for her lover. Actually, I need your help.

“Tomorrow I am ready to arrange psychology lessons for you, but today I have already arranged to have dinner with Jean-Claude and Pierre Brasseur. I'm sorry, but it would be too rude to refuse at the last minute.

Brigitte frowned and went to the other end of the site, but in the evening Alain found out that she never yielded even in small things.

“Bye mate, see you tomorrow,” Brialee called to him as he got ready to change and take off his make-up.

Have you changed your mind about dinner? Allen asked him.

“You could say that,” he replied. “I dare not interfere with your plans.

— What other plans? Delon did not understand.

“Brigitte told me in confidence that you hinted to her for dinner together,” Jean-Claude smiled meaningfully. “It’s okay, we can postpone our feast.

Alain was shocked to the core and knocked on Bardot's dressing room.

“Come in,” she called back.

Seeing the young man, she smiled languidly and pretended to be a hospitable hostess, pushing an empty chair in his direction.

Brigitte, what did you say to Jean-Claude? Alain asked her a question without going inside. How dare you cancel my dinner with him and Pierre?

“Glad to do you a little favor,” she explained cheerfully. “I know how eager you were to spend the evening with me without offending your friends. Well, I helped. By the way, it's good that you stopped by, - Brigitte changed her light tone to a business one and turned to him. Before that, she watched the actor standing in the doorway in the mirror. We need to rehearse tomorrow's takes. Well, the wedding of our heroes.

Alain lost all desire to be angry. He entered the dressing room and closed the door behind him. Inwardly, Bardot congratulated herself on her small victory and rose from her chair.

“They approach each other slowly,” she commented, “and then they kiss. The girl wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him on the lips.

Alain squeezed her in his arms, but soon pulled away.

"You wanted to have dinner," he said matter-of-factly. - I invite you to a cozy bar and I am ready to discuss the character of Agnes all night. She is my fiancée after all.

“I’ll be ready in a few minutes,” Brigitte said playfully. Thank you for the wonderful dinner idea.

Chapter 9

Bardot appeared ten minutes later, which was a record short time for her.

“Let me also make a small contribution to the program tonight,” she said to Alain. “Let’s go to my house, I have a wonderful apartment, otherwise everyone in the bar will stare at us.”

“Tonight I am ready to fulfill all your desires,” he replied. - Probably, I can not get out of the role of your fiancé.

- Why go out? Brigitte asked in bewilderment. “Whenever possible, you should always do what you want.

Your philosophy captivates me. And even more so, you.

- Nice to hear. In the morning, I decided you weren't really interested in having dinner with me.

“I lied,” he admitted.

They entered the actress's apartment and Alain was struck by the huge number of pink pillows scattered across the floor.

“You can sit on the sofa or in the armchair,” Brigitte said, pretending to be a caring hostess. “I’ll bring you something tasty now.”

In the next moment, the sound of breaking glass came from the kitchen. Alain jumped up from his chair and hurriedly went to see what was happening. Brigitte was standing near the refrigerator, a broken jar of peach compote lay at her feet. A few drops of syrup glistened on the table, and with an involuntary gesture the girl brushed them away.

“My favorite peaches,” she moaned, looking at her guest.

“I love them too,” he said, and took her hands in his.

Leaning down, he kissed each of her fingers.

“Very tasty, I need more,” he muttered.

Brigitte cheered up and jumped over the broken can. Alain caught her and they returned to the living room. The hostess completely forgot about dinner, and fell on the sofa, throwing the pillows lying on it to the floor. The young man joined her and began kissing her lips and neck greedily.

"You make me understand the differences between a man and a woman," he muttered.

The girl giggled triumphantly and ran her fingernails down his back. With her temperament, she surpassed Nina, whom Alain met immediately after arriving in Paris.

However, despite Brigitte's persistent persuasion, he did not stay with her for the night, but went home, as he was waiting for Romy's call in the morning. His fiancée always kept her promises carefully, and by not answering the phone he risked arousing her suspicions, and at the moment he did not want to offend her. Playing with her in a play, he used to react to her every gesture, to determine the mood by tilting his head. Alain played his role in accordance with the emotional mood of Romy, which was always different.

In the morning he was awakened by a phone call. He opened his eyes with difficulty and found the receiver almost by touch.

"Darling," came Romi's clear voice.

He was always touched by her accent, with which she spoke French. Having memorized the role with the diction teacher, she clearly pronounced the words of the heroine of the play. However, using the same words in ordinary speech again made the same old mistakes.

“I will be in Paris soon. Visconti gave me leave,” she said. - And how are you doing?

“I’m surprised how strong I have the strength to speak,” he replied.

- I'm tired too, but it seems that Visconti is pleased with my game. It's a pity you can't come to Italy now. We would have a wonderful time at sea.

Hearing the pleading notes in her voice, Alain frowned.

"If you know it's impossible, then why talk about it?"

— Sorry. Are you in trouble? Some kind of sad voice, - Romi noticed.

- No, everything is okay. Come back, otherwise I'm starting to feel like a bachelor.

- No no. Do not try to take advantage of temporary freedom, the girl laughed. “We are engaged, even though you are delaying the announcement of our wedding date. Goodbye! Until next time.

Alain thoughtfully twirled the handset in his hands and put his head back on the pillow. Mentally, he moved to Brigitte's apartment and imagined how she wakes up and stretches. Having created the image of a child for herself, she nevertheless had an unerring flair and the ability to get what she wanted, whether it be a new lover or an expensive necklace. “Thank God that Brigitte didn’t start talking about the wedding,” thought the actor, “with her pressure, she would have organized it in one day, and by the time Romy returned, I would have been connected with another woman.” Finally, he understood why he constantly delayed the official registration of marriage with his beloved - the betrothal did not turn him into a husband, and he had affairs with other women with a clear conscience. But as soon as he puts a ring on a girl's finger in the presence of the Mayor, she will consider herself entitled to follow him and demand an account of every minute, carried out in her absence. This prospect did not suit him.

On set, Bardo didn't give him any hints about the previous evening. She played badly that day, and some takes had to be re-shot ten times. Immediately, she succeeded only in the kiss scene during the wedding of the heroes of the novel, as she and Alain rehearsed it many times, sitting on an immense sofa in her apartment. At the end of filming, a young man went into her dressing room and said:

"I'm haunted by the dinner you promised me." I hope you replenished the fridge with new jars of peach compote this morning?

“No, I didn’t have time,” she replied, letting her hair down. “Honestly, sweets don’t appeal to me today.

What does the goddess want? the actor asked, approaching her.

He put his hands on her shoulders and tightened his grip on her fingers as she tried to free herself. Interest flashed in Bridget's eyes. She leaned forward, but Alain pressed her against the back of the chair, not allowing her to move, and kissed her imperiously on the lips. She trembled in his arms and whispered:

- To hell with peaches. Kiss me one more time.

But it was dangerous to continue this undertaking in the dressing room, and he reluctantly removed his hands.

“Let’s go to my place,” Brigitte suggested. - Tomorrow is a day off, I'll be your prisoner all day, just like in our movie.

"Sounds tempting, too tempting," he said.

- So agree, stop doubting.

“I give up,” Allen smiled.

Photographers were waiting for the actors at the exit from the pavilion. An expression of pleasure and mutual interest spilled over the faces of the young people, which was immediately evident. Looking at their pictures in the newspaper, Romy stopped wondering about the cause of her beloved's tiredness and hurried to Paris.

By the time she returned, the shooting of “Agnes Bernauer” had ended, and the affair between Delon and Bardot had also gradually exhausted itself. Brigitte was too lazy and infatuated with herself to keep her lover, torn between attraction to her and attachment to Romy Schneider. Their last meeting took place in a cafe where they met at a dinner at Michel Boisron's. The actress spent the whole evening looking at the visitors sitting at the bar and did not pay attention to her companion. She was offended by Alain because he did not leave his bride for her and did not invite her to live together. To reject the gentleman, while tormenting him a little with his whims, was much more familiar to Bardo than to give him up to another woman. Brigitte decided that Alain was a cold, self-satisfied type, no longer worthy of her attention.

"Tonight's not going well," she told him as she ordered dessert. “Maybe my feeling is wrong, but it seems to me that there are three of us at the table. Go home and meet your precious bride. The day after tomorrow I'm flying to rest on the Cote d'Azur, so don't bother calling.

Alain was pleased with the calmness of his mistress, from whom he could expect any trick. He regretted the end of their romance, but understood that Romy's presence in Paris made it impossible for him to meet with Bardot.

The bride of the actor returned to Paris in joyful excitement. Her agent contacted her and hinted that the Hollywood film studio was ready to sign a lucrative contract with her. This meant that she had a chance to gain worldwide popularity by starring in American films, but threatened with a long separation from her lover. Alain's attitude towards her move to Hollywood was skeptical.

You have already become a star in Germany and France. If I were you, I wouldn't drop everything now for the illusory hope of making a career in Hollywood.

However, Romy's mother was of a different opinion.

“This opportunity should not be missed. I don’t doubt for a second that you will achieve fame in America, and your future will be secured for decades to come. They offer fabulous fees.

The actress obeyed her mother. Alain gave many arguments in favor of refusing to cooperate with Hollywood, but Romy only had to hear two words from him: “I love you.” He did not pronounce them. In 1962, Delon signed a contract to shoot with Michelangelo Antonioni and planned a trip to Rome.

"Let's fly together," he suggested to Romy, but she shook her head.

The times when for the sake of him she left the set for a whole year are irrevocably gone. Proposals from producers and directors rained down on the actress from all sides. She wanted to continue working in the theater, but film roles attracted her more. She began filming with an American director, and Delon flew to Italy.

The day after his arrival, he met his future co-star, actress Monica Vitti, at the film studio.

Will you play the role of my lover? she asked Allen.

Yes, the script...

“I meant something else,” she said without a smile, looking into his eyes.

Delon hid his confusion from the unexpected attack of the actress and answered:

Do you need additional rehearsals before filming starts?

- Right. I don't like repeating duplicates over and over again.

She was absolutely serious, and Alain began to suspect that Monica was playing a prank on him. His attentive, studying look caused the actress to laugh:

“You look at me like a picky shopper in a shop window. So how do you like me?

Alain did not have time to answer, as Antonioni approached them.

It's good that you've gotten to know each other better. You have to work together for two months, and a good relationship between you is very important.

The director completely captured the attention of Delon and Vitti, expressing his understanding of the characters of their heroes and in conclusion he said:

- The day after tomorrow there will be a meeting of the entire film crew. I hope you will share your ideas about the performance of roles in the film. I want to hear your thoughts on the movie, even if it's about other characters.

The actors approached the elevator. During the descent down, Monica did not utter a word, Alena was puzzled by her behavior after such a frank conversation in Antonioni's office, which took place only half an hour ago.

“See you in two days,” she said as she got into the car.

Delon leaned over to wish her a happy journey, but the door slammed in front of his face, and the car started off abruptly.

"Charming," he muttered. - Boredom and routine on the set is not expected.

From the hotel he telephoned Georges Baum in Paris.

— Do you know Monica Vitti? he asked a friend.

We've never met, but she's charming. Why are you asking about her?

“We were talking a couple of hours ago, and she struck me as a little strange.

Georges adored gossip and felt himself in his native element.

- Tell me!

- Yes, nothing special, we just discussed the relationship of the characters in the film.

“Understood,” he said disappointedly. “And I thought you were on the verge of a new high-profile romance. Let me know if this happens.

All the best, Georges.

Alain hung up the phone and went to the window. The weather was overcast, and he thought that Romi would not like it. And even less she would have liked his conversation with Monica. “It seems that my baby is still jealous of me out of habit,” he thought, “we have been together for three years, we rarely see each other, but she continues to demand fidelity and does not part with the ring.” He had long since changed his mind about marrying her. Due to his popularity, the actor was subjected to many temptations. Women pursued him, and the scandals arranged by Romy because of his infidelities annoyed Alain. At the same time, by nature, he was the owner and did not allow the thought that his bride would find another admirer for herself.

Two days after the first meeting, Delon ran into Vitti at the entrance to the film studio.

- How are you doing? he asked familiarly.

"I'm fine," she said indifferently. - What are your plans?

“I'm on my way to meet Antonioni. And you? he chuckled.

“I think we should be together…at this meeting.”

- And then?

The actress mysteriously remained silent and entered the elevator. Alain never ceased to be surprised, but made no attempt to clarify their relationship. He was amused by the performance of Monica, it corresponded to her role in Antonioni's film.

The Italians gathered in the director's office were arguing loudly, accompanying the remarks with energetic gestures. Delon smiled and decided that Vitti was strikingly different from the others in his detachment. However, the actress immediately entered into a conversation and also began to noisily express her opinion. “She is a unique woman,” Alain decided, and greeted Antonioni as he entered the room.

The script reading lasted for ages, the director and the actors parted only late in the evening. A lot of people gathered near the elevator, but Alain risked neglecting the praised French gallantry and, passing through the crowd, stood next to Monica.

“I'll give you a ride,” he said. - There's a car waiting for me.

— This is very handy, because I came by taxi.

The actress got into the car, the door of which was opened in front of her by Alain and forgot to give her address. When the car stopped near Delon's hotel, she got out of it without hesitation and took her companion by the arm.

“The producer appreciates you,” she remarked. “Only the best live in the Excelsior Hotel.

“So let's enjoy this luxury,” the actor suggested, kissing her in the elevator.

“I already feel pleasure,” Monica whispered sensually.

Alain could not find the key in his pocket for a long time, and the actress began to search it, slowly running her hands over her companion's chest. Behind this lesson, they were caught by the newlyweds from the next room.

“God, Archie! the girl screamed across the floor. These are famous actors!

Her husband was initially embarrassed, but then stared at the couple embracing in the hallway.

“I understand that now is not the time,” he murmured, “but can I ask you for autographs tomorrow?”

He couldn't say anything more stupid, and Monica laughed, throwing her head back. The ashamed couple disappeared into the room, and Alain found that he had been holding the key in his hands since he had taken it from the porter. He and Monica noisily burst into the room and instantly found themselves in the bedroom. For a second the woman hesitated: is it worth arranging before

Delon's performance with a slow release from the dress and underwear, but in the end the desire to quickly connect with him won. They kissed, tearing off each other's clothes, and fell on the bed.

In the morning, Alain thought that in terms of intensity of passions last night was not inferior to meetings with Bardot.

"I'd like to keep our relationship a secret," Monica said. We are both not free.

Everything will be as you decide.

The actor stretched lazily and smiled at his mistress.

So what did you say about the script?

- You're confusing. You wanted to deal exclusively with the discussion of filming. If you remember, I refused from the very beginning.

“I can imagine how our date would look on screen!”

Monica handed Alain the phone.

“Stop saying stupid things out loud. You reminded me of a couple from the next room. Book us breakfast.

When parting, they kissed and agreed not to betray their relationship on the set. During the work on the film, no one, not even Antonioni, suspected their romance, but the meetings between Alain and Monica continued. The actress came to Excelsior by taxi and took off her dark glasses only in her lover's room. When she first knocked on his door, wrapped in a cape with a hood and glasses with smoky glasses, Alain did not recognize her and laughed for a long time at the precautions of his mistress.

“Your appearance reminded me of spies and assassins,” he said. - Why are you dressed up like that?

“I don’t know much about the morals of the French or Germans,” Monica answered, “but if my husband guesses about my betrayal, you won’t have to think about hired killers, you will meet them.

Romy Schneider did not indulge her lover with frequent calls. She read the newspapers and, contrary to her custom, did not find in them messages about Alain's romance with her partner in the film. The girl's mood improved, and she calmly plunged into work on the film, which was soon to be premiered in Hollywood.

“An excellent opportunity to scout out the plans of the producers of Columbia Pictures,” her mother and agent instructed. - After the success of this picture, you will choose the most winning scenarios.

Alain spent every weekend at the villa of his favorite director Luchino Visconti. At the end of the year, he started shooting a historical film in which Delon got the role of a young aristocrat. The actor bowed before Visconti and used every opportunity to meet the great master. In his films, he was ready to play episodic roles. Alain admitted to himself that a period had come in his life when youthful love ceased to occupy all his thoughts. Romy was dear to him, he passionately desired Monica, but working on films became the most important thing in the world for him. Shooting beckoned him like a drug. The name of the actor became popular in many countries, and he aspired to even greater fame.

Do you have signed contracts for future shoots besides my film? Visconti asked him.

They sat on the veranda of his house and had a leisurely conversation. A week remained before Alain's departure for Paris, and he allowed himself to relax and rest quietly on his last day off in Italy.

“The shooting schedule is scheduled for a year in advance,” Delon answered proudly. - In three weeks I'm flying to Yugoslavia. Raul Levy conceived a grandiose picture of the travels of Marco Polo.

— You remind yourself of this traveler and you are absolutely right that you participate in so many projects in different countries. It drives away the sadness.

I don't have time to indulge in sad thoughts. I set a goal for myself and I will achieve success no matter what.

“Success is very relative. When you starred in the first picture, did you imagine that you would become world famous?

“I came to the cinema just for this,” Alain said self-confidently and laughed. “Honestly, I was in love with one girl, Marie, and wanted to do something that would impress her, but she left for America before the premiere of my film.

How is Romina doing?

“Looks like my fiancee will follow Marie. Columbia Pictures offered her a contract.

- Ban her! Visconti exclaimed. In Italy, the man is always the head of the family.

- Why? - Delon answered coldly and added, - I will not interfere with her career, otherwise I won’t say hello. Magda Schneider will openly oppose me.

“Each of you pulls Romina in your direction, but she loves you more and will follow your advice.

Alain did not like to discuss his relationship with the actress, and he frowned. The director noticed his displeasure and turned the conversation in a different direction.

The meeting of lovers in Paris was rather dry. Both were absorbed in work and unable to focus on anything else. Romy did not pay attention to Alena's cooling towards her, as she disappeared on the set for days on end, and in the evenings she fell down from fatigue.

“We won’t see each other for a long time,” the actor told her. - I'm flying to Yugoslavia, and you, in my opinion, are going to conquer America.

“Darling, it's still so uncertain. Of course, the contract is very profitable, but our love is dearer to me.

The girl stood with her back turned to her lover, shifting things in a closet drawer, otherwise his look would have frightened her. Alain looked at her as if she were a stranger. In his understanding, the departure of his beloved to Hollywood meant breaking the engagement and ending their relationship. Her reasoning about love seemed to him almost a mockery.

— What do you expect? he asked sharply. - What are you going to go to America, will you call me and send letters with ardent confessions? I don't have enough phone calls. My woman must be near. If you leave, then it's over between us.

Frozen in an uncomfortable position, Romi was afraid to turn around. Alain's words frightened her and made her think about the true cost of the contract with Columbia Pictures. She did not want to lose love for fame.

- You are against my trip, but you yourself constantly leave me. Every month I write down the code of the new city where you are filming in the phone book! she objected.

“I always invite you to come with me, but you are busy.

- In the sixtieth year, we did not part. And what's the use? You still cheated on me.

Alain and Romy expressed to each other all the grievances that had accumulated over the past months and went to different rooms. They often quarreled before, but never allowed the thought of breaking up. Now Alain uttered his threat aloud, and the girl had no doubt that he would carry it out. She called her mother and told about the quarrel that had taken place.

"I'm probably not going to Hollywood," she concluded.

Frau Schneider, as usual, did not become indignant or scold Alain, but calmly remarked:

If you give in, your loved one will surely leave you. Go to America for the premiere of the film, and there you will make the final decision.

- Mom, I can't lose Alain. I love him.

Romi was in a state of severe stress and went outside to think about the current situation away from their apartment with Alain. Unnoticed, she walked to Briali's house. After standing near the entrance, she went inside and raised her hand to the bell, but the door opened before she pressed the button.

I saw you through the window and rubbed my eyes. Stars don't walk the streets,” said Jean-Claude cheerfully. - What fate brought you to this corner of the city?

“A bad fate brought me here. Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean that," Romi hurriedly muttered in response to Brialee's startled look.

“I was sure of it,” he laughed. But what does "evil fate" mean? You are young, beautiful and talented. All men are crazy about you.

“All I want is Alain, and he doesn’t love me anymore.

- You're wrong.

- No, its true. He said he didn't mind breaking up with me.

Jean-Claude stroked her arm sympathetically, and the girl began to cry.

“You often quarrel, it’s time to get used to it,” Brialee said affectionately. “You are both so hot-tempered.

Tears rolled down Romy's cheeks. Sitting next to a friend, she drooped all over. Jean-Claude felt sorry for her, and he said aloud a few unflattering words about Delon.

No, don't say that. I love him. What if we have to constantly leave for shooting? - stood up for Alena Romy. “I am sad that he has changed his attitude towards me.

They talked for a long time, but Romi did not find a way out of this situation. They were interrupted by a phone call.

"Hi, Alain," Jean-Claude said and looked at the girl.

She reached for the phone.

- Can you come for me? I didn't take money for a taxi with me.

— Has our friend run out of money? Give him the phone, I'll ask him to lend you change.

Romi's indignation crossed all boundaries, and the pipe fell with a crash on the lever.

Jean-Claude, I'm leaving.

- Do you need money? I'd rather give you a ride, forget the taxi.

Thanks, but I'm leaving Alain. I'll take a taxi and ask the driver to wait for me downstairs while I pack my things.

“You won’t achieve anything with this.

- I don't care.

Watching the impetuous movements of Romi buttoning her cloak, Jean-Claude changed his "golden" rule not to get into other people's quarrels and said decisively:

"I'll give you a ride and climb with you."

Ten minutes later they were in place, and a gloomy Alain opened the door for them and greeted a friend.

“Romy, you don’t let people rest on their day off. You shouldn't have given her a ride, Jean-Claude.

“We need to talk,” Brialee said to him. "Will you let me in?"

Alain stepped back into the corridor, Romi quickly went into the bedroom, and the men settled in the living room.

"You can't torture your loved ones like this," said Jean-Claude. - Romi should see you as an ally, find support from you, and not worry about the whims of her sweetheart.

Delon nervously walked over to the sideboard and poured himself a cognac. The guest refused the offer to have a drink with him.

Did she tell you about the reason for our quarrel? Let's say I expressed my point of view rudely, but how can we maintain our relationship, being on different continents?

— Alain, remember Marie Luca? Did you love her.

A fleeting smile crossed Alena's face.

— I adored her.

- But you did not think about it, studied English and planned to leave for Hollywood.

It was my chance to become an actor.

- And for Romy, this is a chance to become famous all over the world. Show generosity and do not dictate harsh conditions to her.

They heard a noise in the bedroom and Jean-Claude got up from his chair.

- I must go home. Call me if you need help.

He left, and Alain went to the bedroom. Romi was collecting fragments of a vase, which broke when the girl hit the nightstand with a suitcase.

- Dishes are beating fortunately, - said the actor. What does my princess want for dinner?

His gentle tone sent a shiver through her body. She was terribly tense, and took Alain's step towards reconciliation as a gift of fate. Still, she didn't want to give in so easily, and she didn't answer.

- Do you want me, as in the old days, to run to a nearby cafe and bring pate and wine? her lover asked again.

“I won’t refuse,” she said thoughtfully.

Alain returned half an hour later and spread the snacks on the table.

"Join me," he called to Romy.

The girl sat down at the table and said:

- I'll get better from this food.

“I know one remedy that will destroy excess weight,” Alain whispered, smiling slyly and, approaching her, hugged and kissed her.

Romi forgave him, but fear remained in her soul, caused by the threat to leave her. Soon Alen flew to Yugoslavia and his life changed.

It all started with the fact that a few days after the start of filming, they began to talk about the fact that the producer of the film was not solvent. Delon was not interested in rumors. He spent all the evenings in the company of new friends working on the set as extras. Young Yugoslavs willingly showed him trendy cafes and served as interpreters if he wanted to meet some girl. He especially got along with Milos Milosevic, who looked a little like him in appearance.

“I dream of going to Paris,” Milos once said. - In France, there are more opportunities to achieve something than in Yugoslavia. Your cinematography is definitely better developed.

“It doesn’t cost me anything to invite you to visit me so that you can see the city. It is possible that you will be disappointed. As they say, it's good where we are not, - Alain replied.

“If you keep your promise, you will become my friend for life,” the Yugoslav said enthusiastically.

- Deal. Let's go to the bar in the evening, yesterday I noticed a beauty there. Suddenly she does not understand French.

Milos smiled and nodded. He was flattered that the famous actor made him his attorney in love affairs.

Entering the bar, at first glance he identified the girl who attracted the attention of Alain. It was impossible not to notice her. Dressed in an elegant pantsuit, she sat at the bar, shaking her head to the music. With huge black eyes, she carefully examined the surroundings, sometimes throwing her head back to get rid of shiny dark hair that fell on her face. Alain irresistibly wanted to run his hands into this luxurious mane and kiss the girl on parted plump lips.

"Good evening," he said, moving his chair closer to the girl. - Do you speak french?

"A little," she replied in a hard accent, but clear.

Alain imperceptibly made a sign to Milos not to disturb him. Yugoslav obediently went to the other end of the hall and began to watch the dancers, occasionally glancing at his friend.

The girl's name was Lilika, she studied at the capital's university, and at the moment she was spending her holidays with her relatives.

- What are you doing? she asked when she finished talking about herself.

- I came to Yugoslavia for a month, they are shooting a film in which I am busy.

So you are an actor.

- Say "you" to me.

- I wish I could, but I can't. I do not know French well and I am more confident in my literacy when I address people with “You”.

- You are very beautiful. I have met Romanian women, but you are the most charming of them. My name is Alain.

“Delon,” she added, and clapped her hands. How could I not have guessed! I like the movie Christina. Is it true that you and Romy Schneider are married?

"No," Allen chuckled. Curiosity made you speak quickly and clearly. I won’t be surprised if it turns out that you are a specially sent journalist.

His suggestion caused a storm of delight in Lilika. The girl did not stop being open and free with him, recognizing in him a famous actor.

Would you like to go to another bar or restaurant of your choice? Alain asked.

“I have long wanted to visit a new club,” the girl declared enthusiastically.

The actor looked around for Milos and noticed that he was talking enthusiastically with some woman, persuading her to dance with him. "He'll have to get to the hotel by taxi," Alain thought. They arrived at the bar in a studio car, the keys to which were with Delon. He paid Lilika's bill and led the girl to the exit.

— Where is the wonderful nightclub?

“I won’t be able to show you the way, but I know his exact address,” the girl said a few words in Romanian.

Do you hope this will help me? Get a map and at least show me the street.

Lilika studied the map for a long time and said:

“There is no such street here.

— The club is not located in the city center?

“On the contrary, in the very center,” she said in an upset voice.

Alain twisted the map in his hands and wanted to put it aside, but he saw Lilika's distressed expression and asked:

- Name the street again, only very slowly.

Memorizing the first letters of the word, he pointed at one of the inscriptions:

- That's her?

Oh, how quickly you found her! — admired the girl.

Smiling broadly in response, the actor felt that communication with Lilika freed him from the worries of recent months. He was not only comfortable around her, he felt like a carefree boy going on a first date.

The club that Lilika had longed to visit turned out to be a huge, semi-dark hangar with multicolored flashing lights hanging from the ceiling. There was not a single couple on the huge dance floor, although a slow melody sounded.

- Shall we dance? Allen suggested.

She and Lilika went to the center of the playground and started spinning to the music. The girl was flexible and moved beautifully. As a result, all the visitors of the club gathered to look at them.

“We can’t stay here,” Alain whispered to his partner. — God forbid, someone brought a camera with them. Tomorrow our pictures will appear in all the newspapers.

- Fabulous!

- You're wrong. I also know one wonderful place, and you won’t need to look for the way on the map. This is my hotel. We can sit at the rooftop bar. Agree?

The girl bowed her head, and Alain led her off the dance floor. They were followed by cheers and applause.

“You have attached me to your glory.

“You don't need her. Your beauty and so catches everyone's eye.

Leaving the car in the parking lot, they entered the hotel and took the elevator up to the roof. Alain sat the girl in a chair near the pool and brought two glasses of different cocktails from the bar.

— Which one do you like better? he asked the girl.

- Red.

You chose Margarita. Try, but I won't change. I don't like this cocktail.

Putting an empty glass on the floor, the girl said:

- There is a beautiful view from here.

Alain leaned towards her and looked down.

I can't see anything, the road is poorly lit.

He was in no hurry to move away, and the girl moved impatiently. Without further hesitation, Alain pressed a long kiss to her lips, and when she answered him, he fulfilled his dream and stroked her hair.

"Beauty," he whispered. Let's go down to my room.

The girl forgot about the groom who was waiting for her in Belgrade and followed the actor. They spent the whole night together, and in the morning Lilica sadly gathered up her clothes scattered on the floor.

"I don't want to leave," she muttered. - Yesterday I was in a fairy tale and I am ready to give everything to stay in it.

“I'm not a magician,” Alain replied, lying on the bed and looking at the girl, “but I can extend the fairy tale for a month, for the entire time of filming.

The girl shook her head sadly.

“My relatives won’t let me move to your hotel. Do you want us to meet?

- Want. Write down my phone and room number. I don't understand Romanian and I won't be able to call you, but I'll warn the receptionist to connect me to you right away.

Dictating her phone number, Alain again dropped his head on the pillows.

“You woke up very early. Kiss me goodbye and wish me sweet dreams. I'll take a little more nap.

However, after Lilika left, he did not have to sleep. There was a knock on the door. Alain realized that he had forgotten to hang a sign on the door handle forbidding disturbing the guest.

- Who's there? he yelled, not getting up from the bed.

This is Milos. Are you awake?

Alain sighed, put on a bathrobe and went to open the door.

Where is the girl from the bar?

- She went home. I'm sorry I left you alone yesterday and took the car, but you also met some beauty.

- Well no. She came with her husband and I had to ask his permission to dance with her. And how are you?

Lilika is an amazing girl. I'm glad she showed up at the bar yesterday again.

From the evasive answers of his friend, Milos realized that Alain's hobby was quite serious, and stopped asking questions.

Meetings with Lilika continued, and Delon was seriously thinking about inviting her to Paris. But his intention was not destined to come true. Two weeks after the start of filming, the actors officially announced the stoppage of work on the film. The producer is broke.

Farewell to the girl took place in the bar of the Alena hotel. As her lover informed her of her imminent departure, her eyes filled with tears.

"I don't know how I'll be without you," she said. “Thanks to our meeting, I experienced what it means to live in a fairy tale. Never forget you.

“I will miss you, but I have to leave early.

Delon chose not to talk about the disruption of filming. At the moment of parting, he put his card into the girl's hand.

“Here is my Parisian telephone. I will be glad to hear your voice.

Miloš traveled to France with the actor, and throughout the flight extolled his patron.

“Stop praising me in every way,” Alain cut him off with a smile. “After all, you could have bought a ticket yourself and landed in Paris in three hours. My merit is only that I paid for the first class ticket.

The actor placed the Yugoslav in his apartment, which caused Romi to protest furiously. She was about to leave for Hollywood and hoped to spend her last days in Paris alone with Alain.

“Milos is my friend,” he answered all the reproaches of his beloved. “He has nowhere to stay, and he will live here for a while.

If he's your friend, get him a room in a hotel. Why should I bump into a stranger in my own apartment?

- The conversation is over. Milos stays.

“Then I will leave. I really regret not doing this sooner.

The girl left the room. Alain wanted to go after her, hug her and comfort her, but his wounded pride did not allow him to fulfill his impulse. His return to France was by no means triumphant - the shooting of the film in Yugoslavia was postponed indefinitely, as they did not find a replacement for the bankrupt producer, and a huge gap appeared in the actor's schedule. He expected to make up for it by participating in other projects and was upset that he categorically rejected all proposals for spring filming. Romy, on the contrary, was incredibly busy and planned to sign a lucrative contract with Hollywood. Not that Alain envied her, but there was always rivalry in their relationship, both strove for fame, and at the moment the advantage was on the side of the actress.

Romy moved into a hotel and called her lover before he left for the Cannes Film Festival. She wished him good luck dryly and added:

I am leaving for America next week.

“Good afternoon,” Alain said kindly, but indifferently, and hung up.

“Is our relationship over?” thought Romi, “He talked to me like a stranger.” With a heavy heart, she flew to Hollywood, where she learned about the award given to the film "Eclipse" at the Cannes Film Festival. On the same day, Alain called her.

My film won a prize! he exclaimed. “Antonioni, Vitti and I were honored in such a way that I felt like a real star. How are you doing?

- The premiere was successful, but I don’t really hope for an Oscar.

When will you return to Paris? I'm bored.

After the end of the conversation, Romi was amazed at Delon's ability to settle their disagreements, pretending that nothing had happened. But she could not resist his affectionate tone, which reminded her of the happy moments spent with him.

Alain often met with Georges Baum, who brought him new scripts.

“I want my partner to be a star,” Delon insisted. Even if my fee goes down. Now it is especially important for me to consolidate the success of the latest films.

Together with Bohm, they chose two scripts, and the actor's agent negotiated with the directors. The proposed fees turned out to be low, but in the first picture, Alain played with Daniel Darier, and in the second, Jean Gabin was to become his partner.

“I was not mistaken,” Delon said to Milosevic, when he was surprised at the meager amount of contracts.

He was aware of the payment for the actor's performance of the role of Marco Polo.

- What to remember about the last failure? Allen replied. — The producer guaranteed a good payment, but the film was not made. In the same pictures, my name will be in the same row along with the names of the “stars”. And then, it is better to get a small fee than to sit without a job at all.

I would also like to start working.

I will contact my friends tomorrow. They may need an assistant.

“Thank you, Alain,” Milos said.

He had a good life in Paris. During the day, he walked the streets of the city, dined in a cafe, and in the evenings, together with a friend, he visited bars and nightclubs. The Yugoslav rarely thought about the need to find a job, since Delon gave him pocket money and did not hint at the possibility of moving from his apartment located in the city center. Yet Milos did not hope that this would continue forever, and tried to strengthen his position for the future.

Alain kept his promise and helped him get a job. Milos took up his duties and cruised between Marseille and Paris, escorting cargo arriving at the port. Having rented a small room, he left the actor's apartment, as he was waiting for Romy's return from day to day.

The girl called several times from America to warn her beloved about her flight number. She had no doubt that Alain would come to meet her at the airport. Having received the luggage, Romi looked around, but did not find her lover. For half an hour she stood at the entrance to the airport, and then took a taxi. It seemed strange to her that Alain did not come without warning her. "Probably he was delayed by urgent business," she decided, "I'll arrange a surprise for him." However, everything turned out the other way around. When Romy opened the door with a key and looked into the bedroom, an unexpected picture opened up to her eyes: Alain was lying in bed, in the arms of a blonde. Both raised their heads when she appeared.

- Oh, you rascal! the actress screamed. "You set it all up on purpose!"

She ran out of the bedroom, hastily dropping her purse with documents. She realized the loss only at the hotel, when the receptionist asked her for a passport.

“I lost my documents and money,” Romi muttered and remembered where her bag was.

She dialed Alain's apartment number and said:

Give me back the papers.

I do have your things. I'm ready to give you a lift. Say the address.

Romi dictated the name of the hotel to him and sat down in the lobby.

- My dear, what a meeting! She heard a familiar voice and turned her head. Jean-Paul Belmondo and his wife were approaching her. - Who are you expecting?

- Now Alain will drive up ..., - the girl hesitated, not wanting to devote strangers to the details of the quarrel with her fiancé.

- This is what you need! Jean-Paul exclaimed happily. We booked a table in a restaurant for four, but our friends couldn't come. I told you that we will find a worthy replacement,” he turned to his wife.

"I'm very glad to see you," the woman added. - We will wait for Alain with you, and the four of us will go to a restaurant.

“The fact is that I just flew in from America an hour ago and I’m a little tired,” Romi tried to refuse.

“No excuses are accepted,” Belmondo said. We will drink to your success and you will feel better.

Not knowing what to decide on, the actress looked around and noticed Alain entering. She pursed her lips and did not look up at him.

“Hello, dear,” Delon greeted her. - Hello friends! Have you plotted and are waiting for me? he asked the Belmondos.

You will like our plot. I invite you and Romi to a restaurant. We have a table booked,” Jean-Paul said.

- With pleasure! Alain replied.

Almost by force, he seized the hand of a friend and pulled her after the departing Belmondo.

"Don't make a scene in the hotel lobby," he whispered.

“If anyone makes a scene, it's you,” Romi replied angrily, pulling her hand away. - Don't touch me, I'll go to a restaurant, but only in order not to offend Jean-Paul and his wife. They don't deserve it.

Throughout the dinner, the actress did not utter a single word, referring to fatigue after a long flight.

"I'll drive you home," Jean-Paul offered.

“Thank you, but I also came by car,” Alain replied. “I will accept your help to load Romy's suitcases into the trunk. She had an urgent meeting here, and she rushed to her from the airport with her luggage.

“Okay, I’ll work as a loader,” Belmondo agreed.

Tears came out of the girl's indignation, but she had no strength to resist. She watched her belongings disappear into the trunk of the car and sighed as she said goodbye to her friends. She had a difficult conversation with Alain, but recently all their conversations were not distinguished by ease and frankness.

“Thank you for a well-organized meeting,” she said caustically to Delon, who was driving the car. “You have outdone yourself.

- It happened unintentionally. The girl clung to me not for life, but for death. I couldn't risk my reputation as a hero lover, he replied in a playful tone.

“However, you humiliated yourself more than me with this trick. I hate to go back to that apartment, drop me off on the way at any hotel.

“Don’t put so much importance on random dates. We are actors, and this profession is not conducive to fidelity.

“I never allow myself to be cheated on,” Romy screamed. - Stop the car now!

She opened the door on the move, and Alain was forced to slow down.

"Get your suitcases out and don't forget my bag of papers." Did you bring her?

Alain handed her her purse and took out the suitcases.

"Goodbye," said the girl.

He drove a few meters away and watched as Romi got into a taxi. “The best way out for us is to leave,” thought the actor.

Romi took a room in the hotel where she lived before leaving for America. However, sitting alone in the room was unbearable. She called her mother and said:

Alain and I broke up. I left our apartment.

At this late hour, Magda Schneider was sleeping and did not immediately understand what her daughter was talking about.

— Where did you go? she asked.

- Now I live in a hotel, write down the phone.

- Wait a minute.

Romi heard a rustle and a hum of voices in the receiver - Magda conveyed the words of her daughter to her husband.

“Hello,” the woman’s voice sounded cheerful and not at all sleepy, “call the number.” Are you going to stay in Paris or are you going to visit Hans and me?

— I will come to Germany. True, not all issues have been clarified with the Hollywood contract. It is possible that I will have to stay.

You are always a welcome guest. Rather, welcome home,” Frau Schneider corrected herself.

“They will make up,” said Hans Blatzheim confidently.

“No, this quarrel is much more serious than usual,” his wife answered him. “Romi had never called in the middle of the night before to report their spat. How I hate Delon! He does everything to make my daughter suffer.

That night, Alain did not close his eyes. Romi's frustrated face rose before his mind's eye, he remembered her eyes full of tears and was terribly worried. He ended up in bed with the first fan he came across and did not go to the airport to pick up his girlfriend, protesting her constant traveling. He did not need Romy's company during the filming, he was well aware that the girl also could not imagine herself without cinema. However, her resettlement in America was a blow to him. Alain took the advice of Visconti, but his threats and demands did not help. The girl was ready to break off their engagement rather than refuse the contract.

“Romy, I love you,” he said aloud. - Stay in Paris!

His trouble was that he did not know how to ask openly. Pride wouldn't let him.

Romi didn't sleep either. She was mortally offended by her beloved and decided that she turned a blind eye to too much, not demanding his excuses when articles about the actor's next novel appeared in the newspapers. “So it was all true and only I was deceived,” she thought sadly.

In the morning her hand reached for the telephone receiver, but she pulled it back. “I swear that I will never speak to Alain,” she decided, but it was impossible to fulfill this vow. They met at the film studio, their mutual friends called Delon and invited him to dinner without fail instead of Romy. In the eyes of those around them, they maintained the image of a couple in love, smiling at each other and making joking remarks. Romi held on to her resolve to resist Alain's charms, but quickly gave in.

“Maybe living apart for a while was the right idea,” he told his friend. “Gradually, I realized that it was in vain that I behaved ugly towards you in such a way. Will you forgive me?

"I don't know," Romi replied. - Future will tell.

What does "future" mean? Allen exploded. - In a month I'm leaving for a long time to shoot in Italy. And when I return, you will go to America. We may not even meet in Paris.

Romy was suddenly overwhelmed by a wave of such love for him that she involuntarily leaned towards Alain. He followed the expression on her face and noticed that the girl softened. Stepping forward swiftly, he wrapped his arms around her, then lifted her up.

- Shall we go home?

Why are you asking? All in your hands.

They reconciled, just as Romy's stepfather had predicted. Magda Schneider got angry, and pinned all her hopes on her daughter's approaching departure to Hollywood.

- She will meet young screenwriters and actors there and will forget Alain, - she said. I didn't expect their romance to last this long. Admittedly, Delon has moved a long way since our first meeting.

Alain went to Italy and started filming in Luchino Visconti's Leopard. The director treated him like a son, and the actor wanted to stay forever in Rome. With Visconti, he was extremely frank and told him about quarrels with Romy.

— I'm breaking out of Paris and feeling happy. Our relationship is more and more like a duty and does not bring joy. I understand that I am wrong, but I want to backtrack on my promise to marry her.

Visconti loved Alain, but Romi also won his heart. He was impressed by her devotion to her lover.

“I do not approve of your decision,” he replied to the young actor. You are both young and talented. Your giftedness is the only obstacle to marriage, but on the other hand, you both have a strong character and do not wear a weaker person next to you. I think we got very distracted. Read the script again.

Filming in Leopard took about three months, as all the projects of Luchino Visconti were carried out on a large scale. For example, the costumes for the performance in which Delon and Schneider played were sewn from fabrics embroidered with gold threads. The film "Leopard" showed the events of the entire era of the Garibaldi wars in Sicily and cost the producers several million dollars. By the end of filming, Alain was tired and dreamed of returning to France. Romi called him a day later, often the director took the receiver from his hands and talked with the actress for a long time.

“Come to us, Romina,” he suggested. - A couple of years ago, you and Alain were inseparable. I understand that you are busy filming, but still, please your beloved and me with your company.

She obeyed the Visconti and flew to Rome for a week. Thanks to the influence of this man, whom Alain respected and revered, mutual understanding and an inner connection were established between the lovers, which seemed lost.

- Honey, do you want me to stay in France? Romi asked. - I got the feeling that you were right when you said that we should not be separated.

However, Alain also showed generosity and answered:

“When you return from Hollywood in triumph, I will be even more proud of you.

Romy breathed a sigh of relief and flew to Paris to prepare for a trip to America. She was happy and hoped that she would be able to visit Alain often in France, but soon her rosy mood evaporated. The farewell call to Italy to his beloved was unsuccessful, they quarreled again.

"I'll leave the keys with the porter," Romi said at the end of the conversation.

- Why did you decide this? Alain asked.

Who else can I give them to?

Milos, my friend. Call him and give him the keys.

The actress paused, and then said:

- I can't stand him. If you want, communicate with him, but I do not want to see him. And I'm not even going to think about calling him myself.

- Romy, will you fulfill my request? Allen asked calmly.

“Take the keys from the porter,” she snapped.

“Goodbye,” the actor said and hung up.

Romy lost heart. In the cold farewell to her beloved, she felt a bad sign. She gave the keys to the porter and left for the airport. Delon phoned Milos and allowed, if necessary, to take the keys to his apartment. Yugoslav did not fail to take advantage of this opportunity and went to live with a friend, in anticipation of his return from Rome.

Chapter 10

In the autumn of 1963, Alain had a short break between filming, and he returned to Paris. In an apartment on rue Messin, he was met by Milos and offered to go to Marseille for a couple of days.

- Meet old friends. Besides, I want to introduce you to a girl, he said to the actor.

- I'm tired and can't imagine what could make me go somewhere in the near future, - said Delon. “My vacation will last no more than three weeks, and there are many things to do in Paris. Ride alone.

“No, I won't leave you. Think how nice we'll have in Marseille. A new nightclub with fantastic dancers has opened there. Put things off for a while.

Alain thought about it and decided to agree with Milos' proposal. After all, he worked hard and deserved a few days of real rest.

“All right, book your tickets,” he said to his friend.

He was delighted and grabbed the phone. Alain, meanwhile, sat down in an armchair and once again began to look through the script for the future film by Christian-Jacques, based on Dumas's novel The Black Tulip. The release of this historical tape on the screen promised to further increase Delon's fame. In addition, he knew how the audience loves to watch costume films and was sure that the success of the new picture would surpass the popularity of "Fanfan-Tulip". The feeling of fatigue was instantly replaced by an emotional upsurge. The actor felt great, receiving many offers from directors and having signed contracts for future shootings.

“My lord, first class is booked for you,” Milos addressed him, bowing his head.

“Having achieved your goal, you very cleverly portray humility,” Alain grinned. “Am I allowed to spend at least one night at home, or have you booked tickets for tonight?”

— No, I foresaw your desire. We're flying on an afternoon flight tomorrow.

I need to make some calls. Are you going somewhere tonight? the actor asked a friend.

- In principle, I'm not busy, but I was going to meet my friends in a cafe.

“Okay, anyway, don’t wake me up tomorrow morning. I want to sleep before the upcoming “vacation”.

Delon phoned Christian-Jacques and discussed the shooting schedule in Spain for a long time. Milos went to a cafe and told his friends about the planned trip to Marseille.

“Alain will take your Natalie away,” they predicted to Milosevic. “Or he will force the girl to yield to him.

- You're crazy! Yugoslav was outraged. - Natalie loves me, I'm thinking of marrying her.

“She bewitched you,” laughed his neighbor, Stefan.

In the morning, Milos packed his suitcase and, despite the ban, began to knock on the door of Alain's room.

"Get up or we'll be late," he called.

The actor woke up with a headache and cursed his friend's perseverance. He no longer wanted to fly to Marseille and he would have gladly sent Milos to hell, but he knew that you would not get rid of him easily.

"I'm coming," he said unfriendly in response to the incessant knocking on the door. — Take my gray suitcase, I didn't take it apart.

Milosevic carried his friend's belongings downstairs and loaded them into the trunk of the car. When he went up to the apartment, he found him sitting in the kitchen with a cup of coffee in his hand.

- Alain, we have forty minutes before the end of the registration of tickets for our flight! We urgently need to go to the airport.

They managed to get on the plane, but the actor harbored a grudge against Milos for the need to be on the plane again instead of resting after filming. He remained silent throughout the flight and smiled absently at the stewardess when she praised his latest film.

— Darling, you will like my latest film even more.

Just before landing, the girl walked past his chair and smiled invitingly, but he did not pay attention to her and looked out the window. Milos couldn't resist.

“Are you really so tired that you will miss such a girl? he asked Alain.

“I don’t like women who hang themselves around my neck,” he replied coldly. “Besides, I have enough fans in addition to flight attendants.

They landed in Marseille in the late afternoon and went to the hotel. Seeing Alain's bad mood, Milos regretted that he had insisted on this trip, but there was nothing to do. Before leaving for his room, he asked Delon a question:

“Are you going to the club in an hour?”

“Yes,” Allen said cheerfully. As soon as he was in the hotel, he felt more cheerful and was delighted to be able to see his friends. “Call me when you leave.

First of all, Milos got on the phone with his girlfriend.

- Natalie, baby, I'm in Marseille. I'll be at our favorite club in an hour. I am very bored.

“I couldn’t find a place for myself in the last days, I kept thinking about you,” Natalie purred. “I guess I felt you were coming soon. I'll see you in the evening.

Alen and Milos settled down at a round table in the center of the hall and answered the greetings of acquaintances who constantly approached them. Some sat down at their table and ordered red wine from the waiter, which Alain preferred. Suddenly Milos waved his hand to someone and a tall blonde came up to the table.

- Natalie, meet Alain Delon, our star, - he introduced his friend. “And this is my charming girlfriend, Natalie Barthelemy.

“Very glad to meet you,” she smiled at Alain. - You play superbly, I have watched all your films several times.

She sat down next to Milos, but when one of his friends called him to the bar to tell him some news, she tried to take his place next to the actor.

“No, no,” Alain turned to her briskly. - Milos sits here, he always protects me from annoying admirers.

At the very first moment of meeting, he realized that the girl was interested in him and was ready to immediately leave Milos for him. He despised unfaithful women, and felt dislike for her.

Natalie did not even think to be offended by his remark, but calmly raised a glass to her lips and smiled at him. Soon Milosevic returned and hugged the girl.

- Shall we dance? he asked her.

“Of course, otherwise I’m completely bored without you,” she answered, gently running her hand through his hair.

"Didn't Alain entertain you?"

“On the contrary,” the actor replied.

He watched the dancing friend and Natalie and found the girl beautiful.

- Who is she? he asked a friend sitting next to him.

— Works as a waitress in a bar, came from Morocco. Milos completely lost his head from her. A month ago, I almost got into a fight over a girl with my friend Stefan.

“Yes, she is a femme fatale,” said Alain, and again looked at Natalie.

The girl caught his eye and did not take her eyes off him until the end of the dance. When she and Milos returned to the table, she sat down without hesitation next to Delon and handed him an empty glass.

— Don't refuse to pour me some wine.

He smiled and picked up the bottle.

"You're a great dancer," he remarked.

Are you implying that you want to invite me? - the girl also switched to "you" and slightly leaned towards him.

Alena was amused by the situation, he was especially amused by the bewildered face of Milos. His friend was drunk and did not understand very well what was happening.

— Natalie, my friend asked you to dance? he asked, putting a hand on her shoulder. "But you're my girlfriend, aren't you?"

“Of course you are,” the girl reassured him. — But you let me dance with Alain?

“Yes,” he answered importantly. - He is my best friend.

“You both left me no choice,” the actor chuckled. - I'll have to dance with you.

He took the girl to the playground. The orchestra played a slow tune, and Natalie pressed close to him. She liked Alain, and she sought to get close to him, but her old admirer interfered. She did not think of anything better than to say to Alain during the dance:

- Milos says that you do everything as he says and you even read film scripts together.

“God, Natalie, I can see right through you,” the actor replied. “You wanted to dance and I didn’t refuse you so as not to offend a friend, but don’t count on more.”

This time the girl blushed and said sharply:

“Don't think I'm flattered to know you, because I don't attach much importance to your fame. I like you, and if Milos were the star and not you, I would still leave him for you.

Alain looked at her incredulously, but Natalie did not lower her eyes.

"Does your friend know what you're thinking?" he asked.

"If you want, I'll tell him," she said firmly.

Alain said nothing and after the end of the dance they returned to the table.

- Do you like my girlfriend? Milos asked him loudly and pulled Natalie close to him.

She did not move away, but watched the reaction of Alain.

"You're wrong, she's not your girlfriend," he said slowly.

- Whose then? Yugoslav laughed.

- She is mine. Really Natalie? - the actor turned to the girl.

She looked at him carefully and replied:

- Truth.

In surprise, Milos unclenched his hands, and the girl quickly got up from the table. Allen got up too. The rest of those present fell silent and, without looking up, watched the unfolding action.

— Natalie, are you drunk or out of your mind? What are you saying? Milos exclaimed.

"Let's go," Allen held out his hand to her.

“If you leave with him, I will forever forget that we knew each other,” her lover threw after her, but the girl did not even turn around.

Hand in hand with Delon, she left the club and stopped on the illuminated sidewalk in front of the door.

“You are very unpredictable,” she told her companion.

“I just wanted to help you get rid of Milos since you decided to leave him. Where do you live? I'll pay for your taxi.

- You won't come with me? the girl asked in surprise.

“No, the day after tomorrow I return to Paris and have to settle an urgent matter here. You're beautiful, but I don't have time for you.

It took Natalie a tremendous effort not to cry and lash out at Alain with angry accusations, but she restrained herself. Defiantly looking into his eyes, she said:

“You understand that I’m done with Milos. I'm not asking you to linger in Marseille, but now you're here. Do you want me to go with you?

Alain was amazed by her endurance and embraced the girl.

“Let's go,” he suggested. “I've had as much to drink as Milos, but I'm still able to keep an extraordinary woman from leaving.

He hailed a taxi and gave the address of his hotel. Once in his room, Natalie hung her coat on the hanger at the entrance and turned to Alain, wondering what she should do. From his burning look, she unmistakably understood his mood and stepped towards him. He grabbed her face and kissed her almost roughly on the lips, then put his hand on her chest and unzipped her dress. She did not resist, but leaned towards him with her whole body and stroked his shoulders and arms with her hands. Alain could no longer stop, what began as a joke on the tipsy Milos turned into a night of violent passion. Now he needed this woman, caressing her, he forgot about everything. Natalie felt triumph when she felt her power over him, even if only temporarily. For a moment, the thought flashed through her that it was in her power to make Alain constantly desire her, but she could not think about it further,

In the morning, the lovers woke up at the same time. Alain looked at the girl and instantly remembered the events that preceded her appearance in his bed.

"It can't be," he whispered. “So it really happened.

He quickly got up and began buttoning his shirt.

"Where are you going, honey?" Natalie asked sleepily.

— I'm going to look for my friend Milos, to talk to him.

Natalie realized that she needed to act immediately. She threw back the covers and, naked, stood in front of her lover.

Thanks for an unforgettable night. I realized that I was not mistaken in leaving Milos. One night with you is worth a lifetime with another, - she held out her hands to Alain. - Will you kiss me?

He squeezed her delicate, thin wrists and felt that he could not resist the temptation to stroke her delicate skin. She looked extremely seductive - a slender blonde with huge violet eyes. Their languid expression would have bewitched any man, and Alain relented. He ran his hands gently over her feverish body.

“Stay,” he said. — If you want, order breakfast in your room.

- Are you still leaving? she said disappointedly.

“I have to talk to Milos, but I'll be back soon.” He left the room and knocked on the door of the next room. For a long time he did not hear a sound, but suddenly the door opened unexpectedly, and Milosz invited Alain to enter with a nod.

“I am very sorry about what happened yesterday,” Delon said to a friend. “I didn't mean to go that far, but Natalie is an amazing woman.

Is she in your room now? Yugoslav interrupted him.

- Yes.

"You'll never be safe with that witch," Milos exploded. She looks into your eyes and lies. Yesterday afternoon I was the only man in her life, and in the evening she left the club with you. I don't want to lose our friendship because of her.

“Sorry, but I won’t give up on Natalie,” Delon said.

- Leave it to yourself. I no longer want to remember her, Milos shouted.

Allen walked towards the exit.

Will you take her to Paris with you? his friend finally asked.

"I don't know," he replied and closed the door.

Natalie hosted his own room. Fresh rolls, butter and jam lay in a basket on the table, and coffee was steaming in the coffee pot.

"Pour me some coffee," he said as he sat down in the chair across from her.

The girl fulfilled his request, but refrained from asking questions about the meeting with Milos. Rather, she tried to ask them, but Alain's glance stopped her in mid-sentence.

- What are we going to do? he asked after breakfast.

Natalie sat on the arm of his chair and rested her head on his shoulder.

“I like your silent invitation,” Alain said.

Both Milos and the cases were forgotten. For two days, Alain and Natalie were practically inseparable. They woke up late and spent half the day in bed, then had dinner and went to the bar next door for a cocktail. Natalie never once started talking about Alain's imminent departure to Paris. He, too, was silent until the last evening. Packing his suitcase, he turned to Natalie, who was sitting on the bed:

- Do you want to leave with me?

“Yes,” she answered happily. “I don't want to part with you.

She ran up to Alain and hung around his neck. He kissed her and said:

We will pick up your things on the way to the airport. Do you rent an apartment here?

The girl hesitated to answer, then raised her head and explained the reason for her hesitation:

I haven't paid for a room in months. The owner won't let me take my things.

Alain looked at her sympathetically and picked up the suitcase.

I will pay your debt.

“No need,” Natalie muttered.

“No, no,” he smiled. “It will cost me more to buy a new wardrobe for you.

They closed the door of the room and made their way down the hall.

- Tell me, is Mr. Milosevic still in the room? Alain asked the porter.

No, he left yesterday afternoon.

“Call us a taxi,” the actor said to the porter. “Milos left yesterday,” he said to Natalie.

“I heard,” she said. - Maybe it's for the better.

They went for her things, and while Natalie was packing things, Alain slipped a few bills to the owner who appeared. He took the money and disappeared. Nothing else prevented them from flying to Paris together. At the airport, the girl felt weak from the surging joy. She trustingly clung to Alain and whispered:

- I love you. You are my God.

He was flattered and gently patted her hand.

“I deceived you,” Natalie continued.

— In what? He immediately got worried.

- I'm actually your fan, but no one will be able to separate me from my idol.

“I have no doubt about that. You are capable of things that take my breath away.

Alain bought her a first-class ticket, and all the way they did not open their hands, looking at each other. Ironically, they were served by the same flight attendant who tried to meet the actor during his recent flight from Paris to Marseille. She spoke to him somewhat familiarly, and Natalie immediately put her in her place.

“Do you know not to annoy passengers?” interrupted the girl. The stewardess quickly moved on.

- Where did you learn this? Alain laughed. “At a bodyguard course?”

I agree to be your bodyguard.

“In that case, you are enlisted.”

They arrived at Messin Street in the afternoon, and Delon, having opened the door of the apartment, hospitably invited Natalie inside. On the bedside table in the hallway, a note caught their eye. “I have vacated my room,” wrote Miloš, “and I am going to live with Stefan.” Alain crumpled the note and frowned. The girl felt that her position swayed and tried to distract him from thoughts about the offended friend:

Show me your apartment, please. It seems so huge that you can get lost.

The actor continued to play the role of a friendly host and led her through all the rooms. The inspection of the apartment ended in the kitchen, where he asked Natalie to make coffee.

"I wouldn't mind dinner," she remarked.

— That's how. Okay, let's have coffee and I'll take you to the nearest cafe. I always eat there when I live in Paris.

- Do you often go to shoot? Natalie asked.

- Often. I'm going to Spain in a couple of weeks. Don’t bother yourself with this,” he said, noticing the girl’s frightened look.

The time before the departure of the actor for the shooting flew by unnoticed. During the day, he went to the film studio or to the gym, where he spent hours mastering the art of fencing, necessary for a future role. At home in the evenings, he was met by the invariably smiling and friendly Natalie. It seemed to Alain that he had found a family. They had dinner together in a cafe, the girl asked him with interest about the events of the day and made him laugh with stories about films and shows seen on TV. The actor never had a thought to part with her. Finally, it was time to fly to Spain.

“Natalie, you will stay here,” he suggested, “I will transfer a certain amount to your account so that you do not need anything. I think I can call you for a week in Spain.

— Oh, Allen. This is a fairytale. But will you call me sometimes?

- Don `t doubt. I am very worried about the apartment when I leave.

- Nasty!

You are my good girl!

He grabbed Natalie, who was jokingly resisting, by the arm and dragged her into the bedroom. The actor was leaving the next day and their last night was amazing. It seemed to Alain that this girl was his ideal half. She was beautiful, intelligent, and always anticipated his desires. It turned out that such an opinion was formed not only by him. Newspapers were brought in the morning. On the front page of one of them was a photograph of Alain and Natalie sitting in a restaurant with the caption: “Is the actor really hiding his twin sister from the public?” In this photo, there really was an elusive resemblance between them.

“Look, sister,” Alain handed the newspaper to Natalie.

She squealed with delight when she saw her face on the front page of the newspaper, but after a second she asked in bewilderment:

— What is this nonsense? What kind of sister am I?

“God, journalists don’t know what to come up with. They want sensation. But that's even better. As my sister, you remain mistress of the apartment until my return.

"As you wish, brother."

The phone rang and Alain picked up the receiver. Romy Schneider called from America to wish him a safe journey. Natalie did not leave the room, but sat next to him and listened attentively, trying to understand from Alain's answers what Romy was saying.

- Darling, have you hired a new housekeeper? the actress asked.

- Well no. The apartment is cleaned once a week, as usual,” Alain said.

“I called you several times yesterday and a woman's voice answered me.

Delon threw an angry glance at Natalie and said into the phone:

The cleaning lady now comes another day.

After the end of the conversation, he sharply scolded Natalie:

“Did I tell you never to pick up the phone?” Did you misunderstand me?

I only answered the phone once. The phone rang five times in a row, and no messages were left on the answering machine. I thought they were fans.

- Natalie, you can stay in my apartment, but keep in mind that in this case you are obliged to follow all my orders.

- What are your orders? - the girl could not stand it. “I'm not a cleaning lady, even though you introduced me that way to your fiancée.

They quarreled for the first time, but Alain had to go to the airport in half an hour, so both made concessions in their dispute. Ten minutes later, they made up and kissed goodbye. The actor flew to Spain, and Natalie was left alone in his huge apartment. She did not make plans for the future and did not reflect on her unclear position in the house of Alain. The main thing is that she managed to stay with him. She did not think that he might meet a new love on the set, or that Romy Schneider would suddenly return from Hollywood. Natalie was used to winning, even if the circumstances were not in her favor.

Shooting in Spain took place in a small village, where we managed to find several streets with old houses. They were so shabby that they gave the impression of buildings from the French Revolution without any effort on the part of the decorators. The work schedule was very busy. The director, crew, and cameramen constantly had to move from place to place and transport cameras and other equipment. Alain played two roles in the film and was almost always present in the frame, so after the first weeks of filming he felt very tired. For this reason, he rarely dined with other actors and showed little interest in his co-star, Italian actress Virna Lizzi. Natalie called him every day, and he intended to keep his promise and invite her to Spain for a week, but did not manage to book her a ticket. Romy Schneider unexpectedly came to him, deciding to expedite their meeting.

She arrived at the site in a rented car and, seeing her beloved, happily waved her hand to him. Filming was interrupted for an hour, as reporters and photographers appeared with her.

“Darling, I missed you very much,” she said, hugging him. “You are so handsome in that suit, a real earl.

Alain could only embrace her and pose for photographers.

Why did you bring them? he asked Romy softly.

“I didn’t invite anyone specifically,” she replied. “They have been following me since I landed in Spain.

Unexpectedly for himself, the actor realized that he was absolutely not angry with her. Romy has always been defenseless and the fact that she dared to fly to him without warning, accompanied by newspaper reporters, spoke of the strength of her feelings for him and the fear of losing her beloved.

At dinner, they sat side by side, surrounded by the film crew, and talked quietly, smiling at each other. Christian-Jacques raised a toast to Romy:

Let's drink to the bride of our Black Tulip!

Everyone raised their glasses, and Virna Lizzy gave the actress such a furious look, as if she had just stolen her role in the film.

In the evening, Alain took Romy to his room and asked:

Did you come for a long time?

- Just for three days. I need to get ready for filming.

“Understood,” he said indifferently. - Don't you think that our love affair has long turned into a telephone one and more and more resembles an advertising ploy?

“Darling, don’t talk like that,” Romi felt a threat in his indifferent tone and clung to him. - In you, our love is the whole meaning of my life. For you, I'm ready to quit the movie, just say that you want it, and I'll always be there.

“Stop it,” Alain interrupted her.

The last thing he wanted to do now was start this old conversation. Noticing that Romi was ready to burst into tears, he hugged her and began to kiss, whispering gentle words in her ear. She instantly calmed down and smiled faintly.

“I love you,” she muttered.

The next day, Natalie saw in the newspaper a photograph of Delon and Schneider with the caption: "The lovers are together again." She tore it to shreds and darted around the apartment. For the first time, she doubted that she would be able to stay with Alain for a long time. Most likely, when he returns from Spain, he will offer her to leave his apartment, and she will again have to look for work. She remembered her life in Marseilles, then with a huge effort of will she pulled herself together and sensibly assessed the situation. “As long as I live here, nothing is lost,” she thought, “Schneider will fly to America, and everything will remain the same.” During the weeks that Natalie lived in Paris with Alain, she fell in love with him. He was a fairy prince who took her to his castle. Now her feelings were mixed with jealousy and resentment, but she continued to fight for her future next to him.

Not once during her stay in Spain did Romy Natalie call the actor. At first, out of habit, he waited for these calls, but soon the girl's silence alarmed him. He dialed his Parisian number and heard the voice of the answering machine. Natalie didn't pick up the phone. He grimaced in annoyance, remembering that he had forbidden her to return calls and left a message for her. She didn't call back. Alain stopped thinking about her and divided his time between Romy and the set. Three days later, his official bride left.

When will you return to France? he asked before she left.

— I don't know, my contract with Hollywood is almost signed. I haven't decided on the number of films yet, but I've been advised to look into their proposal for a long-term partnership.

“Let me guess the adviser’s name,” Alain said mockingly. - This is your mother.

Romi blushed and replied:

“I know you don't love her, but she wants to help me.

“Happy flight across the ocean,” Alain completed this topic.

However, Romi could not come to terms with his coldness.

- Come to me after the filming is over. We'll be together for a few weeks," she said, and looked at him with pleading eyes.

“I'll think about it,” he answered quickly, so as not to provoke a flood of reproaches and accusations of indifference to her. - It's time for you to go. I'll call on the weekend.

They said goodbye, and Romi got into the car with a heavy heart. Alain waved goodbye to her and felt that he involuntarily replayed in his mind the scene of farewell of Guillaume, the hero of the film "The Black Tulip", with his brother. He forgot about the girl as soon as her car was out of sight. He returned to the set and turned to the director:

Are we on schedule?

“Thank God, yes,” he replied and looked suspiciously at the actor. - Why do you ask?

“I need to go to Paris for two days,” Alain said, confirming Christian-Jacques' worst expectations.

- You are crazy! Look at the weather. Maybe in a week long rains will begin, because it is already autumn.

- As far as I remember, location shooting is almost over, - the actor argued. — Work will continue in the pavilion.

Alain, do you really need to leave urgently?

“Yes,” he replied. “I'll be back in two days.

“Very well,” said Christian-Jacques. My assistant is flying to Paris on Wednesday, you can join him.

- Thanks. I won't stay there.

The director nodded. He preferred not to argue with Delon, knowing that in the end he would still get a vacation. Three days later, Alain flew to Paris and, in some confusion, stopped in front of the door of his apartment. For a second he considered whether to ring the bell or whether it would be better to unlock the door with his key. He took out the key and opened the door. Natalie heard a noise in the hallway and left the kitchen. Seeing Alain, she smiled happily and went up to him. He did not open his arms to her, but pulled away and asked dryly:

Why didn't you call me back like I asked?

When did you ask me? The girl looked surprised.

"I left a note on the answering machine," he explained impatiently.

“I'm not approaching the phone as you ordered, much less listening to messages left for you. Sorry, I was afraid to make you angry again.

Natalie was clearly lying, but Alain decided not to spend the whole day arguing with her and went into the room.

- Would you like some coffee? I have ham for breakfast,” the girl told him.

- Good. Get something ready,” he called from the room, leaning over the phone and listening to the messages on the answering machine.

Delon was interested in the call of his manager. He informed the actor about the contract offered by the Hollywood studio Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. “Great chance to be in America with Romy and her mother,” he chuckled, “why don't I also ask the wise Frau Schneider for advice.”

Natalie entered the room.

“Breakfast is ready,” she announced, bringing in a tray of sandwiches and a coffee pot.

“Put it on the table,” Alain said.

The girl set the plates and turned to leave.

“Natalie,” the actor smiled at her, “you won’t deceive me with your fake humility. Grab yourself a cup and sit down for breakfast.

She quickly returned with a cup in her hand and sat down in a nearby chair. They drank coffee and chatted about trifles.

- How long will you stay in the city? Finally, she dared to ask a question.

“Tomorrow I fly back, but today everything is at your disposal.

“Great,” Natalie said drawling. “I will do everything so that you do not forget your short visit to Paris.

She reached out to him, and Alain felt himself missing her caresses. In a few moments, they were freed from clothes, and settled down on a soft sofa in the living room. This time, Natalie gave her lover all of herself, not trying to restrain her feelings. She changed every minute, appearing before her lover either as a naive girl, or as a sophisticated whore. Alain could not take his eyes off her for a second, struck by this passionate impulse and sensuality of his friend.

“You are a real actress,” he said to his mistress, rising on his elbow and looking into her eyes.

He thought she was dozing off and leaned back on the pillow. But the girl did not sleep.

“Thank you for the compliment,” Alain heard her voice. - I wonder what kind of actress I look like?

He laughed and pulled her towards him.

“Anyway, I was the only one who saw you.

They spent the whole day together, but Natalie was never able to understand his intentions. He didn't drive her away, but he didn't say anything about the future. She also decided not to raise a dangerous topic, but to wait for a more favorable moment. But Alain said nothing to her before his departure. Apparently he took it for granted that she would continue to stay in his apartment.

"Don't forget to call," he said before disappearing out the door.

Natalie felt that she had won a small victory: firstly, he came to her, and it does not matter that she does not fly to Spain; and secondly, he got used to her daily calls-reports and asked her not to forget about them. Hope flared up in her soul, but she forced herself to forget about it in order not to let herself be destroyed in the event of parting with Alain.

Meanwhile, the shooting of "The Black Tulip" went on as usual, and Delon completely immersed himself in the work. He almost moved to the gym, keeping fit for difficult tricks. It was fatigue that prevented him from making the final decision to break up with Romy Schneider. He had no doubt that she had already come to terms with it. But remembering her recent arrival in Spain, he postponed the final explanation. If Romi likes to cling to memories, why bother her? he thought. She had not raised the issue of marriage for six months, came to Paris in fits and starts, rarely called. The "Romance of the Century" was coming to an end, and nothing could help bring back the old feelings.

Natalie, as before, often contacted Alain by phone. Her energy and firm character aroused respect in him. In free moments, he evoked her image in his memory and each time he came to the conclusion that no trials would break this girl. He behaved coldly with her, but he felt a spiritual kinship with this “rip-off head”.

A week before the end of filming, Romy called and said that she would spend Christmas in Paris.

“I gave an ultimatum,” she said, “no filming or a two-week vacation. The director quickly promised me a vacation. I hope you don't have anything planned for the holidays?

- No, that is, five minutes ago it was not planned. Now I am full of ideas for celebrating Christmas.

- Excellent. Today I’ll start marking the days left until our meeting on the calendar, ”the girl said.

Allen is trapped. He did not dare to confess at the beginning of a telephone conversation with Romy, and after her words about the vacation it was impossible to retreat. Back in Paris, he still didn't know how to announce Romy's arrival to Natalie. On the first evening, Alain took her to a restaurant and noticed Milos at the next table. He sat with his back to the entrance and did not notice the couple entering.

“I’ll be here for a minute,” the actor said to his companion and headed towards the Yugoslav. - Hello, Milos.

“Good evening,” he replied in surprise. - That's the meeting.

- How do you live? Alain asked. You haven't called in a long time. Do you work somewhere?

- I'm alright. How is Natalie? Haven't run away yet?

The girl slowly moved in their direction to hear their conversation, and she heard the last words of Milos.

"Don't be fooled," she said mockingly. I will never leave the man I love.

Yugoslav turned around and noticed the girl.

"You're a witch," he remarked without malice. — How did you get here? Moved through the air?

“Milos, Natalie lives with me,” Alain said. Let's forget the past. Join us, let's have dinner together. I just arrived from Spain today.

He slowly stood up and pretended to reluctantly accept the actor's invitation, but in fact he was glad. He had long regretted the quarrel that followed during their last trip to Marseille, and was looking for ways to reconcile. The fact that Alain first extended his hand to him and suggested that he forget everything was the best solution to the problem.

Natalie did not show that she was uncomfortable with the neighborhood of her former lover, but for the whole evening she exchanged only a couple of words with him. However, two friends who had just met after a long break began to exchange news and forgot about her.

“Come in whenever you like,” Alain said to Milos. I won't be leaving Paris for a long time now. I need to take a break from the last filming, otherwise I got the impression that I played two roles in one film, and in two different ones.

- Premiere soon? Milos asked.

“God have mercy, only the day before yesterday we filmed the last shots. I think the first show will have to wait another three months.

- Clear. I'll take a look at you sometime. Goodbye, Natalie.

“Good luck,” she muttered.

They parted ways with Milos on the street and got into the car.

Why did you invite him? she said sharply to Alain.

He looked at the girl as if she had uttered utter nonsense.

“Milos is my friend and don’t you dare tell me who should be invited and who shouldn’t,” he replied.

“His presence puts me in an ambiguous position.

“You started it yourself when you met me in Marseille. If you don't like your position, you can leave.

Natalie fell silent and henceforth avoided openly arguing with Alain, preferring to act more cunningly. Finally, he allowed her to answer the phone, and for a whole week she answered Milos that Alain was not at home. In fact, the actor slept until noon and sat for hours in front of the TV. Ten days later, he regained his strength and began to plan further shooting. One day Briali came to see him. Delon introduced him to his new girlfriend, and Jean-Claude greeted Natalie with a smile.

“Very pleased to meet you,” he said.

He realized that the girl lives in Alain's apartment, because despite the late hour she was in no hurry to leave. “I wonder if Romi knows?” he thought, "if not, then I'll be the last one to tell her anything." True to his habit of not understanding other people's relationships, Briali took Natalie's appearance without ostentatious surprise and an ambiguous smile. This instantly won her over. The three of them sat down in the living room, and Jean-Claude began to read to a friend the script of a comedy starring Louis de Funes, in which he was offered a role.

- How do you feel about comedy? he asked Allen.

— I love comedies. Why are you asking?

- The director cannot find an actor for an important secondary role. If you like the script, I will talk to him and you will be in this film.

Alain burst out laughing at this prospect.

- I'll be good next to Louis de Funes! Unfortunately, I don't know how to grimace like that. Just now I played a count, or rather two, in The Black Tulip. And now you're asking me to play a comic character? My whole image will collapse overnight.

“Nothing like that,” Brialee protested hotly. “On the contrary, being able to play different heroes is a huge advantage.

- Of course, when they stop inviting me to play in detective and historical films, I will begin to imitate the famous comedian.

Natalie did not utter a word, but in her heart she completely agreed with Alain. She did not imagine her haughty and cold lover playing a comic role.

Jean-Claude, meanwhile, stopped persuading Delon. At that moment he said:

- When will the shooting start? One major Hollywood film studio again offers me a contract. I feel like I've gone back six years.

Briali raised an eyebrow and said:

You've gone too far ahead since then. I am sure that the amount of payment is very different from Zeltsnik's proposal.

- It is, but before leaving for Hollywood is still far away. To be honest, I was fascinated by the idea of ​​doing a comedy.

- Fabulous! Tomorrow I will contact the director and call you back. We have not played in the same film for a long time, it's time to restore this tradition.

- I agree.

After Jean-Claude left, Natalie said:

- A wonderful person. Have you known him for a long time?

“Since I worked as a waiter in a restaurant,” Alain replied.

- Did you work as a waiter? Seriously? I read about it in the newspapers, but took it for a lie. So, to some extent, we are colleagues?

"Yes," Allen smiled.

The comedy script he had just read put him in a hilarious mood. He had a desire to chat with Natalie and tell her about his past life, which he did. The girl turned out to be a grateful listener and tried to remember his every word. After learning his past, she hoped to find the right approach to the actor. Painting his life in cheap boarding houses, the first shootings, a trip to the festival in Cannes, Alain felt nostalgic for the old days. Now he has become a star, but he was constantly haunted by the fear of failure. Critics were suspicious of him and tried to emphasize the shortcomings of his films and acting, forgetting about the extraordinary popularity of the actor among the audience. Recalling his first experience on the set, Alain thought he had shown almost reckless courage when he chose this profession. At the moment, knowing the world of cinema,

Natalie listened to him with bated breath. Alain's life appeared before her as a fascinating adventure novel with many interesting characters and unexpected coincidences. But she hoped in vain that this conversation would bring her closer to her lover. In the morning he was as distant and withdrawn as he had been during the entire time they had known each other. She even thought that yesterday's conversation she dreamed.

In anticipation of new filming, Delon again became active and active. His role in the comedy was small and should not have taken as much energy as filming in Spain required. In connection with the return of Romy to Paris for the Christmas holidays, he was going to move Natalie to a small apartment specially rented by him. It remained only to persuade her, but Alain rightly believed that problems could arise with this. When Romy called to wish him a happy birthday, he noticed with what a petrified face Natalie was listening to their conversation. He did not want to quarrel with the girl who had become close to him, and he delayed the announcement of her departure until early December. One day Natalie reminded him of the holiday decorations for the rooms, and Alain said:

“Honey, I'm sorry, but you'll have to move to another apartment for Christmas.

She didn't say a word in reply, but stepped back, her face as frightened as if he'd hit her. He did not need to explain the reason for her relocation, she understood that Romi would return to the apartment for the holidays. From the resentment that overwhelmed her, the girl's eyes sparkled with rage. Blinding anger broke through her restraint, and she, like a lioness, pounced on her lover.

She doesn't mean anything to you anymore. Is she able to love you like me? Let us have known each other for a shorter period, but I feel all your thoughts and desires. We've been living together for the last months, and she only occasionally calls, and you want to trade me for her?

Alain grabbed her by the arms and sat her in a chair. He expected reproaches and tears from Natalie, but not such a violent protest.

“My girl, I adore you,” said Alain. “But Romy and I have been together for years. She didn't deserve me to tell her about our breakup over the phone. To be honest, Natalie, I'm not sure I want to end my relationship with her at all.

Natalie lowered her head. She lost to the famous actress. Alain chose Romy Schneider. “I will fight to the end,” the girl decided, “in the end, he will understand that his wife is me.”

- When do I need to leave? she asked calmly.

“December fifteenth,” the actor replied, puzzled by the sudden change in her mood.

- Good. Let's not think about it until the fifteenth. I don't have many things, I'll pack them in an hour.

— Natalie, I will come to congratulate you after the New Year. We will spend wonderful days together.

He looked into her eyes and saw in them only love and affection for him. Natalie held her anger in order not to completely destroy their relationship with Alain.

Chapter 11

At the end of December, Romy arrived in Paris animated, having high hopes for a meeting with her beloved. She brought Alena from America many gifts, carefully chosen according to his taste. He could not meet her at the airport due to an urgent call to the film studio about the editing of the film "The Black Tulip", so the girl took a taxi and arrived at their apartment. From the threshold, she felt something alien, not belonging to them with Alain. She quickly went inside and began to examine and touch things. Nothing new appeared, but she had the impression of the presence of a stranger in the apartment. Alain lingered, and her anxiety intensified.

But when he entered the room and smiled at her, she forgot everything. They talked for a long time, exchanged the latest news and did not open their hands. Everything was as before. Toward evening, Romy asked Alain with a coquettish smile:

Has anyone lived here in my absence?

He became wary, thinking that Natalie had left some of her things in the closet on purpose, but then he realized that in this case, Romi would have made a scandal to him. Unlike the film set, she didn't know how to pretend.

Milos came by sometimes. I am silent about crowds of friends, directors and agents. Why did you ask this question?

His confident tone dispelled the girl's last doubts.

You know how much I love you and am jealous.

The actor smiled affectionately and ran his finger along her cheek.

- You completely abandoned me, leaving to conquer Hollywood. It would probably be worth tormenting you and telling a story about a fatal passion that suddenly flared up for another woman, ”he said.

- Just try! By the way, I heard that you are also going to America.

"Romi," he answered seriously. - So far nothing is known. There is no need to rush things, otherwise you can jinx a profitable offer.

The girl paused, contemplating the happy coincidence with Alain's Hollywood contract. If he moved to America, they could see each other often and finally get married.

“I brought you presents,” she said. “I suppose since there are two days left until Christmas, we can give them away right now.”

“Of course, get them as soon as possible, but you won’t receive your gift until the holiday.”

Romy had a flash of hope that her beloved would give her a beautiful ring. It is possible that he also thought about the wedding.

The girl arrived in Paris with two suitcases, one of which was completely filled with souvenirs for Alain. He, like a child, took them apart, examining each little thing, and then kissed the giver.

“Wonderful gifts, but most pleasant of all, dear, that you did not forget about me.

- I constantly think about you, I often dream about you at night. And when it gets especially lonely, I sort through the archive with articles about us. Some newspapers have been preserved since our first meeting.

“I remember very well,” exclaimed Alain, “how I hated you at first sight.

Romi laughed and they sank into memories.

On Christmas Day, the girl's hopes to receive the long-awaited ring did not come true. She and Alain were having dinner at an expensive restaurant when he took a velvet case out of his pocket and opened it. At the sight of a diamond bracelet with three large sapphires in the middle, Romy caught his breath. The gift was fantastically expensive, but she would have preferred a simple gold ring.

— Oh, Alain! I'm impressed. The bracelet is so good, I don't know how to thank you.

- I wanted to choose the best jewelry for my beloved woman.

He fastened the bracelet on the girl's wrist, and she admired the play of stones for a long time, slightly turning her hand.

At night they passionately loved each other, but Romy was haunted by the thought of Alain's gift. She had a hunch that he wanted to impress her with expensive jewelry and make her forget the conversation about the wedding, which she started during her last phone call from America. Since her arrival, he had carefully avoided any mention of marriage. She pushed the thought away, trying to focus on her lover's helpfulness and kindness. But these memories again brought back the feeling that he was distant and too formal with her. Their lingering quarrels caused her a lot of grief, but now she would give a lot to get them back. She wanted to see the former impetuous Alain.

He, too, could not sleep for a long time that night. The girl lying next to him in bed seemed like a stranger. Despite the memories of their acquaintance and first dates, which they indulged in two days ago, he failed to resurrect in his soul the feelings of four years ago. Everything is gone. Love, jealousy, affection for the girl were long forgotten. Natalie was closer to him, she aroused attraction in him and fought for the right to be near him. “I need to call her,” he thought, “I’ll buy her a luxurious dress as a gift, she deserves it.”

In the days remaining until the New Year, Alain constantly invited friends to his place or accepted their invitations. Romi dutifully followed him, making no attempt to persuade him to spend time at home together. The spiritual intimacy between them disappeared, they saw each other too rarely to maintain it.

When are you returning to Hollywood? Alain asked her the day before the New Year.

- First, I fly to Germany to congratulate my relatives, and then my mother and I will go to America. She dreams of visiting there again.

Noticing the mocking glance of her lover, she added:

“I want you to come with me.

- It's impossible. The editing of my penultimate film is in full swing. The premiere of "The Black Tulip" should take place in February. I hope that the picture will be a huge success.

“From what I saw in Spain, you're right. You were very handsome as a robber count.

Alain's eyes widened.

- I played two different interesting characters, two brothers, similar in appearance, but absolutely opposite in their souls. How can you talk only about their external attractiveness?

For the first time since their arrival, Romi noticed the sparkle in his eyes and continued to tease him, hoping that the heated argument would bring them closer.

“But in the end they both became brigands,” she said. - Incredibly adorable indeed.

“I don’t care about your opinion,” Alain cut her off and left the room.

Romi was about to cry. None of her attempts to find an approach to her beloved were successful. She raised her hand and pierced with an inquiring glance the bracelet with which she did not part. In response, he flashed the multi-colored lights cast by the gems.

After the Christmas holidays, Alain called Natalie several times. The girl chatted sweetly with him, never once asking about Romy Schneider. She pretended that the rival did not exist, and her lover could not visit her because of urgent matters. Alain supported her game and also did not mention Romy.

I will come to you on the fifth of January. What gift are you dreaming of? he asked.

“I fully rely on your choice. Days spent alone are so long. They remind me of the time you were filming in Spain.

“Soon I will get a long-awaited vacation,” Alain snapped.

He was surprised at his words, and Natalie felt hope for the continuation of their relationship. He missed her even in the presence of his old mistress. The girl smiled, and once again thought about the approach of the day of their meeting. She will keep the actor and do what Schneider failed - she will marry him.

The day before parting, Briali and Belmondo came to Alain and Romy with two aspiring actresses. The girls looked at Romi with envy, trying to find some flaw in her, but she looked great. A dark blue dress with a lace collar suited her, she did not wear any jewelry, except for the bracelet presented by Alain.

“What a gorgeous bracelet,” one of the girls exclaimed. “Probably worth a fortune.

“He is dear to me, like a gift,” Romi answered dryly.

The girl considered the actress arrogant and decided to take revenge on her. During dinner, she had an opportunity.

- Alain, how do you feel about the latest publications about our friend Brigitte Bardot? She is credited with nothing less than an Arab sheikh as lovers, ”said Jean-Claude.

Before Delon had time to open his mouth to express his opinion about the tabloid newspapers, the girl Briali added:

- What is there to be surprised? A month ago, I read an article about Alain, which talked about his twin sister. There was no resemblance between them in the photo. Surely all this came up with the temporary girlfriend herself. What they don't use to get into the papers.

Romy turned pale, and Jean-Claude wanted to throw his friend out the door, although he was never rude to women. Belmondo saved the situation by making everyone laugh with a funny anecdote. Since no one else was talking, Jean-Paul entertained the audience with jokes and fooling around until the end of dinner.

After the guests left, Romi silently began to clear the dirty plates from the table.

“Jean-Claude brought a terrible girl to us today,” Alain turned to her.

- Yes, she is not well-mannered, but she mentioned an interesting article. Why didn't you show it to me? We usually exchange newspapers with similar reports.

“I forgot about her. She fell into my hands just before leaving for Spain. Sorry, but lately so much nonsense has been written that you can’t keep track of everyone.

Romi pretended to be satisfied with his explanation. In the morning, she sadly left their apartment. The actress ironed knick-knacks on the shelves, looked at the pictures hanging on the walls, as if trying to remember every little thing.

“It’s time to go, otherwise you will miss the plane,” Alain called out to her.

He did not like the girl's sentimental farewell to the furnishings of the apartment, and he hurried her again.

“I’m coming,” Romi said, and resolutely headed for the exit.

At the airport, they were chased by reporters, so they did not manage to talk, but only hugged and wished each other success. On the plane, the girl touched the bracelet every minute and imagined how in a few months Alain would come to Hollywood and they would live in America together.

At that moment, Delon parked the car outside the boutique on the Champs Elysees and entered the store. All the sellers rushed to meet the famous actor, offering their help.

— Do you want to buy an evening suit? the manager asked.

“No, evening dress,” Alain snapped. - As a gift.

- Oh, - his interlocutor picked up with a thin smile, - I will invite fashion models to show you our best outfits.

Three girls were spinning in front of the actor, not believing in their happiness. He chose a dress that was represented by a fashion model who most resembled Natalie in figure. All the outfits were beautiful, he did not know the taste of his mistress and thought that the only right decision would be to buy a dress of the right size. He paid with a credit card and left the store with a bundle in his hands.

Alain drove up to the house where he rented an apartment for his mistress, and thought for a minute whether to drive the car into the underground parking lot. In the end, he left her near the entrance and went up to the second floor. Natalie opened the door as soon as he touched the bell.

“I saw you through the window, honey,” she muttered, stepping back to let him pass inside. How long did it take you to get to your girl!

“One urgent matter delayed me on the way,” he said and handed her a package with the initials of a famous couturier.

The girl screamed with joy and carefully took out a dress from her bag.

"God, I'm speechless," she said softly. You are very kind to your girl. Can you admit that you missed me?

Maybe I'll confess later. Try on a dress, I want to see you in evening dress.

The girl slowly stood up from the couch where her dress was laid out and shook her head, pushing back her hair. Then, just as leisurely, she raised her hands and touched the top button of her blouse. When the jacket was unbuttoned, Natalie shrugged and threw it to the floor. The blouse was followed by the skirt. Soon she appeared before Alain in a black lace belt and silk stockings. The actor forgot about the donated dress and reached out to the girl. They made love on the carpet, completely disconnected from reality.

It was dark outside, and the room was plunged into twilight.

- Are you hungry? Natalie asked her lover.

- Like a wolf. Ready to eat half a calf.

— I baked a leg of lamb.

- That'll work too. Let's go have dinner.

They sat down at the table and began to eat the dishes prepared by the girl with appetite. Alain and Natalie chatted like old friends forced to part, but for this reason looking forward to meeting with great impatience.

Natalie tried on a dress that fit her well and went very well. Noticing how the evening dress transformed the girl, Alain said:

“Madame, do me the honor of having dinner with me tomorrow.”

Natalie tilted her head slightly and smiled an arrogant smile. “She is no different from popular actresses and rich heiresses,” thought Delon, “as soon as she puts on an expensive dress, she begins to resemble a lady from high society.” The girl walked past him, imitating the gait of fashion models.

“You are charming, tomorrow you will impress all the visitors of the restaurant.

She immediately rushed to him and sat down on Alain's knees.

“I'm sorry I can't see it. I only need you, and others mean nothing for a long time.

He stayed with Natalie for the night. The next day they appeared at the restaurant arm in arm, the girl did not take her admiring glance from her companion. Photographers surrounded the couple. Alain realized that Romy would see these pictures, but it was too late to retreat. They sat down at a table. Friends approached Delon several times to greet him, and to each he introduced his girlfriend.

“Thank you, dear,” Natalie said affectionately at the end of the evening.

— Did you like the kitchen?

- Not only. Today you treated me like a princess. I will never forget this dinner.

“It’s easy for you to please,” Alain chuckled.

- I am in a fairy tale, only I am afraid to wake up.

“It’s not true, you can’t be scared. I got the impression that you are hard as a rock.

Natalie smiled and decided that this compliment was worth the sleepless nights and anxious days she spent thinking about Alain and hoping he would call.

Until the end of February, the girl lived in the apartment rented by Alain. The actor almost moved in with her and stopped by Messin Street to change clothes and read the entries on the answering machine. Most of the messages were left by Romi.

“My girl,” Alain once told her, calling back to America. “You will spend a lot of money calling Paris and talking to my answering machine.

“You forgot about me. Whenever I call, you are not at home,” she replied. - What's happening?

- I work a lot. The premiere of the film is scheduled for the last day of February. What do you want to get? Do you want me to stay at home and crash the advertising campaign?

- Alain, I'll come to the premiere.

“Consult your mother before making such serious promises. By the way, how is she doing?

- Mom is fine. She asked about you the other day. I'm surprised you didn't call.

How everything changes. How many times she hung up when she heard my voice to prevent us from talking.

Alain, I loved you then, and now I love you even more. We rarely see each other because of my Hollywood contract, but I look forward to your coming to America. What did you decide about the MGM proposal?

- Nothing. This is not my only suggestion. In any case, thank you for looking out for my best interests.

Romi hung up the phone and felt fear. Each time, the lover answered her more and more dryly and did not seek to meet her. The actress did her best to save their relationship, but they crumbled before our eyes, and she was helpless to do anything.

Alain did not think about breaking off the engagement with Romy Schneider. In the last two years, the girl was absent for a long time and did not interfere with his hobbies with other women. If possible, he hid them from the ubiquitous reporters so as not to hurt her, but his fame in France became so great that every actress who starred with him was called his mistress. On the streets, he was pursued by fans, hoping to exchange a few words with him and get an autograph.

At the premiere of "The Black Tulip" he appeared arm in arm with Natalie. The hall was filled to capacity and after the show, friends congratulated him on a successful picture, but the actor was anxiously awaiting the opinions of critics. The next day, he bought newspapers and carefully read the articles about the film's premiere. Natalie sat next to him and watched his face. Alain grew gloomy and threw away the newspapers.

— Damn it! They agreed to write nasty things about me: “an imitation of Gerard Philippe”, “a handsome but unconvincing hero”… Today was the last time I read this nonsense.

“Darling, you played well, but your beauty attracts attention first of all,” said the girl. - They envy you!

“Well, and an explanation,” he laughed against his will and kissed her. “I think it’s time for you to pack your things and move over to me.”

- You're right. There is an important reason why we should be together,” she said slowly.

The girl looked at him, averted her eyes, then decided:

- I am pregnant. We will have a child.

Alain froze, this news deeply shocked him. Natalie stopped breathing, waiting for his answer.

- Are you sure?

— Yes, that's absolutely right.

“I want a baby,” he said.

The girl let out a joyful exclamation and began to kiss him.

“Calm down, lovely mother,” Delon calmed her down. "Get your things, I'm taking both of you with me."

Natalie settled in his apartment on Messin Street, as a full-fledged hostess. Romy's fate was sealed. However, knowing about her love for Alain, none of her friends called her to inform her that the actor had a new girlfriend. He himself carefully concealed the truth about the relationship with Natalie. Even his close friends did not know that she was pregnant.

The actor continued to actively study new scripts and met the talented screenwriter Jean Co. He was introduced to Alain Briali when he ran into a friend at the Café de Paris.

"It's not good to dine alone," said Jean-Claude. "Join us if you don't have an appointment with anyone."

Thank God we met. And then I was afraid that I was doomed to sit depressingly in the corner all alone, ”Alain answered with a sigh.

“Listening to you will bring tears to your eyes,” Briali laughed. “Any girl would instantly keep you company, you just wave your hand. Let me introduce you to Jean Co, - he pointed to his companion.

Alain invited them to sit at his table. Throughout the lunch, Ko talked about his idea to write a film script about the fate of a soldier who fought in Algeria. Delon was interested in the plot of the future script. He himself fought in Indochina, and the hero was close to him. In parting, he said to Jean Cot:

“Welcome to visit me if you need any details from army life.

- Thanks to. I'll definitely come," he replied.

Alain left the cafe and got into the car. On the way home, he bought Natalie a large basket of fruit. The girl lived with him and he was invariably attentive to her and fulfilled her desires. Now Natalie could afford to be capricious, but she always knew the line that should not be crossed in a conversation with her lover. She was expecting a child from Alain, she was the hostess in his apartment, but he never hinted at her the possibility of marrying her. The thought of the wedding haunted her day and night, but until the girl had an opportune opportunity to mention it.

One day, she got the opportunity.

“I will be twenty-nine in November,” Alain said at breakfast. - I can honestly admit that the dreams of a young man who came to conquer Paris came true. I have fame, offers to shoot with famous directors, bank accounts and ... and the greatest happiness is that I will have a child.

“For complete happiness, only the final touch is missing,” Natalie entered into the conversation. - Do not you have a wife.

- Who are you in this case?

“You understand perfectly well that I mean an official union so that our son is not illegitimate.

Alain was silent for a long time, but did not argue with the girl. She realized that her efforts were crowned with success and could hardly hold back a joyful smile.

However, in the evening she almost fell into despair when Milos called Alain and asked for permission to visit him.

“Certainly come,” the actor replied. “You are my friend and could not have warned of your arrival.

- What does he want? Natalie asked nervously as he hung up.

Milos will have dinner with us. Please prepare something.

She busied herself in the kitchen, rattling the dishes with hatred. Milos was able to destroy her understanding with Alain and the hope that had arisen of marriage with him. “Well, why did he call today?”, she asked herself for the tenth time.

Dinner with Milos passed peacefully. Yugoslav immediately drew attention to the rounded figure of Natalie and smiled slyly:

You are sitting at home and noticeably put on weight.

“She's expecting a baby,” Delon explained, putting his hand on the girl's shoulder.

- I guessed. Congratulations to both of you.

Natalie continued to be wary, but the fear that gripped her after the call of Milos began to recede little by little.

“I came to tell you about my friend, Stefan,” said the guest, having finished asking Alain about his plans for the near future. “He is my countryman and he got into trouble in Belgium.

What kind of trouble? the actor asked.

He went to jail on a charge of theft, but he's actually innocent.

- How can I help?

You are the only person I can turn to for help. No one else has enough money to hire a lawyer and protect Stefan in court.

“I agree to pay for the services of a lawyer for your friend,” Alain answered without hesitation. - Do you already have someone in mind?

In the next few days I am going to go to Belgium. I'll find a defender on the spot.

- Good. Come tomorrow, I'll give you money.

Thanks, I knew you could help.

When the Yugoslav left, Natalie said to her lover:

You are very kind to your friends. I admire you, honey.

Her position in the Delon household was strengthened, and after a joint dinner with Milos, she was no longer afraid of his influence on their relationship with Alain. The former lover calmly accepted the news of her pregnancy, and behaved with her like a good friend.

At night, the girl was awakened by a phone call. She reached for her pipe, but Alain beat her to it.

“Hello,” he said in a sleepy voice. — Romi, why are you calling so late?

Hearing this name, Natalie immediately threw off the remnants of sleep and began to listen.

What do you mean you have great news? What's the news? the actor continued to ask.

— Honey, I got a month's vacation. We can spend all of July together. I will pre-book a hotel room in Miami. Can you come?

Alain did not find the words to announce her breakup and replied:

- I don't know if it will work. It is now the middle of May, you never know what will happen in a month and a half.

“You will see Hollywood, you will understand whether you like America,” Romy continued to persuade him.

“Honey, I want to sleep. Let me consider your offer. I'll call back in the week.

He ended the conversation and laid his head on the pillow to sleep, but Natalie wouldn't let him.

— Are you flying to her in America? she screamed. Why don't you tell her about us? What's the point of pulling? Or do you want to have both a romantic lover and a wife with a child?

- Do not be noisy. You and I are not married, and I will tell Romi about the breakup, but not now.

— When?

I'll pick a convenient moment. Sleep.

But the dream no longer went to the girl. She tossed and turned in bed until morning, making plans for marriage.

“Beloved,” she said to Alain in the morning. We are not really married, but we will have a child. Don't you think we should tell your mother that she's going to be a grandmother.

At first, he wanted to reject her idea of ​​going to Bourg-la-Reine, but then agreed.

"I'll introduce you to my mother, if you insist on it." But I warn you in advance, we have a rather cool relationship with her.

- It's not scary. I love you and I love her too.

At the weekend they went to Alain's hometown. "Funny, but I need my mother's approval," he thought, "if only she liked Natalie." The actor's mother hated the girl at first sight. When her son told her that she would have a grandson, she looked suspiciously at his companion and asked:

- Have you been living together for a long time?

"It's almost a year," the girl hastily replied.

“But not married,” said Edith Arnold in an affirmative tone.

- Mom, who needs stupid formalities? Allen entered the conversation. - We are so happy.

Edith shook her head and turned away. She did not like the life her son led. He rarely came, and she learned news about him from the newspapers, moreover, she believed almost everything that was written. The woman received money from him, was soon going to move to a new house bought by her son, but still would prefer to see him next to her, and not in Paris. His lifestyle frightened her. She looked at her daughter-in-law, who was not such, with displeasure.

Natalie was upset. She hoped for the support of Alain's mother, but everything turned out the other way around. The woman did not hide her dislike for her. On the way back, the girl became sad and silently looked out the window.

"I think you were right," Alain's voice rang out, but she didn't turn her head. - We need to get married.

- What!? - it seemed to her that she screamed all the way, but, in fact, she only barely audibly whispered a question.

- Why are you so surprised? Who tormented me with requests for three months?

Alain was forced to stop the car and fight off Natalie, as she was ready to strangle him in her arms. She laughed, she cried, she kissed him. Delon was pleased with the effect that his words had, and in turn kissed the bride.

“You have no idea how much I love you,” Natalie repeated every minute. “Today is the happiest day of my life. Why did you propose to me right now?

— I remembered my childhood in Bourg-la-Reine. My mother rarely smiled; I never saw my father next to her. Then my stepfather showed up and they sent me to school. I felt very lonely and I want our baby to have all the best and, most importantly, our love.

Natalie was touched and, bending down, kissed his hand.

"We'll be a happy family," she said.

On the answering machine Alain was waiting for a message from Milos. Yugoslav hired a lawyer and thanked his friend in advance for his help. He hoped that in a week Stefan would be released.

“Everything is going well,” said the actor Natalie. - You are tired?

"No, it's all right, but I'd better lie down."

The girl lost her strength not from a long trip by car, but from the exorbitant happiness that fell on her. Now Romi was not afraid of her. The “eternal bride” did not occupy her thoughts, Natalie imagined her face when Alain announced her marriage, and grinned.

She dozed off and woke up in the evening from voices resounding in the living room. The girl cleaned herself up and entered the room.

“Darling, meet Jean Cot,” Alain said. We are discussing the script he is working on. Join us.

Ko, who knew nothing about Natalie, was surprised at first, but quickly got over his awkwardness and smiled.

“You are very beautiful,” he turned to the girl, “and surprisingly similar to Alain Delon.

“I saved the newspaper where we were called twins,” Natalie replied, smiling affably. "Are you sure I won't interfere with your conversation?"

"You'll be the jewel of our company," Ko said.

She nodded in satisfaction and sat down at the table. It didn't matter to her what the men discussed, but she was proud of Alain's invitation to stay. She remembered their first meeting and shivered. At that time, she did not expect to spend more than one night with him, but now she was nearby and, if desired, could express her opinion about the script.

The next day, Alain called Briali and told about the upcoming wedding.

“Congratulations,” he said. How did Romy take the news?

“I haven't informed her yet. You see, she offered to spend a vacation together, called so unexpectedly that I could not immediately announce to her about the breakup of the engagement. Only you know about marriage with Natalie. For now, I will not make an official statement to the press.

- Are you not completely sure about the decision to marry Natalie?

No, I'm definitely getting married. She is expecting a baby.

“Oh wait with further messages and let me recover. Your news blew me away. Will you add anything else?

“I think I told you everything,” Alain laughed.

Except for the date of the wedding.

“I didn't choose her, but I believe the ceremony will take place in July.

In June, Natalie began to get nervous about the delay in her wedding. Alain warned her that everything would go quietly, without crowds of guests and representatives of television and the press. He still recalled with horror the high-profile engagement to Romy.

Why don't we go to City Hall next week? she asked the actor at the end of June, deciding to speak on this topic.

"I'm busy right now," he replied. - Why hurry?

The actor starred in a film written by Jean Cot, in whose writing he took part. He also ventured to act as a producer of the picture, having founded a small company together with Georges Baume.

“My position is becoming more noticeable every day. You don't want to get married in a hospital just before the baby is born, do you?

He laughed and refused to continue discussing the matter. The other day, Milosz called him from Belgium and told him that Stefan Markovic had been acquitted. Since he dreamed of thanking his savior personally, Alain invited them both to his place for dinner.

— Natalie, do you remember that we will have guests today?

"Yes," she grumbled back. You have enough time for friends.

Delon looked menacingly at her, but did not start a quarrel because of her words. He understood that he was needlessly delaying the wedding and making Natalie worry, but he could not overcome his disgust for marriage.

Romi called him a couple of minutes before the guests arrived.

- Well, have you made up your mind?

- What are you talking about? Allen asked.

He got the feeling that Romi knows everything.

- Lord, I mean our joint vacation, because July will come in a week.

- Clear. No, I won't be able to fly to America next month. I just signed with MGM and will be coming to Hollywood in August. At the moment I'm flying to England to shoot the film "Yellow Rolls-Royce". God, why am I telling you all this? You've read about everything in the papers.

Is there any way to speed up your arrival in Hollywood? Romi asked sadly.

- Impossible.

- Goodbye, darling. I look forward to your appearance in America in August.

- Goodbye.

Everything was over. Alain hoped that Romi finally understood this. Smiling, he entered the living room, where Natalie, Milos and Stefan were waiting for him.

“Thank you for my release,” the latter addressed him. You are my savior angel.

Stefan Markovich turned out to be a tall blond man with an ingratiating manner. Despite a somewhat ingratiating expression on his face, Alain liked the young man.

“Milos and I are good friends,” he said to Stefan. “You are also his friend, so you can count on my support. If you don't want to remember the trial, don't say anything.

However, the young man was burning with the desire to share his memories of the won process, and throughout the dinner, he and Milos described the back of the court, the spectators sitting in the hall and cited remarks from the speech of the prosecutor and the defense. Stefan did not stop thanking Alain and admiring his fiancee, forgetting that he had heard about her before as a friend of Milos.

“We invite you to our holiday,” Milos said to Alena in parting. - We are hosting a dinner in honor of the release of Stefan, be the guest of honor at it.

- All right, I'll come, - the actor answered and shook hands with both Yugoslavs.

He helped Natalie remove the plates from the table and asked:

Did you like Stefan?

“He seems like a good man,” she said carefully. "But are you sure he's innocent of the theft?"

- Who cares? I would help a friend anyway.

Natalie didn't mention the wedding again. What's the use? Alain always did what he wanted, and her questions only irritated him. For two weeks he flew to England, where he filmed with Anthony Asquith. During telephone conversations with Natalie, he never ceased to admire the English director. Returning to Paris, the actor often met with Georges Bohm, who had recently been involved in signing a contract with Hollywood.

“A representative of the film studio wants to meet with you,” he once said to Alain. What day would you like to make an appointment?

- Anytime. Filming is over and I am absolutely free.

They met with the assistant producer for lunch at Maxim. He told Delon for a long time the scripts of the films in which he was offered participation. Looking at the list of desserts on the menu, he asked the actor:

- Probably you are looking forward to meeting your bride, Romy Schneider?

“No, our relationship is over,” Alain answered calmly. I will go to America with my wife. She is expecting a baby and I don't want to leave her.

- Great news! You cannot imagine how important this is for your image. In America, the cult of the family flourishes. Will you introduce me to your wife?

- Oh sure. Let me invite you to dinner next week.

- Thanks to.

Alain returned home and called Natalie:

— Girl, where are you?

When she came to him, he asked:

— Do you feel well? Mind taking a little walk?

“With pleasure,” she replied. — Shall we go to Monceau park?

- A little bit later. Let's go to the store first.

Natalie was dizzy that morning and didn't ask why they needed to stop by the store. On the way, Allen said:

We are going to pick up your wedding dress.

- Are you serious?

“I’m not joking, the ceremony will take place the day after tomorrow.”

"God," Natalie muttered. - I can't believe my ears. You are telling the truth?

Alain looked at her critically and quietly asked:

- Have you changed your mind?

- Not! the girl exclaimed. “I just don’t believe in the reality of what is happening.

“Now you believe. You will have to try on a dozen dresses.

Natalie was glad to try on a hundred. In recent days, it seemed to her that Alain's proposal was caused by an impulse, which he later regretted. “Will I really be the second “eternal bride” like Schneider?, she thought. She no longer had, as before, an inexhaustible supply of energy for the struggle. She was resigned to her ambiguous position in Alain's household, but her unpredictable lover arranged the wedding at a moment when she was close to despair.

They were married on the thirteenth of August in the presence of several close friends of Delon. He never talked to Romy Schneider, and the girl read about his marriage in the newspapers. Her eyes darkened, the news stunned her in the same way that the news of the death of a loved one would have struck. She clutched the newspaper in her hands and re-read the article several times in succession. That was the reason for Alain's refusal to visit her in America! The girl grabbed the phone and dialed her mother's number:

“Mom, Alain got married,” she said in confusion.

Magda Schneider knew about this and began to gently comfort her daughter.

- You have not loved him for a long time, in recent years you have met only a few times. Any man will be happy to offer you a hand and a heart.

Romi didn't hear her. She wanted to wake up from a terrible nightmare and understand that it was just a dream. Her heart ached. The girl picked up the receiver again and in a colorless voice asked the porter not to connect her to anyone, then sank down on the bed and burst into sobs.

In the morning she received a call from Georges Baum, who arrived in America with a letter from Delon, addressed to Romy Schneider.

“I am waiting for you,” the girl told him and looked into the mirror.

Her face was pale, her eyes swollen. “Let him tell Alain how I suffer,” she thought, but at the last minute she tried to put her face in order.

Georges did not drag out his visit to the actress. He gave the grief-stricken girl a bouquet of flowers and a farewell letter from her lover, wished her success and left. Romi read the letter and put it on the table. Alain dealt her a mortal blow, she did not know how she would live on, not hoping to meet him.

The actor arranged a wonderful dinner in his apartment for a representative of the film studio Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and introduced him to Natalie.

“You are charming,” the American complimented her. - I will talk with the producer and I do not exclude that he will organize a honeymoon trip to America for both of you.

“Thank you,” Natalie replied.

Having become Alain's wife, she began to deal with his acquaintances with dignity, but not arrogantly.

Your offer is very tempting. If my husband agrees, then we accept it.

The actor smiled and said:

Thank you, this is a wonderful gift for our wedding.

He hastily finished his business in Paris, in order to fly to America soon. A warm relationship was established between him and Natalie. The girl put on weight, but pregnancy suited her. Nothing overshadowed the happiness of the newlyweds, busy preparing for departure. Occasionally they thought about Romi, but the girl never called, and over time they forgot about her.

In the midst of preparations, Milos came to visit the spouses.

Are you going on a honeymoon trip?

“Yes, on the weekend,” Natalie replied with a cheerful smile.

- Alain, Stefan could not come in, but he also wishes you a happy trip.

- Thanks. We recently saw each other,” the actor said. — What are your plans for the near future?

I also really want to go to America.

“Milos, you are our good friend,” Natalie intervened, “but Alain must get used to the new place. He cannot immediately invite crowds of people to Hollywood, because he is not familiar with their rules.

“Shut up,” her husband ordered. “Now we are going on a honeymoon trip, but as soon as we settle in a new apartment, I will pay for your ticket to America. Deal?

- You are a true friend. Thank you.

Milos left, and Natalie angrily asked her husband:

Why did you promise to call him to America? He keeps asking you for money, this can't go on.

"Don't you dare tell me how to spend your money," Alain said coldly. - If a friend asks me for help, he will never hear a refusal.

The girl pursed her lips, but remained silent. She was incomprehensible and unpleasant Alain's compliance with the requests of friends, but she did not want to quarrel with her husband because of this. Finally, the suitcases were packed and they left for their honeymoon. They were accompanied by a personal chef, a pre-hired nanny and the actor's favorite dogs. Despite the length of her pregnancy, Natalie rarely felt sick and enjoyed the trip.

Romi began to gradually come to her senses. She was helped by work on the film, absorbing almost all of her time. The wound from Alain's betrayal healed, but she did not allow herself to forget about it, buying newspapers daily and looking for messages about the Delon couple in them. The couple went on a boat trip, after which the actor planned to start filming in a Hollywood film. She was especially shocked by the fact that Natalie was soon to give her husband a child. “So he started dating her a long time ago,” Romi thought and compared facts and dates to calculate the time of his acquaintance with the woman who became his wife. However, in recent months she had been in Paris so rarely that she had too little information for such an analysis. The actress lost her lover, but could not come to terms with it.

Alain flew away from Paris with ambivalent feelings. On the one hand, he loved his wife, was glad to please her by going on a trip, but at the same time he did not want to mess around. The actor is used to meeting producers and directors, acting in films, while reading and amending new scripts. A week without work had thrown him out of his usual schedule. He was eager to get to Hollywood as soon as possible.

“Look, they wrote about you in “Life” and “Veraieti,” Natalie exclaimed, sitting in a sun lounger on the deck and holding a straw hat in her hand.

Alain did not pay any attention to the magazines, but stroked his wife's rounded belly.

“I can't wait for my heir to show up,” he said, “and his nurse misses you too.

“He will wait until the end of the journey,” Natalie explained with a smile. The kid is more patient than his father.

“Okay, show me the articles,” the actor said.

The publications were extremely laudatory, and Alain felt the favor of the Hollywood film company, which placed flattering reviews about him in magazines. French publications sang of his beauty, but often wrote about the unsuccessful performance of a particular role. The ship was approaching New York and Delon was increasingly mentally transferred to the set. He remembered Romy's stories about the rigid work schedule set in Hollywood. “It was a terrible test for the little dormouse,” he habitually thought of his ex-bride, then frowned and, going to the railing, began to watch the waves. His love for Romy passed, when he remembered her, he felt empty, but thanks to many years of communication, sometimes involuntarily evoked her image. At the moment, the actress was not in Hollywood, she temporarily returned to Germany. “Probably complaining to his mother,

- Romi is the past. It may have been beautiful and carefree, but everything is gone. Now I have to succeed in Hollywood and make more money.

The time of filming in the first films, where he starred for meager fees and rejoiced when he saw his name in the credits, was forgotten. Delon became famous and wanted to create his own empire, which in the future would go to his heir.

Chapter 12

In early September, Alain Delon and his wife arrived in New York.

“I loved you even more during the trip,” Natalie told him. “My dream is to come to Hollywood and take a champagne bath with you.

“Don’t even think about it,” her husband shook his finger at her. “What, you decided to give our baby a drink?”

For the first time, the girl thought with annoyance about her pregnancy, which prevented her from making love with Alain, as before.

"Don't be upset," he whispered, stroking her fluffy hair and lightly biting her ear. “Soon my heir will be born, and you will become slim again. “However, the thought of a champagne bath appealed to him.

At the pier, they were met by representatives of the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer company. Delon waved to them, seeing a sign with his name in the hands of one of them. The Americans waited with unusual patience for the unloading of his baggage, and later the dogs. The actor imagined what the meeting would have been like if he had signed a contract with Zeltsnik six years ago when he was an unknown newcomer. Now American magazines wrote about his arrival, the film studio paid for his and his family's relocation to Hollywood, as well as those accompanying him. “Fame is a great thing,” he thought, “I was right when I craved it more than money.” Now the actor could choose scripts and directors himself, and the offers of film studios were generous.

How is Georges Baum? he asked one of the men who met him.

“He is waiting for you at the film studio, as you asked,” he replied. - The apartments are ready, the management of MGM has scheduled a reading of the script for the first picture for the day after tomorrow, so that you can rest after the trip.

“Very kind of them,” said Alain.

Representatives of the film studio, with their taciturnity, did not in any way resemble the cheerful French. They quickly pulled up several cars, Alain and Natalie got into the first of them, and everyone headed to the airport. They were about to fly to Los Angeles. Driving through the central streets of the city, Delon curiously looked at skyscrapers, huge billboards and bright signs. Natalie felt tired and leaned back in her seat. He took her by the hand.

- Are you unwell? he asked anxiously.

— No, I'm dizzy from these tall buildings. I hope our apartment will not be located at the very top of such a house?

“It's different in Los Angeles. The houses there are low, many stand on the coast.

“Sounds nice,” the girl said.

By evening, they landed on the other coast of America and reached the apartments rented by the film studio. Natalie fell on the bed and instantly fell asleep, and Alain went to inspect the new home. On the table in the living room, he found a note from Georges Baum, in which he congratulated a friend on his arrival in Hollywood. The actor collapsed from fatigue, but turned on the TV and saw the end of the film with Cary Grant. He walked in English, and Alain thought with anguish that for a long time he would not be able to speak his native language. Having slightly opened the door to the bedroom, he heard the even breathing of his wife, and decided that the presence of her and the servants would create an atmosphere of France in the apartment.

In the morning he woke up from the restless movement of Natalie. The baby was due very soon, and she had a hard time enduring the last weeks of pregnancy.

"Good morning," Alain greeted her.

"It's amazing how we survived yesterday's move," she muttered.

- Do you like America?

“I didn’t see anything, but I love you and I’m glad to be around.

Called Georges Baum and promised to drive up in an hour. In the kitchen the cook and the nanny were chatting as they put condiments brought from Paris into boxes.

“Everything here is like in France,” exclaimed Alain. - The whole difference is in television programs. They are transmitted in English.

He met a friend in the living room and immediately after the greeting asked:

Did you give Romy the letter?

— Yes, a letter and a bouquet. She looked bad and didn't talk to me. I felt sorry for her.

“This is what happens to people who live romantic dreams. I loved her, but everything eventually passes. Okay, you visited the film studio several times. Tell me about this.

They plunged into a long conversation. They were interrupted by Natalie entering the room.

“You have grown prettier in the time that I have not seen you,” Georges told her.

"Thank you, if you're being serious," she replied with a chuckle. “I can imagine who I look like now.

“You look like my wife and mother of my child,” Alain said in a serious tone. - Did you miss being alone?

- Guessed. I want to go for a walk and explore the surroundings with you.

“Sorry, I was too late,” Georges began to say goodbye. Alain, see you tomorrow at the film studio.

The couple walked along the paths, and Natalie looked with displeasure at passers-by, cars and neighboring houses. Everything was alien, even the expression on the faces of the people they met.

"I'll never settle down here," she said sadly.

- Stop it, soon the child will occupy all your thoughts so much that you will no longer understand where you are - in America or in France.

Natalie grimaced at the prospect. She dreamed of shining at Hollywood receptions, appearing there arm in arm with her husband, and not sitting locked up at home with a baby, a nanny and a cook.

The next day, Alain left for the film studio in the morning and met with the producer and director of his first film. He was supposed to play in the novel with Ann-Margaret. The fact that his partner will be a popular actress in America once again confirmed the high opinion of the leadership of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer about the actor and flattered him.

“There will be a dinner in your honor tonight,” the producer told him. - We invite you and your wife to a restaurant in Beverly Hills at eight o'clock.

“Thank you,” Delon smiled, “but my wife won’t be able to go. We are expecting a baby from day to day.

- Wonderful. Congratulations. Then we are waiting for you.

Seeing Alain put on a tuxedo, Natalie was upset and was ready to burst into tears.

“Don't be upset, I plan to stay here for a long time,” he said, kissing his wife. - You will have time to meet all the famous American actors. Don't wait for me in the evening, go to bed early.

After he left, Natalie got out of bed and went into the kitchen to chat with the nanny. An excellent replacement for communication with the stars of the American screen!

There were many people at the dinner. Delon came to him with his agent, Georges Baum. He met Cary Grant and told him that the first film he saw in Los Angeles turned out to be a picture with the participation of this wonderful American actor. Grant smiled affably and somehow distantly. Allen thought again that it would take him a long time to get used to the American way of being amiable, but very closed. The French constantly joked, arranged pranks and instantly converged with people. While his new acquaintances preferred to remain strict neutrality.

How did you spend your evenings here? Alain asked Zhorozha.

— I went to several clubs. Of course, nothing in common with our Parisian ones, but interesting in their own way. If you want, tomorrow I will be your guide.

- Deal.

The actor returned home late and went to bed separately from Natalie so as not to wake her up in the morning. He had to get up at six in the morning to meet with other actors involved in the film "Born a Thief". In the afternoon, Natalie called him:

- You didn't sleep at home today? she asked.

“I slept in the living room so that you wouldn’t wake up with me at six in the morning.

“Understood,” she said. - When will you be home?

- About seven. Are you all right?

- Yes, don't worry.

Natalie hung up the phone and felt terribly alone. Alain started working on the film and now appeared at home only in the evening. The nanny annoyed her with her intrusive advice, and the cooks were most interested in the nearest shops and markets. The girl looked around the room wistfully and called her friend in Paris. She could afford a long conversation, since the film studio paid the phone bills.

In the evening, she put on a light dress and waited for her husband in the dining room at a beautifully served table.

"Let's celebrate the start of your work on the film," she suggested.

Alain wanted to go with Georges to the club, but now the planned voyage had to be postponed.

“I'm having dinner with Baum tonight,” Alain told his wife the next day. He will be returning to Paris soon.

— Cook the fish as you like?

— No, we agreed to go to a restaurant.

Natalie lowered her head. Every day her husband moved away from her more and more, but she hoped that after the birth of the child their relationship would improve.

The actor liked the clubs that they visited with Georges. In America, he was not known as widely as in France, and the girls smiled at him, not as a famous actor, but as a handsome man. At the last club, he lingered longer, noticing a tall, slender blonde with long hair, dressed in a sparkly suit. Feeling his gaze, the girl smiled and stepped towards him.

“Hi,” she said. - Are you an actor?

- You recognized me? Alain asked.

"No," the girl replied after carefully examining him. - It's just that in this city all the actors, and you look great.

Alain didn't know if he should laugh or walk away. He chose the first.

— And what are you doing? he asked the girl.

- Currently, I expect to get a role in an episode of one film. Went to audition yesterday. But this is a boring topic. My name is Amanda. And what is your name?

“Alan,” the actor pronounced his name in an American accent, with the emphasis on the first syllable.

- Very nice to meet you. I believe that you were more fortunate with the roles than me.

They continued to talk, and Georges, not wanting to disturb his friend, waved his hand from a distance and left the club.

- Do you want to go to my place? Amanda Alena asked.

I can't refuse your offer.

The girl liked the new acquaintance. She was impressed by his confident demeanor. She was cunning, asking him questions about participation in the filming of films and the roles played. Amanda was sure that he was not an actor, but a producer, or at least an assistant producer.

“I live next door.” The girl pointed at the three-story house as they stepped outside.

This adventure reminded Alain of his acquaintance with Nina. Many years had passed since their meeting, but he still remembered the girl.

"You're cozy," he said as he entered the small room occupied by Amanda.

Family photographs hung on the walls, the bed was covered with a colorful bedspread, and on the dressing table was a vase of white roses.

- Settle in my dwelling, - the girl hospitably offered. - Would you like tea or coffee?

Allen wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her towards him.

"Forget the tea," he whispered.

He could not stay with Amanda all night and after a couple of hours he began to pack up.

"That's not fair," the girl said, dangling her hand from the bed and grabbing his shirt. - Where are you going?

“I have to leave, but I promise to visit you the day after tomorrow.”

Amanda frowned but nodded.

At home, on the bedside table in the hallway, Alena was waiting for a note from his wife, in which she wished him good night and said that she was forced to switch to this method of communication, since she did not see him at all.

He sighed and crumpled the note. He loved his wife, but he was looking for new experiences that made him feel excited and energized.

At the film studio, he ran into Georges Bohm, who was eager to find out about the actor's acquaintance with the girl yesterday.

"She's pretty," Alain said. - Entering her apartment, I remembered how I lived in Paris after the army. When are you returning to France?

— I bought a ticket for Sunday. I'm postponing my trip. I hope to congratulate you on the birth of your baby.

“I'm already tired of waiting for this moment,” the actor admitted, “but Natalie is in no hurry.

He spent the evening with his wife, telling her about meetings with American movie stars and reading fragments of the script for the movie Born a Thief.

“My co-stars and co-stars are amazingly professional, especially Margaret,” he repeated several times and smiled, catching Natalie's grim look. Don't be jealous, you are my favorite girl.

He thought of Amanda, and the next day he went off to shop in between filming, where he bought two cases of champagne. In the evening, he rang the doorbell of the girl's apartment, holding a bouquet of snow-white roses in his hands. She opened the door and smiled cheerfully.

- Come on, honey.

“I didn't just come with a bouquet,” Alain said, handing her the flowers and pointing to the cases of champagne.

She instantly understood his idea and squealed with delight.

You made a fantastic date! - she exclaimed.

She was afraid to open the bottles and screamed whenever there was a pop. After filling the bath, Alain slowly undressed her, picked her up and lowered her into a foaming liquid. Then he joined her. The bubbles tickled her skin, and the girl licked her hand several times as she tasted the champagne.

“Amazing,” she commented, and reached for her lover.

The actor returned home in the morning, feeling slightly dizzy from the bath and the night of love with Amanda. Natalie didn't sleep. She did not ask him about where he had disappeared, but complained of pain in her stomach. Alain immediately came to his senses and asked:

- Did you call the doctor?

- Not. I got sick half an hour ago. I called you, but you just got back.

Delon called the doctor, but he did not find anything serious.

“The baby should be born as soon as possible,” he said.

Now, during the day, Alain called home several times, as he was worried about his wife's well-being. He did not forget about Amanda either and asked Georges:

Can you arrange for my girlfriend to have a small role in some movie?

He was going to leave Hollywood, but undertook to arrange an audition for the girl.

On the last day of September, Natalie went into labor and was taken to the hospital. Alain was nervous, smoking and asking questions to every doctor who passed by. On the first of October, his wife gave birth to a son. Hearing this message, he shouted:

I have an heir!

For ten minutes he tried to persuade the doctor to let him into the ward to see his wife. Finally, he succeeded. Natalie lay on the bed pale and haggard. Alain knelt before her and said:

“This is the happiest day of my life. You gave me a son, my love.

She smiled weakly and closed her eyes.

“Your wife needs rest,” the doctor whispered and led Delon out of the room.

The young father was excited and rushed home to call all his friends and acquaintances. He listened to a million congratulations, but he could not realize that his son was born. He then got into the car and returned to the hospital, this time insistently demanding that he be shown the child.

“This is the first time I see such a crazy father,” the doctor joked, but he took him into the ward and allowed him to look at his son through the glass.

- Isn't he too small? Alain asked, not taking his eyes off the baby.

- No, on the contrary. He was born very large, the doctor replied.

The actor could not talk to his wife, as she did not wake up, and went home.

The mailbox was full of congratulatory telegrams, and Alain took a long time to sort them out. Then he began to fight off the nanny, who felt the approach of the start of work and continuously asked him about the child. In the morning he bought a huge bouquet of flowers and sweets and visited Natalie. She looked much better and complained about her son:

He screams loudly and is always hungry.

Allen smiled and sat down beside her on the bed.

- I love you. You have made me a happy and proud father. Thank you.

The girl stroked her flat stomach and remarked:

Now I can go to appointments with you. You will need to change your wardrobe.

“I'll buy you any dresses as soon as you and your baby are released from the hospital.

Natalie liked her husband's promise and clung to him. The future life seemed to her cloudless and happy.

Two days later, Delon took his wife and son home. At night, he turned off the phone so that no one would wake the baby. Calls from France continued, everyone wanted to know the details of the child, and because of the time difference, most of the phone conversations took place late in the evening.

What shall we name our son? Natalie asked her husband.

“I like Anthony,” he replied.

The girl furrowed her brow critically.

— Would you like to name it after director Anthony Asquith?

“Not at all, in honor of you and me. The first letter of his name will be "A", from "Alain", and the second "H", from Natalie.

She laughed and agreed with her husband's choice. He turned out to be a devoted father and in the evenings did not leave the baby's cradle.

Alain remembered the promise to call Milos to America and once called him to arrange a date for arrival. He rejoiced and said:

- I thought that your thoughts are only occupied by the family and did not hope for your invitation.

“My son and wife really take up all my time, but there is always a minute for an old friend,” the actor replied. “First, stay with us, and I will help you get a job.

- Thank you. I'm going to brag about your gift to my friends.

Alain returned to the nursery and picked up his son in his arms.

"He's wonderful," he exclaimed, admiring the child.

“Your son is the best baby I have looked after,” the nanny added.

Natalie smiled and ran her hands through the pile of rattles. Alain fell in love with his son, in gratitude for his birth, he gave her new dresses and a fur cape. Her mother-in-law congratulated her on the phone, speaking in a softer tone than usual. The girl struggled with fullness and planned to return her figure to its former harmony as soon as possible. Life clearly favored her.

With the arrival of Milos, the apartment became noisy and cheerful. He played with the child, helped the cook and jokingly hit on the nanny.

“Be careful, otherwise my apartment will turn into a kindergarten,” Alain warned him.

He was glad to have a friend, but the shooting of the film was coming to an end, and work on the final episodes of the picture did not allow him to relax. Delon was tired of having to constantly communicate with the surrounding actors and attendants in English. Coming home, he immediately turned on the TV to watch the French channel.

Three weeks after the return of Natalie and the child from the hospital, a quarrel broke out between the spouses. Alena was invited to a holiday with Ralph Nelson, the director of his first Hollywood film, and the girl went through new dresses to choose the most appropriate for the occasion.

“You won’t come with me,” her husband told her firmly.

Natalie froze and widened her eyes in bewilderment.

Why don't you want to take me with you?

You must take care of the child.

“But the nanny is with him!”

- And you are a mother. You are too careless in your duties.

Allen, are you laughing? She tried to turn the conversation into a joke.

- You stay at home. This is no longer discussed.

He turned to leave the room, but Natalie exclaimed:

“Then why did you buy me these dresses?” For me to wear them for the nanny and the cook?

“Calm down,” Alain replied, stopping at the threshold.

However, the girl felt a huge disappointment and began to tear the dresses from the hangers and throw them on the floor.

“I hate you,” she called out to her husband.

He hesitated, but finally went back into the room and grabbed his wife's hand tightly.

“You don’t understand what you are saying. Tomorrow you will regret.

Natalie burst into tears and muttered through her tears:

I dreamed about this evening so much. A whole year has passed since we met, and I can count on my fingers the days when we went somewhere together.

“Darling, don’t cry,” Alain stroked her head. “The baby is still very small, and you are not fully recovered. Why are you so eager to get into this reception?

“God, there’s nothing new in him for you, but I haven’t seen anyone or anything in America. I want to meet people, not be locked up in an apartment. I'm here like in a cage.

“Natalie, I promise you that next time we will go to a party together, but today, please stay at home.

The girl stopped crying and picked up her dresses from the floor.

"Okay, I'm willing to wait a bit.

Alain's mood was spoiled, and he came to the director's appointment late.

— Good evening, the most beautiful Frenchman! Nelson greeted him. Let me introduce you to the guests.

Alain took a glass of champagne from the tray and began to follow the director from one group of guests to another. By the pool, Delon came face to face with Amanda. The girl was wearing a black evening dress with a deep neckline at the back, revealing almost the entire back. She also recognized Alain and did not take her eyes off him.

“Our promising debutante liked you,” Ralph said to the actor, noticing the girl’s gaze.

- This is Alain Delon - the famous actor, "hero-lover", - he turned to Amanda, introducing his companion. — And this is the future goddess of the screen — Amanda Smith.

When he left, the girl said:

— Hello, Alan. I guessed you weren't American, but that name suits you better.

— Thank you for your kind remark. Did you still get the part in the movie?

— Yes, I was tracked down by an agent. His name is Georges Baum, he is your countryman. At first, I thought that happiness fell on me from the sky, and now ... - the girl narrowed her eyes and carefully looked at her interlocutor.

“I confess,” Alain raised his hands. “I told my friend about you, and he, like me, was not indifferent to your charms.

“You asked him to help me.” Amanda jabbed her finger into his chest.

— Not excluded. Are you satisfied?

- I can say one thing: after a bath with champagne, my life turned into an intoxicating madness.

"So let's have another glass of wine." For good luck.

Alain left the girl to talk with the other guests of the producer, but did not lose sight of her all evening. In an expensive evening dress, she looked great. He liked her laugh, the way she tossed her head and her large eyes, which she did not take away from him during their unexpected meeting. He thought of his wife at home with the child and felt a pang of conscience, but then he glanced at Amanda and forgot about Natalie for a while.

At the reception, he met with Gary Cooper and John Wayne, waved to Ann-Margaret, who foolishly shied away from him, hinting at the fatigue of their constant arguments on the set. But Amanda remained the most interesting interlocutor for Alain. At the end of the evening, he approached her and said:

Do you live in an old apartment?

“Yes, everything is still there,” she replied.

— Can I visit you?

“Of course, I didn’t stop waiting for you.

Alain returned home in a great mood and, making sure that Natalie was sleeping, dialed Georges Baum's Parisian number.

“Hello, Georges,” he said, hearing a soft “Hello” on the other end of the line. I hope you're not sleeping.

"Not anymore," he replied grumpily. - Did something happen to you? Problems in the studio?

- Well no. I want to thank you for taking such good care of Amanda. Today I met a girl at the producer's reception.

“I didn't have to ask for her. I met several aspiring directors and assistants at MGM and introduced Amanda to them. They immediately grabbed her and set up an audition. With your light hand, a new star will appear in Hollywood.

— An interesting story, just the plot for a Hollywood movie.

- Do you want Amanda to become your partner in the future picture?

- She is already my partner, just not in the movies. Thanks for your help, Georges.

The filming of Born a Thief ended, Alain planned to return to Paris and celebrate his birthday with friends, but the film studio required his presence throughout the entire editing of the film. He had to stay in America. As a consolation, Ralph Nelson organized a grand celebration for Alain's birthday. On the eighth of November, telephone calls were heard every minute in the actor's apartment. Everyone congratulated him and asked about his son.

“Natalie gave me the most beautiful gift,” he answered.

At the celebration of her husband's birthday, she stood next to him and smiled affably at the guests. She finally attended the Hollywood reception with Alain. Milos was also invited, but due to the fact that he did not know any of the guests, he went to the pool and stood there alone for some time.

- Hi. Are you bored? asked the woman who approached him.

She was very young, but because of the overly bright makeup, she seemed older. Everything in her appearance was flashy: high-styled hair, supported by a large hairpin, a short tight dress and shoes with such high heels that she moved with small steps, afraid to stumble. Nevertheless, she managed to safely overcome a few meters separating her from the Yugoslav, and come close to him.

"I'm Barbara Rooney," she introduced herself.

- Very nice. My name is Milos, I am a friend of the birthday boy.

- You look like a foreigner. True, I have never heard such names from the French as yours.

- I am Yugoslav. Are you an actress?

No, I'm married to an actor. It is much more profitable and more interesting.

“Oh, I just realized now. You are the wife of Mickey Rooney.

- Straight to the bull's-eye. What are you doing in America?

- I came to visit Alain and at the same time looking for work here.

- I have an idea. Let's meet tomorrow in a cafe and maybe I'll make you an offer.

Barbara called Milos a cafe in Beverly Hills, turned cautiously on her high heels and went to look for her husband.

Yugoslav looked after her and thought: "It will be necessary to tell Alain about this lady."

The festive evening ended, and the guests dispersed. Alain and Natalie, worried about the child, left even earlier. Milos took a taxi and returned to Delon's apartment. He was already asleep, and a friend could not share with him the news of meeting Mickey's wife Rooney. Early in the morning, the actor left for the film studio, and Milos went to meet Barbara without talking to him. The woman told him that her husband was looking for a bodyguard and she could recommend her new acquaintance to him. At the same time, her eyes burned so much that Milos did not doubt for a second the true reason for Barbara's desire to help him.

In the evening, Alain asked him:

— I'm going to fly to Paris. What are your plans?

- Today I found a job, I will be a bodyguard for Rooney.

- Mickey Rooney? Delon raised his eyebrows in surprise.

“His wife Barbara has more.

- It's funny. Did she hire you?

- Yes. She approached me at yesterday's reception and made an appointment in a cafe, and today she offered to introduce me to her husband. He was busy and barely looked at me, but we will meet again this week.

- Lucky you. I feel that I will have to fly to Paris alone.

— And Natalie with her son?

Anthony is too small for such a long flight. I'll be back in two weeks.

Before flying to Paris, Alain said goodbye to Amanda, and the girl congratulated him on his birthday in her own way.

As soon as Delon went to Paris, Natalie and Milos quarreled. The girl did not like that he behaved like a master in their apartment, and said:

Alain is your friend, but not me. I'm tired of enduring your company, late returns and stupid harassment of servants. When do you go to work with Rooney?

- The other day. Why are you angry? Your husband is at home less often than I do and you do not reprimand him.

“Milos, get out,” Natalie said firmly. - Even if I face a serious quarrel with Alain, I will not tolerate your presence in this apartment for another minute.

He left, slamming the door. Three days later, he took up the duties of a bodyguard for the Rooney spouses.

Natalie felt confident in herself, getting rid of the neighborhood of a former lover. Now, when she became the wife of Alain Delon and the mother of his son, she, more than ever, wanted to get rid of the past from her memory.

Her husband returned to Paris and enjoyed every moment of his stay in his homeland. He was not only not forgotten during his absence, but was also honored as a national hero. Crowds of fans gathered at the airport and asked him not to leave France anymore. Journalists vying with each other asked him questions about his work in Hollywood and wondered if he missed France.

— I live in America with my wife and son. Now they are the whole world for me. My baby is wonderful,” the actor replied.

He told his friends about his son and showed them his photographs.

“I had no idea you would make such an exemplary father,” Jean-Claude Briali told him. - You have become a real American: you value family values, you work hard. Where is the old Alain?

“I have changed,” the actor laughed. However, my family has always meant a lot to me. I will definitely visit my mother, she does not leave Bourg-la-Reine, but I need to show her at least photographs of my grandson.

Edith Arnold cooled his desire to unite the family.

Is Natalie taking good care of her son? she asked first.

When Alain began to talk about his wife's love for Anthony, she interrupted him:

“In that case, why did you hire a nanny?”

- Mom, Natalie is tired, she is still very young and then, the nanny is a matter of prestige.

Edith, as usual, pursed her lips and hissed:

“I raised you alone, and you achieved everything on your own. And you will raise your son spoiled and capricious.

Alain left for Paris, offended by his mother. She had not ceased to reproach him since, after the army, he remained in Paris to make a career.

Before leaving for America, he spent the evening in a cafe with Belmondo, who was married and thinking about a second child.

“If I have a boy, he and Anthony will become friends,” Jean-Paul reasoned. “But if there is a girl, I won’t let your son get close to her, remembering his father well.”

Alain laughed and signed the postcards for the girls who came up. Throughout his visit to Paris, he was in a good mood, and he considered new projects that he could carry out after the end of the Hollywood contract.

— Do you think it is worth creating your own small film company? he asked Jean-Paul's opinion.

I don't know, it's far from me. I'd rather buy my own theater and play in it.

Alain remembered his experience of playing on stage and grimaced.

“The film business is closer to me. My first company did not last long, but then I could not invest enough money in the production of the film. Now I hope to form a more reliable firm.

Belmondo was not attracted to this. He did not like commerce, preferring to put money in the bank. Realizing that Alain was looking for a partner to create a production company, he shook his head.

— I don't want to be distracted by business, there are too many other interesting things in life.

Briali also refused.

- I continue to actively act in film and I do not have the time, and the ability to become a producer.

Alain was amazed at the short-sightedness of his friends, because a successful film could bring them huge profits, ten times higher than the acting fee.

Alen received a call from Stefan Markovich and asked for permission to visit him in order to find out in detail about the new work of Milos. Delon invited him to his place and told him about a friend.

“Milos got a great place, and he likes America so much that he decided to stay there for a long time,” Alain finished his story.

- Do you like it there? Stefan asked.

- I will live in Paris and move my family here, and I will periodically fly to Hollywood to shoot.

“You will need an assistant to manage business in your absence,” the Yugoslav said confidently.

Are you suggesting yourself for this role?

- I could be your secretary and report on new proposals and scripts received.

"There's an agent for that, but I'll see what I can do to keep you busy."

Stefan had a hope to become the confidant of the actor.

In the last days of his stay in Paris, Alain was looking forward to returning to Hollywood. Natalie called him every day, but he still missed her and the baby. His wife met him at the Los Angeles airport. He hugged her and kissed her.

How is Anthony?

He is growing before our eyes. You won't recognize him when you see him.

— Milos went to work?

- I do not know. He took his things from our apartment a week ago.

- Did you offend him? Alain immediately suspected something was wrong.

— No, I think he just moved in with Rooney.

- It's a pity to part with a friend, - said the actor, - but I decided to hire a secretary. She knows him, this is Stefan Markovich.

Natalie dropped her hands. She fought with Milos for so long until he left them, but Stefan immediately replaced him. She did not dare to argue with her husband, and sadly followed him to the car.

At home, Alain did not leave the nursery until the evening. Anthony had all his attention. He held him in his arms, talked to him and rocked him when he cried. He then demanded from the nanny a detailed report on the child's health and development.

“The boy is very strong,” the nanny answered kindly. He will grow up to be as handsome as his parents.

The next day, Delon visited the film studio and announced to the management that he wanted to send his family to Paris. He himself will come to the shooting, but also spend part of the time in France. He did not give up hope of creating his own production company, and business required his presence in Paris. The management of MGM was rather lukewarm about his announcement of the move. The film "Born a Thief" was not a complete commercial failure, but did not collect the planned amount at the box office.

— In January, we will present you the scripts of two new films. The filming schedule will be so tight that you won't be able to fly to Paris often.

Under the Hollywood contract, Alain received huge fees, he sighed, but postponed his plans to participate in a commercial project in France. Natalie and her son also had to stay in America.

One evening after the actor returned to Hollywood, Milos called him. He did not allow himself a single hint of a quarrel with Natalie, but talked about his imminent marriage to a young American woman, Cynthia.

“God, what amazing news,” Alain said. “Now you can’t be distinguished from any American. You got a good job, found a wife, and settled down in Hollywood.

Milos chuckled, and then answered seriously:

Thank you for the invitation to America. I had a premonition that here my life would change for the better.

- I will be absent in France for a long time and decided to take Stefan as a secretary. I need an assistant.

“You are our benefactor,” said Milos. “Without your help, neither Stefan nor I could even dream of such a life.

In 1965, Delon starred in Hollywood in two films in a row. They, like “Born a Thief”, did not have the resounding success in America that the producers were counting on. The French press scathingly covered the details of the actor's collaboration with Hollywood, failing to forgive him for leaving for America, which they considered almost a betrayal. Natalie is tired of the vicious circle of communication, limited to family, servants and wives of several actors - Alain's film partners. Her mood often changed, she often arranged unreasonable scenes of jealousy for her husband and reproached him for being cold, although he continued to love her and tenderly take care of her son.

"Natalie, what's wrong with you?" Alain once asked her. “You were so happy about our coming to America.

- It was a long time ago. It's been a year since I turned into a housewife and began to catch myself thinking that I was behaving the same way as these stupid American women that I have to meet, and you are never at home.

“Did you think I came here on vacation?” I am continuously involved in filming to ensure the future of us and our son. Tell me what do you miss?

Alain, I want to go to Paris. The child should play with peers, and not walk in the park only with us and the nanny. When will your contract end?

The actor did not answer and left the room, but Natalie's words made him think deeply about the future. He felt that the trip to Hollywood did not live up to his expectations. Of course, participation in American films made his name known all over the world, he became incredibly popular in Japan, but the roles he played did not satisfy him. In addition, he understood Natalie's longing for France, where she would feel more at ease. There were a lot of conventions in Hollywood that had to be followed. For example, there could be no question of visiting friends without warning. All meetings were agreed in advance, and sometimes invitations were sent by mail. Everything was cold and official. That atmosphere of true friendship extolled by Delon was not in sight here.

“Natalie, we are returning to Paris,” Alain told his wife a week after their previous conversation.

The girl spun around the room for joy, and then sat down on his knees.

- Why do you say that?

“I want to go home as much as you do.

Natalie opened the closet and, taking out her suitcase, began to pack things into it.

Are you so impatient to go to Paris? Alain laughed.

- I'm ready to go there on foot.

“You’ll have to book tickets for the next flight or you’ll run away from home.”

When Delon announced his decision to leave at MGM, everyone was amazed.

“You still have obligations under the contract,” the producer told him. — The final corrections are being made to the script of the film, and we are ready to put the film into production.

“This will be my last Hollywood film,” Alain replied. - I will fly to the shooting on purpose, and my agent will pick up the script.

On the day of departure, at the airport, the actor felt confident in the correctness of his decision, which intensified from the happy expressions on the faces of Natalie and the nanny. His son did not yet understand what was happening, but Alain knew that the child would be better in Paris. With regret, he remembered Amanda, but in recent months there was little that connected them with his mistress. He divided his time between family and filming, and she continuously played in episodes of various films and tried to get the main role.

Delon flew to Paris with his family in August, exactly a year has passed since his departure to Hollywood. Natalie gladly entered the apartment on Rue Messin and asked her husband:

- What room will we arrange for a nursery?

Together they chose the brightest room facing south.

— I will walk with Anthony in Monceau Park, it is very close.

“I guess I foresaw that I would have a baby and specifically bought an apartment in this area,” Alain said.

Mutual understanding was again restored between him and his wife, and he rejoiced at her good mood and enthusiasm with which she was engaged in repairing the nursery and buying furniture for her son.

"Let's go to my mother's in Bourg-la-Reine tomorrow," Alain suggested to Natalie. We must show her the grandson.

The girl was shy in front of her mother-in-law, but agreed to see her. Edith Arnold admired her grandson and kissed her daughter-in-law on the cheek goodbye.

“Anthony is a very beautiful child and a carbon copy of my son as a child,” she said.

Before starting work on the final Hollywood picture, Delon played in the film “Is Paris Burning?” with Jean-Paul Belmondo. He became a frequent guest at his house, introduced his wife to Natalie, and the women quickly became friends. They traded opinions on parenting issues, went shopping together, and took the kids to the park.

Without a new girlfriend, Natalie would be bored again, because Alain spent all his days on the set.

"I've come to terms with the constant absence of Jean-Paul," his wife told her. “It is enough for me to know that he loves us. He is so funny, and when he runs home and tells his jokes and stories, I do not regret that my husband is an actor.

Natalie sighed. Her relationship with Alain was difficult, and the brief truce negotiated after their return to Paris ended. Her husband demanded from her the exact execution of his orders and rarely asked her opinion. If he did not like one of her acquaintances, he forbade her to meet with her, and when Anthony was not well, he called her every hour and asked how she was treating her son. They rarely took her with them to receptions, and the girl saw only friends who came to their house. Despite her opposition, Alain appointed Stefan as his secretary, and he practically moved into their apartment, as Milos once did. Natalie's dissatisfaction accumulated, and broke through during disputes with her husband.

- Alain, returning to Paris, I hoped that you would spend more time with me and the child, - the girl said to the actor. “I still don’t see you for days.

- I urgently need to finish shooting, in two weeks I'm flying to Hollywood.

- You disappear at the film studio even on weekends!

— Natalie, you know very well that I go to the gym. Stop complaining about being alone, you have a son and a lot of friends.

- I want to be with you. You love your son, but you move away from me.

— Darling, I promise that in a week we will go on vacation. Let's spend a few days together. So be it, I will entrust the heir to the nanny.

Natalie lived in anticipation of the trip, but Alain was delayed in Paris by business, and he failed to fulfill his promise to his wife. Soon he flew to Hollywood, and for a month Natalie talked with her husband on the phone. I hate Hollywood, she thought, and I curse the word filming. She suffered from loneliness, but such was the price of marriage to a famous actor.

Chapter 13

Thanks to frequent trips to Hollywood over the past two years, Alain is perfectly at home with the time difference between France and America. He never bothered Natalie with phone calls from across the ocean in the middle of the night, not wanting to interfere with the sleep of his wife and son. Therefore, when the girl was awakened by her husband's call, she realized that something extraordinary had happened. Alain's sad voice during the greeting confirmed her suspicions.

“Natalie,” he said, “Milos was killed.

- What are you saying? - she exclaimed.

She did not like the Yugoslav, but the news of his death took her by surprise and caused her regret.

- How did it happen?

“He and Barbara Rooney were found shot to death in the woman's villa this morning. The police are investigating, but the names of the suspects, if any, are carefully hidden. Stefan at home?

- I guess so. Now I will knock on his door. How do you feel?

- Terrible. I lost a friend and it's not easy for me.

The incident so shocked Natalie that she left the room in one nightgown, forgetting to put on her peignoir. She knocked loudly several times on the door of the room where Stefan was sleeping. Finally, he woke up and asked in a sleepy voice:

- Who's there?

What does "who's there" mean? It's me, Natalie. Come out, we need to talk.

He opened the door and looked at her. A lazy grin spread across the face of the Yugoslav when he noticed that she was wearing only a translucent shirt.

- What do you want to talk about?

“Oh you… Okay, I’ll give my opinion about you later. Go to the phone, Alain is calling from America.

“You disappoint me.

Hearing the first words of his friend, Stefan lost his playful tone and asked dryly:

- How can I help?

He nodded his head as if the person on the other end of the line could see him. Noisily lowering the receiver to the lever, he put his head in his hands. Anthony was awakened by voices in the room and began to cry. Natalie took him in her arms and began to rock him, at the same time asking Stefan.

What did Allen say to you? I do not know any details of the misfortune.

— Why are they? Milos is dead, there is little that can be done for him now. It seemed to me that he found his happiness in America, but it all ended so badly. Alain wants our friend's funeral to take place here.

- Clear. Please go to your room, otherwise Anthony will not calm down.

The child was crying without stopping for a minute. He felt the tension in the room, and demanded a return to its former calm.

Neither Natalie nor Stefan fell asleep until morning. Pale and sad, they met in the kitchen at breakfast.

“For the first time, I was glad that you were near,” the girl turned to him. “This kind of news is hard to digest alone. Are you going somewhere?

"You want to get rid of my company?" In that case, rejoice, because I'm flying to America. Allen called me.

“That's it,” Natalie drawled and looked away from him so that the Yugoslav would not notice her anger.

Her husband needed the support of a friend, but forgot about her.

Soon after the funeral, mention of the death of Milos became less and less, but an unpleasant aftertaste remained in the girl's soul. The resentment against her husband grew, and one day it turned into an irresistible desire for revenge. A suitable opportunity did not take long to present itself.

Alain finished filming in Hollywood and moved to Paris. In the way of life of Natalie, his return did not make any special changes. She still spent a lot of time at home taking care of the baby.

“I look like a hopeless homebody,” she complained to Alain. “How many more months will I have to sit next to Anthony?”

The actor raised his eyebrows in surprise.

You will educate him until he grows up.

- I deny myself everything: I don’t go anywhere, I communicate only with friends and servants. Yesterday I almost forgot to do my manicure. Do you know why? Because no one looks at me like in the old days. I have become a woman with a small child in her arms, whose husband is constantly absent from home.

“Don't accuse me of being indifferent to you and the child. I love you and try to secure our common future. And if you regret the old days when you worked in a bar, then make me a martini cocktail, - Alain answered, handing her an empty glass.

Natalie ran out of the room, cursing her husband's insensitivity.

The actor was in a bad mood, as he learned from the newspapers about the marriage of Romy Schneider and that she was expecting a child. Despite the breakup, he felt an inner connection with the actress. Romy's marriage made him suffer from jealousy. He hated her chosen one in advance and even tried to call Germany in order to ridicule her husband in a conversation with Romy, but changed his mind at the last moment.

He did not want to aggravate the quarrel with his wife, and he went into the bedroom.

— Natalie, I have a tempting offer for you.

The girl remained silent and he continued.

Tomorrow I will go to the film studio and would like you to keep me company.

- Truth? she exclaimed happily. - What time should we be there?

“About eleven in the morning. Will you wake up?

- I won't sleep at all. Will you join the society of night owls? she asked, holding out her hands to him.

“Not today,” he muttered, and went into the kitchen.

The actor could not get the article about Romy's wedding to the German director out of his head and smoked half a pack of cigarettes, reflecting on the changes that had taken place in the life of his former lover. Stefan distracted him from this lesson. Yugoslav returned from a meeting with friends pretty tipsy and sat down on a chair next to Delon.

Why can't your wife hate me? he asked Allen.

He shrugged and put out his cigarette butt in the ashtray.

- Go to bed, Stef. We will discuss this issue tomorrow morning.

He obediently went to the door to his room, but in the corridor he staggered and accidentally pushed the door of Alain and Natalie's bedroom with his shoulder. The girl changed clothes and screamed when she saw Stefan on the threshold.

"You're a drunkard and a jerk," she screamed. “Your place is on the landing, and not in a decent apartment.

Pushing Stefan away from the door, Alain entered the bedroom and said:

"Stop cursing, you'll wake Anthony up."

“Because of this scoundrel, our son will grow up unruly. What example is your friend setting for him?

“Just think, I met old friends and drank wine with them. I also came home drunk many times.

There is a huge difference between you. You are my husband, and he lives here out of mercy. I despise such people.

Natalie, don't be mad. In the morning I will talk to him and explain that it is unacceptable to come home like this.

Waving her hand dismissively, the girl got into bed.

He often goes away on various business and does not return home for weeks. These are the happiest moments in my life.

In the morning, Natalie woke up early and, calling her nanny, asked her to come early to feed Anthony breakfast, as she and her husband planned to leave early for the film studio.

There, Alain introduced his wife to his friend, Lino Ventura, with whom he planned to star in a new film. Natalie got bored as the men delved into the benefits of the studio's choice of cameramen.

"I'll go down to the buffet," she said to Alain.

He nodded without turning his head towards her.

Turning a corner to get to the elevator, Natalie bumped into a young man walking toward her. Rubbing her bruised shoulder, she said:

“Nothing to run at such a speed. You will knock everyone around.

She continued to scold the man, but suddenly noticed his gaze. He looked at her like she was the most beautiful woman in the world. There was no cynical or appraising expression in his eyes. On the contrary, he sincerely admired Natalie. The girl's angry rebuke was interrupted, and she felt embarrassed. During her pregnancy and subsequent troubles with the baby, she had lost the habit of showing attention to her.

“Forgive me,” the man said. - If I can somehow make amends for my guilt, I am ready to do it immediately. You are divinely beautiful. What is your name?

A coquettish smile appeared on the girl's face.

— Natalie. And you?

My name is Claude.

I hope you are not an actor?

No, just an extra. Your looks are more suited to a screen star than mine.

He was clearly modest. Tall stature, well-developed muscles and an attractive face with an open, lively look would distinguish him from many other young men. “Or rather, I would single him out,” Natalie thought.

"Where were you going before my embarrassing intervention?" Claude asked.

“I decided to have a cup of coffee alone,” the girl replied, looking slyly at him.

- I won't let you go alone. May I be your bodyguard?

- I'm sure you can handle it.

Alain and Lino chatted in one of the studio rooms, and Natalie flirted with might and main with Claude in the buffet. The man listened to her statements and remarks with unflagging interest, repeating through a phrase how lucky he was to meet such a beauty.

— May I invite you to the theatre? - he asked.

- Why not? I will think.

Leave me your phone. I will call every evening for a few minutes to hear your voice.

- It's impossible. Give me your phone. I promise I'll get in touch with you, and now it's time for me to get back. They are waiting for me upstairs.

Claude kissed her hand and they parted at the elevator.

Before returning to her husband and Ventura, Natalie took out a dresser from her purse and carefully examined her reflection in the mirror. A blush played on her cheeks, and a wary expression was replaced by a friendly smile. “What's the point of looking at yourself if Alain doesn't notice anything anyway?” Natalie thought with annoyance.

“Darling, coffee has affected your complexion,” her husband exclaimed. - You're beaming. On the way home, you will need to buy a kilogram of coffee beans.

He pulled Natalie towards him and gently patted her cheek.

“What a wonderful thing I have,” he turned to Lino.

“True,” he agreed. “Besides, you look remarkably similar.

The girl felt in her pocket for a note with Claude's phone and crumpled it, but not finding a wastebasket in her field of vision, she did not throw the paper away.

That day became an unforgettable experience for her. Alain took her to dinner at a restaurant, then took her to the cinema, and in the evening, to the girl's complete pleasure, he scolded Stefan for yesterday's trick. “Claude brought me luck,” Natalie thought, crumpling and unrolling the piece of paper with the phone number of a friend. She did not dare to get rid of it, but put it deeper into her jacket pocket.

A week later, she and her husband were having dinner in a cafe, when several fans attacked Delon.

- Alain, give us an autograph, - the girls vied with each other.

Natalie got tired of this and rose from her chair, intending to fight back and call the waiter to send them away. But the actor was in a good mood and ordered her not to touch his fans. The girls stared at her, and one of them chuckled. Natalie could not survive such injustice towards herself and, despite the imminent departure of her husband to shoot, the next day she called Claude to make an appointment. He rejoiced at her call.

- Natalie, I prayed and every time I asked God to facilitate our meeting.

Do you still want to see me?

“Much stronger than eight days and two hours ago.

“Based on accurate calculations, you are telling the truth. I like the theater idea.

“I invite you to the Opera tonight,” said Claude. — I'll get the best tickets.

His friend worked in this theater and could buy tickets to the front rows of the stalls. True, in this case, Claude would have to borrow money from him, since his own finances came to an end.

"If I don't find some work, I'll starve to death," he said aloud.

Today's trip to the theater was beyond his means, but he could not forget the woman he met at the film studio. She was well-groomed and behaved like a lady of the world. Claude would invite any other girl to a cafe, and then he would offer to end the evening in his apartment, but Natalie aroused in him awe and a desire to impress her. She came on a date in an evening dress, which she put on secretly from her husband and, leaving the apartment, threw a cloak over her shoulders so that Alain would not understand the true purpose of her evening walk.

- Where are you going? he asked indifferently.

- Hang out with a friend. She got in trouble,” Natalie lied.

Just don't take the car. I will need it later.

- Made a date with some girl?

Alain lowered his eyes for a moment, and then quickly answered:

“It seemed to me that there was complete mutual understanding between us.

Natalie did not want to spoil the mood with a quarrel with her husband, and she left the apartment. For a moment she realized that she had not called a nurse for Anthony, as she thought that her husband would spend the evening at home, but in the end she decided that Alain could handle this problem quite well on his own.

Claude, in a white pressed shirt and dark suit, was waiting for her at the entrance to the theatre. When Natalie got out of the taxi and walked towards him, he took a few steps towards her and held out a rose.

“You are beautiful, dear,” he whispered, and dared to kiss her on the cheek.

Seeing that she was not angry, Claude smiled and offered her his hand.

“I haven’t been to the theater for a hundred years,” Natalie admitted, hiding at the same time that this omission was partly her fault.

Alain and her friends invited her to performances many times, but she preferred cinema. At the moment, the girl was also more worried about the satellite than what was happening on the stage, so the sacrifice of the young man who bought tickets to the second row of the stalls was in vain. With the same success, they could be accommodated on the balcony.

Several times during the performance, Natalie took her eyes off the stage and looked at Claude's profile. He felt her interest and sympathy, and also distracted himself from the action of the play, thinking about the continuation of the meeting. He could not invite a girl to a cafe due to lack of money, and he did not dare to invite her to his home.

“Thank you for a wonderful evening,” said Natalie, walking arm in arm with Claude from the Opera and waiting for his confession and offer to go to him.

He was silent. Then the girl asked him a provocative question.

- Do you live far from here?

Only a complete fool could not understand the meaning of her words, and Claude did not consider himself one of those.

"I'll hail a taxi now," he said.

In the car, Natalie took his hand and he stroked her fingers. They looked at each other every minute, anticipating future intimacy. The taxi stopped near Claude's house, and the couple entered the entrance. The man was still embarrassed by his companion and did not attack her with kisses in the elevator, as he usually did with his random girlfriends. This woman seemed unattainable and worthy of respect.

He led her to his room and helped her take off her cloak.

“Your place is very nice,” Natalie remarked.

She tried her best to control her trembling. She continued to passionately love her husband, her unpredictable Alain, but began to fight for equality with him. Since his return to Paris, he had been unfaithful to her, not taking the trouble to hide his adventures. Natalie's act was dictated solely by the desire to get even with him. Claude's good looks didn't matter to her, and neither did the young man himself. At that moment, anyone could be in his place.

“The immense size of your bed betrays a lover of pleasure,” said the girl.

The furnishings of the room in which Claude lived were sparse, so the double bed, standing in the center of the room, attracted attention. She inherited the young man from the former tenant, a rich rake who wasted his life and used this apartment for dates with girlfriends.

Claude sat Natalie on the bed and admired her.

"You are my treasure," he whispered, taking a seat next to her and holding the girl close to him.

She didn't say a word in response as she pulled herself out of his arms. Claude decided that she had changed her mind, but Natalie threw off her dress and lay down on top of the bedspread.

“Come to me,” she called to Claude.

In his arms, she experienced neither pleasure nor disgust, but only the joy of fulfilling revenge. Leaving his apartment early in the morning, she looked at the sleeping Claude as if he were a complete stranger. She had no desire to wake him up to say goodbye. Looking around the room with a parting glance, the girl went outside and walked two blocks two blocks in a futile search for a taxi. “I should have gotten into such a wilderness!” she thought, mentally scolding the location of her lover's apartment.

At the entrance of her house, she met with Alain, who stopped the car at the sidewalk at the moment when she opened the door.

- Didn't you sleep at home? he asked sharply.

"So are you, my faithful husband."

Together they went into the elevator, and Alain said mockingly:

- What, the problems of the girlfriend turned out to be so serious that you had to comfort her until the morning? See that next time you don't switch roles with her. Poor Anthony spent the whole night without his mother.

Did you call the nanny?

- Not. Stefan promised to follow him.

“You entrusted our son to Stefan!?” Natalie screamed, waking up all the neighbors with her scream. “You said that to spite me.

Entering the room, she was convinced that Alain had not deceived her. The baby's bed was in the Yugoslav's room.

- You, you ... I can’t find a suitable word for you, - Natalie fell upon her husband.

The child woke up and whimpered, and Stefan yawned and rubbed his eyes.

Look, Anthony. Your mother is back,” he said, rocking the baby's crib.

"Get your hands off him!" exclaimed the girl, grabbing the child. "Put back my son's crib," she said to Stefan as she left the room.

Alan, how did you come up with this idea? - she calmed down a little, she asked in a reproachful tone and broke off.

Squinting his eyes, the husband looked at her and ran his hand over the zipper on her dress.

- If you dress in a hurry, you will definitely forget to fasten something.

Hiding her eyes, Natalie fearfully touched the lightning bolt.

“You confirmed my suspicions,” Alain said grimly. “Your clothes are all right, but something has subtly changed in your behavior. Do not consider me a fool and do not treat me with more nonsense about an unfortunate girlfriend.

He left the room, and Natalie paced back and forth across the carpet in terrible alarm. Knowing Alain's character, she had no idea what she was facing for her misdeed. Judging by his words, he was hurt and did not intend to listen to explanations. And how could she justify herself in this situation? Her husband was tempted enough not to believe the girl's new excuses. She rocked Anthony, and quickly got rid of the evening dress, which reminded her of the betrayal of her husband. She washed up, put on a light bathrobe and joined Alain in the kitchen.

"Darling, you're jumping to rash conclusions," she began.

- Shut up. If you dare to talk about last night again, I'll kick you out. Do not think that I care about your behavior, but from now on you will live by strict rules. Never try to show dissatisfaction with my absences or ask where I'm going, and do not leave the baby unattended. I don't forgive you, but for Anthony's sake, I won't destroy our marriage.

Before Alain's departure to La Rochelle, for the shooting, the couple exchanged hardly a couple of phrases. Stefan did not pester his friend with questions, but he guessed the reason for their quarrel and blamed Natalie in his heart. She felt ashamed, but as she accompanied her husband to the north of France, she said:

In marriage, husband and wife should be equal. I would have been faithful to you, but you never acted like a spouse who respects his family. Maybe your beauty is to blame, maybe your profession. I dont know. But we must coexist peacefully, not as sworn enemies.

“Goodbye, Natalie,” Alain replied without a smile and did not kiss her goodbye.

“Lucky that I'll spend two months away from Paris,” Alain thought, getting into the car, “Lino Ventura will be a partner in the film - my real friend. He will never betray. Friendly feelings are stronger than passion and love.”

He devoted himself entirely to the work on the film. Stefan called several times in La Rochelle and said that Natalie called the nanny more than once and left the house for the whole night.

“You are my confidante, Stef,” Alain said. But don't meddle in matters that don't concern you.

Disappointed in his wife, the actor spent a lot of time with the actresses involved in the filming. He invited them to dinner at a restaurant, hugged them on the set, as if wanting to give tabloid journalists more gossip. Natalie, too keen on dating a new admirer, did not look through the newspapers.

The spouses continued to live together, as two people free from marriage bonds, experiencing passion for each other. For despite all the insults, Alain and Natalie have not lost their mutual attraction. Anthony grew up a nice boy, and his father doted on him. He drove him to his mother and tried to take him to the set.

“Anthony is not yet three years old,” Natalie stopped her husband. - It's better to invite me to shoot.

Don't tell me you want to be an actress.

Who let slip my secret desire? she asked playfully.

“In your eyes one can read not only secrets, but also thoughts that have not taken shape in words. Now you will start begging for a role in my film.

“I thought about it,” Natalie shook her head. Would you recommend me to a director?

"We'll see," Allen said.

In fact, he liked the idea of ​​bringing his wife to the movies. She was a passionate person, although she lacked the depth of Romy Schneider. Two years after the separation from Romy, the actor has not forgotten her. They parted as enemies. Since the day that Georges Baume brought her a bouquet of flowers and a letter from Alain, neither of the former lovers has dialed the phone number of the other. From the stories of acquaintances and newspaper articles, the actor knew that she had a son, and she interrupted the shooting to be next to the child.

Natalie walked past him in a short silk robe, and her appearance interrupted his train of thought.

“Babe, my friend Jean-Pierre Melville is coming to dinner tonight,” Alain said. - He will bring the script and promised to personally read the first pages of his work, so the reception in the restaurant is excluded. Order food from an Italian cafe to your house.

Smiling affectionately, the girl dialed the cafe number and asked Alain, covering the phone with her hand:

— Meat or fish salad?

- Order the fish.

He admired his wife ordering dinner on the phone and fiddling with the tassels of her dressing gown as she struggled through the extensive menu. Natalie squinted at Alain and winked at him. It was too much. He grabbed her in his arms, and the girl uttered the names of hot dishes in a patter and hung up the phone with relief.

— The mischievous! What are you doing?

Alain pulled the belt of her dressing gown and, weighing it in his hand, put it aside. Natalie didn't bother to wrap up her light robe and stood in front of him, waiting for her husband's next move. Closing the living room door, he walked over to her and slowly removed her dressing gown. He stared at the naked woman for a moment and pronounced his sentence:

— Venus. You would fit the role of a goddess in a silent movie.

“I am able to prove myself in modern cinema,” Natalie said self-confidently.

Yes, your tongue is sharp.

Natalie jumped onto the couch and beckoned to her husband.

An hour later they were distracted by a waiter from an Italian cafe who rang the doorbell four times. Natalie slipped on her bathrobe and searched the floor for her belt.

- Where are you doing it? she turned to Allen.

- I do not remember. Run, open the door. It must be the waiter with our order. We have a chance to stay without dinner.

- Impossible. I'm terribly hungry.

Natalie opened the door and saw a scowling black-haired lunch delivery boy from a café.

“We are waiting for you,” she smiled.

“I see how eager you are to start eating,” he replied gloomily. - God forbid, the hot has not cooled down.

“What does five minutes mean to a boiled lobster?” How much do I have to pay?

Putting a generous tip in his pocket, the pedlar parted his lips in a sour smile. He envied the man who owned this disheveled beauty in a translucent dressing gown. With one last look at her, he went to the elevator.

- Why are you taking so long? Alain called out from the room.

“The waiter fell in love with me,” Natalie laughed, locking the door.

“I don't know about the others, but the former waiter at the Coliseum is at your disposal today.

- What time will Melville come to us?

- At six o'clock.

“Then we have ten minutes left.” The clock shows exactly five fifty.

My friend is delicate enough to be five minutes late.

Natalie gently pushed Alain's hands away and said:

I don't have fifteen minutes to clean myself up.

"We'll have to go back to our old jobs." Get dressed and I'll set the plates.

The spouses had few such wonderful days, so both tried to maintain the atmosphere of happiness that reigned in the apartment.

Melville arrived ten minutes late. Alain and Natalie sat in the kitchen pulling shrimp out of their salad bowls, fooling around like schoolchildren. When they heard the bell, they raced to the door. Out of breath and content, they greeted Jean-Pierre, who smiled at them.

- The pleasure written on your faces I fully attribute to my appearance.

— Jean-Pierre, come in quickly. We've been looking at dinner for half an hour now, but we haven't touched it," Alain said.

- Now I will read the script, and you will lose your appetite. This is a creepy story about a gangster.

“No, first I ask for the table,” the hostess pleaded.

They dined, discussing the rumors about the departure of Brigitte Bardot from the cinema.

“That’s not true,” Alain assured his wife and friend. Brigitte lives in cinema and is so immersed in it that she often confuses reality and fiction. If she loses the worship of the audience, she will wither like a flower without light.

Natalie did not add anything to his words, as she read in the newspapers about her husband's long-standing romance with an actress and did not want to set foot on shaky ground.

Going into the room, Alain and Natalie sat side by side on the sofa, where they had such a nice time before the arrival of the guest. Anthony was visiting his grandmother. Several times a year, the actor took his son to his mother so that the boy could breathe fresh air. This was strongly demanded by Edith Arnold.

Melville read the script. Natalie listened intently to him, but could not understand the plot of the picture. Alain showed solidarity with her and said:

— Jean-Pierre, where is the action? You read only the description of the city streets and the atmosphere of the hero's room. However, I will play the lead role in this film.

“Excellent,” Melville said, closing the folder with the script. - I found one producer who was interested in Samurai. Thanks to your participation, he will definitely not give up on the project.

- I have a performer for the role of the girlfriend of the hero of the picture. This is my beloved wife. Who will look more natural than her?

Natalie opened her eyes wide, and then hung around her husband's neck.

— Dear, thank you. You have no idea what this role means to me.

“We are not alone,” he muttered, noticing that Melville had taken his eyes off the embracing spouses. Jean-Pierre, do you agree?

“Judging by the scene I just saw, Natalie does a great job with the role.

The girl ran into the bedroom and whispered:

Why am I so lucky today?

Shooting the film "Samurai" at first brought the spouses together, as Natalie needed her husband's tips on how to play her role as a gangster's girlfriend, but then their relationship deteriorated again. It was difficult for the girl to enter into the role, and Alain still demanded that she take care of the child, walk with him in the park and not call the nanny every minute. After a whole day of filming, Natalie could barely get to bed from fatigue. In addition, her husband flirted with extras practically in her presence and caused her indignation. At home, she made scandals for him and beat the dishes. Desperate to influence him in this way, she decided to arouse his jealousy by flirting with one of the actors who plays a minor role in the film.

“Natalie, you make a fool of yourself,” Alain told her coldly, noticing her attempts. - Soon all the scenes with your participation will be filmed, and you will go home to your son. From now on, do not count on my assistance in obtaining roles.

The hero of the film "Samurai" liked the audience and fans of the actor. In Japan, Alain Delon became an idol. Teenagers imitated him, and photo albums with his pictures were instantly sold out. The actor perceived the excitement around his name with a proud smile. He was no longer bothered by the opinion of the newspapermen, who sometimes scolded him out of habit. He was at the zenith of fame and was able to influence public opinion and dictate fashion.

In the summer of 1968, fate again pushed Alain with Romy Schneider. Rather, he himself organized their meeting, having read the script offered to him by director Jacques Deray. Tired of the unpredictable behavior of his wife, Alain suddenly wanted to see a woman who adored him and was ready to forgive the most daring antics. He felt that he needed her and did not hesitate for a moment to call to offer the lead role in his new film "Pool". Picking up the phone, Romi heard a familiar male voice that said:

- Hello Beautiful! How is it going?

- Alain! - she exclaimed. - Is it really you?

“I sure do,” he laughed. “I would like to offer you a role in a film, if the venerable mother of the family is interested.

- Yes, of course ... I just did not expect your call. How are you?

- Well, I'm also a family man, but nothing has changed at all. As before, I spend all my evenings at the Café de Paris. So I'll send the script. If you like it, let me know.

- Scenario? .. Yes, of course, send it. I'll read it and get back to you right away.

- Goodbye, dear.

From the voice of Romy, Alain realized that it would not be difficult to get her consent to participate in the filming and thought: “It will be fun to see you again.” Instantly, he imagined the headlines screaming about the new meeting of the former "lovers of the century" and smiled contentedly - the advertising campaign for the new film will succeed.

Preparations for the departure of the two stars were carried out in parallel, but their mental attitude was completely different.

As cold and calculating as ever, Alain continued to plan future projects and willingly participated in talk shows on radio and television.

Romy's life was spinning in a whirlwind of joyful experiences: “Alain called her! He needs her!” She wanted to buy all the fashionable outfits, all day long she meticulously picked up a wardrobe for summer filming on the Cote d'Azur. At business meetings and dinners with the producers of future films, she was absent-minded, a gleam in her eyes appeared only at the mention of the film "Pool". The actress refused profitable filming in England and, trying not to notice the gloomy look of her husband, flew to Nice. Like nine years ago, Alain met her at the gangway with a bouquet of roses. It seemed to Romi that they both returned to the past and would be happy again. She did not even imagine that her former lover was committing the greatest cruelty towards her, breaking her balanced life, for the sake of a momentary whim.

“Romy, my dear,” he shouted, climbing the ladder, at the request of the photographers, and waiting for her at the hatch of the plane. Did anything happen to you along the way? he asked mockingly, repeating verbatim the phrase he had uttered during his acquaintance with the actress.

“You are just as handsome and have not changed a bit,” she muttered in surprise, accepting the bouquet and dreaming of kissing him in gratitude.

But they were surrounded by photographers, and for half an hour the former “lovers of the century” posed for the cameras. Then Alain took her to the hotel.

The actor realized that he was mistaken in inviting Romy to the role already on the day of her arrival, when, after a stormy meeting at the airport and her acquaintance with the film crew, they were left alone. He caught her anxious look, which had so infuriated him in the year of their breakup. She seemed to be asking, “Do you even love me a little? I can not live without you". Alain instantly felt awkward and angry, first at himself, and then at his former lover. “I don’t owe her anything,” he justified himself to himself. However, on the third day of filming, Alain and Romy were in his room, and he loved her as passionately as ever. It happened after dinner at a restaurant and a long conversation about their past life together. Romy looked gorgeous in an emerald green eye-colored dress, and joked wittily, recalling the tricks of Alain ten years ago. Nostalgia for the bygone carefree times and the charm of Romy did not leave the actor indifferent. If in the afternoon, inviting her to spend the evening together, Alain did not think about resuming their connection, then after dinner, not caring about the consequences of his act, he hugged and drew her to him, as soon as they left the restaurant.

“Alain, we have no right, we don’t have to,” Romy whispered, not resisting his pressure.

“Baby, I adore you,” Alain replied. At that moment, he did not think about the meaning of his words, kissing her neck and enjoying the soft scent of the spirit.

Then, as if waking up, he opened the car door and lightly pinched Romy, helping him sit down. She laughed. They were silent the whole way, holding hands. It was dark, the road to the hotel, where the film crew was placed, ran along the coast of the sea, which seemed deserted and endless. Romi was so happy that she would give everything in the world so that these minutes would not end. Parking the car outside his bungalow, Alain jumped out of it and picked up his girlfriend. Then he walked slowly and solemnly with his burden into the bedroom. Taking off his shirt and looking at Romi's slender body, inflamed by his caresses, he heard her quiet confessions as if through a dream:

I love you Allen. You are my only love.

It gave him great pleasure to rediscover this woman, at the same time remembering her habits and trying to give her the highest pleasure. Once naked, Romi shuddered from the insatiable kisses of her lover and answered them with the same fervor. Finally, falling on the bed, they connected and succumbed to the flame of passion that burned them.

In the morning, the actor woke up from a phone call in a bad mood. Romi was not in the room. Picking up the phone, he answered the call of his wife, who wanted to know about the progress of the filming.

“Everything dragged on from the very first days,” he muttered. How is Anthony?

"Fine," Natalie replied. — Thank God, he is now walking in the garden and does not ask for a pipe to talk to dad. I don't want him to hear your voice the morning after another party.

Allen hung up the phone in annoyance.

At breakfast, Romy pretended to be a society lady for everyone, but at times she glanced at her lover with tenderness. Coolly considering the situation, Alain decided to put an end to these views and Romy's hopes for rapprochement and defiantly ran his hand over the shoulder, and then over the chest of some actress from the extras. She giggled stupidly and asked:

"Are you hungry, honey?"

Moving over to make room for him next to him, the girl laughed and chatted throughout breakfast. Alain didn't even look at Romy. At noon, he had another opportunity to escape from the awkward situation: Madame Bardot arrived at her villa, located not far from the filming location. Having barely settled in her nest "Madrag", Brigitte called an old friend and invited her to her house, to a party in honor of the return of the hostess. Thus, the shooting of the film “Pool” turned for Alain into a series of orgies at the Villa “Madrag”, visits to extras actresses and a struggle with the eternally suffering Romy. As soon as they were alone, she arranged scenes for her lover, which certainly ended in tears.

“You have always used me,” she said. “Mother was right when she tried to take me away from Paris almost by force.

Alain was mortally tired of all this, and the mention of Magda Schneider drove him to rage. He did not want to understand that with his invitation to the shooting he gave Romy hope for the resumption of their relationship, and could not even imagine the full strength of her newly flared love. He himself remained cold to the past and was not disposed to a new romance with a girlfriend of the previous years.

“Yes, we had a great night, but you can’t live forever with memories and dreams,” he said to Romy.

However, at the same time, her loyalty delighted him, he felt gratitude and a desire to do something for her. Only to return the departed love was not in his power.

The reasoning of Brigitte Bardot constantly came to the mind of the actor:

“Let's be happy now, I don't want any mutual obligations.” Well, why couldn't Romi think the same way and always complicate things?

Villa Bardo was constantly besieged by her friends and admirers. It was impossible to penetrate there unnoticed, and after three visits to Madrag by Delon, their romance with Brigitte began to resemble a publicity stunt. The paparazzi photographed a beautiful couple by the pool, at sea, at parties. With Romy, Alena was united by the past, with Brigitte they were related by the cynical view of both on life. They understood each other perfectly. Bardot preferred to make love in a pink marble bathroom. Leading Alain away from the guests who settled in the living room, she threw herself into his arms, barely closing the door.

“You are a real predator,” the actor said, caressing her and watching their reflections in three huge mirrors hanging in the room.

He was impressed by her easy attitude to their romance, explosive temperament, however, he was never mistaken about the depth of his mistress's feelings.

Reading newspaper articles about filming in France and looking at photos of Delon and Bardot, Romy's husband breathed a sigh of relief and stopped calling her every hour. The reaction of Natalie Delon was the usual - she immediately took revenge on her husband, agreeing to meet with a handsome aspiring actor.

Romi was silent and, with an incredible effort of will, reincarnated in front of the camera as an insidious temptress, and after the “cut” command, she sadly sat alone under the awning. She was very affected by the script of the picture, in which tension was escalated before the murder scene in the pool. It seemed to her that the plot of the film, where her lover (the hero Alena) is cheating on her, merges with reality. Now she, too, tried to communicate with him as little as possible. The make-up artist of the film company grinned meaningfully every morning, covering the bruises under the actor's eyes from sleepless nights. The parties at Brigitte's villa made themselves felt. It seemed to Alain that Romi had calmed down, until one day she called Madrag and called him to the phone.

Brigitte picked up the phone herself.

“Darling, some actress is calling from the site,” she whispered, covering the microphone with her hand. Let me tell you that you are not.

She was annoyed that they were interrupted and made a displeased face when Alain agreed to answer the call. As he listened to the interlocutor, his face changed. Brigitte, leaning back on the pillows, began to carefully watch him.

“I’ll be right there,” Alain said quietly into the phone. Frowning, he reached for his jacket.

— What happened? Brigitte asked in surprise.

- Romi is very ill, she asked me to stay with her.

"Are you really leaving now?" I put all my friends out, dreamed of a wonderful evening with you, finally really together. Tell Romi to take a sleeping pill and go to bed.

Seeing that Alain continues to pack, she jumped out of bed.

“My dear, you will have to go to bed,” he replied, pulling away. “Romi needs me, and the least I can do for her is to return immediately.

"Get out, you don't have to come back at all!" Would you prefer me to your ex-lover?! Or not the former?

“Well, bye, Brigitte.

- Get out!

Bardot never felt love for Alain, she was too busy with herself, but his hasty departure to Romy offended her. Instinctively, she felt how much he cherished his former girlfriend and thought that he would not have rushed to her like that.

“A nasty obsessive German woman,” Brigitte said aloud, trying to calm down. - He will not reconcile himself in any way, having received a resignation. Damn her!

She paced the bedroom nervously, then dressed quickly, tidied up her hair, and, deciding to join her company at a nearby hotel disco, headed for the car. Along the way, she figured out how to hurt Alain more painfully for his betrayal.

The hero himself, for whom two beautiful actresses fought, felt only fatigue - from the busy filming schedule, Romy's stress, which was replaced by depression and Brigitte's tantrums. The last months he was clearly unlucky: he wanted love, he arranged a new meeting with Romy and now blamed himself for her suffering; he tried to have fun and made himself an enemy in the person of the eccentric Bardo. Filming was delayed due to the fact that some takes had to be re-shot, and Alain began to miss his son and Natalie. For the next three days after his fight with Brigitte, he spent himself listening to music and rebuffing all attempts by his friends to take him to St. Tropez for fun. This was especially frustrating for Maurice Ronet, his partner in the film and a faithful companion in participating in parties with extras actresses.

“Although you are killing me again,” “Pool” was the second film in which he played the victim of Delon, “you are a great guy,” he said to Alain.

On the fourth day, his seclusion was violated by Francois Terrier, whom Alain met at Villa Bardot. invited the actor to have fun in the evening on his yacht:

“There will be the most worthy people of this and other coasts and the most beautiful girls. Come, you won't regret it!

“I’ll think about it, but in general I almost agree,” Alain answered.

“Fine, we’ll be waiting at eleven o’clock.” See you soon, buddy." Terje hung up.

“Thank you, France,” Brigitte told him. - And then this lazy person cannot be pulled out of the filming. Still, whatever you say, the voice of a man sounds more convincing than a woman's.

“I don’t know what you have in mind, goddess, but I wish you good luck,” Terye smiled slyly.

Chapter 14

In the evening, on the yacht, Brigitte Bardot appeared in a pink dress made of flowing chiffon. The deep neckline of the bodice proudly opened the bust sung by newspapermen and film moguls, a tanned, almost naked body shone through the translucent fabric. Brigitte's eyes burned with challenge. Noticing Delon among the guests, she smiled slightly. “Babette goes to war,” the actor mentally described her mood. He guessed that this evening she planned to somehow take revenge on him, and decided to prevent her at all costs.

All eyes were on Bardo. She slowly, with a catlike gait, walked along the deck between the guests, defiantly turning away from Alain. Her behavior screamed: “It is enough for me to lift a finger - and everyone will be at my feet. I don't need stubborn people like you."

“It's nice to see you, Anette,” she turned to the wife of Terje, the owner of the yacht. - Great welcome.

Madame Terrier, who had drooped a little at the sight of this sumptuous woman, smiled faintly and replied:

Thank you for accepting our invitation. I hope you have a good time.

“It is possible that even with your husband. For completeness of sensations,” Brigitte thought and looked around for Francois.

He stood at the starboard side with an English singer, a rising star, who was still little known in France. Curling her lips into the prettiest smile, the actress walked towards them with an empty champagne glass.

— Hello, France, will you treat the guest with wine? she murmured.

The Englishman, instantly assessing the situation, retreated, and Terrier, assessing Brigitte, asked:

What, the wind has changed?

“You are a sailor, Frans, you should know better.

“Would you like to see the yacht, seductress?”

- Not. But I won’t refuse to play billiards,” Bardo said drawling her words.

At that moment, Marie Sombre passed by, a girl who did not miss a single party arranged on the coast of St. Tropez. Hearing their words, she exclaimed:

- How cool, let's play in pairs, I'll call my friend.

“My dear, I don’t play with beginners,” Brigitte gritted, going down to the cabins arm in arm with François.

When they entered the billiard room, Bardo leaned on the table and pulled Terje towards her. He understood that he was being used, but he did not even think to refuse the prize - the beautiful goddess of the screen. Considering that the guests might notice their disappearance, François decided not to waste time and threw Brigitte on the pool table. At that moment, a voice rang out in the room:

How emotional is the game. Do you mind if I join?

For a moment, the lovers froze. Then Brigitte raised her head, and Terje, entangled in the fabric of her dress, tried to free himself. In the doorway, leaning against the jamb, stood Alain Delon and watched this scene with a smile.

“I'm not a beginner like Marie, dear. I hope that I will not be superfluous in your game?

How dare you enter? Brigitte hissed. - Get out, you bastard!

“Don't be angry, honey. I really didn't want to interfere. Just walking around the yacht, it's so... so roomy. Congratulations, Francois!

Terrier did not find what to answer, Brigitte straightened her dress, turning pale with anger. Alain gave them another cold look and left the billiard room. This little incident raised his adrenaline in the blood. “Well, I arranged a date for Brigitte. She needs to learn how to play billiards, he thought. Feeling like a winner, the actor, without saying goodbye to the guests, went down to the shore. The breeze pleasantly blew across his face, and he slowly walked to his car, parked at the pier. Opening the door, Alain heard behind a quiet female voice:

“You are the most handsome man in the world. You are even better in real life than in the movies.

The actor turned sharply and saw a thin girl in an evening dress with a high waist, looking at him with adoration.

"Where did you come from, little one?" he asked not very kindly.

- I followed you from the yacht in the hope of meeting you.

"Don't you know it's dangerous to talk to strangers?" Allen asked with a chuckle. What an evening! First the intriguing Brigitte, now this underage admirer.

“I've read everything about you,” the girl said confidently, and added plaintively, seeing that he was preparing to get into the car: “Please don't leave!”

- Baby, go back to your parents on the yacht, otherwise they will miss you.

“I'm sixteen now, and I came alone. Take me with you.

Alain took a closer look at the girl: a pretty fragile blonde with blue eyes, clearly begging for him to teach her a lesson.

- Do you want to meet me? Then let's go to my hotel, - suggested Alain, lightly embracing her. If he expected the girl to be frightened and begin to break free, then he miscalculated. She squeezed the actor's hand and raised her grateful face to him:

— Oh, with pleasure! My name is Eva.

Surprised Delon released his hand and opened the door. The girl quickly got into the car, clearly not believing in her happiness. Alain started the engine and pulled out onto the road leading to the highway. Without turning his head, he glanced askance at Eve. She sat silently, mesmerized by the prospect of spending the evening with her idol. Noticing his gaze, the girl began to say something. Alain turned his head to her and looked into her wide eyes. From her gaze, he seemed to be pierced by an electric current. Mentally, he went back twelve years, and the memory of the same adoring look that belonged to Marie Luka surfaced in his mind. “You will achieve anything in the world, you can do whatever you want,” she often said. Her sincere faith helped Alain achieve fame.

“This girl, Eva, is like Marie's doppelgänger. She came when I was in a difficult situation. Only now I need to look not for popularity with the audience, but to settle family matters, ”he thought. The actor braked sharply and stopped the car. Turning to Eva, he impulsively grabbed her hand and noticed that she shuddered.

“Listen, baby, plans have changed. I forgot that I urgently need to go to Saint-Tropez. Where is your hotel? I'll take you.

Eve's face froze, and her eyes filled with tears.

- I was talking nonsense and bothered you?

Absorbed in his thoughts, Alain did not hear a word of what she said along the way. Eve's tears upset him, as he did not want to offend this child. Pulling her close to him, he gently kissed her on the cheek. Having received a new portion of impressions, Eve fell silent on the seat, and Alain impatiently asked again:

So what hotel do you live in?

Eve muttered the name of the most expensive hotel on the coast. Alain looked at the girl mockingly, suspecting that she was making it up.

— Did your friend get you a number there?

— No, we came with dad. He opens a new branch of the company in Saint-Tropez, and I take a rest.

- Well, I already understood that. I'll take you to the hotel now. I'm sorry, I have business in the city, I can't take you with me.

- Will we see you again?

- If you want to.

“Oh, of course…” Eva continued to dream about their future meeting all the way to the hotel.

- Escort you? Allen suggested.

- No, thank you, - the girl refused, but then she realized how wonderful it would be to appear in the hall with a movie star, and asked: - Please, see me out.

Alain was about to get out of the car, but noticed that the porter rushed to open the hotel door for Eva, and changed his mind.

- Bye, girl! He waved his hand at her and quickly drove away.

He drove the car along the highway at breakneck speed, in a hurry to carry out the plan that had matured in his head. He was lucky, there were no police on the road, and he got to the airport without interference. Leaving the car in the parking lot, Alain entered the building and headed for the racks. And here he was lucky - the nearest plane to Paris left in forty minutes. He held out his passport and asked for a first-class ticket.

“Monsieur Delon, it is an honor for our airline that you are flying with us,” said the girl who issued the ticket for him, smiling.

“Yes, I would now fly on anything,” Alain thought to himself and gratefully took the ticket from the girl’s hands, scribbling an autograph in parting in her notebook.

In the waiting room, he noticed a tall blonde woman whose face seemed familiar to him. Going to the right, he began to look at her profile and remembered the name of the woman - Mireille. “And the last name, last name ...”, Alain continued to delve into his memory. Then he took another look at her blond hair, elegant dress, cocoa color and called her acting name aloud:

— Dark.

Mireille turned around, expecting to see another admirer, but Alena instantly recognized and said affably:

Hello Delon! Please join the unfortunate ones waiting to take off.

“Pleased to meet you, Mireille. Are you returning to Paris?

Alain realized that he had asked a stupid question and expected the actress to make fun of him, but she replied:

“I need to get there urgently. My contract for filming in October is in jeopardy, and I'm happy that I caught this flight.

Surprisingly, I have the same situation.

— What, problems with the contract? I can recommend you a brilliant lawyer.

"Thank you," said Alain, surprised by Mireille's kindness. - I really have problems, but of a different nature.

“Understood,” the actress smiled slyly.

“No, you don’t understand,” sitting down in a nearby chair, secretive Alain suddenly blurted out for himself: “I’m divorcing my wife.

“I'm sorry,” Mireille replied sympathetically, touching his arm.

Her touch calmed Alain. For the second time this evening, he found support from women: Eva helped him decide to act, and Mireille exuded peace, instilling confidence in the correctness of his act. Boarding announced. Going into the salon, Alain, out of habit acquired over the years of fame, did not even think to take his place, but sat down next to Mireille:

- Do you mind?

“Of course not, settle down,” she replied.

The elderly businessman, whose place was taken by Alain, did not argue, but only asked the actor to name the number of his new chair. The actor handed him his ticket and completely turned his attention to the neighbor:

It's strange that we haven't met before.

— Probably, you lead too active life to notice modest women like me.

“Oh, come on,” Alain switched to “you” and stroked her fingers a little familiarly. — Let's order a bottle of champagne and drink to the meeting.

Mireille nodded in agreement, and he called the stewardess:

Bring us the best champagne when we take off.

“I’ll bring it now, Monsieur Delon,” the stewardess began to fuss. Excuse me, can I have an autograph?

“This will be a reward for a bottle of champagne,” Alain joked and turned his gaze to the imperturbable Mireille.

She did not react in any way to the girl's importunity, looking thoughtfully out the porthole. Alain involuntarily remembered his wife Natalie, who flared up like gunpowder, and was sometimes ready to fight when strangers spoke to him.

“Soon we will be in Paris and settle our affairs,” Mireille said softly. “Unfortunately, things don't always go the way we would like.

The plane climbed smoothly and Alain, listening to the soothing voice of Mireille, closed his eyes for a moment. It seemed to him that he was rocking on the waves, but it was the neighbor who patted him on the shoulder:

The plane is landing in five minutes, fasten your seat belts.

- Am I asleep? Why didn't you wake me up earlier?

You are very tired, but now you look much better.

Alain was shocked - this almost unfamiliar woman took care of him as of a loved one.

“Mireille, I’m really exhausted. I'm sorry I slept all the way. Were you bored?

- No, I napped too. I don't like flying at night.

- In Saint-Tropez, I'm shooting. This is my local phone at the hotel. Can you leave your number?

“Yes, write it down,” the actress dictated the Paris telephone.

Alain made sure that the bottle of champagne in the bucket was still cold and looked inquiringly at Mireille.

“You know, perhaps most of all during the flight I missed the promised champagne,” she replied.

“Nothing,” Allen replied. “When you don’t get something right away, it’s even more expensive.

He opened the bottle, poured out the bubbling liquid, and toasted:

- For a chance pleasant meeting! - And he added: - And also for future non-random dates.

They clinked their glasses, and the champagne seemed surprisingly delicious to both of them. Just before boarding, the flight attendant took the bucket and bottle.

“You deserve an autograph, honey,” Alain said, handing her a piece of paper with a signature.

The girl blushed with pleasure and hid the precious paper in her apron pocket. Wishing both passengers good luck and well-being, she departed.

“How easily you can make a person happy,” Mireille chuckled.

“I would like to hope that there are still women who are not satisfied with one autograph,” the actor joked.

Mirei looked at him meaningfully, but said nothing.

The plane landed, they passed through the hall, not waiting for the luggage to be delivered, since they were both light, and parted at the exit, each sitting in their own taxi.

- Rue Messin, 22 - calling the driver the address, Alain leaned back in his seat.

He didn't think what Natalie would say. The decision was made, and he was not going to search for words all the way to announce their breakup.

After paying the driver, Alain got out of the car and unlocked the door with his key. He knew that his son was visiting his grandmother, but did not want to wake up his wife and Stefan. He groped his way down the corridor to the bedroom door and flung it open. Natalie woke up from the noise and began to look at the figure of her husband in the dark.

“What a phenomenon,” she said in a voice hoarse from sleep. - Are you bored?

She jumped off the bed and hugged Alain. In a silky soft pink shirt, with her hair flowing, she looked very attractive. Forgetting the original intention to immediately ask his wife for a divorce, Alain hugged her tightly and kissed her. The lace of her shirt bothered him, and he quickly opened the silk to touch Natalie's warm skin. Fatigue and the impressions of the previous day mixed up and did not allow me to fully concentrate, even the sensations came with a little delay. He frantically caressed his wife while she tried to take off his clothes. Finally, throwing Natalie on the bed, he fell on top and quenched his passion, not at all caring about his partner. Despite this, that night she also enjoyed their lovemaking immensely. They slept all night in each other's arms.

When Alain opened his eyes, it was one in the afternoon. Fumbling around on the other side of the bed, he realized that his wife was already up. He pushed himself up against the pillow and brushed his hair back from his forehead. Then he slowly lit a cigarette and remembered the purpose of his sudden return to Paris. Before joining Natalie, who was rattling dishes in the kitchen, he called Saint-Tropez and asked for a three-day vacation. They were nervous on the set and were looking for him, so the director first expressed his dissatisfaction with the actor and asked where he was. Hearing that in Paris, Deray gave up and agreed to do without the main character for a couple of days.

“Look, buddy, if you don't get back on time, I'll charge you such a penalty that you'll forget about the movie fee.

After a pause, the director asked:

"Alan, are you all right?"

- Thank you, I'm fine. Just suddenly there was an urgent case in Paris.

After hanging up, he went into the kitchen and saw Natalie drinking coffee from a small cup.

— Dear, in the morning I decided that I dreamed everything. Why did you return to Paris?

Alain pushed the coffee pot forward, poured himself some coffee, and set the cup down.

- Where's Stef? - he asked.

I don't know, I'm away on business.

After a moment's pause, Allen said:

- Natalie, I want a divorce.

- What?!

Our marriage is over. Let's file a divorce as soon as possible, I promise you good maintenance and alimony for your son. I will not take Anthony away from you, but he will alternately live with me and with you. I don't want him to lose touch with either parent. You can stay with him in this apartment, I'll move.

- To whom? To Romy, Brigitte? Am I tying your hands and preventing you from seeing them or other girls?

- Natalie, it's over. We can no longer live together. I suggest you leave on good terms.

So you don't want to live with me anymore. In that case, at night you pretended to be very convincing. Such a yearning man.

Alain ignored the rest of his wife's angry tirades, but a light flashed in his eyes. Noticing this, Natalie realized that she was approaching a dangerous line. When she fell silent, the actor asked:

I'll call a lawyer, so stay at home. And last night... It was a farewell. You have always been the most seductive woman in my life.

“But you're leaving me,” Natalie said distantly, but already without malice.

She stepped out of the kitchen, carelessly throwing back the curtain. Without turning around after her, Alain thought cynically: “At a time when women are crying or begging their husband to try to save the marriage, my practical Natalie will calculate how much money to demand in a divorce.”

He was absolutely right. At this moment, Madame Delon, hiding in the bedroom, mentally returned five years ago. She acted unerringly when she achieved marriage with Alain. Now she needed to prepare a worthy escape route. “What a pity that he could not be persuaded. If this stubborn decided to get a divorce, then so be it. I will lose my position as wife of a star, but I will remain rich. In addition, the son tied us up forever, ”the young woman philosophically analyzed the situation. As a result, Natalie decided to demand from her husband part of the money from all his bank accounts, helping him to conduct business, she was aware of the size of the deposits.

Half an hour later, she found Alain in the living room and told him her conditions:

— I want a share of all the savings, Alain. This apartment will remain with me, I don’t want to move and take my son away from his friends.

At the mention of the child, the actor frowned.

“Don’t speculate with your son, Natalie, I haven’t said no yet.” What else do you want?

You will pay child support for Anthony every month. And their size...

Before the arrival of the lawyer, the husband and wife finally agreed on the amount of the compensation paid by Alain. Then they put forward additional conditions to each other.

"Don't you dare use my name again to get a role," Alain demanded.

“Okay, you refuse to help me. I hope you take care of your son.

“He will live with me for a long time, and the rest of the time I intend to meet with him often.

- Like the last six months, once every two weeks?

Shut up Natalie. You remind me of the merchant you could be.

Yes, my lord and savior. I do not know how to live now without your pointers.

A scandal flared up, usual for the Delon couple in recent times. Allen knew perfectly well that he was wrong. He received large fees for roles, but Natalie was always his faithful ally in business affairs, checking the status of bank accounts. Finally, she is the mother of his son, whom he adored and continued to regard as the sole heir. By the arrival of the lawyer, Alain and Natalie had calmed down and very reservedly announced their decision to file divorce papers, after which they listened to the advice of a lawyer.

After the end of the procedure, Alain felt tired, but ahead was communication with the press. The actor did not allow himself to relax until the evening. The worst thing was that he couldn't go anywhere. Journalists hunted him, dreaming of getting juicy details, in addition to the dry statement about his divorce from his wife. After some time, seclusion in the apartment seemed unbearable to him, and he called Mireille. When she picked up the phone, Alain said:

- Hi. I'm already bored. Our one and only date got cut short due to my fault.

- Alain! How are you doing? Today you are the hero of the day. You always do what you promised. However, I don't think you want to talk about it.

- You're right. I'm exhausted, but I won't sleep again during our meeting.

- Silly. It was just an overnight flight from Saint-Tropez to Paris.

— And how do you look at my flight from Messines street to your apartment?

Mireille was silent for a while and answered:

“I suppose in an hour I'll light a beacon, a lamp in the living room.

- See you then.

Hanging up, Alain went to the bathroom to shave, and Mireille said aloud:

I hope he doesn't use me as a free psychoanalyst.

Her friends and acquaintances often did this, pouring out their souls before her, being sure that she would never refuse to listen. The reason for this was her rare tact.

Exactly an hour later, Alain rang the doorbell of Mireille Dark's apartment. He was surprised at the strength of his desire to see the actress so soon after their chance meeting. In his hands he held a bouquet and a bottle of champagne. Mireille opened the door and invited Alain to enter. He held out the roses to her and briefly held her hand.

- This is the brand of champagne that we did not fully taste on the plane.

Already without an invitation, the actor went into the living room, illuminated by the soft light of a yellow lampshade, and settled on the sofa. He had a strange feeling of deja vu, as if he had been here and knew the location of all the rooms in the apartment. Without waiting for the hostess, he removed the newspapers from the table and placed the bottle on it. Mireille looked out of the kitchen for a moment and was touched by his impudence.

- Alain, I don't know what you like, I only have cheese and toast. I did not expect to stay long in Paris,” she said, entering the living room with a tray.

"Sit down here." He pointed to the seat next to him and took the tray from her hands.

Mireille quieted down and sat down on the sofa, feeling like a guest in her own apartment. Despite the events of recent days, Alain radiated amazing strength and confidence.

"Let's drink to the night that brought us together," he suggested.

Noticing that Mireille's face had taken on an expression of astonishment, he laughed.

“Actually, I meant last night on the plane.

“Now I’ll bring the glasses,” she said, but the actor held her hand.

“No need, you can drink straight from the bottle,” he put his arm around her shoulders with one arm, holding out the champagne.

It seemed to Mireille that she was committing sacrilege in relation to an expensive drink, in addition, she was worried about Alain's hand stroking her bare shoulder.

“You're right, it's much tastier this way,” she said, taking a small sip.

- Started to trust me?

Alain moved closer to her and patted her neck, sideways watching her reaction. Mireille never entered into relationships with men easily, but at that moment the person sitting next to her seemed to her at that moment.

She could have sworn that she knew his thoughts and felt all the experiences. She did not have such contact with anyone, although many considered her a subtle nature.

Allen, I...

He ran his finger gently over her lips, silencing her. Everything that followed happened in a blur. Mireille felt his champagne-flavored lips on hers as he pulled down the zipper on her dress. Alain was afraid to break the harmony established between them and did not act assertively. Having completely freed Mireille from her dress, he pressed her to him. She enjoyed his leisurely caresses and in turn kissed his face, running her hands over his muscular back and shoulders. Alain's fingers wandered in her hair, then he sharply threw back her head and pressed her lips to a long kiss. That night he was unusually affectionate and passionate at the same time. Mirei hovered above reality, not giving an account of where she was. She was sure of only one thing - Alain was next to her, and he was an amazing lover.

Half an hour later, exhausted, they settled down on the sofa to finish their champagne, but it was hopelessly hot.

“We are not lucky with you with a drink of aristocrats,” Alain summed up, laughing.

He picked up Mireille and carried him to the shower, and from there to the bedroom, unmistakably finding the right door. Sitting down on the sofa with his burden, he began to study the curves of Mirei's body, lightly touching her skin with his fingertips.

“Alain, it tickles,” she shuddered.

“Finally, I found at least one flaw in you!” he announced jubilantly. - You're jealous.

- My God, why?

- Those who are ticklish are jealous.

No, I don't think I'm very jealous.

"So you're too smart for that?" Alain continued to develop the theme.

He did not care what to talk about with this woman, he wanted to hear her low-pitched soothing voice. He liked to watch her bottomless eyes glow in the semi-darkness.

Imperceptibly, as in the plane, he dozed off. In the morning he was awakened by the sunlight falling on the bed - there were no curtains on the windows, only light tulle. Alain stretched and looked around the room. The bedroom, with cream-colored wallpaper, lots of flowers on the window, and a wide peach-covered sofa on which he lay, was very comfortable. After draping a sheet around his body, he went to explore the rest of the rooms. The door closest to the cridor led to a small office. It was paneled in mahogany to match the desk and bookcases. Walking down the corridor further, he smelled the aroma of coffee and, postponing the tour, proceeded to the kitchen. Mireille, in a white mohair dressing gown, set the table and hummed a song by Salvatore Adamo.

"Good morning," Alain said, stopping at the kitchen door.

Mireille instantly forgot about breakfast, being in his arms.

“You look like a Roman emperor in your sheet toga,” she commented. “I hung your clothes on a chair in the living room.

Do you know how smart and beautiful you are?

“Yes, I know,” she smiled. "Get yourself ready and let's have breakfast." I'm terribly hungry.

“Just an insatiable woman,” Alain muttered, and went to get his clothes.

It was surprising that after yesterday's and, as he hoped, farewell scene with Natalie, he felt unusually light. As if entering Mireille's apartment, he left all the problems behind the threshold. He did not want to leave this paradise, so, pouring coffee into cups, he asked:

“Mireille, when are you going back to Saint-Tropez?”

- I don't know yet. Yesterday I started to scout the situation with my contract, I called the director, but for sure no one knows anything. Apparently, I will have to stay in Paris longer than I expected.

- Can I help you? Do you happen to have a contract with Gaumont?

- Not. Thanks for the concern, but I'll try to handle it myself.

- If anything, do not be shy, call. Unfortunately, I'm leaving tomorrow for Saint-Tropez, shooting is in full swing.

"It's a pity," Mireille said quietly and raised the cup to her lips.

— I'll take an evening flight. Can I stay with you until tomorrow?

Allen did not wait for an answer. The next moment, he jumped up from his chair and, laughing, scooped the woman up in his arms. Mireille barely had time to put a cup of coffee on the table. He knew the perfect way to get a “yes” from Mireille and carried her into the living room, where they reoccupied the sofa.

“Darling, what about the bedroom?” she murmured.

— Your bedroom is peaceful, and your living room is quite bright. Besides, this is our sofa. Forgot?

She forgot about everything in his arms. The sun shone through the windows, but they were both too busy with each other to draw the curtains. The living room, decorated in red-brown tones, flooded with light, really warmed up the passion.

“Well,” Mireille solemnly announced, sliding off the sofa onto the carpet and looking around the floor for a dressing gown, “you can stay until tomorrow, spend the night on the sofa.” It's booked for you.

- Okay. You will regret. It will be uncomfortable for two to sleep here.

"You're so confident," she smiled.

An hour later, Mireille quickly packed up and left for a meeting with the producer of her future picture. Alain decided to go to his apartment and pack his things. Previously, he called to find out the mood of Natalie. For the first time in recent months, he was in a great mood and did not want to lose it, listening to the caustic remarks of his ex-wife. After signing on the divorce papers, all the gloss that she had worn during the five years of their marriage flew off her. Alena came to mind her yesterday's words and was amazed at how he managed to live with this woman for so long. Then he resurrected the beginning of their relationship, Natalie's beauty, her sophistication in love affairs, the birth of a son, and sighed.

- Artists do not have the right to official registration of marriage. I swear I will never make that mistake again,” he said aloud, raising his right hand.

The phone in his apartment was not answered. Without thinking about where Natalie and Stefan were, Alain decided that now was the right time to get his things out. He put on dark glasses and slammed the door of Mireille's hospitable nest. In his own apartment, nothing has changed since yesterday. This meant that Natalie didn't sleep at home and Stef still hadn't returned from his trip. The lack of news about a friend worried the actor. Why didn't Markovich call him in Saint-Tropez, didn't leave any note? Alain was absolutely unaware of where he had gone. He was too lazy to call his assistant's friends. Until the evening, the actor planned to visit his son, whom he missed terribly while working on the film in Saint-Tropez.

Grimacing at the flashes of the waiting newsmen, the actor drove out of the garage in a car and immediately picked up high speed. Before stopping at his mother's house in Bourg-la-Reine, he only stopped once at a toy store to buy his son a big clockwork car. He imagined the frown on his mother's face, with which she always greeted him during meetings, and her endless moralizing. She did not like everything in his life: from family life to incredible popularity. He did not want to be rude to her, so he visited very rarely, limiting himself to transferring money to his mother's bank account.

“Hello, Alain,” Edith Arnold said indifferently to her son when he entered the house. “Your wife called and said you could stop by. Will you take Anthony?

- No, tomorrow I'm returning to Saint-Tropez, I'm shooting. I want to see my son.

“Yes, of course, you don’t particularly spoil him with your attention, and neither does your wife,” Natalie’s mother did not like.

Alain considered whether to talk about divorce, to give his mother an additional subject for lamentations. Then he waved his hand and said:

Natalie and I are divorcing.

"I'm not at all surprised," said Edith coldly. You never lived like a family.

Alain thought angrily that the ideal family, according to his mother, should live in a small town like Bourg-la-Reine, where unkempt women work on farms and men get drunk every Sunday. Such a life sucked like a swamp, and he was happy that he had escaped it in due time.

Who will the baby stay with? For the first time, Alain heard a spark of interest in his mother's voice.

Did she really hope that he would let her raise the child to repeat his own childhood in Bourg-la-Reine?

- Anthony will live alternately with me and Natalie, we will both continue to educate him.

The mother had always been laconic, but now she stopped talking to her son altogether. When Alain asked where the boy was now, she nodded towards the terrace door and turned away.

He opened the door and was literally knocked down by a kid rushing towards him.

“Daddy, daddy,” he squealed. - Are you for long? Did mom come?

“No, Anthony, it’s just me here today. This is for you, - Alain handed the typewriter to his son.

The child sat down on his father's lap and impatiently began unwrapping the wrapper.

Are you bored here, son?

Judging by the concentrated expression on Anthony's face, he had something to do at the moment. He took the car out of the box and handed it to his father to show him how to start it. They played together until dinner. Madame Arnold called them into the garden to the laid table.

“Let's race,” Alain suggested to his son, who did not want to tear himself away from the new toy.

A few seconds later, the grandmother, who had lost her patience, caught the breathless child and sat her down at the table. Anthony was absolutely happy, although he was slightly disturbed by one question.

“Dad, are you staying until tomorrow?” - he asked.

Alain hesitated to answer, and his mother looked at him mockingly.

“Baby, I need to go, but soon I will return and take you to the sea for a week.

The second part of the answer softened the boy's disappointment. Madame Arnold said nothing, but Alain realized that she did not believe in the promise he had made to his son.

Thank you for a wonderful dinner, Mom. I'm leaving for Paris, and in the evening I'm flying to Saint-Tropez.

His mother wished him a happy journey and went into the house. He sighed and hugged his son, who was running around the garden looking for butterflies.

- See you, little one, I'll call.

"Bye, papa," Anthony said doomedly.

The actor left Bourg-la-Reine with sadness, remembering the joy of his son at the meeting and regretting that he could not spend more time with him. “We rarely see each other. We need to take him away for a week to the Cote d'Azur, ”he decided.

A few hours later, he parked the car near the Mireille house and took out two huge suitcases from the trunk, in which he put all the necessary things from his apartment, having stopped there after visiting Bourg-la-Reine. Having dragged an impressive luggage into the elevator, he pressed the button and found himself in front of the door of a familiar apartment. He did not take the keys offered by Mireille, hoping that she would be at home in the evening. Now he thought that he might be in a stupid situation, standing with his suitcases in front of a closed door. To his relief, the door swung open, and the disheveled hostess appeared on the threshold. Seeing Alain and his suitcases, she gasped and asked:

Are you finally moving?

“Mireille,” said Alain, quietly pushing the bags to the door, “you see, I don’t have time to rent a new apartment, and my things will be safe only with you.” What if Natalie decides to cut my suits with scissors?

— What, has it come to this? the actress asked sympathetically.

No, we didn't meet today. I spent the whole day with my son.

- How is he?

- Cheerful, running around in my mother's garden.

“Okay, come in.” She stepped back and allowed Alain to carry his luggage.

He once again drew attention to her strange appearance.

- Did you take part in the battle?

- Almost guessed. I fought for my contract. The producer wants to reschedule the shooting, but in this case I am entitled to a penalty.

Alain again tried to find out the name of the film studio, but by silence Mireille realized that he had exceeded the credibility. Indeed, they had known each other closely for only a couple of days. Why hurry?

The lovers had a quick bite to eat, after which Alain changed clothes and collected a travel bag. The suitcases were put away in the office until the owner returned.

The actor in a businesslike way hugged and kissed Mireille before leaving.

“I feel like a woman seeing off an old friend on the road.

“Don't exaggerate,” Alain muttered, critically examining himself in the mirror. - Quite a young man.

She suppressed a smile, noticing how much he was in awe of his appearance.

"You're a superman," she called after him. — Success!

- I wish you to beat the producer, - the actor answered from the elevator and left.

Mireille felt that she already lacked this energetic person. She walked into the study and ran her hand over his suitcases, which held a piece of their owner's aura.

Alain rushed to the airport and managed to check in at the last minute. He also remembered Mireille, but these thoughts receded before considering the plan to complete the filming.

“This process needs to be accelerated. A new project starts in October,” the actor reflected. During these days, he forgot about Romy and Brigitte, but upon arrival at the hotel in St. Tropez, he received a reminder of both. It was raining, and Romy Schneider was sitting at the window in the hall thoughtfully. It seemed to her that a black streak had come in her life. She looked with sadness and hopelessness at the streams of water running along the windowsill, and Alain remembered that her mood always deteriorated in bad weather.

“Hello,” she said, noticing his presence. “The shoot had to be delayed due to the weather, and Deray is no longer angry at you running away.

- How are you?

"Fine." She turned to the window.

“How dreary it is here,” thought the actor, “I would give dearly to be in Paris.” He went to his bungalow without opening his umbrella. As he was taking off his wet shirt, there was a knock at the door.

"Open," he called out with annoyance in his voice.

Maurice Ronet entered the room, holding a magazine in his hands.

Hello, I'm back on time. Judging by your tone, you know everything?

Alain glanced at him sideways.

- What are you talking about?

- Brigitte Bardot gave a huge interview to one respected publication. Your name is mentioned through the word, - he held out the magazine and laughed. - All of France is already aware of the details of your affair with Bardot and her opinion of you.

Alain opened the page with an interview with Brigitte and the phrase caught his eye: “Delon is a cold person. He boasts of his appearance and is unable to think of anyone but himself.” He did not read further, to prevent Ron from enjoying the rage into which he had come from the antics of his former mistress. Maurice was already looking at his distorted face with interest:

Don't worry, it's been worse.

"Maurice, mate, you've done your part," Alain said sharply. “I am happy that I have friends who are in a hurry to deliver bad news. Now let me rest from the road.

Ashamed, Ronet immediately complied with his request, leaving Alain's bungalow and hiding in the rain.

“Bitch,” Alain commented aloud about his attitude towards the woman who gave the interview, sending the magazine to the trash.

At the same time, he added Brigitte to his mental list, if not enemies, then people unworthy of communication. After this news, he got tired of sleeping, and the actor watched old films on TV until nightfall.

The next morning was sunny and the film crew perked up. Leaving the car at the gate of the mansion in which the film took place, Alain sought out the director.

— Jacques, hello, remember I asked for a three-day vacation? Another day is behind me.” He pretended to leave.

Deray grabbed him by the shoulder.

"Don't even joke like that. The entire filming schedule went to hell. If we don't meet the remaining three weeks, the producer will be more than disappointed.

"Don't worry, we'll meet it," Alain said seriously. Will what has already been done work?

— Yes, given the number of re-shot takes.

"Then there's not much left."

Everyone plunged into the work, acting in concert, thanks to the experience gained over the previous weeks. Alain returned to the shooting and considered everything that happened to him in Paris unreal. He made no attempt to contact Mireille by telephone, and never doubted for a moment that she would not be returning to Saint-Tropez in the next few days. Romi tried to talk to him about divorcing his wife, but he laughed it off, not wanting to get into a serious conversation. He was impatient to finish the film and be in Paris, but despite the efforts made, the work progressed slowly. Jacques Deray grew gloomier every day, believing that he had underestimated the complexity of filming a film reminiscent of a theatrical production. Since the whole action of the picture took place in the house, and the change of scenery was completely absent, the actors were required to portray an unusually subtle portrayal of the experiences of their characters.

- Don't shut yourself up. Emotions should be reflected on your faces, the director demanded of each actor.

Filming continued for another four weeks instead of the planned three. Maurice Ronet was released a few days early, as his hero was killed, but continued to be present on the site. Derey was afraid that some of the takes would have to be re-shot and decided to play it safe. There was no trace left of the friendly relations between Alain and Maurice. After a conversation in a bungalow, Rone was afraid of a partner in the film. He stopped courting Romy, although at first he wanted to test Delon's reaction to his flirting with the actress. However, she still did not give Maurice a reason to hope for a manifestation of sympathy on her part. Alain mechanically finished shooting, he was tormented by bad forebodings. He had excellent intuition, but he believed that, unfortunately, he often foresaw impending troubles, rather than joyful events.

In the last days of September, the director, actors and assistants celebrated the unofficial completion of the film. Of course, there was still the editing of the picture, but the shooting was over. Jacques Derey was glad that the delay was only a week. Of course, the producer was dissatisfied with the additional rent for the mansion, but, looking at the footage, the director was convinced that it was not in vain that he re-shot the takes endlessly. The result was stunning, and the premiere of the film, scheduled for early next year, promised to be a significant event.

Alain felt devastated and was no longer as eager to return to Paris as he had been a month ago. Mireille never called him, he, in turn, also remained silent. A couple of times he talked to Natalie, unsuccessfully trying to contact Stefan and ask him to start looking for a new apartment.

- What are your plans? - asked Romy Alena at a party to celebrate the completion of filming. - Will you come home?

- I think yes. I have three weeks before the next film starts. In the next few days I will go for my son and bring him here, I promised to give him a vacation.

“I missed my son too,” Romi muttered softly.

"You'll be fine," Allen said confidently. Your husband, son, mother and friends are waiting for you.

Romi remained silent, shrugging her shoulders nervously.

You are a happy woman, your family loves you. And if you need anything, always count on my support,” he continued.

“Thank you,” she replied and walked away, losing the last hope of resuming their romance.

The actor did not attend the celebration for long. He retired to his bungalow and made some business calls about the new Jeff movie. Its director, Jean Herman, said the filming date has been set for October 20th, but he still hasn't finalized the lead.

Jean, I have an idea. In a couple of days I will be in Paris. Let's win together.

- Deal. If your idea is to my liking, I will be forever grateful, ”Erman replied, suspecting that Alain wants to introduce him to some actress.

On October 7th, while Alain was packing, the phone rang. He thought that the hotel manager wanted to inform him about the taxi that had arrived, but he heard the voice of Mireille Dark on the phone.

"Hello, Alain," she said in a tense voice. “Don't think I'm after you after you haven't called in a month.

Alain tried to interrupt her, but in vain. She continued to speak, wanting to share the terrible news with him as soon as possible.

“I decided to disturb you for one reason. Today I accidentally found out at the film studio that Stefan Markovich, your secretary, was killed. Soon the message will appear in the newspapers.

She fell silent. Allen didn't say a word either. The premonition did not disappoint him.

- You are listening? Mirei asked.

- Oh sure. It's just disgusting news. You know, a month ago, Rone brought me a magazine with a vulgar Bardo interview. But you outdid my friend!

How dare you compare! For the first time, he heard the voice of the usually imperturbable Mirei trembling with anger. I'm calling to help you. Stop playing the king who executes servants who bring bad news. Sorry, though, I'm sorry I called." She hung up.

For several long minutes Alain continued to hold the receiver in his hand. The meaning of Dark's words gradually dawned on him: his secretary, Stefan, was dead. It was some kind of nightmare! The actor sat on the bed and began to think about what a fuss will rise in the press when reporters find out about the incident. The more he thought about it, the more terrible it seemed to him. The worst thing was that he did not know the details: where was his secretary killed? when? He quickly dialed his Parisian number, but then hung up. In this situation, his ex-wife was the last person whose voice he would now like to hear. He took out the phone book and looked up Mireille's number. She picked up the phone.

— Sorry. Your news shocked me and I did not realize what I was saying. I was wrong,” Delon said.

Alan, I couldn't resist either. What are you going to do?

- I think the best thing for me is to stay in Saint-Tropez for the time being. In Paris, the reporters won't let me take a single step.

- Can I help you with something?

“Call me back if you get any news of this incident.

Putting down the phone, he ran a hand over his face, trying to wipe the expression of confusion from his face. “I have always won, and I can do it now,” the actor decided. The phone rang again: he was called to the Commissariat of Saint-Tropez to give evidence.

Under interrogation, he said that he had little contact with his secretary lately due to filming in Saint-Torpeze.

“I will answer all questions only in the presence of a lawyer,” he concluded.

The next day there were reports in the newspapers about the murder of Štefan Marković. Alain thought that now it makes no sense to linger in Saint-Tropez. He preferred to quickly prove his innocence in the tragedy and flew to Paris. Before leaving, he called Mireille:

I will be in Paris tonight. Can you stay at your place?

“Come, your things are still in my apartment,” she answered affectionately.

He was surrounded by photographers at the airport, and the actor quickly walked to a waiting car and went to Dark's apartment. Mireille greeted him as if they had parted a few days ago:

- I cooked dinner. Are you not very tired?

I'm not tired, but angry. Journalists attacked me like a flock of crows.

- What to do? This is the price of glory. Do you want to have dinner in the living room?

“This room gives me other desires,” he smiled. What are you going to feed me?

During dinner, Alain briefly forgot about the misfortune and asked the actress:

- Is your contract for filming in October signed?

No, they have been postponed. I don't think the movie will be made at all.

But the shooting of another picture will begin. Tomorrow we are having dinner with Jean Erman. He is a director.

“I know perfectly well that he is a director,” Mireille answered. — What did you think?

- I have a contract to play the lead role in the film "Jeff", but the actress who will be my partner in the film has not yet been found. I think you are perfect for this role.

Mireille got up from the sofa and paced the room.

When did you decide to propose to me?

“Immediately upon my return to Saint-Tropez. You deigned to call me only after four weeks, but I did not stop thinking about you.

The actress quickly crossed the distance separating them and threw herself into Alain's arms.

"Did you ever think of me?" he asked.

“I shouldn’t talk about it, otherwise you will be completely conceited. You haven't called in four weeks either. Why?

He began to kiss Mireille and left her question unanswered. However, all words instantly flew out of her head when Alain pulled her to him and began to slowly remove her clothes.

“I missed you,” the woman whispered, feeling a chill run through her body at the touch of his hands.

In the morning, Alain phoned Erman and arranged a meeting. Mireille was already happy with the presence of her lover, but the fact that he decided to introduce her to the director of "Jeff" while still in Saint-Tropez proved his affection for her. The woman was impressed by Delon's impulsiveness, which perfectly complemented her own phlegm.

“Alain, hello,” Jean Herman greeted the actor. - I can't believe my eyes! Who did you bring with you, is it Mireille Dark?

Alain shook hands with the director and, just in case, introduced him to the actress.

“Forgive my stupid question, I was just extremely surprised,” said Erman Mireille. “My assistant has been trying in vain to contact you all day today.

The actress nodded in understanding. She turned off the phone, wanting to save Alain from the importunity of reporters who could find out that he was in her apartment.

- I wanted to offer you a role in my film, but Delon beat me to it. You made the best choice,” Jean praised the actor.

- Get the contract. Mireille will take you at your word and sign it right away,” the actor suggested with a laugh.

At dinner, Erman and Delon vied with each other to retell the script of the picture to the actress and describe the character of her heroine, each interpreting it in their own way.

Mireille raised her hands, succumbing to their pressure:

- I give up. If you guide me on the set the same way, then I'm lost.

They fell silent and looked at each other mischievously.

“Mireille, I think it makes sense for you to come to the film studio tomorrow and discuss the terms of the contract with me and, of course, the role itself,” Erman concluded.

“I will share with you my thoughts about the role of the house,” Alain whispered in her ear.

Mireille was happy and wanted this evening to go on forever.

“Thank you, my love, for a wonderful dinner,” she said to Alain on the way home.

“Each of our evenings will be like this and even better,” he replied.

The next day he went to the Rue Messines. There were policemen in his apartment who were examining Stefan's belongings. Natalie was pale, but calm.

- How are you? Alain asked his ex-wife. Where is Anthony?

- Your mother has it. I also wanted to leave, but I was called to the police.

“Mr. Delon, you must tell the police everything you know about Stefan Markovich,” the inspector turned to him.

“I have already testified in Saint-Tropez, where I have been filming for the last month.

- You came to Paris for a few days during the filming - said the inspector.

As a result, Alena and Natalie were called to the police. The interrogation lasted several hours. The actor returned to Mireille, half-dead from fatigue and the excitement he had endured. She did not ask him questions, but waited for him to share the news with her.

“Mireille, this is terrible. I was interrogated about my acquaintance with Stefan, his work with me. What could I say? He lived in my apartment, did small errands, sorted out the mail. Natalie was terribly nervous at the end. She is worried about the death of Stefan, although she did not get along very well with him.

“Everything will work out, dear,” Mireille stroked his shoulder and hugged him.

Impressed by his visit to the police station, Alain kissed her absently and thought deeply.

Every day the newspapers published more and more new facts about the conduct of the investigation, often in the articles the name of Delon was mentioned.

"They're off the chain," he said angrily, tossing the newspapers aside.

The case received much more publicity than he had originally thought. Mireille supported him in difficult times and tried to distract him by reading the script of "Jeff". Erman signed a contract with her, and the actress was preparing for filming. She and Alain became very close during the days they spent together after his return from St. Tropez, and she thought that working together would only cement their relationship.

Alain and Mireille first appeared together in public at Nureyev's gala concert at the Opera Theatre. They sat side by side, holding hands, knowing that they were photographed more often than the famous dancer. After the concert, they dined together with Nuriev and others invited by him at Maxim. The actor behaved as usual, successfully hiding from everyone the tension caused by constant reminders of the case to solve the murder of Markovic. He was summoned for interrogation several times, the journalists were interested in his friendship with Stefan, forgetting about the recent work of the actor in the cinema.

“I got the impression that the whole world is trying to denigrate me,” he said to Mireille.

“Then me too,” she replied. “I love you and will never leave you.

In these difficult days for the actor, they were not separated for a minute. Alain rented a large apartment, they moved their things into it and spent the evenings there, resting from filming.

“I dream of building a huge castle in the middle of the forest,” Alain once shared his plans with her. There will be a huge wall around it so that no reporter can get inside. But for additional protection, a pack of dogs will live on the estate.

— And what about the moat around the fortress wall? Mirei laughed.

“I mean it seriously,” the actor said reproachfully.

Will you let me into your castle? she asked.

- Of course. All these fortifications are built for only one purpose - to protect you, my main treasure.

Alain was delighted with Mireille. She became his beloved woman and at the same time a friend on whom he could rely. He listened to her opinion, as she never made empty remarks. The woman-child, which was personified by Romy Schneider and the seductive woman, which was Natalie Barthélemy, was replaced by a female ally.

“I have been looking for you for a long time,” admitted Alain Mireille. You looked like an angel to me...

"... who sits sadly at the airport at night," she finished.

- No not like this. It was I who was upset, and you consoled me all the way.

Mireille chuckled and kissed him. Alain was ambitious and proud. Being upset by something, he never showed it to others, but he revealed his innermost dreams to her. The actress appreciated his trust and was sensitive to any change in his mood, always ready to provide support. She usually hid her feelings, but in her short life with Delon, she confessed her love to him more than in all previous years.

The actor met with his son, but diligently avoided meeting with his ex-wife. However, Natalie did not try to see him often. She was well versed in his character and understood that if he did not seek to make peace with her, then it was useless to impose his company on him. She regretted the break with Delon, but made considerable efforts to come to terms with what had happened.

In January 1969, the premiere of the film "Pool" took place in Paris. Romy flew in from Germany to attend the screening of the painting. Photographers endlessly asked Delon and Schneider to stand side by side to take pictures of the former “lovers of the century”.

“For the first time in my life, I’m jealous,” Mireille whispered to Alena when they entered the hall.

He squeezed her hand and said:

- I love only you. Ready to prove it right now.

The actress did not have time to utter a word, as he grabbed her in his arms in the middle of the hall and pressed her lips to hers with a long kiss. Everyone around froze, and then burst into applause.

“You are crazy,” Mirei muttered, lowering her head and trying to hide the blush that appeared on her cheeks from those around her.

Romi smiled sadly and looked away from the happy couple. Memories of the affair with Alain still hurt her.

"Pool" was very popular with viewers who again wanted to see Alena and Romy together, at least on the screen.

“You turned me into a homebody,” the actor Mireille once said.

Recently, he was surprised to notice that he was drawn to home, where comfort and tranquility awaited him. His friend Jean Cot often visited them and noticed Alena:

Mireille is an amazing woman. She is kind and very talented at the same time.

- You're right. I want to act only with her,” the actor replied.

However, in his new film, there was no suitable role for Dark. The picture told about the relationship between Italian gangsters. Films with a similar plot made good fees, and Alain expected to invest the received fee in the creation of his own production company. Mireille had some doubts about the expediency of her existence, but, as usual, she did not try to dissuade her lover, but only asked:

“Why are you distracted by doing business?” Each filming contract brings you millions of francs. You won't spend your whole life.

“I want to establish an empire that I will pass on to my son. Of course I have money, but I will not stop there. If you can get richer, why not take advantage of this opportunity?

Alain also planned the construction of a large house, a castle, which he told Mireille about. He thought over its interior decoration and bought several paintings by famous masters to hang them in the living room of the future mansion. Collecting antiques was a kind of investment and attracted Delon very much. He participated in auctions, and in connection with this, his name and new acquisitions were often mentioned in the newspapers.

The scandal surrounding the murder of his secretary has subsided. To a large extent, this was facilitated by letters and calls from fans to the police and even government officials demanding to stop persecuting the actor. The President of France, de Gaulle, intervened in the matter and closed it. Alain thanked his intercessors and promised to continue to delight them with his new paintings.

He became the producer of the film "Borsalino" and played a major role in it. Belmondo played the role of his friend in the film. During filming, Jean-Paul, who did not know how to hide his emotions, was constantly in a bad mood. Alain invited him to a cafe and decided to directly ask about the cause of the old comrade's discontent.

Jean-Paul, what's going on? You read the script with such enthusiasm and rushed to start working on the film.

"My intentions haven't changed," he replied, frowning. I want to finish filming as soon as possible.

- Are you in trouble?

“Okay, I'll be frank. We have been friends for many years and started filming almost at the same time. We rejoiced when our names flashed in the credits. Do you remember?

"Sure," Allen smiled. - At the premiere of my first film, I only thought that my name would be called before the start of the show.

A lot of time has passed since then, you have become a star. Probably, for a long time you do not care about the mention of your participation in the picture. It is already on everyone's lips long before the premiere. And even now I am pleased with my name in the credits, especially when it comes first.

- Do you want…

“But that's not what I mean. You have invested money in Borsalino and behave on the set not only as an actor. You feel like the owner.

“Sorry if I offended you in any way. It came out involuntarily.

Your name will appear twice in the credits.

Jean-Paul, this is funny! I don't believe that's the reason for your bad mood.

"So I'm ridiculous," Belmondo answered with annoyance and pushed his glass away.

“When I returned from Hollywood, I offered you to participate in the creation of a production company, but you flatly refused,” Alain said. “And now you’re not happy that I opened the case after all. So be it, you have a larger role, and your last name will stand before mine.

"Thank you for the favor," said Jean-Paul coldly, and beckoned to the waiter.

He felt hurt, neglected by a friend. His vanity was dealt a severe blow. Delon, for his part, did not approve of Belmondo's behavior, considering his offense a manifestation of envy. Their former mutual understanding came to an end. After finishing work on the film, they stopped spending evenings in cafes and going out of town with their families, as before. Alain lost a friend and was worried about it.

“I’m too strong of a character for you, you don’t let others take over you,” Mireille Dark told him when he told her about the quarrel with Belmondo. “A lot of people can't deal with it.

“What do you think about this?” he asked, leaning towards her to kiss her ear.

“I adore you with all your flaws and crazy ideas…

Alain stunned her with a loud kiss on the ear, and she shook her finger at him.

“and stupid antics,” she finished.

After the commercial success of Borsalino, Delon began to implement the plan for the construction of the villa. Together with Mireille, they examined several plots of land for sale. Both of them immediately liked one of them: it was huge and located close to the forest.

“It seems that we have found a suitable place,” said Alain, and over the next few days he issued a bill of sale for a plot in Dusi.

“Now you will keep an eye on contractors and builders,” he explained to Mireille with a smile.

She seemed downright scared.

- How do you imagine it? I am a weak woman, I can not cope with the thugs that you hire to build a house.

“You have bewitched me and entangled me with your charms. You can handle the workers. After all, you are an actress, portray such a restless and determined lady in front of them.

Mirei shook her head, but began to study the blueprints. Alain went to Rome to shoot, but she often called him and asked him for his opinion on the purchase of materials, talked about the conduct of work.

“You made a foreman out of me,” she complained to her lover. “I forgot the last time I was on set.

— Darling, I'll come back and read the script you wrote together. You will play the main role in the film, and I will be your partner.

Mireille consoled herself and focused all her attention on laying the foundation of the house and gradually felt the excitement. The construction of the villa was slow, and she hurried the workers and argued with the contractors. She felt like a future mistress of the house and put her whole soul into its construction. She would be absolutely happy if it were not for the newspaper articles describing Delon's new novels. The fame of the actor was so great that reporters followed him everywhere. All the actresses, his film partners, were predicted to be his mistresses before filming began, and as soon as he had dinner with one of them, the newspapers shouted about the romance that had begun. Mireille knew about some of his hobbies, but forgave Alain. He tried to hide his betrayals from her, and she loved him too much to make scandals about this and risk ruining their relationship.

After his arrival from Rome, she tried to start a conversation about the wedding, but Alain answered her almost rudely:

“I will never marry again. The marriage with Natalie was arranged solely for the sake of the child, I will not repeat that mistake again.

Mireille reassured herself that they were connected by love and friendship, and soon they would move to their estate and spend a lot of time together.

Alain kept his promise, and together they began to work on the film according to the script by Mireille. However, despite their efforts to play the characters as believable as possible, the audience took the film "Madley" coldly. Delon, who acted as the producer of "Madley", eventually renounced his involvement in writing the script and said in an interview:

- I made this film only out of love for Mireille.

The actress was stunned by Alain's betrayal.

“How could you say such a thing!?” she shouted after reading the interview. “We discussed the script and our joint work on the film so many times.

“Sorry, the newspapermen, as usual, misrepresented everything,” Delon replied.

Mireille realized that he was telling a lie and harbored a grudge against him, but then she forgave her lover. Career comes first for him, she thought sadly.

Wanting to once again apologize to Mireille, Alain starred in an episode of the film, where Dark had the main role. Reporters forgot about all the past hobbies of the actor and predicted a quick wedding. Even his friends fully shared the opinion of journalists. Only Alain and Mireille knew for sure that this event would not take place, but the woman continued to hope that he would change his mind.

The actor felt the pressure and amazed everyone by reconciling with his ex-wife. He called her and invited her to dinner at a cafe.

“Natalie, I need to discuss an important issue with you,” he told her over the phone, arousing her suspicion that her husband planned to reduce the amount of alimony for his son.

“Okay, I agree,” she answered dryly and specified the time of the meeting.

Delon was waiting for her in a cafe, there was a bouquet of roses on the table, and Natalie realized at first glance that it was not about money.

“Hello, Alain,” she said with a friendly smile and sank into the chair pushed back by the waiter.

“You look great,” the actor complimented her. - What will you drink? I remember you liked red wine.

“Then I loved you too. I have reconsidered my addictions and I will drink a martini.

Alain chuckled and ordered.

You haven't changed a bit since we first met. Just as witty and reckless.

“I have to be like this. I want Anthony to see his mother only happy.

— My son is growing fast, it's time to choose a college for him.

"God, you haven't changed either." You're still wasting time. Anthony is only six years old, he will still be in school for a long time.

Not true, he'll be seven soon. I want to give you a gift for this day.

Natalie was alert and looked at him intently, waiting for him to clarify his words. Alain enjoyed the effect and was in no hurry to tell her his plan.

— What did you think? Natalie asked impatiently.

I'm offering you a role in my new film.

- What!? The woman opened her eyes wide and leaned forward.

He couldn't amaze her anymore. She expected anything, but not such an offer. During the divorce, he forbade her to use his name to get roles, and now he brought the script himself.

Are you serious? - just in case, she clarified.

- Rest assured. Come to the studio tomorrow and look at the contract.

But Natalie wanted to know more.

Why did you offer me the role?

Don't ask provocative questions. Mireille is waiting for me at home, we feel good together. She is my ideal woman. And your role... it's just a step towards reconciliation. I'm doing this for Anthony.

“I see,” Natalie said, but did not believe her ex-husband.

She had the same misguided feeling that Romy had a few years ago when Alain asked her to play vieste with him in the film "Pool". Natalie began to hope that he would return to her and henceforth, talking with Alain, weighed her every word.

Chapter 15

Mireille was hurt that Alain invited his ex-wife to the main role in his film, but she hid her displeasure.

“I did it so I could see my son more often. And most importantly, I want him to see me and his mother together.

Natalie took advantage of the opportunity that brought them together on the site and openly sought from Alain the resumption of love relationships.

“You do everything to make me regret our meeting,” the actor told her. Forget your antics, and you can count on my kisses only during filming in accordance with the script.

Natalie got angry and began to bother him with phone calls home. This irritated Mireille, and she gave her lover an ultimatum:

- I will be present on the site, and if you try to forbid me to do it ...

“Actually, I was going to beg you about it, but you read my mind,” Alain replied.

The ex-wife of the actor did not manage to quarrel them, but Mireille remembered these shootings for a long time. Delon felt her mute reproach and said:

- I love you, but on the set you have to deal with ex-wives and mistresses. In the next film, I will play with Romy Schneider.

The actress decided that he was joking, but Alain was as serious as ever. In 1971, he signed contracts for shooting in five films and did not allow himself a single minute of rest.

“Darling, work will kill you,” Mireille told him. Let's go on vacation, spend a week by the sea.

But he did not agree with her proposal.

"When I have a goal, I can't be stopped," he replied. “I want to finish building the villa and arrange everything there to my liking. And, of course, yours, too,” he added.

The house in Dusi was not important to Mireille. Much stronger, she dreamed that she and Alain would spend more time together, but this turned out to be impossible. His overflowing energy did not give him the opportunity to relax and take a break from work.

“I'm afraid to lose even one day,” he said. A week of vacation will ruin all my plans.

The actress obeyed his will, and spent a lot of time in Dusi, where the builders were preparing to begin the interior decoration of the house.

In the spring, Delon and Dark went to the Cannes Film Festival. Luchino Visconti was honored there, and Alain warmly congratulated the great director on the award of the Palme d'Or for his contribution to cinema. At the Visconti reception, the actor sat next to Romy Schneider. She greeted Alain in a friendly manner.

“I have an interesting idea,” he turned to her.

"I'm afraid of your ideas," she whispered back with a sly smile.

- Do you agree to a role in a political film? he asked in a whisper too.

What are you talking about in secret? Visconti asked the actors.

“We are plotting a political conspiracy, dear master,” Alain replied. “Or rather, I'm trying to get Romy into it.

"If I were you, I wouldn't rely on luck." I have a more attractive offer for your neighbor,” the director replied.

The actress blushed with pleasure. Two famous men fought for her participation in films, each in their own way significantly influenced her life.

“What do you think, Romina?” Visconti asked her a question.

— I don't know what to answer. I am sure that both roles are wonderful and I will be sorry to lose one of them.

“This is the answer of a true actress,” said the director.

The next day Romy received scripts from Visconti and Delon. She agreed to Alain a month later, although her answer was clear immediately. Romi could never resist his desires.

Journalists constantly asked Mireille questions about Alain's cooperation with both former lovers, but the newspapermen could not get her crazy. To all their attacks, she invariably answered:

- Alain and I love each other, there is complete mutual understanding between us. In addition, I bow to his gift for correctly identifying actors suitable for roles in his films.

However, she was often sad, left alone in their Parisian apartment, when Alain went to shoot abroad. Mireille was looking forward to his calls and hid her sadness behind the joyful reports that the completion of the construction of the villa in Dusi was approaching.

“You turned out to be the best foreman in the world,” Delon concluded, returning from Italy.

He looked at the house with pleasure and, finally, made another compliment to his mistress:

“Everything exactly matches my sketches. How did you manage that?

Mirei sighed wearily. Alain was infinitely exacting about the decoration of rooms and the choice of furniture. He asked for samples of fabrics and wallpaper to be sent to him in Rome. He explained his ideas over the phone, in addition to sending letters to his girlfriend with drawings of room decoration.

“Let's invite Anthony to see the new house tomorrow,” Alain said.

“Of course, call him,” Mireille replied.

She loved the boy, who grew up as impetuous and handsome as his father.

The next day, Alain brought his son to Dusi, and Anthony ran carelessly around the estate. Mireille was in the kitchen and was watching the cook preparing dinner, when suddenly the boy came up to her and showed a long abrasion on his arm. Tears were ready to shed in his eyes.

“Lord, now I’ll bring iodine and a bandage, otherwise an infection will get in,” the woman was alarmed.

She bandaged Anthony's hand and sat him on her lap.

“It will all heal soon,” she said, kissing his cheek.

“You are kind,” said the boy. Don't tell dad I cried. He believes that a real man should not do this.

“Your dad exaggerated a little, but I won’t tell him anything.

In the evening, Natalie came for Anthony to take the baby to school in the morning. In parting, he hugged Mireille and waved to her from the car.

“The little tomboy loves you very much,” Alain said with mock jealousy in his voice.

“I love him too. He is an exact copy of you.

“If you knew me at his age, you would be horrified,” the actor replied, recalling his childhood.

His relationship with his mother remained uneasy. She adored her grandson, treated Mireille with restraint, but her son did not evoke warm feelings in her. Several times she and Alain quarreled over her words to reporters. She described in detail his unwillingness to learn and the feisty disposition he had as a child. The article upset the actor, and he demanded an explanation from his mother.

- Did I tell a lie? she asked.

- Mom, when a person occupies a certain position, many try to find out unflattering facts about him. Relatives should support each other, and not talk about the events of thirty years ago.

“Sorry,” she said. “But I still think it would be better if you returned after the army to Bourg-la-Reine. You got rich, you help me, but I miss your presence and the confidence that my son will be with me if I get sick.

“How many times have I offered you to move to Paris,” Alain exploded, feeling sorry for his mother.

She had grown old in recent years and, despite the formidable and irreconcilable statements addressed to him, she gave the impression of a woman tired of worries.

I don't want to leave my city. I know you call this place the end of the earth, but I've lived here all my life.

Soon the journalists dealt another blow to Delon, describing in detail in the newspapers the ceremony of awarding Jean-Paul Belmondo the Order of Merit in the Field of Arts and Literature.

“I was unfairly passed over,” said Alain Mireille.

He tried to keep calm and detached, not revealing his offense even to his closest friends, but Dark knew how upset he was. Moreover, critics did not praise his latest film.

Delon found consolation from unpleasant reviews of his film works in commerce. Alain bought a farm and started breeding thoroughbred horses. He put them on the run, and they brought rewards to their master. Immediately there were many who wanted to buy horses from the famous actor, and this business became extremely profitable. However, the stables brought the actor not only profit. Mireille loved to ride with him on horseback rides. Often the two of them spent the whole day outside the city, having picnics and enjoying peace and quiet. Delon ended the period of active filming, he was thinking about new projects and now he could sometimes afford a short vacation.

For a housewarming party, Alain arranged a holiday in a villa in Dusi and invited close friends to it. He called Natalie too, but she could not come, but Anthony was at the estate with his father and Mireille.

“Fifteen years ago, I couldn't have imagined what your film debut would turn out to be,” Briali told him a little bewilderedly, looking at the paintings on the walls in the living room.

“This is Rembrandt,” Alain pointed out proudly to one of them.

“I don’t believe it, wake me up,” Jean-Paul continued his thought. “I am sincerely happy for you, but amazed.

- Thank you, you have always been my most faithful friend, - Delon said, - but I consider my main role in the movie Rocco.

“Visconti is a great master,” Briali agreed. - Do you remember what performance he staged with your participation with Romy?

She has gone through a difficult period in her life. She is unhappy with her husband and the other day told me on the phone that only her son keeps her from despair. I loved Romy, but I was always struck by her desire to hide from the problem, not to fight.

“Sometimes I think that’s a good way out, too,” Briali admitted.

At that moment, Anthony ran up to them and showed them a model of a sports car.

- Dad, will I have such a car?

“Judging by your personality, no. I will worry too much about you,” Alain replied.

“I’ll become an actor and buy myself a car,” the boy said, in imitation of his father, bringing his eyebrows together at the bridge of his nose.

“A new generation is growing,” said Briali, smiling.

“If Anthony really becomes an actor, his grandmother will never forgive me,” Alain sighed.

He noticed that Mireille was inviting guests to dine, and invited Jean-Claude into the dining room.

A week after the housewarming party, Delon entered the Parisian apartment and kissed Mireille, who was sitting in an armchair watching TV.

- What happened? she asked with interest.

Alain did not come home in such a great mood for a long time, he was very tired of filming, but even in the evenings he worked in his office.

“I have decided to have a boxing match between Boutier and Monson,” he replied.

- Are you kidding?

- Not at all. I will pay for Boutier's training and rent the stadium, and I will sell all the rights to broadcast this fight.

- Alain! I am categorically against it,” Mireille said. This undertaking will damage your image. Boxing is not tennis, where athletes perform in light-colored suits, but a fierce fight.

- You do not understand. This fight will be a reminder of Rocco's role in the Visconti movie. I did not know that I myself would have to endure a fight with my wife before organizing a fight in the ring.

“You never listen to my opinion,” Mireille remarked. What is the use of saying it?

“I listen to your opinion if it coincides with mine,” Alain laughed.

This remark caused Mireille to jump up from her chair and pounce on him. Laughing, they fidgeted on the carpet, and then hugged each other.

- At the moment, our desires are absolutely the same. I guessed? Allen whispered in her ear.

Mirei nodded.

The actor began preparing for the fight between Boutier and the Argentine boxer Monzon. Jean-Claude Boutier was his friend and Alain wanted to help him regain the title of world boxing champion. In October, the fight took place, but the French boxer managed to hold out in the ring for only a few rounds.

- What to do, - said Alain Mireille, - I attribute this fight to my personal failures.

“Boutier lost, but you earned several million francs in this fight,” his friend tried to console him.

“Money comes second in this business,” Alain explained, and Mireille knew he was telling the truth.

The actor continued to act in three or four films a year, and in 1974 he again invited Mireille to be his partner. This picture took a lot of energy from both, since only a month was released for its shooting. Actors often returned home late at night.

“Soon I won’t be able to separate the plot of the film from our true relationship,” Mireille said one weekend, refusing to get out of bed.

“It will be terrible, because I will fall as your first victim,” Alain replied.

The actress played an insidious killer in the film, and Delon opposed her.

"I don't want to get up," she said again, burrowing into the pillows.

- Mireille, I promised Anthony to go to the cinema with him. Join us.

She loved the boy and could not miss a single meeting with him. Dark dreamed of their common child with Alain, but a sick heart did not allow her desire to come true.

When the three of them returned from the cinema, Anthony went to play in his room, and Delon struck his friend with another idea:

I will create my own airline.

Where did this unexpected decision come from?

- The thought has been brewing in my head for a long time, and now a convenient moment has presented itself.

Having already become accustomed to the variety of interests of her lover, Mireille did not think to take it for a joke and began to question him in detail about the project.

- I have in my office calculations of the amounts that need to be invested in the business.

Over the next months, Alain was solely engaged in the paperwork of the new company and the recruitment of personnel. Although all of his friends were fine with Dark, everyone felt it was their duty to ask the actor:

- On what basis do you select flight attendants?

However, soon the actor was not up to intrigues with the girls: he could not get permission to fly for the planes he rented and had to pay huge sums for downtime. This failure turned into a quarrel with Mirei. This time he lacked her comfort and support, and he spent several days in a hotel with a beautiful extra from the film studio. When he returned home, Mireille refused to talk to him.

“If you do not stop your whims, I will leave,” Alain warned her.

The woman turned and left the room. The indignant Delon did not even begin to collect things and jumped out of the apartment, slamming the door.

He rented a hotel room for a month and spent time with aspiring actresses and fans. One evening, when he was getting dressed to go on another date, there was a knock on the door of the room.

"Come in," Allen called out.

Mireille Dark stood in the doorway. She resolutely entered the room, approached her lover and said:

It's good that you're already dressed. We are coming home.

“You broke into my room and are in charge here,” he replied. - By what right?

“Do you want me to show them in court, or will you volunteer to come with me?”

Are there cops outside the door? Alain supported her game.

“No, I knew that you were smart and that we would settle our matter amicably.

She hugged him and whispered:

- I missed you so much. Don't you dare leave me again.

“You are my beloved woman,” Alain said, kissing her.

The girl waiting for him in the restaurant was forgotten, and the last night in the hotel with Mireille was truly happy.

Delon's attention has long been attracted by Dürer's initials, which coincide with his own. Buying a painting by this artist at auction, he thought about using the AD sign in the name of his company. His film company was called "Adele Production" and was widely known, as in almost all of his latest films he acted as a producer. It was dangerous to change anything in its name. From this, Alain concluded: you need to create another company. Returning to Paris, he asked Mireille:

- Remember, a couple of years ago you were against my participation in the organization of a boxing fight. What do you think is more suitable?

The actress began to dream:

“If I were your fan and not your friend, I would like to have something to remember you. Something that belongs to you or looks like it. It is not for nothing that girls try to buy watches, shirts and perfumes of the same brand as their idols.

- I also think that it is possible to open a chain of stores under the general AD brand. Those are my initials,” he explained.

“I guessed,” Mireille chuckled. What are you planning to sell?

- Haven't decided yet. The idea to register a new brand with the Chamber of Commerce came to me at an auction when I bought another Durer.

“This is a serious idea. There is a huge competition in the market for any kind of goods.

- Fans will save me again. I want to have my own stores, I just need to figure out what to sell.

Maybe a watch? Mirei suggested.

— No, good watches are very expensive, and their production will cost millions of francs.

They went to different rooms and from there loudly shouted out the ideas that came to their mind. Closer to the night, the solution to the problem came to Dark.

“Perfume, perfumery,” Alain heard from the bedroom, and he rushed to Mireille.

- You are brilliant!

“Women will buy perfume with your initials and dream of you. And I will be jealous if your name is so replicated,” said the actress, furrowing her brows.

“What nonsense, I belong entirely to you.

They looked into each other's eyes and smiled. Delon brought a bottle of champagne, and they drank to the successful development of a new business. Alain put the glass on the nightstand and reached for Mireille.

- I associate champagne with our first meeting. I immediately fell in love with you, but every day I discover more and more virtues in you.

- Hidden before? she quipped.

You are impossible to understand. You rarely open your feelings. But I have something that will amaze you and, I hope, make you express your emotions violently.

Mireille looked at Alain with interest as he reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a long case.

- This is a gift for you.

She opened the case and saw a diamond necklace, the largest of which was set as a pendant. Surprised, she slammed the case shut.

"I can't believe my eyes," she said timidly.

- You deserve more. Do you want me to help you put it on?

The necklace gave Mireille, dressed in silk pajamas, a regal air. She threw her head back proudly and paced the room, feeling the weight of the jewel.

Did I deserve a kiss? Alain asked in a plaintive tone.

Mireille threw herself on his neck and kissed him until he threw her on the bed, holding her hands.

- The jeweler told me that gold fuels passion, but not to the same extent.

He laughed and gently ran his hand over Mireille's neck. She responded to his caress and soon forgot about the decoration, seeing only Alain's burning eyes in front of her.

In the morning, the actor said:

— I want to invite Jean Cot to us today and discuss with him the issue of opening stores. It's not very practical, but it can still give good advice.

“Darling, let’s go to a restaurant,” Mireille asked.

“Sorry, I made an unforgivable mistake,” he laughed. “I can see you’re looking forward to appearing in public in your new piece of jewelry.

- Is it that noticeable?

You haven't parted with him since last night. Somehow you will notice.

She stroked the necklace with her hand and her face took on a dreamy expression.

In the evening, going to dinner with Jean Co, the actress wore a long white dress with a deep cut in front. Alain said:

You have always been spectacular, but now you look like a queen. I am proud to be your companion today.

They met Jean at Maxim and shared with him the idea of ​​creating a perfume line with the initials AD. He immediately got excited about this idea and asked when he could expect the first batch of perfumes to be on sale.

“I told you that he doesn’t understand commerce at all,” Alain turned to Mireille, grinning. — Jean, so far I have nothing to make and sell perfumes: no trademark, no shops, and most importantly, the fragrances themselves.

"You're always quick to implement your ideas," Kou protested. “It seems to me that you should really want something and you immediately get it.

“Alain is lucky in business,” Mireille confirmed.

- You forget about your participation. If I succeed in something, it is only thanks to you, my friends, - said Alain.

Dinner was fun. The actor adored the feeling of a surge of strength and energy that he had every time before the start of filming a film or the creation of a commercial company.

However, when speaking to Jean Cot about the difficulty of implementing a project to create a perfume line, he had no idea what difficulties he would actually face. Trademark registration, meetings with suppliers and factory representatives occupied all his time.

“I have to leave for the shooting,” he said to Mireille, “but I can’t leave business in Paris.

She realized that she had to take over the negotiation of the formation of the company, and replied:

- Do not worry. When we were building a villa in Dusi, I was a foreman. Now I will handle perfume related business. I like it even better.

Did I tell you that you are the perfect woman?

- I don't remember anything.

Alain squeezed Mireille in his arms and said quietly:

- I love you. We are one and will never part.

Delon flew to Italy, and the actress began to study the documents of the perfume company. She had to give up an interesting role, but she did not regret it for a second. In the first place for her was Alain, for the sake of his praise and smile, she was ready to devote all her time to negotiations and struggled with the pain in her heart, which had recently bothered her more and more.

After a long search, Delon settled on the production of men's perfumes.

“Girls will buy their beloved perfume with your brand to bring them closer to the ideal,” Mireille told him.

She's tired. A year has passed from the moment the idea to create a new company to its implementation. All this time she was engaged in commerce and began to perfectly understand the affairs of the company. Alain wanted to open stores all over the world, and the actress often flew to Italy and Spain to sell AD perfumes in these countries.

She continued to act and one day on the set she felt a strong pain in her heart. She could not hide the malaise from the rest of the actors and had to promise the director of the film to visit a doctor in the near future. At home, she said to Alain:

- Today on the set I felt bad. I don't want to go to the doctor, but apparently it needs to be done.

Delon began to anxiously question her about her well-being, and Dark admitted that at times her heart ached.

"What do you mean, 'I'll have to see a doctor'!?" he shouted. “We'll go to him right now. Get up!

When Alain spoke in such a tone, it was useless to argue with him. Mireille called the doctor and asked permission to come for an examination.

“I am waiting for you,” he replied.

“Everyone conspired against me,” the actress muttered, trying to cheer herself up.

- Mireille, I have not met a person who would have neglected his health so much, - said Alain.

The doctor took an electrocardiogram and frowned. She was very bad. He called Delon and Dark into the office and turned to the woman:

- Can I talk about the results of the examination in the presence of your husband?

“Of course you can,” Alain intervened. We have no secrets from each other.

Mireille had no choice but to agree.

“You are seriously ill,” the doctor said. Your condition has deteriorated significantly lately. I will prescribe medicines for you, but I doubt that with their help your health will be restored. I insist on the operation.

Silence reigned in the office, as the doctor's conclusion struck both Mireille and Alain. The actor squeezed his girlfriend's hand and clarified:

Is this a dangerous operation?

“All surgeries are dangerous to some degree, but Madame Dark needs them.

On the way home she said:

“I won't have the operation. Don't even start talking about her.

Alain did not answer, he thought about how to convince her to agree with the arguments of the doctor. Mireille took his silence as an admission that she was right and calmed down and changed the subject of the conversation.

- Tomorrow I finish shooting. I'm a little sad, but I got some tempting offers from directors. Would you like to watch the scripts tonight?

"Don't plan on filming anytime soon," Alain advised her firmly. - You take care of your health. I insist on this and if you resist, I will forcefully take you to the hospital.

Mireille looked up at him and answered sharply:

- I will not change my opinion about the operation.

They argued until night. Finally Delon said:

“I can’t live without you and I will save you at all costs. Even against your will.

In the morning, he called Dark's doctor and asked him how serious his girlfriend's condition was.

“She has only one chance to save herself – to have a heart operation,” he replied.

Two weeks later, Mireille gave up and went to the hospital. She was affected not so much by the persuasion of Alain and the doctor, as by her own feelings. She felt much worse than others thought.

“I’m scared,” she said to Alain, who moved to the hospital and did not leave her side.

- Do you believe me? he asked.

- Yes.

“I have a premonition that everything will go well. And my intuition never let me down. I love you and will count the minutes until the end of the operation.

In the Mireille hospital, Anthony, Jean Cot and other friends visited. They supported her, and the woman also felt confident in the successful outcome of the operation. Alain was standing in the corridor when the doctor left the operating room.

“It's all right,” said the surgeon, and went into the rest room, but Delon didn't need more.

Three days later, Mireille was transferred to a ward that was filled with roses. Alain stood next to her bed and smiled.

“You are recovering quickly,” he said. "I'll be taking you home soon."

Tears flowed from her eyes.

“My heart couldn't handle my feelings for you,” she muttered, “but it's been cured now.

Are you saying that your love has passed?

Mireille didn't answer, but she didn't take her eyes off him as he told her the news and relayed the wishes for a speedy recovery from her friends.

The actress recovered for a long time after the operation. During this time, she became very close to Anthony. The young man confided his secrets to her and invariably found support and useful advice from her. But soon she wanted to get back into the business of the perfume company. For several months, Alain hid documents from her and did not allow her to view them. Finally, Dark became strong enough to feel the strength to resist him.

"You can't keep me out of business any longer," she said decisively. - This company is my brainchild, I got used to it. Show me the balances, I need to know the total receipts to the accounts.

Delon reluctantly handed her the folders and said:

Please don't work too hard. If you are ready to undergo another operation, then know that I will not survive this again.

Their relationship became harmonious, and passionate love was replaced by a deeper feeling.

— When will you marry Mireille? Jean Co asked his friend.

He recently gave an interview to Quick magazine in which he insisted on the wedding of the actors.

“I swore never to marry again,” Alain replied.

Mireille does not resemble Natalie in any way. She is calm and balanced.

“You don’t need to point out my friend’s virtues. I know them very well, not without reason we have been together for thirteen years.

Jean shook his head, thinking that Alain was trying to win the argument, but in the not too distant future he would change his mind about marriage, but the actor was adamant.

In the summer of 1981, a terrible misfortune occurred in the Romy family - her beloved son David died. He fell on the sharp bars of the fence and lost a lot of blood before he was taken to the hospital. An emergency operation did not help, and the boy died in his mother's arms. Romi was beside herself with grief. In the clinic next to her was Jean-Claude Briali. After Romy broke up with Alain, she continued to maintain friendly relations with Briali, they played together in a theatrical production, and she celebrated her wedding with her second husband at the Orangerie restaurant owned by Jean-Claude. At the time of her son's death, Romi ceased to realize what was happening, her brain refused to come to terms with the loss. Jean-Claude was frightened by her behavior: the woman's loud sobs were replaced by a deep stupor.

“Bring Madame Schneider out the back door,” he asked the doctors. "I'll drive the car right up to the door and wait for you."

Romi descended the stairs as if in oblivion. Briali told her to duck as they passed through the line of curious people, and she obeyed him. Romi was silent all the way to the house of her ex-husband's parents.

Jean-Claude called Alain and announced the death of his son Romy.

“I’m flying to you right now,” the actor said. - Take care of her.

“I don’t see how she can be helped,” Briali said doomedly. Romy is in a terrible state. I'm afraid for her.

So don't leave her alone for a minute! Delon broke into a cry. What's the point in crying and moaning? Follow her!

He did not book a plane ticket, he was completely indifferent to what class and what airline he would get to the unfortunate woman, the only thing that mattered was to overcome the distance separating them as soon as possible.

- Where's she? he asked the tearful father-in-law Romi, who opened the door.

- Come on in. Romi in the bedroom.

He entered the room with such confidence that Brialee breathed a sigh of relief.

“Honey,” called Alain Romy.

She did not sleep, although she drank a huge amount of sedative pills, but lay on the bed, staring motionlessly at the ceiling. Alain gestured for Jean-Claude to leave the room, and he left the room.

Allen, is this true? Or what everyone is talking about is just a nightmare? Romy pleaded with him.

Without answering a word, he embraced the woman and began to rock her like a child, feeling her body shake with sobs. For three days he did not leave her side. Romi did not eat, did not sleep and was in the grip of a severe depression. The rest of the relatives also could not think about the funeral of David, and Alain took over their organization.

“All the people I love are leaving me,” Romi said in a low voice. “And my son, David, was the happiness of my whole life.

“Pull yourself together,” Alain admonished her. You have a daughter who needs you.

Magda Schneider was inconsolable over the loss of her grandson. For the first time, she seemed to Delon not an imperious lady, able to withstand any circumstances, but an old woman bent under the weight of grief.

“We will constantly meet in Paris,” Alain Romy assured before leaving home. - Call me any time, come, I won't leave you anymore.

Mireille cried along with everyone. Although she had no children, she understood Romi's grief and sympathized with her wholeheartedly.

Once in a Parisian apartment, Alain first called Anthony.

“Come and dine with us tonight, son,” he said.

Having experienced the loss of her child with an ex-girlfriend, he felt how dear Anthony was to him.

“Mireille, invite Romi somewhere, go shopping with her,” Delon Dark asked. She can't be alone right now.

- Of course. I thought about it myself,” the actress replied.

You always read my mind, - said Alain. “What am I thinking about at the moment, Madame Psychic?”

- Let me look into your eyes ... It's not difficult for me to guess that you want to kiss me.

- Exactly. You do not mind?

Mireille, along with Alain, supported Romy in the first months after the death of David. However, Schneider was losing weight before her eyes and did not care about her appearance. She lost the joy of life, neither the constant care of her friends, nor a trip to the sea with her daughter helped her. Romi obediently attended exhibitions and shopping centers with Mirei. But sometimes, standing at the window, she did not pay attention to the presented goods, but looked not at the goods, but somewhere into space. She was concentrated on her experiences and was no longer interested in clothes and trinkets.

Alain devoted a lot of time to her and invited her to the premiere of the film “In the Skin of a Policeman”, in which he played the main role and tried his hand at directing for the first time. He invited relatives and friends to celebrate this event. At first, Romi seemed animated and willingly answered several questions from reporters. But then she noticed Anthony approaching her father and froze in the middle of the hall, not reaching her seat. She clearly imagined her son David in the place of Alain's son, and confusion was reflected on her face. Delon quickly went to her, carefully took her by the arm and helped her sit down in a chair.

In winter, Romy took part in the filming of a new film, and Alain again engaged in commerce. Mireille continued to help him, almost completely taking over the management of AD.

“You are tireless,” Alain once said, meeting a friend at the airport. — You go on business trips more often than me.

- What is there to be surprised? We have been together for so many years, I adopted your style of behavior.

“Don't scare me, please. Do I really look like such a busy person from the outside?

"Darling, don't flatter yourself. You have every minute scheduled. But today you won't get rid of me. I brought something back from Florence.

They went to a villa in Doucy, and there Mireille presented Alain with her purchase, which turned out to be an elegant dress, pulled out so far behind that the woman seemed almost naked. Since it was completely closed ahead, when the actress appeared in front of her lover, he wanted, as usual, to praise her taste. However, when she reached the middle of the living room, she turned, and Alain froze, and then fell on the sofa and applauded with delight.

Your imagination is limitless. Where are you going to wear this dress? To the theatre?

"Don't worry, my lord and master. The outfit is just for you.

— Come here, I want to take a closer look at the dress.

The woman slowly approached the sofa on which Alain was located, and at the moment when there were a few steps between them, the actor sharply leaned forward and picked up Mireille. In the next moment, she was floundering on the couch, tangled in a long dress, and he was laughing and kissing her passionately, making it impossible to free her.

- You're a bully! - she exclaimed. - He interrupted my solemn exit in a beautiful outfit.

- In extremely provocative attire. In any case, your exit was a success, - said Alain, lowering the dress from her shoulders.

At dinner, Delon asked:

“Did you buy anything else in Florence?”

- A few small things, souvenirs. Why are you asking?

— The city is famous for pearls, and you love jewelry.

- Yes, I saw a wonderful brooch, but my hand did not rise to sign a check. She was very expensive.

"Let me compensate her with this little thing."

Alain took out a gold ring with a large pearl from his shirt pocket. Mirei held her breath. It was not the value of the ring that excited her, but the hope that her lover had finally decided to make her happy with an offer to marry him.

“I understand your admiration, but still stretch out your hand,” he continued.

Dark tremblingly gave him her hand, and Alain put the ring on her middle finger. Before releasing his hand, he kissed her gallantly.

- Do you like the gift?

Mireille's deceived expectations were involuntarily reflected in resentment in the eyes of Mireille. She got up from the table and went to the window.

“The ring is magnificent,” she managed, looking at the pearl.

She shimmered in the sun with a matte sheen, which created the impression of mystery and reminded of the uncharted depths of the sea, where pearls were created. The same unknown and mysterious remained for Mireille Alain.

"Let's go to the theater tonight," he suggested. Of course, if you are not tired from the road.

Mireille felt broken, she was upset and no pearl in the world could replace the words and declarations of love that she had not heard from Alain for a long time. He recognized her accomplishments in business, praised her acting, and was attracted to her. The actress got evidence of this when he ripped off her seductive dress. However, he did not say, as before, that he loved her.

Alain was surprised by Mireille's reaction to his gift. She acted as if she had been waiting for this ring for a long time, but he was sure that the issue of marriage between them was settled once and for all. “Perhaps women never stop hoping,” the actor thought and regretted that he had not bought her a brooch.

In the evening at the theater they met friends, and during the intermission, Jean Cot came from the box.

“Look what Alain gave me today,” Mireille said, showing him the ring.

Jean looked searchingly at the actor, but Delon turned away and stood up:

- I'll go to the buffet, have a glass of champagne. Would you like something, dear?

- No thanks.

Jean went after Alain and asked him and said:

- The ring is amazing.

Two words were enough for the actor's indignation to burst out.

"You're interfering in my life," he said sharply. “I read your stupid interview, but I didn’t say anything because you are my friend. But everything has a limit!

"You love Mireille, you've spent so many years together," Ko muttered.

- I lived with Romy for many years. We continue to meet, and I am ready to help her. Such love as was between us does not pass just like that. I say all this because my feelings for Mireille began to resemble more friendship and admiration, and not the passion that broke out between us fourteen years ago.

Jean looked fearfully at his friend and did not add another word. They entered the buffet, and Alain was surrounded by women who did not dare to disturb the star, but came closer to get a better look at him.

After visiting the theater, she and Mireille stayed overnight in a Paris apartment, since it was too late to return to Dusi. There were many messages on the answering machine, and Alain listened to the tape for a long time. One call interested him: Natalie asked her ex-husband to urgently contact her, she had problems with Anthony. Alain knew that Natalie was staying up late and dialed her number.

What happened to Anthony? - he asked.

Our son refuses to go to college. He told me that he wanted to be famous like his father and thought that getting an education was a waste of time.

“He inherited my views,” Alain remarked with emotion, and then asked coldly:

- Where is he now?

— With Paul Belmondo. He imagined himself a racer, and they both went to watch Formula 1 races.

When he returns, tell him to visit me.

Alain liked the son of Jean-Paul Belmondo. Anthony and Paul grew up together and maintained a friendship despite the disagreements between their fathers.

- What happened? Mireille asked as she entered the bedroom.

- My son decided to repeat my life, moreover, he started with mistakes. According to Natalie, he dropped out of college.

- Very bad. Have you spoken to him?

“He prudently disappeared with Paul Belmondo. Nothing, I will be able to convince him that he needs to study.

Mireille chuckled and remembered Alain's interviews, in which he stated that luck and intuition help him in life, and he does not put universities in a penny.

"Can I talk to Anthony too?" she asked.

Of course he respects your opinion. Let's invite him to dinner next weekend.

The young man arrived in Dusi wary. He guessed that his mother announced his desire to leave school and take part in the filming of the film.

- Do you want to be an actor? Alain exclaimed. “I refuse to believe it.

You are an actor, and so is your mother. I am continuing the family tradition.

"It's out of the question," his father told him categorically. “You won’t act, forget about it.

- Why? Anthony exploded. Do you think I'm not talented enough?

Mireille intervened in the conversation when it began to escalate into a quarrel.

- Anthony, you are talented and in everything an exact copy of your father. But it was very difficult for Alain to achieve fame, - she looked pointedly at the actor, - because there was not enough education.

“Dad is self-made and I don’t want to waste time going to college. I was offered a small role in the film. This is my chance to prove myself.

- You may not like the profession of an actor. Is it possible to combine shooting with study? Mirei asked. "Your father won't mind your film debut if you continue your studies," she glanced at Alain again.

He reluctantly nodded. Anthony immediately beamed.

— I'll bring you the script. I have a small role, but I hope that in the future...

- Lord, there are so many different professions in the world! Why did you decide to become an actor? his father interrupted.

- Since childhood, I hear talk about scripts and films, you took me with you to the shooting. I am well acquainted with this profession.

The young man left, and Alain said contritely to Mireille:

“I tried so hard to educate him so that he would become a lawyer or a doctor. And he imagined that there is romance in the acting profession and strives for it. Tell me honestly: do you consider filming a romantic activity?

"It's the most wonderful thing in the world," Mireille said, smiling. “Deep down, you agree with me. And your son has grown up and is able to make important decisions himself. At his age, you went to fight in Indochina.

- I was too young. It was my family's duty to dissuade me, but they did not. I will help my son.

Mireille did not start an argument, but gently ran her hand through his hair.

You are the most caring father in the world.

The actress's prediction about Anthony's possible disappointment in the acting profession came true. His role in the film went unnoticed, and he was glad that he continued his studies in college. Nevertheless, he did not give up hope of becoming an actor and often came to the set to his father and mother. Natalie has played only a few roles, but is currently trying her hand at directing. She was absolutely unanimous with Alain in the opinion that their son should not act in films and did not help Anthony in any way. But the young man inherited the stubbornness of both parents and did not give up his dream to eventually achieve the main role in the film and become famous, like his father.

Chapter 16

Alain closely followed the life of Romy Schneider after the tragedy and was delighted when he felt that the unbearable pain of her loss began to gradually recede. The actress was also supported by her lover, Lauren Pétain, and numerous friends and admirers of her talent. She was slowly coming back to life, but she was very weak and had aged a lot in the months since David's death. Occasionally she met with journalists. In every interview, she mentioned the name of her beloved son, but over time she began to talk more and more about the shootings planned for the coming months and future projects. Therefore, when Loren's call rang early in the morning in Alain's apartment, he did not immediately realize what his interlocutor meant.

Did Romi spend the whole night in the study? Alain asked. - What are you talking about?

- She died. I just found her body in the office. Romi was writing a letter and, apparently, she became ill, but she did not call anyone.

Alain was struck by this news. He had visited his ex-girlfriend several times at her home in Boissy, near Paris, and was now driving down the highway at breakneck speed to get there as soon as possible. The actor admitted the thought of the suicide of the actress.

When he arrived at the house, he saw a police car and rang the doorbell. An exhausted Lauren appeared on the threshold and invited him to enter.

“I found her in the morning sitting in a chair at the table and I thought she had dozed off, but in fact…” he muttered.

Alain realized that Romy had died when he saw how the doctors arrived in time to take out a stretcher covered with a sheet from the house. He swallowed the lump in his throat and picked up the phone.

Have you contacted her mother? he asked Lauren.

No, I only called you.

“We need to tell Magda Schneider. She will have to come to her daughter's funeral.

Lauren dialed Frau Schneider's number and told her about Romy's death.

“I'm going to the airport now,” she answered quietly, but failed to keep her promise.

Her heart began to ache, and an ambulance took her to the hospital with a massive heart attack.

The rest of the relatives and friends showed complete helplessness in the situation. They cried, remembered Romy and none of them was able to organize the ceremony. Alain, too, felt lost and crushed by the death of a once-beloved woman who had become a close friend in recent months, but he alone managed to maintain his presence of mind. All worries about arranging the funeral of Romi, as well as before her son, fell on him. He said goodbye to his former lover and returned to Paris.

Mireille never left his side, but he did not accept her sympathy. Alain fenced himself off from her with a wall of alienation, which he could destroy in an instant with a kiss or affectionate words, but did not. He suffered, having lost Romi, and withdrew into himself. All attempts by Mireille to break the misunderstanding that had arisen ended in failure. The actor was rarely at home, preferring to spend time with friends in restaurants or clubs. Dark rarely kept him company, as he avoided her company.

Once, even before Romy's death, one of the actor's acquaintances brought a young girl with him to dinner, who was strikingly similar to Natalie Barthelemy.

“Look, I found a copy of your wife,” he turned to Alain. Her name is Anne Parillaud, and she dreams of cinema.

The actor liked the girl, and all evening he asked her questions about her first roles and future plans. She played only in episodes and was embarrassed, telling the famous actor about this, but sensing his sincere interest, she said:

I am sure that I can truly play any heroine. All I had to do was get the lead role.

Alain wrote down her phone number and a few days later invited her to a restaurant and told her about the film "In the Skin of a Policeman".

- I invite you to audition, if you manage, I'm ready to take a chance and give you the main role in the film.

Ann read the script and convincingly acted several scenes from it in front of the camera. Thus, she was approved for the role and her hope to play the main character became a reality. When she thanked Delon for this, he asked:

“Maybe we can celebrate such a significant event with a dinner outside the city?”

The girl did not believe in her luck. Not only did the actor give her the lead role, he invited her to spend the weekend together!

"With pleasure," she replied, giving him a gleaming look.

Their romance began before the filming of the film, continued on the set and did not end after the premiere of the picture. Ann allowed Alain to remember his youth, his love for Natalie, but the girl conquered him not only by her resemblance to her ex-wife. She had an energy and a will to win that was as strong as his own. She was an integral nature, which especially attracted Delon. He did not want to part with her, but still cherished the relationship with Mireille.

In the summer of 1982, his affair with Ann was covered in detail by the tabloid press. Journalists wanted to know Dark's opinion, but she did not change her usual manner of not revealing the details of their lives.

“I love Alain, and he loves me, and we will never stoop to discussing our personal life in the pages of the newspapers,” she answered the curious.

Of course, she was worried about Alain's novel, but she was sure that she had become so necessary to him over the years spent together that she did not allow the thought of breaking up.

In the fall, Delon received draft scripts for a gangster film that interested him. At home he read it to Mireille and said:

I will finish writing the script and start shooting the film next spring.

- Will you become a producer five?

- For sure. I want to repeat the success of the painting “Behind the skin of a policeman”.

- Are you going to invite Anne Parillaud for the main role? the actress asked tensely.

“See, you called her name Ann first. She really is the perfect actress for the role.

Mireille lowered her head sadly, and Alain went up to her.

“You remain my true friend,” he said.

But not the woman you love? Dark asked bitterly.

The actor did not answer, and Mireille understood everything. However, she could not leave him and continued to cling to the hope that his passion for Ann would cool off, as did feelings for all the other women he met during their life together.

The opinion of the actor's friends was unequivocal: they loved Mireille and could not imagine his parting with her. Especially persistently defended Alain's old friend Jean Co.

“You won't leave her. You just don't have the right," he said. “You have too much to do.

- Jean, I understand this perfectly, but love has passed. Now only Ann is able to give me happiness. On my part, this is selfishness, on the other hand, people converge and part. Mireille and I felt good, our union was long, but it came to an end.

Briali also did not approve of Alain's decision, but did not try to dissuade him from breaking up with Mireille. As usual, he listened to his friend and said:

“You always do your own thing. You probably don't care about my opinion.

“I’m just very worried,” Alain told him.

They were sitting in the Orangery restaurant, which Jean-Claude considered his brainchild and preferred to all other fashionable establishments.

“At the moment, I would never leave Mirei, but if I were you, we would not have met her at all.

- What are you saying?

“I would never leave Romy,” Briali said seriously.

Six months have passed since the death of the actress, but the memories of her still caused suffering to those who loved her. Alain sighed.

- Our romance with Romy was doomed. Both of us were young and ambitious, neither of us wanted to yield to the other in anything.

“And Mireille loves you so much that he refuses lucrative contracts in order to always be there.

"That's true," Delon said. — Thank you for your advice.

— I hate advisers and advice. If you need them, contact Jean Cot, ”Jean-Claude, who does not like the writer, replied caustically.

Alain smiled and said goodbye to him.

The actor never put off solving the problem for a long time, but at the moment he refused to do anything. Seeing his thoughtfulness, Mireille discarded the ostentatious indifference behind which she hid the fear of losing her beloved and suggested:

“You have entrusted me with the responsibility of opening new branches of the perfume company. Why don't we fly to Italy this time together, for a change?

- I agree. We'll spend a whole week there. I want to feel like a tourist.

Ann took the news of his journey with Dark with irritation.

“You promised me a trip to Dusi,” she said sullenly. “I refuse to be solely your protégé on set. I love you and I don't even want to part with you for a week.

— Ann, what are the whims? We're on our way to a business meeting,” Alain said, deep down flattered by her jealousy. We will go to Dusi after my trip to Italy.

What is left for me? the girl said. I am doomed to wait.

The actor condescendingly kissed her, but she responded to his caress so passionately that he postponed the moment of leaving her apartment for several hours.

Preparing for the journey took Mireille a lot of time. In addition to filling out the necessary paperwork and calculating the expected profit for the first year of selling perfume brand AD, she found time to visit fashion stores. The actress knew how passionate Alain was about elegant outfits, and chose the best dresses for her wardrobe. “Let me not be as young as Ann, but I know how to please Alain,” thought Mireille.

— Dear, we are flying to Italy this Sunday. I can't wait for that day,” said Dark to Delon. — Did you pack your bags?

"I'm not sure I'll go," he answered absently.

“So, how can you not be sure? We have been planning a trip to Rome for two weeks now.

I have urgent business in Paris.

— Alain, on Sunday we fly to Italy. I will take you there at all costs,” Mireille said in a voice trembling with tears. “We have been living together for less than fifteen years, and I guess that, or rather someone, is keeping you in Paris. Didn't I deserve a little effort on your part, trying to mend our relationship?

She froze in anticipation of her lover's words.

- Well, we'll go to Italy, - said Alain and went to the office.

The situation became unbearable, it was necessary to urgently make a choice, as his indecision made both women suffer. He put on his evening suit and looked into the living room:

- Mireille, I'll be back late.

- Where are you going? she asked, not really expecting an answer.

- To the concert of Mathieu. Then we will have dinner with her in a restaurant.

His tone didn't allow for further questioning, and Dark wished him a good evening.

Left alone, the woman analyzed all the events of recent months, and came to the conclusion that she would need all her patience and tact, so that spiritual intimacy reappeared between her and Alain. “I wasted a lot of time, now I need to fight, and I will not back down,” she decided. Plane tickets and a hotel apartment in Rome were booked, and she thought that it would be three more days until the long-awaited Sunday arrived.

Alain greeted the singer, having penetrated backstage after the concert.

“Hello, my sweet-voiced Mireille,” he turned to Mathieu.

The actor was a longtime and ardent admirer of her talent and often attended the singer's concerts. Jokingly, he called her the sweet-voiced Mireille, and his friend Dark, the wise Mireille.

- Good evening, Allen. Reveal the secret why you look so bad? the singer asked familiarly.

- Things do not allow me to relax. You, as always, did a great job.

“Unlike you, I have subjugated everything to my will. I only do what I want at the moment.

- The original way out. Can I borrow it?

“Actually, it was you who gave me the advice to do this a couple of years ago,” Mathieu laughed. - What has changed since then?

“I will share this secret with you over dinner. Are you attracted by the prospect of spending an evening at the Ritz?

— What can be the answer? At the moment, I dream of having dinner with you.

Mireille Mathieu admired Delon, but they were not so close that he could share his problems with her. Rather, she was able to brighten the evening with her presence and distract him from sad thoughts by making funny remarks on any occasion.

- You have a nice voice. Why don't you eat? she asked Alena.

- You are crazy! If I sang, you would be the first to boo me.

- Nothing like that, I would sit in the stalls and help you.

- What a pleasure we will bring to the public by singing a duet. I'll think about it.

Alain returned home late, but Dark did not sleep. She was ashamed to admit this to herself, but she was ready to stoop to spying on her beloved in order to keep him. When the actor quietly got into bed, she pretended to be in a deep sleep.

In the morning they were awakened by a phone call.

- Natalie, why do you always start a serious conversation in the early morning? - Allen said displeasedly into the phone. - What happened? Anthony refuses to study again?

- No, it's much worse. He is desperate because he wants to become an actor, but he needs a worthwhile role to be noticed by the directors. Do you understand what I am talking about.

- Wait, Natalie. Are you implying that I arrange an audition for him?

- No, why does he need samples. I heard you are busy preparing for the shooting of a new picture. Give your son a small role in your film, and he will learn the basics of the profession under your guidance.

"You bothered me for this?" You call yourself a director. Why don't you give Anthony a role in the film yourself?

“I don’t want to admit it, but you are much more famous than me,” Natalie replied. So what about your son's participation in your film?

Forget this idea. Happy day to you.

Alain hung up the phone and sighed irritably.

“Hello,” Mirei said cheerfully. Why are you so gloomy in the morning.

— You heard our conversation with Natalie. She has outdone herself today!

- Do you want to shoot with your son?

— Quite right. A year ago, we barely talked him into not dropping out of college. He wanted to imitate me in everything. What happened now? My father didn't give me either lead or cameo roles in films.

You are very strict with the boy.

“I do what is best for him. He will receive an excellent education, and will be able to choose from many professions. It was my options that were limited.

The last thing Mireille wanted to contradict Alain and cause his displeasure by interfering in relations with his ex-wife and son. She got out of bed and headed for the shower.

Before leaving for Italy, Alain had to finish several cases at the film studio, and in the evenings he returned home late. On Saturday, Anthony unexpectedly arrived. Mireille opened the door for him, and invited the young man into the living room.

- The supper is ready. Your father will be here soon. If you want, I’ll call him and hurry up, telling him what kind of guest we have,” she offered.

- No need. Mireille, my mother told me about his refusal to give me a small role in the film. Do you think this is fair?

Mirei rolled her eyes.

You put me in an awkward position. I love you both, but Alain is my husband. I do not dispute his opinion in such important matters.

"So you're against me too?"

At that moment, Alain appeared at the door and heard the last words of his son.

Why are you yelling at Mirei? he asked calmly.

Dark knew that this cold tone foreshadowed a storm, and answered instead of Anthony:

- We talked on different topics and did not agree on the views. Shall we go to dinner?

The young man said nothing, and they sat down at the table. Everyone lost their appetite due to the tense situation in the dining room. Any word could provoke a scandal, since Alain perfectly understood the reason for his son's visit and got angry with him.

— Are you flying to Italy? Anthony finally asked to break the long silence.

“Yes,” Delon replied. — We are going to sign a contract to open stores in Venice and Florence. When I get back, I'll start shooting the film "Indomitable".

“Mom said that you would not give me a role in the film, but did not explain why you refused to help me,” said the young man.

Mireille nervously pushed her plate away and looked at Alain.

- Son, a year ago I allowed you to try yourself in the cinema, but this does not mean that I approved of your decision. Now you demand from me not only consent, but also support. I once and for all refuse to give you a role in my picture.

"You're disowning me!" You care about my future!

Anthony could have continued to accuse his father of indifference for a long time, but noticed that he calmly put a side dish for meat on his plate, and cut off his speech.

"I don't want to dine with you," he said and got up from the table.

Mireille tried to return it, but Alain stopped her with a look.

"Goodbye," he said dryly, and turned his attention entirely to the hot dish.

Anthony stood in the middle of the dining room and felt incredibly stupid. A blush appeared on his cheeks from resentment, and the young man noisily left the room.

“He is very young,” Mireille came to his defense. He needs to feel your support.

“You always indulged him. Here is the result, said Allen. He grows up irresponsible and capricious. Sadly, my mother was right—Anthony was unforgivably spoiled.

“Lately, you are dissatisfied with everything,” Dark could not restrain herself.

“Mireille, I deserve peace in my own home. And let me make my own decisions about my son.

These words destroyed the actress's hope for a happy outcome of their trip to Italy to strengthen relations between them. Alain had never removed her from Anthony's upbringing before. This was further proof of his aloofness.

They flew to Rome. The first day was spent in the hassle of arranging a meeting with representatives of an Italian entrepreneur selling a store that Mirei liked in the center of Florence. Taking the opportunity, Alain was going to inspect it personally, although he trusted his friend to manage the perfume company.

“What funny Italians,” said Alain, going into his room after a business dinner.

The deal for the purchase of the store was agreed, and they agreed to sign a contract with the owner upon the return of Delon and Dark from Florence.

Mireille saw a smile on her lover's face and hugged him.

"I'm glad you're enjoying my trip," she whispered.

Allen leaned over and kissed her on the lips.

- Time to go to bed. We both did a good job today.

“Yes, we must continue to work in pairs,” Mireille replied.

That night they were close, but the woman was surprised to find that Alain's caresses and kisses did not cause her former delight. She was in constant tension, and this state prevented her from feeling a complete merger with her lover.

The next day, they flew to Florence and toured a store dedicated to AD perfumes. Delon approved the purchase and said:

“Tomorrow we will sign a contract and book tickets for the next flight to Paris.

The trip Mireille had so much hoped for turned into a short business trip.

In Paris, Alain visited Anne and spent the whole day with her.

“You came back faster than I expected,” she remarked. Was it boring in Italy?

“I told you I had a business meeting there. You are a real actress, you can make a whole event out of everything.

- You flew with Mirei and you perfectly understand how jealous I was.

Are you trying to dictate terms to me? Allen asked arrogantly.

- What you! Do I dare? Ann replied with a smile. - I do not have enough of our meetings in fits and starts, but I look to the future with optimism. You will stay with me.

I plan to inspect the horses at the estate this week. Would you like to join?

- Of course. I love you!

A month after traveling to Italy, trouble struck the actor. Magda Schneider wrote and published in Germany a book about her daughter's life. Of course, in France, the book aroused interest, and a major Parisian publishing house bought the rights to translate it. Alain read the work of Frau Schneider and was horrified. In every line, his name was mentioned with offensive epithets. Magda poured out all her anger on the actor for the unfortunate fate of her daughter and accused him of mistreating Romy.

Are you going to sue the author of the book? Delon's lawyer asked him.

"At first I wanted to, but now I've changed my mind," he replied. - Journalists are hiding and waiting for the moment to start digging up the past. They will mix the facts and write about all the nasty things. I won't give them that pleasure.

He didn't call Magda Schneider to talk to her about the book. They fought throughout the entire time of their acquaintance, and Alain believed in vain that with the death of Romy, her mother's hatred for him would subside. She could not forgive him the grief that he caused Romi by breaking off their engagement. For the sake of revenge on Delon, Magda, without hesitation, revealed all the secrets of her daughter, which she carefully concealed from others and shared them only with close people.

In a conversation with friends about the book, Alain said:

- Let her remain on the conscience of Magda Schneider. I hope none of you remember her again.

The actor left with Ann for Dusi and stayed there for a week. With this girl, he was not sorry to spend precious days before the filming of "Indomitable". They never remembered the film, devoting all the time to each other. Alain and Anne woke up late, had breakfast in bed and walked for a long time around the estate, accompanied by Delon's dogs.

“They are my truest friends,” he remarked sadly. I constantly expect betrayal from people.

“Don't laugh, but I'm ready to be one of them,” Parilot replied. - They are sure of your love, and I beg you for moments of happiness.

“In that case, you will have to settle here.

- What? Ann couldn't believe her ears.

- Move to the villa. There is a month left before the filming starts, and you will have time to get comfortable here.

Ann rushed to Alain and looked at him with such a idolizing look that he did not regret his offer.

Returning to Paris, he went into the living room, where Mireille was chatting with a friend.

“Honey, we need to talk,” he said, and went into the bedroom.

A friend of the actress immediately got up and began to say goodbye.

"I'm sorry," Mireille told her. Apparently there are some problems.

Alain was waiting for her and announced the news from the threshold:

- We're breaking up. I have many feelings for you: admiration, respect, but love has disappeared. Let's keep our friendship, let's see each other often. If you don't mind, the affairs of the perfume company will remain in your hands.

“Yes, of course,” Mireille replied calmly. - I'll pack my things.

She moved like a sleepwalker, and Alain hugged her tightly.

- Mireille, we were happy, but people cannot be together forever. You are the perfect woman, but I myself am far from perfect.

Hiding her face against his chest, Dark stood for a few minutes. Then she mustered her strength and pulled away.

“I suspected that soon you would tell me about our… It doesn't matter. Your words mean the ruin of my whole life for me.

“I will always be there for you when you need help and friendly advice.

Mireille was in despair, but one thought calmed her a little. “He can change his mind and return,” she thought, “Then the triangle between Alain, me and Ann will collapse, and we will be happy again.”

Mireille rented a large apartment in the center and moved her things into it. Alain and Ann lived together in Dusi and were preparing for the filming of the film "Unstoppable".

Chapter 17

After breaking up with Mireille, Alain Delon settled with Anne Parillaud and started filming the film "Indomitable". The young actress played the main role in this film and came up with an interesting interpretation of the character of the heroine. Alain never ceased to admire her energy and extraordinary determination. Ann reminded the actor of himself in his youth, when he had just started acting in his first films and dreamed of becoming a star.

However, after parting with Mireya, he retained a close relationship with her, she remained his partner in the management of AD, which became for her a dear reminder of her lover. Ann was not satisfied with the constant communication and meetings of Alain with his ex-girlfriend, but when one day she tried to talk to him on this topic, he ordered her to shut up.

- Ann, Mireille has always been a true friend to me. Let our love with her passed, but friends are much more valuable to me than mistresses, ”he said.

After these words, the girl no longer dared to touch on the topic of Alain's relationship with Mireille. The actor was kind to Parilot, helped to take the first steps in the cinema, but at the same time suppressed her with his authority and strict requirements.

Soon the girl received additional proof of how dear Delon Dark is. Returning from Italy, where Mireille flew on business of a perfume company, the actress had a car accident. The driver of her Mercedes tried to overtake on a narrow section of the road and drove into the oncoming lane, where the car collided with a tractor. The life of the woman was saved by the fact that she lay down to rest in the back seat of the car, but she received severe injuries. In critical condition, she was taken to the Aosta hospital and immediately contacted Delon. He immediately stopped filming and went to the hospital to Mireille. For ten days he did not leave her room. For several days the actress was in a coma, and the doctors refused to vouch for her life, but he firmly believed in her recovery. Finally, she briefly came to her senses and, opening her eyes slightly, saw Alain sitting next to her. She did not have the strength to move, and tears rolled down her cheeks from weakness and pain. From the trembling of her eyelashes, Delon realized that she had woken up, and before calling the doctor, he told her:

“You will get better soon. I will be there to support you.

Half an hour later the doctor left the room and approached Alain.

“Your faith has worked a miracle. Since she came to her senses, now we can talk about the possibility of recovery.

Delon did not need the doctor's words. He never doubted for a moment that Mireille would survive. Over the next few days, he told her various stories, talked about future plans for opening new branches of AD and about her continued participation in the affairs of the firm. Dark wanted to reply that she was no longer to be counted on, but she couldn't utter a word. Alain continued to speak and, against her will, she had to listen to his reasoning and distract from sad thoughts. Doctors were amazed at how quickly her condition improved. Friends came to visit the actress, but they have not yet been allowed to enter the ward.

How does she feel? they asked Alain.

His appearance amazed them: the actor was haggard, and his eyes turned red, as he came to visit his girlfriend at night.

“Mireille is on the mend,” he replied. She just said a few words.

- You saved her, and now you need to return to the set, - said Jean Co. You spent two weeks in the hospital.

Alain was well aware that he would suffer huge losses due to the exit from the filming schedule, but he waited for the moment when Mireille could answer him. It just happened, and he focused on his thoughts about work.

- Are there many journalists gathered at the entrance? he asked Jean Co.

- Lots of. They are circling around the hospital like a flock of crows, waiting for news of Dark's condition,” he said.

“Not crows, but vultures. But today they will be disappointed,” Alain muttered. Mirei won.

“Thank God,” said his friend.

Before leaving, Alain went into the ward to say goodbye to Mireille.

“You are a real fighter,” he said, “and very dear to me. I'm off to the set. I hope that in a week, during our meeting, you will tell me in detail about your well-being.

“Yes,” Mirei whispered.

He kissed her on the forehead and went out into the corridor.

— Can I leave the hospital unnoticed through the emergency exit? he asked the doctor.

- Of course. Call the number of your car, and the guards will let it into the yard.

- Thank you. Contact me immediately if Mireille's condition changes.

Despite the driver's loud signals, Alain's car, which left the hospital yard, was surrounded by journalists in a dense ring. They tried to take a picture of the actor, banged on the glass and shouted out questions. However, he leaned back in his seat and did not turn his head in their direction.

“Try to get around them as quickly as possible,” he told the driver.

He flew to Paris and went to Doucy, where Parillot had returned earlier. Newspapermen were waiting for him at the gates of the villa, but he also, as he had a few hours ago, refused to give any comments. Sitting in the living room, Alain asked Ann to bring him newspapers and began to study articles about Mireille's car accident. The very first lines struck him. Journalists unearthed information about the driver of the tractor, which the car of the actress collided with. It turned out that fifteen years ago he worked as an extra on the set of the film "Jeff".

“Incredible,” he said aloud.

— What is it, dear? Ann was worried.

- Nothing interesting. Come here, he called to the girl.

She rushed over to him and sat down on the arm of his chair, wrapping her arms around his neck.

“I almost died without you,” she said reproachfully. You never called. I worried so much.

“Mireille needed me much more, but I thought about you,” Alain replied, kissing her.

Ann settled herself comfortably in his arms and readily responded to the kiss and caresses.

The next day, work on "Indomitable" was resumed, but on weekends the actor visited Mireille in the hospital. During the month she underwent several complex operations, she was very weak, but her calmness returned to her and faith in a speedy recovery was born. In an interview given to reporters, she called experienced doctors her saviors, but mostly Alain Delon. To the ensuing questions about their relationship, she called the actor her best friend, but secretly hoped for his return to her.

Alain invariably brought her flowers, expensive sweets, was interested in her well-being, but never spoke to her about love. Then Mireille made an attempt to find out information about his affair with Parilot.

How is the shooting going? she once asked Delon.

- Quite quickly, although it is difficult to be a director, a leading actor at the same time, and even make adjustments to the script. However, there is hope that we will meet the schedule.

I have no doubt that the film will be great. Ann is doing well in the role?

“Yes, she’s all right,” the actor replied, instantly realizing why Mireille started this conversation. “We get along pretty well both on set and at home.

Dark realized that after her return from the hospital, everything would remain the same and began to value Alain's visits very much. Seeing that Mireille was slowly but surely on the mend, he began to come less often. Shooting the film took him a lot of time and brought him closer to a young mistress. They endlessly discussed the script, watched the footage together and hid in a villa in Dusi from reporters chasing them. Alain continued to participate in auctions and a few days before the end of filming, he added a Rembrandt painting to his collection.

Are you planning to do new projects in the near future? Ann asked him as he admired his acquisition.

“I can't plan anything,” he replied. — It all depends on the desire of collectors to sell paintings.

“I mean cinema,” Anne explained with annoyance, feeling that he perfectly understood what was being said and simply did not want to answer.

The girl was full of energy, she wanted to gain popularity as soon as possible with her work in the cinema. Of course, she did not hope that Alain would forever be the director of her films, but he could recommend her to others, as he knew many people related to cinema.

Her persistence began to annoy the actor. While meeting the girl, her ambition impressed him and made him remember his youth, but now, in addition to filming, he had many other activities and hobbies. Mireille has not yet been discharged from the hospital, and he was given the responsibility of managing a perfume company, which he planned to expand. His name has become a household name in France, denoting the ideal man. All French magazines invariably called him the most beautiful actor. Sometimes the worship of Delon reached the ridiculous: in the lists of services provided by plastic surgeons, there were prices for an operation to change the shape of the nose, like a movie star.

Visiting friends in a country house, Alain spoke with the owner about the profits from the sale of AD perfumes, and he suggested:

“Why don’t you add clothes and accessories to the sale of perfumes?” They would be in no less demand among buyers than perfumes. You can replicate your famous initials all over the world and get huge income.

- An interesting idea, - said Delon, - but first you need to find a reliable manager. I don't think Mireille will be able to run the firm anymore. She can't be overtired.

The search for a manager dragged on for several months. Finally, an employee was found, but suddenly Alain heard rumors that suits and ties with the initials AD were already on the market. The distributor's firm was headed by his son, Anthony Delon. He immediately phoned him and invited him to dinner at a restaurant.

Do you understand that your activities are illegal? Alain asked first after exchanging greetings with his son.

“I knew you called me to discuss my business,” Anthony replied.

- You're wrong. This is not your business, but mine.

— I am not engaged in the production of perfumes and deodorants. Besides, my initials are also AD, because I am your son.

- I'm not going to discuss with you issues related to my firm, - Alain replied, - but I warn you: if you do not stop using my trademark, I will take the case to court.

“You won't do it.

- Have no doubt.

Anthony quickly jumped up from his chair and, without saying goodbye, left the restaurant. He did not close his business.

True to his word, Alain called the lawyers and handed over the case to them. His mood was spoiled, and when Ann approached him to ask if he had booked a table in a restaurant for the evening, he answered sharply:

“Honey, I have a lot to do. If you're hungry, you'll have to go alone. Don't count on my company today.

“We don’t go anywhere,” she shouted indignantly. - You are constantly busy, and I feel like a recluse in this house.

“What nonsense! I do not forbid you to leave the house and meet friends.

“I would like to visit them with you. Remember how often we used to visit. And now I'm alone all the time.

Glancing at the drooping girl, Alain relented. He pulled her to him and kissed her furrowed forehead.

“You act like a child,” he remarked. “I need to find something for you to do immediately.

But unlike Mireille Dark, Ann could not be a partner in his affairs. The young actress was not interested in business, but only dreamed of new roles. Alain liked her, but lately he preferred not to appear in public with her too often.

One day, Alain was the guest of honor at a gala dinner dedicated to Formula 1 driver Didier Pironi. He introduced his young wife, Catherine, to the guest. She turned out to be the actor's neighbor at the table.

“You look amazing, charming girl,” he told the woman.

She was embarrassed by the movie star's compliment and blushed slightly. Their first meeting took place fourteen years ago, when she was just a child, but she remembered exactly that the actor repeated word for word the praise of her appearance.

“A blush suits you even more,” he continued teasing Catherine.

"Thank you, I'm flattered by your attention," she muttered.

“Let's drop the stupid formalities,” Delon whispered to her. “Call me Alain and don’t say any more clichéd phrases.

“As you wish,” the woman said, and was completely taken aback.

The actor laughed out loud.

Did Catherine say something funny? Pironi asked.

“You have a wonderful wife, I’m terribly jealous,” Delon replied.

Those around the table murmured their approval and showered compliments and praises on the young woman.

— Do you like universal recognition? Allen asked her.

“Not much, I'm afraid,” she said softly.

Catherine liked her tablemate more and more. She was very beautiful and at the same time modest. They talked all evening, and in parting, the actor handed her a card with his phone, but at the last moment withdrew his hand.

Why did I give you my number? You still won't call," he said. - Leave me your phone, or better yet, let's have lunch together at a restaurant tomorrow.

Catherine hesitated for a long time, but the interest that Delon aroused in her overcame doubts about the correctness of this step, and she nodded.

"Very well, I'll see you tomorrow at two o'clock at the Café de Paris."

He kindly said goodbye to Didier and the rest of the guests and went home. Ann was waiting for him to report amazing news: a young Italian director invited her to audition in Rome.

“It will help me become famous in Italy,” said Parilot. Do you mind if I go away for a week?

“Of course not,” Alain said indifferently. “Just get back to the premiere of Indomitable.”

Ann looked at him intently, almost frightened, and remarked:

- The premiere will take place in a month. I'm only leaving for a week.

Did you say "for a week"? Apparently I misheard,” he replied.

He was no longer interested in either Ann's future career or the actress herself. Her departure to Italy made it easier for Alain to announce the end of their relationship to the girl. Now his thoughts were occupied by Catherine, who blushed so sweetly in response to his compliments and agreed to meet him tomorrow at the restaurant.

The next day, he booked a table by the window so that no one would interfere with their conversation. At exactly two he was at the Café de Paris and was waiting for Catherine. He spotted her at the entrance as she was about to leave. At first, Alain wanted to call the waiter and ask him to escort the woman to his table, but then he got up and went to fetch her himself.

“Catherine,” he called, “I have been waiting for you for a long time.

“I thought you were joking about the invitation yesterday,” she said. “I have been standing here for a long time.

“God, I didn’t realize you wouldn’t think to go inside. Why didn't you ask the waiter to show you to my table?

She lowered her head and remained silent. In fact, she was afraid that the restaurant employees would take her for an obsessive admirer of the actor.

“Come in, please,” Delon ceremoniously invited her to the cafe. “And now we’re both standing in the middle of the street.

He escorted the woman to a table and ordered the dishes she had chosen. Then he raised his glass and made a toast:

- For a delightful lady who can capture the imagination of a man. For you Catherine.

She smiled and soon felt completely relaxed in Alain's company. He listened carefully to her stories and remarks and asked questions to show his interest in her. An employee with a basket of flowers passed them through the hall, and Alain chose the most beautiful bouquet for Catherine.

“Thank you, you are very kind. I think I got into some movie about the life of celebrities, she said.

“Tell me “you”, since everything happens like in a movie,” the actor suggested.

Katrin returned to reality only near her house. She did not allow Delon to accompany her after dinner at the restaurant, but she had a card with his name in her pocket. Catherine carried a huge bouquet in her hands.

“Maybe we should throw away the flowers?” she thought, “Didier might get angry.” She sniffed the roses, examined the bouquet from all sides, and sighed. She did not have the strength to part with Alain's gift. Catherine opened the door with the key, hoping that her husband was not at home.

- Darling, is that you? she heard his voice.

He walked out of the room towards her.

- Where did you get the flowers from? he asked in surprise.

“My friends congratulated me on my marriage,” Catherine replied without looking at him.

“Great, but they stole my idea. Come into the living room.

She saw a table set for dinner, adorned with two candles and a large red rose in a vase. Tears welled up in the young woman's eyes. She placed the sumptuous bouquet on the sofa and hid her face on her husband's chest.

“You are tender and sensitive,” he said, touched. - My favorite baby.

Dinner alone with Didier did not give her any pleasure. Katrin was in disarray, she felt terrible guilt for dinner with Alain and the bouquet received as a gift. Involuntarily, she remembered his gallant manners and the intelligent, penetrating look that he did not take away from her all evening, and in which sincere admiration for the woman next to him was evident.

“Catherine, wake up.” Didier touched her hand and looked into her eyes, trying to understand what was happening to her.

“Sorry, I'm a little tired. Thank you for a romantic dinner.

“You hardly ate anything. Something happened?

- Yes. I urgently need to finish one thing, - she said, quickly rising from her chair.

The woman went into the kitchen and took out a piece of paper with Alain's phone from her pocket. After a moment of hesitation, she tore it into small pieces and felt some relief. “Tomorrow he won’t even remember me. Why worry so much?” she thought.

Over the next two days, Alain did not forget about Catherine for a minute. She didn't call. However, he was sure that she would do just that. He dismissed the idea of ​​contacting her because he didn't know her phone number, but even if he found him through acquaintances, Didier could pick up the phone. The actor easily found a way out of this situation. He dialed the number of his friend, Jean Ko, and invited him to have lunch together at a restaurant next Sunday.

— Do you remember the dinner you gave in honor of the racer Pironi? Alan finally asked. I liked him, I want to call him too.

“You liked the beautiful wife Dida,” Jean said slyly. Do you want to invite her too?

It's terrible to talk to old friends. Nothing can be hidden. You're right, Jean, I care about her.

He grinned and promised to bring the newlyweds to dinner with Alain.

Catherine came to the restaurant arm in arm with her husband and coldly greeted the actor. She was indecisive when Didier announced to her that they were invited to a dinner arranged by Delon, but she could not help but go with her husband. This would have seemed suspicious to him.

Alain received them kindly and throughout the dinner entertained them with funny stories from the life of the actors. Jean Caux nodded importantly, confirming the most unusual situations that sometimes happened to the stars. Sideways, the writer watched Catherine, who felt uncomfortable sitting next to Delon. In one of his stories, the name Dark appeared, and she ventured to ask a question:

How is Mireille Dark feeling? You gave her great support after the disaster.

“True,” Allen replied. — I arrived at the hospital immediately after the accident. Mireille is my good friend and I couldn't leave her alone. Now she has gone to the sea to recuperate.

He turned to Didier and said:

Why does your wife always say "you" to me? In my opinion, this address is too formal for a friendly dinner.

Do you hear, Katherine? Didier turned to his wife. - I give you permission to grant Alain's wish.

The actor's lips twitched involuntarily, but at the last moment he managed to suppress a smile. The girl looked up at him. Confusion and uncertainty appeared on her face. Being next to him, she felt the attraction of Delon and could not resist her.

“All right, Alain,” she said with difficulty.

He looked at her carefully and smiled. Before ordering dessert, Didier noticed friends at the next table, who insistently signaled him to come over. He apologized and got up from the table and walked over to them. Jean Cot called the waiter and began to discuss with him different types of ice cream. Seizing the opportunity, Alain leaned towards the woman.

“Catherine, I invite you to dinner tomorrow. Meet me outside the Café de Paris at 1pm.

"I can't come," she whispered.

“Your husband gave you permission to fulfill my wish. Call me Monsieur Delon if you like, but don't refuse tomorrow's dinner.

She smiled weakly.

- OK, I'll come.

Didier soon returned and apologized again:

“These are my old friends. Couldn't say hello to them.

“It's all right,” Alain said, looking at Catherine.

Jean Cot ordered coffee for dessert and remarked:

I can't stand ice cream after dinner. It kills all the pleasure of hot snacks.

The next day, at one o'clock, Delon parked the car not far from the Café de Paris. Seeing Catherine, he called out to her and waved his hand. She leaned over to him.

Have you thought about having lunch? she asked.

— No, but I decided to offer you lunch elsewhere. Get in the car.

He opened the door for her, and the woman dutifully settled into the front seat. She fought her desire to go on a date with Alain, but he pulled her like a magnet.

— Where are we going? she asked.

— To one wonderful place, to a small castle in the forest.

The woman became curious and she said:

- I like surprises. Tell me what kind of restaurant it is.

“A miracle just happened. Someone addressed me as "you". Thank you, that's very kind of you.

"That's not fair," Catherine said judiciously. - I say "you" and agreed to dinner. There was an agreement on the fulfillment of only one wish.

“You will have such an opportunity,” said Alain, “because I have not yet made my real wish.

He stopped the car at the gate of his villa and signaled to the guard.

- Where are we? his companion perked up.

“This is my estate.” He waved his hand around the garden in front of the house and taxied onto the road leading to the house.

When the woman got out of the car, several shepherd dogs, the actor's favorites, rushed towards her. Contrary to his expectation, she was not at all frightened.

— My parents kept dogs. I love them,” she said.

“You are a brave woman,” said Alain. - Please come to the house.

It was impossible to retreat. Catherine went up the stairs and into the living room. A long table was served for two.

“If you want, you can sit opposite me,” the actor suggested, “only then I won’t see you.”

The woman sank into a chair and said:

- May I speak frankly?

“Please,” Allen said, raising his eyebrows.

“I know I shouldn't have agreed to dinner tonight, much less come here. But I didn't have the strength to refuse. I feel like I'm under hypnosis and you control my actions.

Delon quickly got up and walked over to her.

“You messed up, everything happens the other way around. It is I who am in your power, and you are able to make me very happy.

Katherine lifted her head and looked into his eyes. He slowly leaned over and kissed her on the lips. She did not move, then he put his hands on her face and began to kiss her eyes, temples, lips.

“You are beautiful,” he whispered. My extraordinary girl.

He picked her up and carried her into the bedroom, where he laid her down on the huge bed. Hearing the hollow beating of his heart, the girl closed her eyes and gave herself entirely to his caresses. It seemed to her that this was just a dream, and soon she would wake up. All her stiffness disappeared, she hugged Alain by the neck and answered his kiss. Feeling the touch of his hot body, she moaned with a flash of intense desire.

She slowly returned to reality, and was surprised to see Alain lying next to her on the bed.

"It's a dream," she said with conviction.

“The most beautiful dream,” said the lover, running his hand along her back.

- I ruined my life. My marriage is only a month old, and I have already betrayed my husband,” she said doomedly. How dare I look him in the eye tonight?

“I love you, Katherine. If you don't want to go back to Didier, stay with me. We're leaving on a trip tomorrow.

“No,” she called out. - I have to go.

She began to frantically button up the buttons on her blouse, and with a sharp movement threw back the hair that had fallen on her face. Alain conveyed her excitement, and involuntarily he felt the approach of irreparable misfortune. He hurriedly pushed those thoughts aside and in turn began to dress.

At Catherine's request, he dropped her off at the crossroads near her house and promised to call her by all means in the evening. When he left, the woman entered the entrance and stood for a long time in front of the door of her and Didier's apartment, not daring to call. Suddenly she heard some noise inside and hurriedly pressed the bell. The door swung open. Didier's mother stood in the doorway, crying.

“My son is dead,” she said.

Catherine lost consciousness and fell onto the marble-tiled floor of the landing.

She woke up on the bed and at first thought that she was still at Delon's villa, but she saw her mother-in-law and remembered the tragedy.

Is Didier dead? she asked her.

In response, she sobbed and left the room. Katherine froze in pain. She couldn't cry.

Alain returned to Dusi. He felt happy and was sure that Catherine would agree to move in with him. Yet he was haunted by a vague anxiety, and he dialed the number of Pironi's apartment. A woman's voice answered him. After he asked if it was possible to speak with Catherine, there was a long silence. Finally, he heard the voice of his mistress.

“Catherine, this is Alain,” he said. — Are you all right?

“My husband is dead,” she said in a colorless voice.

He decided that he had misheard.

“Didier is dead,” the woman repeated again.

"Give me your apartment number," he ordered. — Speak!

She gave him a number, and Alain said:

- I'll be there soon.

Katherine hung up, and tears welled up in her eyes. Didier's relatives and friends gathered in the living room. She entered the room and sat on the sofa.

Alain did not call the driver, and he got behind the wheel of the car. He raced towards Catherine's house, gaining momentum every minute. The tragedy that happened to Pironi shocked him. Once again, the premonition did not deceive the actor. Without slowing down, he crossed the intersection on the yellow light and stopped at Katrin's house. He wanted to comfort his beloved. He felt for this woman ardent sympathy, mixed with attraction. After a recent date at the villa, he was ready to give a lot for her to stay with him.

He resolutely rang the doorbell of her apartment. It was opened by an old woman.

Does Catherine Pironi live here? - he asked.

The woman stepped aside, and Alain went inside. In one of the rooms he heard voices and saw Catherine sitting on the couch. He walked towards her. The woman rose to meet him and swayed, then he picked her up and led her to the exit.

- What's happening? shouted Cousin Didier, standing at the door. Where are you taking her?

Alain did not answer, and she and Catherine walked past her husband's startled relatives and friends to the landing.

“I'm taking you to Dusi,” Delon said.

The woman nodded indifferently. She developed a fever, and all night he gave her warm wine to drink. In the morning she finally came to her senses and whispered:

- I love you, Allen.

- I love you too. In three days we will fly to Nice. You need to take a break.

- Yes, let's go.

Alain did not leave her alone for a minute. At a Mediterranean resort, she forgot the grief of losing her husband. Delon was attentive and caring, he came up with a thousand different entertainments for her. Every evening they went to one of the coastal restaurants and had dinner there, listening to the sound of the waves breaking on the shore. However, Alain could not abandon business for a long time, and they soon returned to Paris. The woman moved into his villa.

Delon was swallowed up by worries about a perfume company. His lawyers won the case against Anthony. Tom was banned from using the initials AD on labels, which drove the young man into a frenzy. He refused to talk to his father when he called him on the phone. Alain coldly reacted to his rudeness and did not make any more attempts to establish relations with his son.

One day, he announced to Catherine that he was starting to shoot a new film. She nodded silently. Her timidity and humility, which had recently attracted the actor so much, gradually began to weigh him down. The woman never argued with him, his requests were always law for her. It seemed to him that she lacked firmness of character. At the same time, she was always at home, rejoicing at his return after filming, and he cherished the feeling of comfort that she created for him.

In early autumn, Alain asked his mistress:

Would you like to come with me to Switzerland for a week?

“Yes, of course,” Catherine exclaimed happily. Have you decided to take a vacation?

- Not really. In the near future I want to take Swiss citizenship.

“You talk so calmly about this important decision. Why do you want to leave your family, France?

“God,” Alain exploded, “what kind of romantic arguments are you making. I am not leaving anyone, but I am trying to reduce the amount of taxes paid. Maybe you can't live without seeing your relatives every day, especially your mother-in-law?

The woman's face was frozen.

“It is very cruel of you to remind me of Didier's mother. You know how she treats me.

“Sorry, it accidentally escaped,” the actor said. “It’s just that I don’t know how to teach you to be more practical.

He sat Katrin on his lap, patted her head, and thought to himself that it was precisely her insecurity that attracted him to her.

They had a great time on the shores of Lake Geneva. Alain looked at several houses for sale in order to buy one of them after obtaining Swiss citizenship. Returning to Dusi, he applied to the Swiss Embassy and in early 1985 received a positive response. The ensuing move caused a storm of protest from his French admirers. It seemed to them that they were losing their idol and sent thousands of letters to the actor asking him to stay in his homeland. Delon spoke on TV and reassured them:

“I'm not going to move permanently to Switzerland,” he said. - My relatives remain in France, fans whom I cannot leave. I will constantly shuttle between my homes in Doucy and on Lake Geneva.

Catherine was having a hard time moving. By nature, she was a homebody, and frequent flights from one country to another, so familiar to Alain, gave her a lot of inconvenience.

- Honey, can I live in Dusi? - one day she turned to her beloved. You are returning to Switzerland for only two weeks.

He looked at her in surprise and replied:

“You are my woman and must follow me everywhere.

The actor sincerely did not understand why his mistress does not enjoy constant movement. They returned him to a good mood and allowed him to feel unusually cheerful. He studied new filming projects, visited international film festivals in different countries as a guest of honor and prepared a film script, intending to become its producer. He had less and less time for Katrin, they had not seen each other for weeks, and the woman suffered greatly because of this. From day to day, she was waiting for news from him that their life together was over, and was not surprised when, looking through the newspapers, she found an article about the affair of Delon and actress Fionne Gelin, his partner in the film “The Word of the Policeman”. The shooting of the film took place in Africa and was in full swing, so Alain did not visit Catherine for a long time, only occasionally contacted her by phone.

“Honey, I read a terrible article in the newspaper,” she began.

- What are you talking about? he asked dryly, and the young woman felt defenseless at the sound of his confident, commanding voice. She was afraid, but it was too late to retreat.

- It says that you are in love with the actress Zhelen and ...

“How are you smart enough to tell me this nonsense?” he protested.

Alena was not in the least bit annoyed by Catherine's jealousy, but he was not going to listen to her complaints, let alone justify himself. He really began an affair with Fion, the actress turned out to be funny and knew how to entertain him perfectly and relieve stress after filming. However, she was not suitable for the role of a constant companion.

“Kiki,” he turned to his mistress again, “I will show you hundreds of similar articles and you will understand that there is not a word of truth in them. I understand that you are bored alone, but try not to fill your head with all sorts of nonsense. I love my little girl.

Katherine felt relief and joy. She adored him and wanted to believe him with all her heart.

- Will you come back soon? she asked.

- A couple of weeks. I bought you some African outfits and beads. I dream to see you in them.

The woman calmed down a bit, but in the evening she read an article about the passion that broke out between Alain and Fion in another newspaper and sighed sadly. What could she do? She would never have had the courage to buy a ticket and suddenly fly to the shooting of her lover. She feared that he would tell her to go back immediately and not disturb him while he was working on the film. Kathryn imagined Jehlen's malevolent smile and dismissed the idea of ​​going to Africa. In her memory surfaced the first meeting with Alain. He made an irresistible impression on her, fire and passion burned in the famous actor, after talking with him all other men, including her own husband, seemed lethargic and uninteresting. The woman sighed again and decided to make every effort to keep her beloved.

The next morning, during breakfast, Delon was called to the telephone.

“Hand the phone over here,” he asked, not wanting to get up from the table.

- Alain, dear, - he heard Catherine's voice, - I missed you and called to apologize for yesterday's conversation. I'm terribly jealous of you, because I love you very much.

“Yes, I already forgot everything,” Alain answered, looking at Fion sitting next to him. - What are you going to do today?

“I want to prepare a surprise for your return, so I’ll go shopping.”

- Well done. Glad you're in a good mood and intrigued by your call.

- Do you love me? Catherine asked in a pleading tone.

“I love it,” Alain answered sincerely, completely forgetting at that moment about Fion and other actors sitting at the table.

Zhelen blushed and held a grudge against Delon. Choosing the moment when the two of them were preparing to shoot the next take, she angrily said:

“At breakfast, you made me look like a complete fool in front of everyone. How lovely you were cooing with your Catherine. I wanted to fall through the ground. How will I now look into the eyes of others?

“I don’t care at all,” Alain said in a deceptively indifferent voice. "Didn't you know that I have a steady girlfriend when you knocked on the door of my suite two weeks ago?" That's when you would have thought about the attitude of those around you.

- You hate me? Last night I had a different opinion.

- Fion, what are you trying to achieve? the actor calmly asked. - I consider you a seductive woman, but do not count on the continuation of our romance after filming. We will never again have such favorable conditions for meetings, and in Paris I will not lift a finger to see you.

He gave her a mortal insult. The actress flushed, recoiled from him, but then quickly pulled herself together. From that day on, their relationship with Delon ended, but not on her initiative. She was well aware that if he beckoned her, she would immediately forget all the insults and follow him, but the actor made no attempt to return his mistress.

Soon the shooting ended, and he returned to Catherine. She never mentioned Gelin, but she hated newspapers and treated them with such hatred that Alain tried to flip through them quickly so that his girlfriend would not throw them away.

"You're crazy," he said with a laugh. - You read everything in a row, then you throw newspapers and magazines. If I believed all the gossip about me, I would have lost my peace long ago.

Catherine nodded in understanding and took refuge in his arms. Alain put down the paper and turned his attention to his mistress.

For more than a year they lived with her soul to soul, and Jean Co, who, at the beginning of the renewal of the acquaintance of Alain and Catherine, facilitated their meetings, began to push his friend to marry.

“You won’t get bored with you,” Delon replied. “A couple of years ago, you pestered me with the same idea, only regarding Mireille Dark. Why do you want me to get married so much?

“I am your friend and I wish you simple human happiness.

- In other words, you want me to become an exemplary husband, like many of our friends. They hide their hobbies from their wife and feign surprise and insult when their romances are detailed in the press. No, it doesn't suit me.

What does Catherine think about this?

We rarely see each other. One of these days I am flying to Switzerland to visit a watch factory. I have a plan to expand AD. Although my son has ruined the brand's reputation as a clothing brand, the idea of ​​a watch is very appealing to me.

- Will Mirei also deal with the new branch?

— Not excluded.

Alain phoned the actress and made an appointment for her in a cafe. She recovered her health after a car accident in the Alps and was as active as ever, making up for lost time due to illness. Next to her was her new lover, an artist who became close to her. He supported Mireille when she lost hope for the return of Alain, and the thought of this brought her more pain than the wounds and bruises from the accident.

I took my reports with me. Do you want to take a look at them? she asked Delon during the meeting.

— No, I have full confidence in the charming manager. By your participation in the affairs of the firm, you have strengthened my belief that perfumery is an exclusively female business, ”he smiled. By the way, the lace dress suits you.

- Thanks to. Your immoderate praise makes me suspicious. What are you up to?

“Nothing but an expansion of the AD company. Remember, before you offered to produce perfume of this brand, you thought about selling watches. Now is the best time to introduce new products.

Mirei thought deeply.

— Will you buy a watch production line?

- Maybe. In Switzerland, I intend to visit several factories, review financial reports and calculate the approximate cost of the project.

I approve of your plans. How is Catherine doing?

- So far, he tolerates me, but not everything is going smoothly with us.

- Do you have an old disease aggravated? Mirei asked sadly.

Alain always felt great and raised his eyebrows in surprise, not understanding what she meant.

“Your excessive demands overwhelm those around you.

“My dear, the only excuse I have is the fact that I am even more demanding of myself.

On the way home, the actor stopped by a jewelry store and chose a gift for Catherine for a long time. He felt the need to please her and bought an expensive brooch. Saying goodbye to the owner of the store, who went out to personally serve an eminent client, the actor remembered how a few years ago he gave Mireille a ring with a pearl. Her joy knew no bounds. She decided that he wanted to formalize their marriage, but Alain did not think about it. Now giving jewelry to women, he carefully avoided such mistakes and bypassed the window with rings.

Catherine ran out to meet him.

“You are late,” she said with gentle reproach. - Dinner is ready.

- I brought you a present.

Alain took a case out of his pocket and handed it to his mistress. She smiled and opened it.

“God, why are you giving me such a luxurious decoration?”

- I love you.

“Thank you for the wonderful brooch,” the woman stroked the gems with her finger and looked up at Alain. - You are very kind to me.

That evening they had their last happy dinner together. Delon flew to Switzerland, then briefly returned to France and again went to Zurich. Katrin frightenedly followed the flashing of her beloved and did not have time to understand where he was at the moment. One thing was clear - he was absent next to her, even while in Paris. This woman left his life unnoticed. She avoided public appearances, preferring a reclusive lifestyle, and Alain was used to doing without her.

“Catherine, we need to part ways,” he once said.

She was confused and did not answer. Delon waited a little, and then added:

I will buy you an apartment in Paris. You won't need anything. Our feeling died long ago, we became strangers.

Catherine's attitude to his message remained a mystery to the actor, because she did not utter a word. Her silence had a depressing effect on Alain, and he left the room.

The woman moved to a new apartment, and did not remind of herself. They met several times, but they found common topics for conversation, and the actor stopped calling her. He was preoccupied with the purchase of a watch production line. The AD firm prospered, and sales volumes of perfumery increased every year. Mireille did not have time to cope with the documents, and Alain hired another manager to help her. However, the favor of fate to the actor in 1986 did not end with success in business. In the summer, the government awarded him the Order of Merit in the Field of Art and Literature. Jean-Paul Belmondo received this award fourteen years ago, and although he and Delon have rarely met in recent years, and since Borsalino they have not starred in any film together, he warmly congratulated his former friend.

"Thank you," Allen said, a little mockingly. “Your order is already covered in dust, but mine is still brand new. Come to my awards dinner. Our sons are close friends. Anthony shared some amazing news with me the other day. We can gossip about youth. What else is left for us?

“When a man asks a question like that, it always seems to me that he has a lot of different plans,” Jean-Paul said with a laugh. I will come to find out your plans.

They reconciled, but did not think about joint projects. Delon was engaged in commerce and continued to please his fans with new films, and Belmondo mainly played in the theater. Their paths have long diverged.

Chapter 18

Alain Delon celebrated his fiftieth birthday with some trepidation. Of course, he did not believe that old age had come, but in the concept of the majority, this age was the boundary beyond which there was less ahead than passed. The actor bathed in the rays of glory, succeeded in business, was a guest of honor at film festivals and received an award from the Minister of Culture of France. In late 1986, he accepted an invitation from Japanese filmmakers to visit that country to meet his fans.

Delon's popularity in Japan was colossal. For one of his first films, in which he starred with Jean Gabin, the producer offered him a very low fee, as he believed that a famous partner was a sufficient reward for a young actor. Then Alain asked to include a clause in his contract that would allow him to receive interest from the rental of the picture in Eastern Europe and Japan. As a result, his profits exceeded Gabin's fee by several times. The Japanese loved the actor, and after the release of the film "Samurai" they began to idolize him.

On the last day before leaving for Tokyo, Alain called Mireille Dark.

— Have you prepared reports with the latest data on the income of the company AD? he asked.

How nice to hear your question. This means that from a huge number of managers you chose me as the most executive person, - Mirei said cheerfully.

— Your words lead us away from the topic of conversation. Documents not ready? Allen asked mockingly.

- Everything is alright with them. You can take them right now. When are you flying to Japan?

- Tomorrow. Today I am very busy and will not be able to come to you.

You gave me a test! But I still love you and wish you a successful journey.

For a second, Alain wanted to invite his former mistress to go with him and share his triumph, but the next moment this thought seemed absurd to him. Mireille has long adjusted her life, and, giving interviews to reporters, she said that she was comforted after the break with Delon. They remained friends and met several times a month, together looking through the financial reports on the activities of the perfume company.

Alain flew to Japan alone, looking forward to a solemn meeting with admirers of his talent. However, the reality exceeded all his expectations. There were crowds of fans at the airport. As the actor walked towards the car, people greeted him, shouting the actor's name and holding out postcards with his photographs in the hope of getting an autograph. The street near the hotel was also filled with those wishing to look at their idol at least from a distance. Delon enjoyed every minute of being in Tokyo. He paused briefly at the entrance to the hotel, waved his hand affably and said words of gratitude. In response, people burst into applause.

- We made a mistake, - said the representative of the Japanese film studio that organized the arrival of the actor to Delon, - You will need more bodyguards. I am sure that no one will dare to attack you, but it is necessary to hold back the crowd.

The interview given by the French star was broadcast on television. Alain liked that the Japanese changed his name in their own way and addressed him as “Arao Doroo”. He became a hero for them and one of their favorite Western actors. During the week he spent in Tokyo, he was shown extraordinary respect, and fans were on duty under the windows of the hotel day and night.

When in France the actor was asked about his impressions of the trip, he replied:

The Japanese would love to kiss my feet.

A few days after his return to Paris, Alain received a call from Natalie. She was not going to congratulate him, but started talking about their son.

“Anthony is having some trouble,” she began.

Natalie, don't go on. As soon as I hear your voice, I understand that our son is in trouble again. No need to constantly protect him from life, Anthony was twenty-two years old. I am at this age...

“I remember very well. You got your first role, enjoyed a small fee, and lived in a tiny apartment. According to our son, he is provided for, but he lacks your support and help. Despite this, he adores you and follows your path step by step.

“All I can think of is his resignation from college and the news of his arrest for illegal possession of a weapon. Natalie, I've made mistakes, but I don't want Anthony to end up in the same situation.

“So help him organize his business, give him advice about the roles that he is offered.

Alain promised to think about it, but considered Natalie's demands unacceptable. She was aware of the attempts he made to get closer to her son and was aware of Anthony's reaction to his actions. The young man had an unbalanced character and, although in the depths of his soul he bowed to his father, he always behaved defiantly with him. At the same time, Alain's friends and acquaintances did not approve of his behavior in this situation.

Sighing, Delon dialed the number of Mireille Dark, who remained his best adviser, both in the affairs of the company and in relations with Anthony.

“Darling, congratulations on your great success in Japan,” the woman exclaimed. — What are your plans for the near future?

“I want to see Anthony and try to find a way to approach him. Will you help me?

For the sake of my pet, I am ready for anything. I still remember his pranks when he lived with us in Dusi.

“He grew up, and his innocent pranks became much more serious. Natalie called me and hinted at new troubles with her son.

“Do you want me to be present during your conversation with Anthony?”

“It would be useful, you know what a crazy temperament we have with him. Come tomorrow to the villa in Dusi. I'll invite Anthony and we'll spend the whole day together.

Mireille agreed, and Alain contacted Anthony. The young man became alert and asked suspiciously:

Did your mom ask you to call?

“I have wanted to meet you for a long time. Tomorrow Mireille will arrive in Dusi, join us.

“With pleasure,” said Anthony.

After hanging up, he thought for a long time about the true reason for inviting his father, but then decided to be patient and wait for the next morning.

He drove the sports car that he dreamed of as a child and did not pay attention to the speedometer readings. On his way to his father's country house, the young man was stopped twice on the highway by the police for speeding. Approaching the gate of the fence erected around the villa, he began to honk loudly.

“My son has arrived,” said Alain Mireille.

They sat on the veranda and drank coffee. The actress came out to meet the young man and smiled affectionately. Anthony inherited his father's beauty. Looking at his thin face, Mireille remembered the night at the airport when she met Alain. At that moment, her ex-lover had the same stubborn expression on his face, as if he was going to confront the whole world.

“Anthony, how mature you are. We haven't seen each other for ages,” she said, wrapping her arms around him.

The young man easily lifted the woman off the ground and whirled around the veranda with her.

“Son, put Mireille back in place,” Alain laughed. We already know that you are very strong.

They shook hands and entered the house.

“Nothing has changed here since I was little,” Anthony exclaimed.

“Unless there are two or three paintings by Dürer and Rembrandt added to the living room,” his father said.

“Show me your treasures,” the young man demanded, smiling.

They had a wonderful time together, never remembering the previous quarrels. Saying goodbye, the father and son agreed to meet in Paris in the coming days. After the departure of the young man, Alain, seating Mireille in the car, remarked:

“Thanks to you, peace with my son has been restored.

“You are too similar,” said the actress. “You see your own reflection in him and demand that Anthony be perfect, but no one is capable of that.

A few days later, the young man turned to his father with a request to give him money for business development, and the actor got angry. After Anthony was banned from using the initials AD on clothing labels, he began selling A. Delon suits, which angered Alain even more.

“How dare you ask me for money for your company, knowing that I am against its existence? Allen replied to his son.

“I thought you would refuse me. Your desire for reconciliation was false,” Anthony said. “I'm sorry I bothered you.

In memory of the short truce that arose between him and his son, Alain Delon played a role in the film "Transition", dedicated to the story of a father's love for his child.

The actor did not want to stop at the successes achieved and made new plans for future filming, and also became interested in the script for a television mini-series. The project was expensive, but Alain was confident in the success of his plan. He asked his friends for opinions about him, but after a while he was distracted by another idea.

Once he had lunch at a restaurant with Mireille Mathieu. Over the years, he remained a loyal fan of the singer and became her friend. That evening, she once again asked him about the realization of his dream to perform and record several songs.

Do you think I have the right voice? - he asked.

"I doubt it," she smiled. - I recently put on a record with a song from the movie "Adventurers". You sang well, at least you have an ear.

“Amazing praise,” Alain said offendedly.

- Well no. You have a deep sensual voice. Try to sing something.

“I’m afraid the rest of the visitors won’t understand me,” the actor quickly looked around, pretending to take Mireille’s words literally and ready to sing at the moment.

Mathieu choked on her wine, then smiled weakly.

“I almost didn't believe it.

“Your fright proves a lack of faith in my gift for singing. In any case, thanks for the idea. She is interesting.

Alain did not forget about this conversation. The idea of ​​becoming a singer seemed attractive to him, and in a week he agreed with a record company to release a record with songs performed by him. Now it was necessary to find a composer who would compose several compositions for Delon.

- Your fans will buy records in an instant, - Jean Co expressed his opinion. You never cease to amaze me with new ideas. If I were you, I would not leave the villas in Dusi and live for my own pleasure.

“If the purpose of my life is lost, I will not be able to exist any longer. I always hated stagnation in creativity and business. It takes a moment to relax, as everything begins to crumble.

The recording of the songs took several months, and in 1987 the record was released. For publicity purposes, the actor went on a tour of the major cities of France. His show featured several actresses who performed backing vocals. Once Alain needed to clarify something before the performance, and he knocked on the dressing room of one of the girls.

“Open,” said a female voice, and the actor opened the door.

In an armchair in front of a mirror sat a beautiful black-haired girl, frozen at the sight of Delon.

- Who you are? he asked in surprise.

Since she was silent, he continued:

Were you sent as a replacement? Say a word. How are you going to sing if you are silent all the time?

“I'm not a singer,” the girl muttered.

At that moment, the singer entered the dressing room and, in turn, looked frightened at Alain. He didn't like it when actresses were distracted before performances, but he clearly wasn't angry now.

- What's your girlfriend's name? he asked the actress, having lost hope of getting an intelligible answer from an unfamiliar girl, except for the statement that she was not a singer.

Her name is Rosalie van Breemen. She recently won a beauty pageant in Holland.

“Oh, you are silent, because all northern people are taciturn,” Alain said, carefully examining the girl. - I would also give you the first prize for a beautiful face. It's time for me to get on stage. Rosalie, don't refuse to have dinner with me tonight.

After waiting for an affirmative nod from the girl, the actor left the dressing room. After he left, Rosalie burst into a torrent of words.

“God, he must have thought I was a complete idiot. But my breath stopped, - she said to her friend. - I was sitting here and sorting through your makeup, I heard a knock on the door and for some reason decided that it was you, and when I turned around and saw Mr. Delon in front of me. It seemed to me that I would lose consciousness.

- It's okay, with whom it does not happen. When he chose me to perform in his show, I was also confused. He invited you to dinner, so he liked you.

Rosalie's seat was in the front row, and throughout the performance, Alain kept his eyes on her. Despite the fright caused by his unexpected appearance, she carried herself elegantly and with dignity, although she only uttered a couple of words. Opening the car door in front of her, the actor asked, switching to “you”:

- What cuisine do you prefer?

Rosalie tried to control herself and mentally repeated that she had the title of the most beautiful girl in Holland.

"I like light snacks," she answered in an almost confident tone. - In my profession it is not permissible to gain excess weight.

- What's your job?

- I'm a fashion model. With all the girls who have reached the final of the competition, such contracts are concluded.

— Don't be modest, you didn't just reach the final. You are the winner. Perhaps you experienced a real triumph when you received the crown?

I don't remember exactly. I was very nervous.

- How was it during our acquaintance? Alain laughed.

The girl looked down, and he added:

- No offense. It's so nice to play a trick on a pretty woman.

In a restaurant, he ordered a bottle of champagne and asked a new acquaintance in detail about her tastes and favorite activities.

"I'm sure you love expensive elegant clothes," he said.

- Right. During the fashion show, I want to try on every dress.

“When I first started acting in films, I had the same feeling. Reading the script, I imagined myself playing the roles of all the male characters in the picture. Once it helped me get the role of the main character, although another actor had already been approved for it. I seemed to the director more convincing.

— Please, tell me about your work in cinema.

“Only in exchange for addressing me as “you.”

“Agreed,” the girl smiled sweetly.

The courtesy and courtesy of Alain dispelled her shyness, and Rosalie ceased to shrink under the gaze of the famous actor. Her companion noted with pleasure that a light flashed in her eyes, and her cheeks were covered with a gentle blush. When the girl moved her wavy hair out of her face, he admired her graceful wrists.

“You absolutely must wear shiny jewelry,” he said at the end of the evening. “I can just see you in an iridescent dress, with long earrings and a lot of gold bracelets.

Do I remind you of a gypsy?

More like a witch. Did you have any soothsayers in your family?

“My grandmother was good at guessing with cards,” Rosalie replied seriously. But she didn't teach me that.

Alain signed the check and offered:

- Come to the concert tomorrow. I will sing for you, as I sang today.

After that, the girl visited his concerts three times. She enjoyed communicating with Delon, who was always kind, unusually attentive and gave her roses.

However, the girl could no longer put off returning to Paris, where she got involved in intense preparations for the show of a new collection of clothes. And among the outfits hanging on hangers, she found a dress that exactly matches the one described by Delon. The dress was accompanied by a set of shiny jewelry, consisting of a necklace, earrings and bracelets that covered the arms almost to the elbows. At first, Rosalie was surprised, and then she found a fashion designer and persuaded him to let her go out to the public in this dress.

“Okay, you will show it,” he replied, dissatisfied with her insistence and the need to change something in the already drawn up schedule of fashion models.

Rosalie imagined Alain's surprise and smiled. The actor promised to be at the show and kept his word. Noticing him in the hall, the girl got excited and ran her hand over the smooth fabric of the dark dress, anticipating her appearance on the podium. When she appeared on the stage, applause broke out in the hall. The girl created around herself an atmosphere of mystery and seduction. Changing for the next exit, she regretfully took off her dress and gave it to her assistant. At the end of the show, a fashion designer approached Rosalie and said:

“You brought me luck by asking me to wear this dress to the public. It's already been bought.

- By whom? Rosalie whispered with a sinking heart.

- It was acquired by Alain Delon immediately after your departure from the stage.

The girl felt weak and leaned against the dressing room door. Her heart was beating fast, and she thought: “Does he really care about me?” There was a knock on the door, and she looked out into the corridor.

- Where is the familiar "Open"? asked Alain, standing on the threshold.

In his hands he held a bouquet and a dress hidden in a case.

“Put it on, please, sorceress.

"I can't accept such an expensive gift," Rosalie said, pushing the dress away. “And anyway, how could you know about him in advance?” Rosalie asked.

- I will not say. The actor, and indeed any person, must remain a mystery.

“I will never guess your thoughts and desires,” the girl said.

"Then I'll have to say them out loud." Will you have dinner with me?

- I'll change my clothes first. For one evening, I agree to use your gift.

- I'll wait for you at the exit, near the car.

Rosalie turned to the mirror and looked critically at her reflection. Her hair was a little messy, but overall she was pleased with her appearance. Her excitement subsided, and the expectation of something out of the ordinary took its place.

— Where are we going? she asked Alena, getting into the car.

— One of my favorite places in Paris.

They drove up to the Eiffel Tower and went up to the restaurant located at the very top.

“Look out the window, the whole city lies at your feet,” the actor said, putting his hands on the girl’s shoulders.

“I've been afraid of heights since childhood,” she said, closing her eyes.

Alain turned the girl back to the window and kissed her closed eyes and wrinkled forehead. Rosalie's face took on a pleased expression, and Alain kissed her on the lips.

As long as you hug me, I can look down.

"I'll never let you go for a moment."

They had dinner, sitting at a table next to each other, closely clinging to each other, and late at night they arrived at Delon's apartment. Entering the bedroom, he lit a small lamp that cast a faint glare on the bed. Rosalie took off her dress, but did not have time to free herself from the bracelets, as Alain put his arm around her with one arm, caressing the girl with the other. In the semi-darkness, her skin was ivory, and her eyes were black and mysterious. The bracelets on Rosalie's arms tinkled softly, accurately indicating the rhythm of some ancient melody. Songs about their love with Alain.

“My album “Like a Movie” brought me together with an amazing woman,” the actor said to his friends. “I could not even dream of such happiness.

Unlike the former mistresses, who for the most part immediately give Alain the reins of power, Rosalie turned out to be a “tough nut to crack”. She continued to work as a fashion model and did not allow the actor to persuade her to give up her career.

— My family is not rich. I'm not used to sitting around doing nothing, - she answered softly, but at the same time firmly, to his proposal to move to Dusi, and in a month to fly with him to Switzerland.

They often met and became attached to each other. In the press, their romance was predicted to end soon, calling the actor's passion for the Dutch fashion model short-lived. Alain declined to comment on the matter. Rosalie entered his life and graced it with her presence. He found in her all the best features of his previous women and admired her beauty, poise, and most importantly, devotion to her lover. She did not give him reasons for jealousy, but she did not seek to fully reveal her tenderness and passion to him. However, Alain considered the latter quality to be a manifestation of her Nordic character.

The actor resumed work on the filming of the television series and invested a large amount of money in the project. He played the main role in one of the series of the film, which caused conflicting responses from the press, but the steadfast interest of the audience. Delon's fans adored their idol. He consistently won in polls conducted by French newspapers, revealing the most handsome man in France, according to readers.

One day at dinner in a cozy cafe, he said to Rosalie:

Your love gives me strength. I feel terribly selfish, but I will repeat my request to move in with me until you agree.

I'm not sure if this step is correct. The newspapers say our love is just a passion that won't last long.

Alain sprang to his feet with such speed that the girl shuddered.

“How can you mention tabloids at a time like this! he exclaimed half-jokingly, half-seriously. Show me the article that upset you and I'll sue them. But it's better... it's better that I arrange your kidnapping and hide you in my huge estate.

- Do you really love me? Rosalie asked, looking intently into his eyes.

- Do you want proof? You will get them.

The actor went to the exit from the cafe.

- Where are you going? the girl called after him.

- You'll see.

He returned with a bunch of flowers in his hands and dropped them at the feet of the girl with the words:

"I've never met anyone more beautiful than you."

The couples at the other tables watched the romantic scene with curiosity, and then turned away so as not to disturb the lovers.

For the sake of Rosalie, the actor abandoned his usual restraint and gave several interviews in which he praised his beloved, calling her affectionate names. The girl’s apartment was full of flowers, every day she received postcards with Alain’s confessions by mail and carefully put them on the table, cherishing each of his notes.

“The assault was successful,” she said to Delon. — I give up. When will my kidnapping take place?

"In half an hour," he said, interrupting a meeting with AD executives.

In response to Mireille Dark's surprised look, he said:

“I have urgent business ahead of me. If I'm late, my heart will be broken.

He hurriedly left the room, and the woman thought: "No one managed to glue my heart after you left."

Rosalie moved to Dusi and for the first few days she enjoyed the silence and fresh country air. Alain planned to spend a week with her at the villa and canceled several appointments. But at the last moment he was overtaken by news to which it was impossible not to react. A criminal case was opened against his son for concealing the income brought by the company A. Delon. The young man was threatened with imprisonment and a fine. Delon dialed the number of his ex-wife and said:

“Don't bother calling me about Anthony's trouble. This time I am aware of them.

“I can only add one thing,” Natalie replied. “All this happened because of your neglect of your son. - You are ready to disappear for months in Dusi, admire new lovers in an interview, but you do not pay attention to your son.

Why did I dial your number? Alain asked. - Your words are known in advance.

— What are you going to do?

“I’ll hang up the phone now, and then I’ll contact a lawyer.

"Okay," Natalie said. - I'm waiting for news from you.

Rosalie waited in vain for the actor all day. Toward evening, he called her back and told her about what had happened to his son.

- Will you stay in Dusi or will you come to Paris? - he asked.

- I'll be with you. If you are in Paris, then I will also return to the city.

- Ask the driver to take you.

Rosalie's presence did not lessen Alain's excitement. The girl noticed that he was haggard and smoked a lot. This continued until the lawyer reported the results of the meeting with the judge.

- Penalty can not be avoided. The judge refused to speak about the demand for imprisonment.

“I never liked Anthony's business,” Alain said contritely. But he couldn't be persuaded. Thank you,” he turned to the lawyer. “You did everything you could.

- No, the main battle will flare up at the trial.

Natalie and Mireille came to Delon and settled in the living room. Rosalie brought and placed cookies and a bowl of pistachios on the table, but no one touched them. The ex-wife of the actor looked at the girl with undisguised hatred, and Dark - with disapproval. Alain did not pay attention to this, as he focused on one thought: How to help out his son? Rosalie understood perfectly well the significance of her predecessors' looks and prepared to leave the living room.

“I’m afraid to interfere,” she explained to her lover her departure.

- Your place is here. Sit close to me,” he said, pulling a chair out for her.

He took her by the hand and did not let go until the end of the conversation with Natalie and Mireya. For the girl, this was the biggest confirmation of his love. Their acquaintance did not last as long as their life together with the women in the living room, and yet he was interested in her opinion on a par with theirs.

“Anthony will be released,” Natalie said confidently. She suffered because of the behavior of her son, her failed film career and her youth.

She wanted to blame everyone around her for her bad luck, but especially her ex-husband.

“The lawyer is doing his best,” Rosalie dared to add.

— What do you understand in this? Anthony's mother exploded. “When you have children of your own, you will have the right to vote. Now, you better shut up.

“Natalie, don’t you dare be rude to her,” Alain interrupted the woman. - I had to watch my son when he was growing up.

“So you and Mirei took part in his upbringing.

“I am very sorry that this happened,” Mireille said in an apologetic tone. — I always loved Anthony and tried to do more with him, but shooting took a lot of time.

“It’s useless to quarrel,” the actor stopped them. "Let's hope everything works out."

The women left and he hugged Rosalie.

“You are sweet and kind and will become the most charming mother.

The girl glanced at him, suspecting that he was not serious, but she was mistaken. Alain looked into her eyes and added:

- A beautiful and young mother.

Anthony was sentenced to eight months in prison and a large fine, but the lawyer did not rule out the possibility that the sentence could be mitigated. All Alain's relatives and friends sympathized with him, and he found solace in the arms of Rosalie. The girl became irreplaceable for him. Her calmness did not give the impression of indifference and coldness and did not cause irritation. It appeased the actor. He liked to listen to her opinion on various issues and watch movies with her. She completely shared his musical tastes, it was not for nothing that they met at Alain's concert.

On one of the evenings they spent in a Parisian apartment, Delon brought a video cassette with clips of the singer Patricia Kaas.

“Today I heard her voice on the radio and on the way home I specifically drove into the store for a cassette,” he admitted.

He was struck by the power of the voice of the beginning singer, and after viewing the album of her songs, he said:

- Patricia is a serious competitor to Mireille Mathieu. Let's go to her concert tomorrow.

Rosalie stretched lazily, settled herself more comfortably on the sofa next to Alain, and replied:

“Perhaps the visit to you had a relaxing effect on me. I don't feel like going anywhere, not even to a scheduled fashion show.

- You're not sick? he asked solicitously.

“I don’t think so, although I feel some weakness.

The actor scooped up all the pillows from the sofa and built something like a throne, on which he placed his girlfriend, covering her with a blanket.

- Is it warmer?

- O! I almost warmed up.

The girl inadvertently moved and the pyramid of pillows crumbled, and she herself was in the arms of Alain. Gently laying her down on the sofa, with a sharp movement of his hand, he threw the pillows that interfered with them to the floor and bent over Rosalie to kiss her. She smiled and parted her lips.

“I also got sick of going to the concert,” Delon said quietly.

Yet a week later he attended a performance by Kaas, taking with him a large bouquet of flowers. After every two songs, the singer changed costumes, moved freely and easily kept the audience in suspense throughout the concert. Her voice reached the farthest corners of the hall and, reflected from them, returned to the stage, thereby creating a stunning effect. The fans showered her with flowers and applauded loudly, calling Kaas on stage again and again. Alain did not want to get lost in the crowd and with a bouquet in his hands went backstage. The door to Patricia's dressing room was thrown open. The girl was besieged by friends. Recognizing the actor, they parted for him, and Delon went straight to Kaas without interference. She changed. Despite the late autumn, she was wearing a light gauze dress in which the woman looked incorporeal. Her slender shoulders sank into frilled sleeves,

“Allow me to introduce myself,” the actor turned to her. — My name is Alain Delon, and I am your ardent admirer.

Taking a bouquet from his hands, Patricia asked the manager sitting next to her to give way to Delon.

"Thank you," she said in her vibrating low voice.

Noticing that everyone in the dressing room was staring at her and the actor, Patricia turned to them:

- I'm very tired.

Friends took the hint and began to leave the dressing room. The singer's musicians were the last to leave, warning her:

- We are waiting for you outside. Don't forget to have dinner together.

Patricia was left alone with Alain and smiled at him:

- Your flowers are the most beautiful, I will take them home and put them in a vase in the living room.

“You upset me with your words about fatigue. I understand that we have not known each other for long, but I wanted to invite you to Maxim.

- I'd love to have dinner with you.

To the musicians standing on the street, the singer said:

— Go to the cafe without me.

Dinner in the company of a star interested her much more than a friendly feast with them. On the way, she was ready to sing with happiness that the famous actor invited her to such a luxurious place. Her creative path was not easy, Patricia began her career with performances in restaurants that cannot be compared with Maxim. The search for a producer took a year, as her voice was considered "unfashionable". In the end, the actor Gerard Depardieu invested in organizing Patricia's concerts and recording the first album. The very next day after the conclusion of the contract, rumors spread about their romance, but she did not care. She gave all her strength to singing and winning the recognition of the public.

“Two years ago I also recorded an album,” Alain said, “but I don't dare to consider myself your colleague. Your voice makes you forget about everything.

— I like your singing. Don't think this is flattery. I'm strict when it comes to singing songs.

The actor chuckled and remarked:

“You are very kind and, I hope, truthful.

He gave the keys to the car to the waiter at the Maxim and offered his hand to Patricia. Together they entered the restaurant and were instantly photographed by a young correspondent who was on duty at the entrance, waiting for celebrities. Kaas frowned, and Delon said:

I have long been accustomed to their obsession. But, on the other hand, this attention is nothing more than recognition of our popularity.

Patricia's pride was satisfied. Alain took the words "our popularity" as a matter of course. He treated her like his equal. At dinner they chatted about little things. The actor understood that Patricia was tired after the concert, and chose interesting and pleasant topics for conversation.

At night, he drove her home and got out of the car to open the door on her side and give the girl a hand. In response to her gratitude, he said:

- We'll see you again.

Patricia took a few steps towards the house, but then quickly returned to the car.

“I left my bouquet,” she explained.

Alain gave her the flowers he had given and kissed the singer's hand goodbye. Through the glass door, she watched him leave and thought: “Alain Delon is a wonderful man. What a blessing to have such a fan.”

The actor unlocked the door with the key, not wanting to wake Rosalie, but she dozed off in her chair and, hearing a noise in the hall, raised her head.

“I had a strange dream,” she said. “Something is wrong again.

“You are very pale. Tomorrow we'll go to the doctor, I'm worried about your condition.

— Did you like the Kaas concert? I regretted not going with you.

Patricia did a great job. I met her and we chatted for a while.

“She looks emaciated,” Rosalie said jealously.

“Not emaciated, but graceful,” Alain refuted her with a smile. - Jealousy suits you, a gleam appeared in your eyes.

“I love you and lately this feeling takes all my strength.

“Tomorrow the doctor will prescribe vitamins for you, and you will become more cheerful and restless than before.

In the morning, Rosalie changed her mind about visiting the doctor, but Alain made her get dressed and made an appointment by phone.

"Get in the car, I'll take you," he ordered.

The examination of the girl lasted a long time. The doctor did not find any violations, but recommended to take tests. Seeing the girl's indifferent nod, he went out with her into the corridor and turned to Delon:

I wrote out directions for a blood test. Madam can go to the lab right now.

Alain took Rosalie firmly by the hand and led her into the doctor's office.

"You won't get rid of me that easily." If you don't care about your health, I'll look after you," he said.

Having dropped off a friend near the house, the actor left on business. It rained heavily in the evening, and he brought food bags home so that Rosalie wouldn't have to go outside. As he closed the front door, he heard the phone ring and hurried into the living room. Rosalie picked up the phone, and from her answers he understood that the doctor from the clinic was calling.

- What are you talking about!? - she exclaimed. - I don't believe!

She hung up the phone and looked at her lover in confusion. She didn't have time to come up with some excuse and play for time.

"I'm pregnant," the girl announced.

- My love! - Alain rushed to her, without removing his cloak, and embraced her. - We're having a baby!

His sincere joy was transferred to Rosalie. She stroked her belly and smiled.

“You ripped off all the shows for me, in fact, deprived me of my job, but I'm not angry. A baby is the most beautiful thing in the world.

Allen looked thoughtfully at his friend and said:

“In the coming months I will take you to Switzerland. I want no one to guess that we have a baby. Don't tell anyone about your pregnancy.

“My position is still unknown.

- Irrelevant. My house near Geneva is quite secluded, not a single photographer can penetrate there.

But I'll be bored!

“You have to take care of the child. Everything else has receded into the background for you. Besides, I will visit you often.

Rosalie winced and felt her waist.

“I have to say goodbye to my slender figure. Now I will definitely not be able to compete with Patricia Kaas.

- Stupid. You and our baby are dearest to me.

Every week, Alain accompanied her during visits to the clinic and demanded from the doctor a detailed report on the condition of her friend.

“I can’t say anything new,” he justified himself. - The gestation period is very short.

The actor remembered the time when his wife was expecting a child and thought that he was then too young to realize the importance of the event. He was excited about his career and work in Hollywood, the birth of an heir was a pleasant addition to his success in cinema. Little Rosalie aroused confusion and tenderness in him in advance. He pressed his girlfriend to him, stroked her stomach and imagined the future baby.

At the same time, newspapers published his photographs, in which Patricia Kaas often sat next to him. Magazines conducted polls of readers, being interested in their opinion about the relationship between the actor and the singer. Most agreed that a romance began between them.

“My jealousy has grown into a firm belief that you are cheating on me,” Rosalie said to Alain, looking through the newspapers.

She felt weak, and there was no anger in her voice, but only dreary doom.

"Don't you dare even think about it," he said indignantly. If you want to know the truth, ask me for it.

- You've already asked.

“Patricia and I are just friends,” he said firmly.

“However, in Switzerland, I will not be calm for a minute.

Alain crumpled up the newspapers in annoyance, glancing at the photographs. He did not like to see his pictures in the tabloid press, but was more indulgent about publishing them if they were successful.

He remembered Kaas. Rumors about their romance did not bother the actor. He was attracted by the exceptionally magnificent voice of the singer, he was not carried away by her as a woman. Alain and Patricia encouraged the hype in the press, believing it was great publicity for both of them. Delon's admiration for the young pop star caused him to quarrel with Mireille Mathieu. She was afraid that Kaas would outshine her, and Alain's joining the ranks of her rival's fans was considered a betrayal on his part.

“We have been friends for so many years,” said Mathieu Delon. “I didn’t think that you would prefer a young star to me.”

“I admire you as much as ever, but I also like Patricia. Don't put me on your blacklist, I'll greet you every time you step on stage.

This remark seemed to the singer mocking. She did not perform in the concert halls of Paris for several years, working on recordings of old songs. One day in the studio, she ran into Kaas. The young singer did not take her eyes off her throughout the meeting. She tried to say some kind of compliment to Mirei, but she answered so dryly that the girl fell silent, but did not forget that incident. In one of the interviews organized during the singer's foreign tour, when asked about her attitude towards Mathieu, she grinned and replied:

“She carries herself very pompously, lacks simplicity and goodwill towards people.

Alain accompanied Rosalie to Switzerland, settled her in a new place and flew to France. The girl called her move a link, but fulfilled the desire of her beloved. Since her departure from Paris, the actor has returned to a bachelor lifestyle. He spent evenings with friends, attended concerts and exhibitions, and appeared in public in the company of a beautiful but little-known actress. Every month he spent several weeks in Switzerland. As a companion, Rosalie, he invited an experienced nanny, who in the future was supposed to help his girlfriend take care of the child.

Neither relatives nor friends knew about the secret of Alain and Rosalie, rather they were interested in his feelings for Patricia Kaas. The actor invited her to be the guest of honor at his birthday, and attached a badge with the image of the singer to his tuxedo. All evening she did not leave his side and dared to ask:

- Where is your girlfriend?

She is in Switzerland now. She needs to gain strength, and I almost forcibly moved her to a house on Lake Geneva.

“Is she really so bad that she couldn’t attend the celebration?”

"There can't be two queens on a day like this," Alain replied sternly. "That's why I chose you...for tonight."

Patricia went to other guests, and he thought: “What is happening to me? Rosalie and I are not officially married, but I behave like the most faithful husband.”

Rosalie gave birth to a girl, and Alain fell in love with the child at first sight. He thanked his girlfriend who gave him this miracle, and moved to Switzerland for a long time. When two months had passed since the birth of the baby, he felt an irresistible desire to share his happiness with everyone. First, he called Mireille Dark.

“You are out of my sight,” she complained. Why did you stay so long in Geneva?

- My daughter was born. Rosalie and I named her Annushka,” Delon solemnly announced.

- Are you kidding? Mirei said slowly, hoping that this was a prank.

Alain brought the phone to the baby's crib, and the actress heard the baby crying.

See how loud she is? The daughter commands both of us.

“Congratulations,” Mireille said after a long pause. “This is unexpected news.

Natalie was shocked by the birth of her ex-husband's child.

- Have you entered into an official marriage with Rosalie? she asked.

“Not yet, but who cares,” Alain said. - In any case, Annushka bears my name.

Unable to continue the conversation, Natalie hung up.

“I didn’t hear much joy in the voices of my former wives,” the actor remarked in a calm voice, turning to Rosalie. “But don't worry. They will get used to the idea that I have become a father, and they will persuade us to show them Annushka.

- It's time for the baby to sleep. Look how she yawns, - the girl muttered, taking the baby from Alain.

She was so accustomed to a secluded life in Switzerland that she completely stopped paying attention to the judgments of others. For her, the whole world is concentrated in the child.

The actor's friends took the message in different ways. Brialee congratulated him heartily; Belmondo said the old guard must never give up. However, some acquaintances considered his decision to become a father absurd and turned away from him. Alain forgot about them without regret, standing by the cradle where Annushka slept. Taking the slightest opportunity, he took her in his arms and walked with her around the house, while Rosalie intervened in their idyll, demanding the return of the child for feeding. Delon reluctantly gave her the baby and said:

A girl will bring only happiness to her parents. She will not drive a car, fight and constantly upset us.

- How do you know? Rosalie asked. Girls also grow up to be mischievous.

- Annushka is not in danger. We will both be in charge of nurturing her and turning her into perfection.

Rosalie sighed and thought that dreams don't always come true, or things don't go as planned. Her meeting with Alain was like a miracle, he looked after her beautifully and showered her with flowers and dresses. Now she was forced to stay on the territory of his home in Switzerland and communicate with the baby and the nanny, because despite her love for her and the child, Delon often had to fly to France. The girl hoped to persuade him to take them with Annushka to Paris, so as not to be separated from him.

Chapter 19

Three times in recent years, the van Breemen family, Natalie's relatives, came into a state of shock from the news reported by the girl. When she won the "Miss Holland" competition, all the inhabitants of her hometown of Utrecht celebrated this event. And as soon as they heard that Rosalie became a friend of a star of French cinema and gave birth to a child from him, the van Breemens turned into local celebrities. The girl's mother at first did not approve of her work as a fashion model and semi-bohemian life in Paris, but hearing enthusiastic stories from her daughter and seeing her photographs in the newspapers, she reconciled and congratulated her on the appearance of her first child. Despite the high cost of negotiations with France and Switzerland, where Rosalie lived with Alain, relatives and friends often called her.

“Why don’t you visit us with my granddaughter?” one day her mother asked resentfully.

- I promise I'll be there soon. Can't do it right now as Alain is trying to avoid the hype in the papers about the birth of our baby.

Does he hide the fact that he has a daughter? the mother asked indignantly. “He didn’t marry you and hides you and the baby. I do not like it.

- Mom, he is a very famous person, and his lifestyle is different from ours.

Rosalie justified her beloved, but often she herself thought about the need to enter into an official marriage with him, primarily for the sake of the child. But to all her requests, Alain replied that the ceremony did not mean anything, and they had been one family for so long. Then he added that he still keeps sad memories of a single, but unsuccessful marriage. Since a share of admiration was mixed with Rosalie's love for Alain, she did not insist on her own and accepted his excuses.

Annushka was one year old, and Delon agreed to give interviews to several French publications and allowed him to be photographed with his wife and daughter. For many fans of the actor, these articles and pictures came as a surprise, since only a few friends knew about the birth of the baby. The actor looked touched and quivering father.

“Now I am completely happy and live for my daughter,” he said. “I can’t take my eyes off her, and I admire her all day long.

He adored both of his women, Rosalie and Annushka, and refused to part with them for a long time. Therefore, when the girl grew up a little, the family moved with him to a house on Lake Geneva or a villa in Doucy, depending on the place of his work at the moment. AD was doing well. Alain rejoiced at the realization of his idea to expand the company by selling watches of this brand. Profits skyrocketed, and he continued to invest in paintings by famous artists. In recent years, he has become a well-known collector in France. The actor gave his hobby a somewhat theatrical touch, not only buying up, but also putting up paintings from his collection for auction. The profit from such sales was calculated in millions of francs, as many were interested in buying paintings from a celebrity.

Once Rosalie said to Alain:

- I want to return to Holland for a while, visit my relatives and show them Annushka. You do not mind?

“Of course not,” he replied. “I can’t imagine how I can live even a week without you.

“Let’s go together, my parents will be happy to meet you.”

Allen thought for a moment and said:

— Next month I start shooting Godard. The new film will be very unusual. This is a subtle psychological drama. If you're curious, I'll let you read the script. I wouldn't want to leave Paris now and be distracted from pre-production.

“Darling, the reason for your refusal to accompany me to Utrecht is extremely unconvincing,” Rosalie remarked with a smile. - Well, I'll go alone, or rather, together with my daughter.

“Why would you fly to Holland. Invite your family to us. They will be glad to have the opportunity to visit Paris.

Rosalie looked at him admiringly.

"I didn't even dare to dream of it," she said. Mom will be delighted with our offer.

The girl called her mother and told about Alain's idea to invite her family to visit France.

- Wonderful! she exclaimed. "But we won't embarrass you?"

— Mommy, Alain's house can accommodate an entire army. What about multiple people?

A week later, Madame van Breemen told her daughter that she was coming to Paris with her cousin.

Why only two? Rosalie asked confused.

- Everyone else was too embarrassed to stay at Delon's house, and your father got a new job and will not be able to take a vacation.

- It's a pity. Looking forward to seeing you and your cousin.

All day Rosalie was happy to meet her family and, playing with Annushka, sang songs. Alain liked this sight so much that he asked:

Why didn't you think of inviting them earlier?

However, the closer the day of the arrival of mother and sister Rosalie approached, the more nervous he became. Finally, he asked his mistress a question:

- Do you think that meeting your family will be successful? I know it's funny, but I feel like a boy before meeting your mother.

Rosalie was surprised, and then laughed:

“Honey, they already love you.

Despite the fact that many years have passed since his dizzying romance with Romy Schneider, Alain associated the word “mother-in-law” with Magda. She hated him throughout their acquaintance, and did not leave him alone, even when her daughter died. Book Magda Schneider "Farewell, Romy" Alain recalled with a shudder. However, lately he was far from past chagrins. Annushka took possession of his heart, and, returning home, the actor plunged into an atmosphere of love and tenderness.

Anthony showed interest in his younger sister, and from time to time came to Dusi with gifts for the baby. He achieved success as a singer in France and Italy and became very close friends with his son Lino Ventura, who also tried to make a career on the stage.

“I want to believe that our quarrels are over,” Father Anthony said. You have matured and are on your way to success. I heard that you were offered a good role in a Christian Gion film. The director is talented and, perhaps, the picture will receive an award at the Cannes Film Festival. Come join us for lunch on Saturday. Rosalie's relatives will be visiting us.

The young man agreed to be present at the family dinner, but at the same time he thought with jealousy: “Annushka and Rosalie are dearer to my father than anyone else in the world. He never cared about me like that.” Natalie did not turn him against Alain, but he saw how she worries, reading articles in newspapers about her ex-husband's new family.

In a telephone conversation with Anthony, she asked him about a recent meeting with her father:

- Have you seen your sister? Is Alain really crazy about her, as they say in the papers?

- He treats her even more affectionately and does not let go of her. Did my father love me as a child?

- Don't talk nonsense, he always loved you and loves you. We were just too young and categorical when you were born. You should have seen how at that moment Alain longed to receive an heir and rejoiced at you. It always seemed to me that the son would be closer to him than the daughter. But apparently it has changed over the years.

Already at the airport, Rosalie's mother and cousin felt what it meant to have a star relative. They were led through the hall for guests of honor and seated in a Mercedes owned by the actor. By this time, the women's luggage had already been delivered and placed in the trunk of the car. Madame van Breemen sighed noisily as she leaned back in her seat.

“My daughter doesn't meet us at the airport,” she said. “Probably getting ready for our reception at home. To be honest, before coming to France, I could not believe that she had lived here for so long. I imagined that she was absent, speaking at the shows of new collections, and waited for her return.

Mother Rosalie was a cheerful woman and philosophically perceived all the inventions and eccentricities of numerous relatives. Her nieces wanted to look like a famous cousin, for which they also tried to get into the beauty contest. Preparations for this event were ongoing. The girls were on different diets, refused dinner, causing the displeasure of their parents. They complained to their sister, and Madame van Breemen affectionately scolded the girls, at the same time telling them about her daughter. She was proud of Rosalie. She considered the birth of her child a great event, but she was worried because her daughter did not have a marriage certificate. Without realizing it herself, the woman came to Paris to find out about Delon's attitude towards Rosalie and to test the strength of their feelings, and not just to look at her granddaughter. But at the same time she was disposed towards her son-in-law and smiled broadly,

Getting out of the car, the woman rushed towards them, kissed her daughter and took the kicking Annushka from Alen. Madame van Breemen and Delon accepted each other at first sight.

“Welcome,” he said, hospitably leading the women into the house.

Rosalie's mother was so excited about meeting her daughter's family that she did not have time to look at the villa from the outside, but her interior decoration and a huge living room struck the woman. She looked around uncertainly and said:

- It is very beautiful in here.

Arranging things in the room allotted to her, the woman thought that compared to their small house in Utrecht, Villa Alena resembled a palace.

At dinner, Alain joked with the guests, and Madame van Breemen laughed heartily at his stories. She was flattered by the reception given to her by her son-in-law and daughter. Rosalie did not leave her side for a minute, and Alain showed courtesy.

My granddaughter is adorable. She is even prettier than Rosalie as a child. It's good that you live outside the city, in the near future the baby will be able to run around the garden.

“It took a lot of effort for me to persuade your daughter to settle here. She likes Paris,” Alain replied, glancing at Rosalie.

- You can’t give out my secrets, otherwise my mother will begin to educate me, and I will lose authority in front of Annushka.

Everyone left the drawing room late, as mother and cousin could not talk enough with Rosalie, remembering the neighbors and conveying their greetings and wishes to the illustrious countrywoman.

At night, Alain said to his girlfriend:

“I am delighted with your relatives. Your mother is beyond any competition. Simply the best woman in the world.

His fears about her resemblance to Magda Schneider vanished. He gladly took guests to Paris and gave them a tour of

Versailles, but Madame van Breemen tried to spend more time with her daughter, so she was rather indifferent to sightseeing.

Leaving Delon's luxurious mansion, she said to her daughter:

- Now I'm calm for you and Annushka. Allen loves you.

“Mom, have you come to check on us?” Rosalie asked with a laugh.

“In a way, yes,” her mother replied seriously. “I'm not familiar with that kind of life, but I'm glad you feel comfortable here.

- Largely thanks to my daughter, - Rosalie said a little sadly, but then she caught herself and added, - I feel good with Alain.

The relatives left. Alain planned to start filming in a week, and the girl became homesick. Despite the fact that her beloved fulfilled her requests, showered her with jewelry and outfits, she was bored in the solitude of Dusi's villa.

“Honey, I really want to move to Paris,” she said before he left for the shoot.

- What are you saying? Your mother was absolutely right in thinking that it would be more useful for Annushka to be out of town. Here she breathes fresh air, walks all day long. Why does she need urban smog?

I don't go anywhere, I forgot all my friends. I'm tired of being imprisoned on your estates in France and Switzerland.

Alain tried to avoid a quarrel and said:

“I will finish the film and take you to Paris, although in my opinion it is better for you and your daughter to stay here.

He frowned and ended his conversation with Rosalie. He took his girlfriend's request as a whim. At the moment, he was occupied with the script of a new film, directed by Jean-Luc Godard, a representative of the "new wave" of French cinema. Their collaboration attracted the attention of critics in advance, with interest awaiting Delon's performance in an unusual role for him.

Rosalie became angry at the delay in her move to Paris. Before Annushka was born, she worked as a fashion model, which allowed her to meet many people. After each show of a collection of clothes, she and her friends celebrated this event in a cafe, and Alain, at the beginning of their acquaintance, took her to theaters and restaurants. While waiting for Annushka to appear, she unquestioningly submitted to her beloved when he moved her to Switzerland. However, two years have passed since then, and she dreamed of returning to her former life in Paris.

“I’m thinking about resuming work,” the girl said on the day Alain left for the film studio.

He put the suitcases aside and looked at Rosalie like she was crazy.

- I am categorically against it. Who will sit with the child?

- Shows are rare, and the nanny will replace me for a short time.

Hearing such an explanation, Delon postponed his departure for a day and explained to his girlfriend until the evening that he would not allow such irresponsibility on her part.

“You are a mother and have to take care of the baby. Forget work. If you mention it again, I won't take you to Paris.

Rosalie burst into tears and called her mother for her advice. Madame van Breemen was still under the impression of meeting the famous actor and gently reproached her daughter:

You must obey your husband. Annushka is such a miracle, how can you leave her?

“I don't leave her, but I don't want to be a recluse in a villa. You saw what a high fence it was surrounded by. I'm starting to feel like I'm in a prison here. Plus, my daughter has grown up.

Not finding support from her mother, Rosalie was upset and for several days dryly answered Alain's questions about the changes that had taken place in the house in his absence.

"There's no change here," she said grimly. - Annushka and I are healthy. I have no other news.

She hid from him that in the morning she felt dizzy several times, attributing this to a bad mood. When Delon arrived after filming in Dusi, he noted Rosalie's pallor.

"Look what you've brought yourself to with your stubbornness.

- I need to see a doctor. I've been unwell for a month now,” she replied.

This remark aroused Alain's anger.

Why did you take so long to visit the hospital? Am I going to have to drag you by the hand again?

He brought her to the same clinic where the girl passed the tests and found out about the pregnancy. She had a premonition that the outcome of this visit would be the same, and she was not deceived in her suspicions.

“I’m expecting a baby again,” she told Alain after the doctor called. “You set it up on purpose to imprison me forever in Dusi.

From surprise, the actor almost dropped from his hands a bottle of fruit mixture, which he warmed up for Annushka.

- My daughter will have a sister! he shouted. - You're my darling!

He picked up Rosalie and spun around the room.

“As a reward for such news, I will grant your every wish. What would you like?

“Tomorrow we will move to Paris,” the girl answered firmly.

It was too late to go back on his words, and Alain nodded in agreement.

- Now I'm calm. At least you won't be able to get on the podium.

Rosalie considered his words a manifestation of terrible selfishness, but said nothing. Beloved suppressed her desire to succeed and become independent, believing that her place was once and for all determined: she should devote herself to raising children.

In Paris, Alain phoned Mireille Dark and, unable to contain his glee at the expected addition to the family, gave her the latest news.

Rosalie will give me another baby.

Mireille congratulated him and said:

— Shall I bring the financial statements of AD?

"Let's have a date at the Café de Paris," the actor suggested cheerfully.

“You haven’t made appointments with me for a long time,” she remarked sadly, “but only business meetings. What time will we see you?

Dark chose an elegant dress and looked at her reflection in the mirror with pleasure. She recently spent two weeks at a resort in Cannes and looked rested.

Alain came to the restaurant with a bouquet of flowers, but the woman realized that she owed this sign of attention not to the joy of meeting her, but to the happiness of future fatherhood that overwhelmed Delon.

- Hi. You are visibly fresher and slightly tanned,” Delon told her. — How was your vacation?

- Not bad, as far as possible. My friend is very sick.

- Regret. What will you drink?

“Let me first pass you the folders with documents, otherwise, perhaps, after a glass of wine, my thoughts will start to get confused.

Putting the reports in the briefcase, Alain asked:

- Are you going to shoot in the near future?

- Not. But I'm considering an offer to star in a television series. Tell me, - Mireille said with excitement in her voice, - if you and I had children, would you not leave me?

Delon took her hand and looked tenderly into her eyes.

Our love has swallowed me whole. I idolized your intelligence, tact and poise. You have a wonderful character and beauty. We lived together for a long time, but, apparently, the search for a new ideal is the eternal problem of the actor. Forgive me for not being able to be content with the company of one woman, like Paul Newman, but I still love you as a friend.

Mireille sighed and said:

“I have come to terms with our breakup, although sometimes the memories hurt me. You always moved too fast. At some point, I lagged behind you, and when I discovered this, it was too late to correct the situation.

“Come visit us more often,” Alain said in parting. Rosalie and Annushka are also in Paris. They will be happy to meet you.

Thanks, I'll be sure to come.

However, the state of health of the new lover Dark made his life in Paris impossible, and the actress took him to the sea for treatment.

Alain divided his day between his family and the film set. The actor's friends rightly complained that he had completely forgotten them, but Delon was only interested in Rosalie, Annushka and the unborn child.

“Try to have a girl born again,” he repeated to his girlfriend every day. - The more women in the house, the more pleasant I am.

To this the young woman replied with a smile:

- While I fulfilled all your requirements: I refused work, spent almost all the time away from

Paris, but be sure that this time a boy will be born, because I dream of a son.

Alain winced, but did not give up. Even when the ultrasound proved Rosalie right, he hoped there had been some mistake.

"Don't think you've won," he told the young mother. We'll see who's actually born.

In 1992, Annushka had a brother. Alain was happy about the baby, and said to Rosalie:

“There will be two of us to keep an eye on our beloved women. Recently, I often think of my father. Do you mind if we name the baby after him?

“I love you and I want him to become an exact copy of his father. No, his name will be Alain, period.

The young mother lay in a spacious hospital room and graciously allowed her lover to take the baby from her arms. They bickered over a suitable name for the baby for half an hour. Then Delon gave up:

“I have no other choice but to approve your decision. But you, too, must compromise: the child's middle name will be Fabien, like my father's.

“Accepted,” said Rosalie solemnly. “Hello, Alain Fabien,” she called the baby.

The birth of another heir to the actor made a splash in France. Delon turned fifty-seven years old, but in all the interviews he stated that he feels young as never before.

“The main merit in this belongs to my family,” he told reporters with emotion. - My dreams have come true. How nice it is to wake up in the morning from children's cooing and mess with your little one.

He again moved his family to Dusi, and then to a house on Lake Geneva, after which he left to shoot the film "The Return of Casanova", which was predicted to be a resounding success. Rosalie took care of the children and looked after the house. A return to the podium became impossible, but she did not regret it, raising Annushka and Alain-Fabien. The elder Alain called her and at the end of the conversation asked her to hand over the phone to her daughter, who was his favorite.

Madame van Breemen occasionally visited her daughter and did not let her get bored, talking about the funny attempts of her cousins ​​to become fashion models.

“You can't imagine how enthusiastically they read articles about you in the newspapers. All relatives swallow every word.

“Mom, I haven’t been a model for a long time,” Rosalie said with longing in her voice. “My career is over. Sometimes I feel sad, but when I look at the children and my husband, I do not regret anything.

A few years later, the family idyll was under threat. While in Dusi, Alain was going to shoot the next film, and Rosalie said:

It's unbearable to live in this wilderness. Over the past years, we have traveled to four film festivals, attended the premieres of your films three times, and occasionally hosted friends at the villa. When will there be any shifts in my position as a recluse?

“Honey, the kids love it here. What are you dissatisfied with? Ask the driver to take you to a restaurant or an exhibition, you can meet your friends.

“I demand that you allow me to attend the receptions, after all, you could take me with you to the shooting. Mireille Dark actually runs AD.

“Mireille and I didn’t have children. With the birth of babies, a lot has really changed for you. You don't have to demand the impossible from me.

Delon parted with his family for a long time, because after filming he intended to visit Tokyo. Ten years ago, Japanese fans gave him an unforgettable reception, and the actor wanted to experience the triumph again.

Rosalie bade him a cold farewell. An unkind light lit up in her eyes when Alain forbade her to move with her children to Paris. Her patience was exhausted when she found in the newspapers allusions to her husband's affair with a young Italian actress. It was not in the nature of Rosalie to make scandals and loud scenes. That same evening, she packed her things, booked tickets for a flight to Amsterdam, and flew home with the children, writing in a note to Alain that from now on she would live in Utrecht.

The housekeeper informed about the departure of the actor's wife and children. He was on the set and was so amazed by what he heard that he almost shouted into the phone, asking the woman questions. All those present learned about the incident, and the next day the journalists published articles describing how a woman left Alain Delon for the first time in her life. He felt overwhelmed and confused. Postponing the shooting, Alain flew for Rosalie to Utrecht.

The Van Breemens welcomed their daughter with joy and celebrated her arrival with the whole family. However, she was so sad that her mother suspected something was wrong.

Why didn't your husband join you? she asked.

“We ended our relationship,” Rosalie replied.

Madame van Breemen threw up her hands.

— But what about the children? Have you thought about them?

- Mom, Alain behaves like an owner. We don't go anywhere, I can't remember the last time I wore an evening dress. What difference does it make where to live if he is not at home for months?

Rosalie was so excited that her mother stopped asking questions and left the room. But in the morning she demanded that her daughter contact her husband.

“I am not driving you away, but I wish the four of you happiness. Therefore, tell Alain that you and the children are in Utrecht.

On the other hand, Annushka pressed the young woman, constantly asking:

- Where is Dad? Will he come to us?

Picking up the receiver, Rosalie dialed Alain's mobile phone number, but it was switched off. Two hours later, its owner appeared at the home of the van Breemen family. The daughter threw herself into his arms and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Let's go home, Rosalie," Alain said angrily. What kind of circus are you running?

“I will not return to Dusi,” the woman said sharply. “You didn't listen to my requests to let me settle in Paris and hang out with my friends. Now I think that with my family, it will be better for me and the children.

Delon extended his visit for two days and under his pressure, as well as under pressure from the whole family, Rosalie gave in and flew with him to Paris. The actor finished filming, said goodbye to the idea of ​​visiting Japan and also returned home. He was angry at his girlfriend, who put him in a ridiculous position in front of the whole world, as fans sent him packs of sympathetic letters because of a quarrel with his wife.

One day he asked her:

Will you go to the graduation party for my film?

— Do you doubt it?

Alain came to the festival arm in arm with his wife, but after two hours he ordered her to go home alone.

— I'm worried about the children. The nanny called and said that Annushka was sick.

There were no changes in the actor's behavior towards Rosalie. They quarreled, but he, as before, preferred that she did not leave the house for a long time.

Even at the celebration of his sixtieth birthday, Delon announced that he was going to leave the cinema soon, but in 1998 he could not refuse to participate in the film “One Chance for Two”, where Jean-Paul Belmondo and Vanessa Paradis, a young star of French cinema and pop music, became his partners.

Filming of the film "Borsalino", in which Delon and Belmondo played together, took place almost thirty years ago. The French dreamed of seeing them together again on the screen.

Shake old times? asked Alain Jean-Paul jokingly.

They did not maintain a close friendship, but called back to discuss the antics of their sons, who were bosom friends. Belmondo, like his old friend, lived with a young girlfriend. He affectionately called her Natty and called her his salvation from any trouble. The woman loved him and was always ready to support his undertakings. During her introduction to his wife Alena, the little dog Natty struggled to climb from her arms to Rosalie. She laughed.

“My little one has a crush on you. Hope we get along too?

Delon and Belmondo teased each other in front of journalists who showed interest in their collaboration in the film "One Chance for Two." Every now and then the newspapers detailed their rivalry. One day, Alain took a one-day vacation and flew to inspect his stables in the Ile-de-France estate and, in order not to be late for shooting, landed near the site in his own helicopter. A couple of days later, Jean-Paul unnecessarily flew to the shooting by helicopter. Both gallantly looked after Vanessa Paradis and gave advice about the performance of the role, and the girl admired the skill of the illustrious partners in the film.

After the premiere of the picture, Delon made a statement to the press that he decided to end his film career, but continued to participate in public and political life.

His contribution to world cinematography was awarded at the Moscow Film Festival in August 1999.

When asked by a journalist about his past achievements, he answered:

“I have many plans, so don’t think that my life is over. I am ready for changes and even new love.

The actor's energy reserve is not depleted, and his fans in all countries continue to wait for messages about the new successes of their hero.

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